Linda Hill: How to manage for collective creativity
Linda Hill: Hvordan man leder kollektiv kreativitet
Linda Hill studies collective genius -- the way great companies, and great leaders, empower creativity from many. Full bio
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to help people learn to lead.
at hjælpe folk med at lede.
think of as great leadership
som god ledelse
to leading innovation.
at lede innovation
in which I'm interested.
som jeg er interesseret i.
up close and personal
på tæt hold og personligt,
across the globe,
of hours on the ground,
af timer på jorden,
and pages of field notes
og sider af felt noter,
for patterns in what our leaders did.
hvad vores ledere gjorde.
that can innovate time and again,
som kan innovere igen og igen,
notions of leadership.
opfattelser af ledelse.
about creating a vision,
om at skabe en vision,
that is both new and useful.
som er både nyt og brugbart.
or a way of organizing.
eller en måde at organisere.
or it can be breakthrough.
eller det kan være et gennembrud.
if you know who this is.
hvis I ved, hvem det er.
have seen a Pixar movie,
har set en Pixar film,
I had the privilege of studying.
som jeg havde privilegiet af at studere.
a rat becoming a master chef.
som bliver en mester kok.
are really mainstream today,
virkelig mainstream i dag,
colleagues nearly 20 years
kolleger næsten 20 år
full-length C.G. movie.
fuld længde C.G. film.
they've produced 14 movies.
har de produceret 14 film.
and I'm here to tell you
og jeg er her for at fortælle jer,
about innovation, though,
having an 'Aha!' moment.
som har et "Aha!" øjeblik.
what it takes to make a Pixar movie:
hvad det tager at lave en Pixar film:
produces one of those movies.
producerer en af disse film.
250 people four to five years,
250 mennesker fire til fem år
drew a version of this picture.
en version af dette billede.
was a neat series of steps
er en pæn serie af skridt
he thought it failed to really tell you
at det fejlede i at fortælle jer,
and, frankly, messy their process was.
og rent ud sagt rodet deres process var.
at Pixar, the story evolves.
hos Pixar, udvikler historien sig.
the challenges are
udfordringerne er,
are working on a particular scene.
arbejder på en specifik scene.
of chocolate to the bird,
chokoladestykket til fuglen,
almost six months to perfect.
næsten 6 måneder at perfektionere.
is considered finished
er opfattet som færdig,
an animator drew a character
tegnede en animator en figur
suggested a mischievous side.
som antydede en drilagtig side.
drawing, he thought it was great.
syntes han den var god.
it doesn't fit the character."
det passer ikke til figuren."
came back and said,
tilbage og sagde,
was allowed to share
as his slice of genius,
reconceive the character
med at genfortolke figuren
that really improved the story.
som virkelig forbedrede historien.
of innovation is a paradox.
innovation er et paradoks.
and passions of many people
og passioner af mange mennesker fri,
into a work that is actually useful.
ind i et værk, som faktisk er brugbart.
problem solving,
samarbejdende problemløsning,
who have different expertise
som har forskellige ekspertiser
med det samme.
usually, of trial and error.
at prøve sig frem.
missteps and mistakes.
fejlskridt og fejltagelser.
very exhilarating,
meget oplivende,
really downright scary.
decideret skræmmende.
that Pixar is able to do what it does,
Pixar er i stand til at gøre, hvad de gør,
what's going on here?
hvad foregår der her?
and certainly Hollywood,
og helt sikkert Hollywood,
that have failed.
som har fejlet.
cooks, if you will, in the kitchen.
kokke, om du vil, i køkkenet.
with all of its cooks,
med alle deres kokke
time and time again?
igen og igen?
an Islamic Bank in Dubai,
en Islamisk Bank i Dubai,
or a social enterprise in Africa,
eller en social virksomhed i Afrika,
have three capabilities:
agility and creative resolution.
og kreativ beslutsomhed.
to create a marketplace of ideas
til at skabe en markedsplads af ideer
they amplify differences,
forstærker de forskelligheder,
about brainstorming,
om brainstorming,
heated but constructive arguments
men konstruktive argumenter,
to actively listen, but guess what?
hvordan man aktivt lytter men gæt engang.
advocate for their point of view.
sin egen holdning.
innovation rarely happens
sjældent finder sted,
diversity and conflict.
diversitet og konflikt.
to test and refine that portfolio of ideas
til at teste og danne porteføljen af ideer
reflection and adjustment.
