Rebecca Brachman: A new class of drug that could prevent depression and PTSD
Ребекка Брехман: Новий вид препаратів, що можуть запобігти депресії й ПТСР
Rebecca Brachman is a pioneer in the field of preventative psychopharmacology, developing drugs to enhance stress resilience and prevent mental illness. Full bio
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як не дивно,
were made from, of all things,
після Другої світової війни.
one in five soldiers develop depression,
п'ятого військового розвивається депресія
(ПТСР) або обидва розлади.
that are at high risk for these diseases.
не тільки військові.
cancer patients, aid workers, refugees --
лікарі швидкої допомоги, онкопацієнти,
біженці — усі, хто пережив травму
or major life stress.
these disorders are,
захворюваннями нікого вже не здивувати,
if they work at all,
дає якийсь результат,
discovered the first vaccine --
винайшов першу вакцину,
лікування вітрянки,
a prophylactic for a disease,
профілактикики саме цієї хвороби,
to extend to psychiatric diseases.
психіатричих хвороб.
accidentally discovered
випадково відкрили перші препарати,
depression and PTSD.
депресії та ПТСР.
під час експериментів на мишах,
whether they work in humans.
їх вплив на людей.
психофармацевтичні препарати
stress resilience,
стійкість до стресу,
підсилювачами стресостійкості.
that you've since recovered from.
від яких ви вже оговталися.
you missed a flight.
або ви запізнилися на літак.
is the active biological process
біологічний процес,
to bounce back after stress.
після стресу.
and your immune system fights it off.
на наявність застуди в організмі.
enough stressor,
such as depression.
наприклад, депресію.
of major depressive disorder
against purely biological stressors,
захищати як від суто біологічних факторів,
like bullying and isolation.
факторів, як залякування й ізоляція.
of stress hormones.
протягом трьох тижнів.
without a psychological component.
без психологічної складової.
of antidepressant treatment beforehand,
enhancer given a week before
за тиждень до введення стрес-гормонів,
the depressive behavior.
депресивній поведінці.
a drug has ever been shown
продемонстровано, що препарат
often lifelong, clinical diseases.
довготривалими клінічними хворобами.
of substance abuse, homelessness,
наркозалежності, безпритульності,
хворобу Альцгеймера, суїцидальні нахили.
is over three trillion dollars per year.
депресії перевищують 3 трлн. доларів на рік.
where we know someone is predictively
to extreme stress.
надзвичайно стресову ситуацію.
going into an earthquake zone.
направляється до зони землетрусу.
of a resilience enhancer
таблетку або ін’єкцію
by looters or worse,
у мародерів або ще щось гірше,
against developing depression or PTSD
буде захищена від виникнення
from experiencing the stress,
her susceptibility to depression and PTSD,
її піддатливість до депресії або ПТСР
her home, her family or even her life.
домівки, сім'ї або навіть життя.
the smallpox vaccine,
винайшов щеплення від віспи,
was widely available.
стала широкодоступною.
sensitive and creative and empathetic.
чутливою, творчою і чуйною.
by constitution and not biology.
а не біологією.
today about depression.
opened the door
that followed after,
що з'явилися пізніше,
open the possibility of a whole new field:
породити зовсім нову медичну галузь:
choose to do with it.
Rebecca Brachman - Neuroscientist, writer, entrepreneurRebecca Brachman is a pioneer in the field of preventative psychopharmacology, developing drugs to enhance stress resilience and prevent mental illness.
Why you should listen
Current treatments for mood disorders only suppress symptoms without addressing the underlying disease, and there are no known cures. The drugs Rebecca Brachman is developing would be the first to prevent psychiatric disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression.
Brachman completed her PhD at Columbia University, prior to which she was a fellow at the National Institutes of Health, where she discovered that immune cells carry a memory of psychological stress and that white blood cells can act as antidepressants and resilience-enhancers. Brachman's research has been featured in The Atlantic, WIRED and Business Insider, and her work was recently described by Dr. George Slavich on NPR as a "moonshot project that is very much needed in the mental health arena."
In addition to conducting ongoing research at Columbia, Brachman is an NYCEDC Entrepreneurship Lab Fellow and cofounder of Paravax -- a biotech startup developing vaccine-like prophylactic drugs ("paravaccines") -- along with her scientific collaborator, Christine Ann Denny. She is also working on a non-profit venture to repurpose existing generic drugs for use as prophylactics, and previously served as the Interim Program Director for Outreach at the Zuckerman Institute at Columbia University.
Brachman is also a playwright and screenwriter. She holds Bachelor's degrees in both neuroscience and creative wWriting, and she is currently working on a tech-focused writing project with her long-time writing partner, Sean Calder ("Grimm," "Damages," "ER"). She served as the director of NeuWrite, a national network of science-writing groups that fosters ongoing collaboration between scientists, writers and artists, and she has been featured as a storyteller at The Story Collider.
(Photo: Kenneth Willardt)
Rebecca Brachman | Speaker |