Linda Hill: How to manage for collective creativity
Linda Hill: Kako upravljati kolektivnom kreativnošću
Linda Hill studies collective genius -- the way great companies, and great leaders, empower creativity from many. Full bio
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to help people learn to lead.
da nauče voditi.
think of as great leadership
to leading innovation.
o vođenju inovativnosti.
in which I'm interested.
koja me zanimaju.
up close and personal
izbliza i osobno
across the globe,
of hours on the ground,
na terenu,
and pages of field notes
stranice zapisa s terena
for patterns in what our leaders did.
onome što su naši vođe radili.
that can innovate time and again,
mogu inovirati iznova i iznova,
notions of leadership.
about creating a vision,
that is both new and useful.
or a way of organizing.
or it can be breakthrough.
if you know who this is.
ako znate tko je ovo.
have seen a Pixar movie,
gledalo Pixarov film,
I had the privilege of studying.
imala privilegiju proučavati.
a rat becoming a master chef.
vrhunski kuhar.
are really mainstream today,
popularni danas,
colleagues nearly 20 years
je trebalo gotovo 20 godina
full-length C.G. movie.
računalno animirani film.
they've produced 14 movies.
producirali su 14 filmova.
and I'm here to tell you
about innovation, though,
having an 'Aha!' moment.
kako ima "Aha!" trenutak.
what it takes to make a Pixar movie:
Pixarov film:
produces one of those movies.
inspiracije ne produciraju filmove.
250 people four to five years,
drew a version of this picture.
nacrtao verziju ove slike.
was a neat series of steps
uredan slijed koraka
he thought it failed to really tell you
ne pokazuje dosljedno
and, frankly, messy their process was.
povezan, i iskreno, neuredan taj proces.
at Pixar, the story evolves.
priča se razvija.
the challenges are
are working on a particular scene.
dok rade na jednoj sceni.
of chocolate to the bird,
almost six months to perfect.
da usavrši tih 10 sekundi.
is considered finished
ne smatra gotovim
an animator drew a character
animator je nacrtao lik
suggested a mischievous side.
nestašnu stranu.
drawing, he thought it was great.
mislio je da je odličan.
it doesn't fit the character."
ne pristaje osobnosti lika."
came back and said,
redatelj se vratio i rekao:
was allowed to share
smio podijeliti
as his slice of genius,
dijelu genija,
reconceive the character
da iznova smisli taj lik
that really improved the story.
je stvarno poboljšao priču.
of innovation is a paradox.
zapravo paradoks.
and passions of many people
strasti mnogo ljudi
into a work that is actually useful.
im je zapravo koristan.
problem solving,
rješavanja problema,
who have different expertise
usually, of trial and error.
pokušaja i pogreške.
missteps and mistakes.
pogrešnih koraka i samih pogrešaka.
very exhilarating,
biti vrlo stimulirajuć
really downright scary.
i zastrašujuć.
that Pixar is able to do what it does,
to što i radi,
what's going on here?
and certainly Hollywood,
that have failed.
koji nisu uspjeli.
cooks, if you will, in the kitchen.
želite, previše babica - kilavo dijete.
with all of its cooks,
time and time again?
an Islamic Bank in Dubai,
Islamsku banku u Dubaiju,
or a social enterprise in Africa,
ili društveno poduzeće u Africi,
have three capabilities:
tri sposobnosti:
agility and creative resolution.
kreativno odlučivanje.
to create a marketplace of ideas
stvaranja tržišta ideja
they amplify differences,
about brainstorming,
heated but constructive arguments
konstruktivne argumentacije
to actively listen, but guess what?
uče kako aktivno slušati, no znate što?
advocate for their point of view.
stati iza svog stajališta.
innovation rarely happens
diversity and conflict.
to test and refine that portfolio of ideas
testira i pročisti portfelj ideja
reflection and adjustment.
reflekciju i prilagodbu.
your way to the future.
na svojem putu prema budućnosti.
you have that interesting combination
imate zanimljivu kombinaciju
and the artistic process.
experiments, and not a series of pilots.
a ne nizu provođenja.
that you need to know.
trebali znati.
u pravu.
someone or something is to blame.
nešto ili netko je kriv.
is creative resolution.
even opposing ideas
i suprotne ideje
that is new and useful.
koje je i novo i korisno.
they never go along to get along.
nikad se ne slažu samo da bi se slagali.
or one individual dominate,
jednom pojedincu da dominira,
even if it's the expert.
decision making process
donošenja odluka
solutions to arise
"oboje - i" rješenja,
infrastructure group of Google.
of Google is the group
up and running 24/7.
stranicu dostupnom 24/7.
to introduce Gmail and YouTube,
Gmail i YouTube,
system wasn't adequate.
spremanje podataka nije odgovarajuć.
and the infrastructure group at that time
infrastrukturne grupe u to vrijeme
who he referred to as his brain trust,
zvao njegovom grupom mozgova,
about this situation.
u ovakvoj situaciji.
to tackle this task,
uhvatiti u koštac s ovim zadatkom,
to emerge spontaneously
da se razviju spontano
as Build It From Scratch.
build on the current system.
na trenutnom sustavu.
that it was time for a whole new system.
za potpuno novi sustav.
were allowed to work full-time
puno radno vrijeme
Bill described his role as,
opisao svoju ulogu kao
the process by driving debate."
predvodeći raspravu."
to build prototypes so that they could
grade prototipove kako bi ih mogli
and discover for themselves
of their particular approach."
their prototype with the group
prototip s grupom
to go off in the middle of the night
with the website,
limitations of their particular design.
svog dizajna.