refleksion og tilpasning.
your way to the future.
planlægger, din vej ind i fremtiden.
you have that interesting combination
du har en interessant kombination
and the artistic process.
og kunstneriske proces.
experiments, and not a series of pilots.
og ikke en række af forsøgsprojekter.
that you need to know.
som du har brug for at vide.
om at have ret.
someone or something is to blame.
så er nogen eller noget at bebrejde.
is creative resolution.
er kreativ beslutsomhed.
even opposing ideas
selv modstridende ideer,
that is new and useful.
som er ny og brugbar.
they never go along to get along.
taler de aldrig hinanden efter munden.
or one individual dominate,
eller et individ dominere,
even if it's the expert.
ikke engang hvis det er eksperten.
decision making process
solutions to arise
løsninger at opstå,
hvad de gør.
infrastructure group of Google.
Google's infrastruktur gruppe.
of Google is the group
er gruppen,
up and running 24/7.
kørende 24/7.
to introduce Gmail and YouTube,
at introducere Gmail og YouTube,
system wasn't adequate.
ikke var tilstrækkelig.
and the infrastructure group at that time
og infrastruktur gruppen på det tidspunkt,
who he referred to as his brain trust,
refererede til som hans hjernetrust,
about this situation.
hvordan situationen skulle håndteres.
to tackle this task,
til at takle denne opgave,
to emerge spontaneously
grupper opstå spontant
as Build It From Scratch.
som "Build it From Scratch".
build on the current system.
videre på det nuværende system.
that it was time for a whole new system.
at det var på tide med et helt nyt system.
were allowed to work full-time
tilladt at arbejde fuldtid
Bill described his role as,
beskrev Bill sin rolle
the process by driving debate."
processen ved at fremme debat."
to build prototypes so that they could
til at bygge prototyper, så de kunne,
and discover for themselves
og selv opdage
of their particular approach."
i deres respektive vinkel."
their prototype with the group
deres prototype med gruppen,
to go off in the middle of the night
i midten af natten,
with the website,
med hjemmesiden,
limitations of their particular design.
begrænsningerne af deres design.
became more urgent
blev mere påtrængende,
evidence, began to come in,
beviset begyndte at komme ind,
that the Big Table solution
at Big Table løsningen
they did not lose the learning
at de ikke mistede erfaringen
to join a new team that was emerging
om at tilslutte sig et nyt hold,
næste generations system.
all working at breakneck speed.
arbejde i halsbrækkende hastighed.
engineers had gone to Bill and said,
ingeniørerne henvendt sig til Bill og sagt,
for this inefficient system
til dette ineffektive system
he began to understand
begyndte han at forstå
people to play out their passions.
folk at udfolde deres passioner.
to all be on one team,
til alle at være på et hold,
who was right, and winning,
bevise hvem, som har ret og vinder,
what was the best answer for Google."
hvad der var det bedste svar for Google."
are able to innovate time and again?
er i stand til at innovere igen og igen?
the capabilities required for that.
kapaciteten, der er nødvendig for det.
collaborative problem solving,
laver kooperativ problemløsning,
discovery-driven learning
opdagelse dreven læring,
integrated decision making.
foretager en integreret beslutningsproces.
and saying to yourselves right now,
og tænker for jer selv lige nu,
those things in my organization.
de ting i min organisation.
do those things at Pixar,
gør de ting hos Pixar,
do those things at Google?"
gør det hos Google?"
that worked for Bill told us,
som arbejdede for Bill fortalte os,
of the finest leaders in Silicon Valley,
de bedste ledere i Silicon Valley,
the man is a genius.
manden er et geni.
when we think about great leadership.
når vi tænker på god ledelse.
early on said to me,
i begyndelsen sagde til mig,
I'm supposed to create a vision.
at jeg skal skabe en vision.
that's truly new, I have no answers.
som virkelig er nyt, har jeg ingen svar.
direction we're going in
retning vi går i mod,
how to figure out how to get there."
at jeg ved, hvordan vi kommer derhen."
when visionary leadership
hvor visionær ledelse
that can innovate time and again,
som kan innovere igen og igen,
of what leadership is about.
af hvad ledelse handler om.
creating the space
at skabe rummet,
and able to do the hard work
til at tage det hårde arbejde
may be wondering,
nogle af jer, som undrer jer over,
really look like?"
virkelig ud?"
that innovation takes a village.
at innovation tager en landsby.
