Noy Thrupkaew: Human trafficking is all around you. This is how it works
Noy Thrupkaew: Menneskehandel findes overalt. Sådan fungerer det.
Noy Thrupkaew reports on human trafficking and the economics of exploitation through the lens of labor rights. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
a little bit of a hard time.
havde jeg svær periode.
at opsøge en terapeut.
when she looked at me one day and said,
da hun en dag så på mig og sagde:
until you were three?"
I said, "My parents."
Jeg sagde: "Mine forældre."
that's actually the case;
"Det tror jeg ikke -
far more complicated than just this."
der er meget mere kompliceret."
but I knew she was serious.
men jeg vidste, hun var seriøs.
at gå hos hende -
the funniest person in the room.
hende den sjove.
but she caught on to me really quickly,
men hun gennemskue mig.
she would look at me and say,
så hun på mig og sagde:
and I asked my parents
og jeg spurgte mine forældre, -
until I was three?
indtil jeg var 3 år.
a distant relative of the family.
et fjernt medlem af familien.
when I was much older.
da jeg var meget ældre.
me like a curtain
som et gardin, -
to the bathroom
that a child has sometimes
et barn nogen gange kan have, -
also requires letting go.
også betyder at kunne give slip.
memory of my auntie,
memories of life at all.
jeg har i livet.
by another member of my family.
af et andet medlem af min familie.
and wanting it to stop,
fordi jeg ville stoppe det, -
to go out with her friends,
som når hun ville ud med vennerne -
beaten behind closed doors.
at blive banket bag lukkede døre.
that eventually she ran away.
at hun endte med at stikke af.
when she was brought over from Thailand
da hun blev hentet over fra Thailand -
on a tourist visa.
på et turist visum.
in Illinois for a time,
rejste tilbage til Thailand, -
at a political rally in Bangkok.
under en politisk forsamling i Bangkok.
when I was a child,
som da jeg var barn, -
I promised that I would call.
everything that she meant to me --
alt det, hun betød for mig -
of who I became to her care,
for den person, jeg er i dag.
were like a thimble
som en bagatel, -
and shame and rage I felt
vrede og skam jeg følte -
to care for me for as long as she had --
for at have taget sig af mig så længe.
I would never stop crying again.
ville jeg aldrig holde op med at græde.
and researching human trafficking
og forsket i menneskehandel, -
eller deromkring.
this personal story
denne personlige historie sammen -
until pretty recently.
indtil for nyligt.
actually symbolizes
denne adskillelse symboliserer -
about human trafficking.
for menneskehandel.
prevalent, complex and close to home
udbredt, kompleks og tættere på, -
and law enforcement, NGO workers.
ofre, politifolk og NGO-folk.
about human trafficking,
ved menneskehandel, -
about the problem right at all.
om problemet på korrekt vis.
about someone like my auntie.
på sådan nogen som min tante.
about a young girl or woman,
en ung pige eller kvinde, -
into prostitution by a violent pimp.
ind i prostitution af en voldelig alfons.
and that is a real story.
og en sand historie.
of that situation, though.
end bare situationen.
we relate to each other through language,
vi relaterer til hinanden gennem sprog.
with all the gory, violent detail,
med alle de blodige, voldelige detaljer.
"look at her scars" journalism.
"Se hendes ar"-journalistik.
at fortælle os selv -
doing a bad thing to an innocent girl.
der gør slemme ting mod en uskyldig pige.
that we might be indicted for,
vi måske kan anklage, -
or the poverty,
eller fattigdom, -
about forced prostitution,
om tvungen prostitution.
in our everyday lives.
af vores hverdagsliv.
hvad jeg mener:
22 percent of human trafficking.
22 % af al menneskehandel.
imposed forced labor.
is for the purpose of creating the goods
at producere de varer -
that most of us rely on every day,
de fleste af os er afhængige af -
domestic work and construction.
plejearbejde og byggeri.
and exploited today.
underbetale og udnyttede.
of force, fraud or coercion
af magt, bedrageri eller tvang -
and coltan mines,
bomuldsmarker, coltanminer, -
bases in Iraq and Afghanistan.
i Irak og Afghanistan.
exporter of shrimp in the world.
af rejer i hele verden.
and plentiful shrimp?
