Shawn Achor - Psychologist
Shawn Achor is the CEO of Good Think Inc., where he researches and teaches about positive psychology.

Why you should listen

Shawn Achor is the winner of over a dozen distinguished teaching awards at Harvard University, where he delivered lectures on positive psychology in the most popular class at Harvard.
He is the CEO of Good Think Inc., a Cambridge-based consulting firm which researches positive outliers -- people who are well above average -- to understand where human potential, success and happiness intersect. Based on his research and 12 years of experience at Harvard, he clearly and humorously describes to organizations how to increase happiness and meaning, raise success rates and profitability, and create positive transformations that ripple into more successful cultures. He is also the author of The Happiness Advantage.

More profile about the speaker
Shawn Achor | Speaker | TED.com

Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work

Shawn Achor: Daha yaxşı işin uğurlu sirri


Həmişə xoşbəxt olmaq üçün çalışırıq, bəs tərsini etmək necə? TEDxBloomington-dakı əyləncəli və sürətli nitqində Psixoloq Shawn Achor irəli sürür ki, tərsinə, xoşbəxtlik çalışqanlığı və məhsuldarlığı artırır.
- Psychologist
Shawn Achor is the CEO of Good Think Inc., where he researches and teaches about positive psychology. Full bio

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Shawn Achor - Psychologist
Shawn Achor is the CEO of Good Think Inc., where he researches and teaches about positive psychology.

Why you should listen

Shawn Achor is the winner of over a dozen distinguished teaching awards at Harvard University, where he delivered lectures on positive psychology in the most popular class at Harvard.
He is the CEO of Good Think Inc., a Cambridge-based consulting firm which researches positive outliers -- people who are well above average -- to understand where human potential, success and happiness intersect. Based on his research and 12 years of experience at Harvard, he clearly and humorously describes to organizations how to increase happiness and meaning, raise success rates and profitability, and create positive transformations that ripple into more successful cultures. He is also the author of The Happiness Advantage.

More profile about the speaker
Shawn Achor | Speaker | TED.com

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