a sense of community
en form for fællesskab
is about creating a world
er om at skabe en verden,
want to belong in at Pixar?
vil folk tilhøre hos Pixar?
living at the frontier.
lever på grænsen.
their time thinking about,
deres tid på at tænke på,
the sensibility of a public square
følsomheden af et offentlig torv,
no matter what their level or role,
uanset deres niveau eller rolle er
about a particular film.
om en bestemt film.
minority voices in this organization,
stemmerne af minoriteten i organisationen,
in a very generous way."
på en meget generøs måde."
at the credits of a Pixar movie,
rulletekster på en Pixar film,
a production are listed there.
under en produktion er listet der.
what his role was?
hvad hans rolle var?
a volunteer organization.
en frivillig organisation..
to follow me anywhere.
følge mig hvor som helst hen.
with me the future.
mig skabe fremtiden.
I'm a human glue,
jeg er menneskelig lim,
I'm an aggregator of viewpoints.
jeg er en samler af synspunkter.
deliberately fuzzy and vague.
at være bevidst uklar og vag.
be wondering now,
jer måske nu om,
I'm the social architect.
jeg er den sociale arkitekt.
people are willing and able
folk er i stand og villige til,
their talents and passions."
deres talenter og passioner."
that you don't work at a Pixar,
at I ikke arbejder hos Pixar,
organizations you'd think of
organisationer man tænker på,
in a pharmaceutical company
i en farmaceutisk virksomhed,
to get the outside lawyers,
hvordan de fik advokater
to collaborate and innovate.
til at samarbejde og innovere.
at a German automaker
hos en tysk bilproducent,
that it was the design engineers,
at det var designingeniørerne,
who were allowed to be innovative.
som var tilladt at være innovative.
at HCL Technologies,
hos HCL Technologies,
words, to become irrelevant.
ved at blive irrelevant.
into a global dynamo of I.T. innovation.
til en global dynamo af IT innovation.
like at many companies,
hos mange virksomheder,
their role as setting direction
som at sætte en retning
no one deviated from it.
at ingen afveg fra den.
it was time for them
at det var tid for dem
what they were supposed to do.
hvad de egentlig burde gøre.
is that everybody was looking up
at alle så opad,
the kind of bottom-up innovation
form for innovation nedefra,
stopped trying to provide solutions.
stoppede med at prøve at give løsninger.
is they began to see
at de begyndte at se på
pyramid, the young sparks,
pyramiden, de unge,
closest to the customers,
tættest på kunderne,
the organization's growth
organisationens vækst
about inverting the pyramid
om at vende pyramiden på hovedet,
the power of the many
kræften af de mange fri
and the speed of innovation
og hastigheden på innovation
other leaders that we studied
ledere vi studerede
that that was not their role.
ikke var deres rolle.
that many of you did not recognize Ed.
at mange af jer ikke genkendte Ed.
that our role as leaders
at vores rolle som ledere
ikke at optræde på den.
many of us are here,
at mange af os er her,
nyfortolke vores opgave.
of collective genius.
af kollektiv genialitet.
Linda Hill - Management professorLinda Hill studies collective genius -- the way great companies, and great leaders, empower creativity from many.
Why you should listen
Linda A. Hill is the Wallace Brett Donham Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School. In 2014, Professor Hill co-authored Collective Genius: The Art and Practice of Leading Innovation. It features thick descriptions of exceptional leaders of innovation in a wide range of industries—from information technology to law to design—and geographies—from the US and Europe to the Middle East and Asia. Business Insider named Collective Genius one of “The 20 Best Business Books” in summer 2014.
She is the faculty chair of the Leadership Initiative and has chaired numerous HBS Executive Education programs, including the Young She is the co-author, with Kent Lineback, of Being the Boss: The 3 Imperatives of Becoming a Great Leader and Breakthrough Leadership, a blended cohort-based program that helps organizations transform midlevel managers into more effective leaders. Breakthrough Leadership was the winner of the 2013 Brandon Hall Group Award for Best Advance in Unique Learning Technology. The book was included in the Wall Street Journal as one of the “Five Business Books to Read for Your Career in 2011." She is also the author of Becoming a Manager: How New Managers Master the Challenges of Leadership (2nd Edition). She heads up Harvard's Presidents' Organization Presidents' Seminar and the High Potentials Leadership Program, and was course head during the development of the new Leadership and Organizational Behavior MBA required course.
Linda Hill | Speaker |