Burmese and Cambodian migrants
at sælge arbejdere fra Burma og Cambodja -
the men put to work,
mændene blev sat til at arbejde -
if they made the mistake of falling sick,
hvis de begik den fejl at blive syge -
to four major global retailers:
til fire store globale detailhandlere: -
on a smaller scale than just that,
i et mindre omfang.
never even imagine.
du ikke ville regne med.
to drive ice cream trucks,
til at køre isbiler, -
in a hair braiding salon in New Jersey.
hos en frisør i New Jersey.
who were from Ghana and Togo,
fra Ghana og Togo, -
"your daughters are going to get
"jeres datter vil få -
of the green card lottery,
green-card lotteriet, -
"Vi vil hjælpe dig.
We'll pay your fees.
Vi betaler dine udgifter.
this young girl with you,
tage denne unge pige med dig -
the young girls were taken away,
blev de unger piger taget med, -
14 timer om dagen -
nearly four million dollars.
til deres menneskehandlere.
to the criminal justice system.
trafficking are poor and marginalized.
er fattige og marginaliserede.
too often part of the problem,
en del af problemet, -
from Bangladesh to the United States,
in the sex trade who were surveyed
af de udspurgte sexarbejdere -
by the police in the past year alone.
af politiet bare inden for det sidste år.
who have been trafficked into it,
for menneskehandel, -
convictions for prostitution.
so much more difficult
meget vanskeligt -
or leave prostitution,
og forlade mishandling og prostitution, -
they risk deportation.
risikerer de udvisning.
employers have no problem
har arbejdsgivere ikke problemer med, -
to try and threaten or deport
som trussel mod udvisning -
of undocumented workers
en stor mængde papirløse arbejdere, -
of law enforcement if they're caught.
manier, hvis de fanges.
victims and prosecute traffickers.
og retsforfølge menneskehandlerne.
of human trafficking in the world,
for menneskehandel i hele verden, -
fewer than 50,000 people.
blevet hjulpet og identificeret.
to the population of Los Angeles,
med befolkningen i LA.
5,700 convictions in 2013,
Ud af de ca. 5700 domme i 2013 -
og udnyttelse af arbejdskraft.
of all trafficking,
of the convictions.
af alle domfældelser.
happens where need meets greed.
hvor behov møder grådighed.
workers are excluded from protections,
hvor arbejdere er uden beskyttelse, -
til at organisere sig.
i et tomrum.
degraded work environments.
i systematisk forringede arbejdsmiljøer.
or war-torn states, or --
krigsplagede lande, eller...
about the United States.
a trafficking case called Global Horizons,
om menneskehandel. Global Horizons.
var indblandet.
to work in Hawaii pineapple plantations,
for at arbejde på ananas- -
and anywhere the work was needed.
arbejdskraften manglede.
of solid agricultural work.
fast landbrugsarbejde.
their wives' jewelry,
for this company, Global Horizons.
ansættelsesgebyret hos Global Horizons
and held at gunpoint.
og truet med pistoler.
they fainted in the fields.
at de besvimede i markerne.
and I froze in the produce department.
da jeg stivnede i supermarkedet.
the Global Horizons survivors
ofrene fra Global Horizon -
I showed up to interview them.
jeg kom for at interviewe dem.
of perfect, long-stemmed strawberries,
perfekte, langstilkede jordbær, -
you eat with somebody special
du ville spise med en elsket -
så meget bedre -
whose hands picked them for you?"
der har plukket dem til dig?"
later, I realized I had no idea
gik det op for mig, at jeg ikke anede, -
they were being treated.
digging into the agricultural sector.
at grave i landbrugsindustrien.
and too few labor inspectors.
og for få arbejdsinspektører.
of plausible deniability
af plausibel benægtelse -
and processor, and God knows who else.
forarbejdningsvirksomheder, og så videre.
brought to the States
var blevet hentet til USA -
ties a person's legal status
the right to organize.
til at organisere sig.
about this agricultural sector
jeg beskriver om landbrugsindustrien -
is actually human trafficking.
teknisk set er menneskehandel.
legally tolerable.