became more urgent
sve hitnija
evidence, began to come in,
počeli dolaziti,
that the Big Table solution
rješenje Velikog stola
they did not lose the learning
to join a new team that was emerging
priključe novom timu koji je
gotovo dvije godine,
all working at breakneck speed.
vrtoglavom brzinom.
engineers had gone to Bill and said,
došao Billu i rekao:
for this inefficient system
za ovaj neučinkovit sustav
he began to understand
počeo je shvaćati
people to play out their passions.
da se vode svojim strastima.
to all be on one team,
budemo svi u jednom timu,
who was right, and winning,
tko je u pravu i na pobjeđivanje
what was the best answer for Google."
najbolje rješenje za Google."
are able to innovate time and again?
inovirati opet i opet?
the capabilities required for that.
potrebne za to.
collaborative problem solving,
discovery-driven learning
integrated decision making.
and saying to yourselves right now,
those things in my organization.
kako to učiniti.
do those things at Pixar,
do those things at Google?"
that worked for Bill told us,
za Billa reklo
of the finest leaders in Silicon Valley,
najboljih vođa u Silicon Valley-u,
the man is a genius.
čovjek je genije.
when we think about great leadership.
razmišljaju o sjajnom rukovodstvu.
early on said to me,
srela mi je rekao:
I'm supposed to create a vision.
trebam imati viziju.
that's truly new, I have no answers.
novo, nemam odgovore.
direction we're going in
how to figure out how to get there."
kako doći do tamo."
when visionary leadership
kada su vizionarski vođe
that can innovate time and again,
mogu iznova i iznova inovirati,
of what leadership is about.
se u rukovodstvu zapravo radi.
creating the space
and able to do the hard work
obavljati težak posao
may be wondering,
od vas možda pitaju:
really look like?"
that innovation takes a village.
potrebno selo.
a sense of community
osjećaja zajednice
is about creating a world
o stvaranju svijeta
want to belong in at Pixar?
Pixaru žele pripadati?
living at the frontier.
their time thinking about,
vrijeme razmišljajući:
the sensibility of a public square
postoji osjećaj javnog trga
no matter what their level or role,
nevažno na kojoj razini ili u kojoj ulozi
about a particular film.
određenog filma.
minority voices in this organization,
u ovoj orgnizaciji
in a very generous way."
velikodušan način."
at the credits of a Pixar movie,
špicu na Pixarovom filmu,
a production are listed there.
produkcije su navedene tamo.
what his role was?
koja je njegova uloga?
a volunteer organization.
organizaciju volontera.
to follow me anywhere.
posvuda slijediti.
with me the future.
I'm a human glue,
I'm an aggregator of viewpoints.
deliberately fuzzy and vague.
nejasan i maglovit.
be wondering now,
I'm the social architect.
ja sam društveni arhitekt.
people are willing and able
voljni i sposobni
their talents and passions."
talente i strasti."
that you don't work at a Pixar,
brine što ne radite u Pixaru,
organizations you'd think of
događa mnogo inovacija.
in a pharmaceutical company
farmaceutskom poduzeću
to get the outside lawyers,
vanjske odvjetnike,
to collaborate and innovate.
i inoviraju.
at a German automaker
u njemačkom proizvođaču automobila
that it was the design engineers,
inžinjeri dizajna,
who were allowed to be innovative.
ti kojima je dopušteno biti inovatian.
at HCL Technologies,
HCL Technologies,
words, to become irrelevant.
postajalo nevažno.
into a global dynamo of I.T. innovation.
u globalni generator IT inovacija.
like at many companies,
kao i u mnogim poduzećima,
their role as setting direction
zadati smjer
no one deviated from it.
it was time for them
da je vrijeme
what they were supposed to do.
onoga što trebaju napraviti.
is that everybody was looking up
gledali prema gore
the kind of bottom-up innovation
odozdo prema gore
stopped trying to provide solutions.
pokušavati davati rješenja.
is they began to see
pyramid, the young sparks,
closest to the customers,
the organization's growth
about inverting the pyramid
okretanju piramide
the power of the many
and the speed of innovation
other leaders that we studied
vođe koje smo proučavali
that that was not their role.
nije njihova uloga.
that many of you did not recognize Ed.
što niste prepoznali Eda.
that our role as leaders
da je uloga vođa
ne nastupati na njoj.
many of us are here,
zašto su mnogi ovdje,
of collective genius.
Linda Hill - Management professorLinda Hill studies collective genius -- the way great companies, and great leaders, empower creativity from many.
Why you should listen
Linda A. Hill is the Wallace Brett Donham Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School. In 2014, Professor Hill co-authored Collective Genius: The Art and Practice of Leading Innovation. It features thick descriptions of exceptional leaders of innovation in a wide range of industries—from information technology to law to design—and geographies—from the US and Europe to the Middle East and Asia. Business Insider named Collective Genius one of “The 20 Best Business Books” in summer 2014.
She is the faculty chair of the Leadership Initiative and has chaired numerous HBS Executive Education programs, including the Young She is the co-author, with Kent Lineback, of Being the Boss: The 3 Imperatives of Becoming a Great Leader and Breakthrough Leadership, a blended cohort-based program that helps organizations transform midlevel managers into more effective leaders. Breakthrough Leadership was the winner of the 2013 Brandon Hall Group Award for Best Advance in Unique Learning Technology. The book was included in the Wall Street Journal as one of the “Five Business Books to Read for Your Career in 2011." She is also the author of Becoming a Manager: How New Managers Master the Challenges of Leadership (2nd Edition). She heads up Harvard's Presidents' Organization Presidents' Seminar and the High Potentials Leadership Program, and was course head during the development of the new Leadership and Organizational Behavior MBA required course.
Linda Hill | Speaker |