som lovligt acceptabelt.
fertile ground for exploitation.
dette er en grobund for udnyttelse.
before I had tried to understand it.
indtil jeg prøvede at forstå det.
grappling with these issues.
der kæmpede med disse problemer.
philanthropists in the world.
imod menneskehandel i verden.
investing nearly 10 million dollars
at investere næsten 10 millioner dollars -
as having the worst working conditions
har de værste arbejdsforhold -
were shocked and horrified,
chokerede og rystede, -
an op-ed for a newspaper,
en leder i en avis -
to learn everything we can
for at lære alt, vi kan, -
of the products that we support.
der står bag de produkter, vi støtter.
if each one of us decided
hvis vi alle besluttede os for -
to support companies
from their labor and supply chains?
deres arbejdskraft og forsyningskæder?
their businesses and say, "no more"?
og sige: "ikke mere"?
for migrant workers?
for gæstearbejdere?
should have the right to organize
til at organisere sig -
around the world.
blive hørt i hele verden.
a fair-trade peach
at købe fair-trade -
a guilt-free zone with your money.
ikke kan købes for penge.
a system that is broken,
om at forandre et dårligt system, -
uvidende men villigt -
and benefit from for too long.
og nyde godt af alt for længe.
survivors' victimization.
ofrene for menneskehandel.
been talking to them,
more than our worst days.
at vi er stærkere, end vi tror.
than what we have lived through.
and resilient and responsible
og robuste og ansvarlige -
would take a gamble on.
man ville satse på.
because I have the chance
så jeg kan få chancen -
mod en bedre fremtid.
at blive frelst.
because they're behind
fordi de står bag -
social justice movements out there today.
for social retfærdighed.
who marched with their families
har marcheret med deres familier -
an international treaty
en international traktat -
into the sex trade --
first anti-trafficking organization
for bekæmpelse af menneskehandel -
by trafficking survivors themselves.
were trafficked
efter Orkanen Katrina, -
but they broke out of their work compound
men brød ud af deres arbejdslejre -
to Washington, D.C.,
til Washington -
udnyttelse af arbejdskraft.
the National Guest Worker Alliance,
National Guest Worker Alliance, -
they have wound up helping other workers
har de hjulpet andre arbejdere, -
and abuses in supply chains
og misbruget i forsyningskæder -
of Justice declined to take their case,
at tage deres sag, -
the first of a dozen civil suits
den første række civile sager, -
their clients 14 million dollars.
til deres klienter.
for people they don't even know yet,
de end ikke kender.
of a just world for all of us.
og for en retfærdig verden for os alle.
as a people and as a society;
som mennesker og som samfund.
longer prosperity,
ikke længere er velstand -
to other people's pain;
med andres lidelser.
inextricably woven together;
vævet sammen, -
to make a different choice.
til at gøre en forskel.
my story of my auntie with you.
min historie om min tante med jer.
and climbed up on this stage,
og gik på scenen, -
of people about it,
med meget få.
about your stories
at kende jeres historier, -
if anything, about my own.
hvis noget, af min egen.
due diligence on this.
baggrundstjek på dette.
of document requests,
er ikke blevet udleveret, -
er ikke blevet lavet, -
fundet min tante.
of what happened, and of her life now.
og ved ikke, hvad der blev af hende.
is messy and unfinished.
er rodet og ufærdig -
and unfinished situation we're all in,
af vores rodede og ufærdige situation, -
also part of its solution.
at vi alle er en del af løsningen.
just world is our work to do,
er op til os at finde -
we should have done,
som vi skulle have gjort -
Noy Thrupkaew - Global journalistNoy Thrupkaew reports on human trafficking and the economics of exploitation through the lens of labor rights.
Why you should listen
Noy Thrupkaew writes on global issues on a local scale. The focus of her studies (and the subject of her forthcoming book) is human trafficking and the exploitative economic systems and corrupt officials behind it. She is a keen critic of the role of anti-trafficking organizations in the struggle against it, calling for long-range approaches that go beyond mere prohibition.
As an independent journalist, Thrupkaew has written for a wide variety of outlets including The Nation, National Geographic and The New York Times.
Noy Thrupkaew | Speaker |