Miguel Nicolelis: Brain-to-brain communication has arrived. How we did it
Miguel Nicolelis: Xa chegou a interacción entre cerebros. Como o fixemos?
Miguel Nicolelis explores the limits of the brain-machine interface. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
o 12 de xuño de 2014.
en São Paulo, Brasil,
in São Paulo, Brazil,
de inverno suramericana,
that you see celebrating here
coma se anotara un gol,
accomplished a magnificent deed.
media do tórax ata as dedas
from mid-chest to the tip of his toes
that killed his brother
que provocou a morte do seu irmán
que o deixou nunha cadeira de rodas.
that left Juliano in a wheelchair,
and on this day did something
e xusto aquel día,
in the six years deemed impossible.
neses seis anos coidaran imposible.
no lanzamento de apertura
World Soccer Cup here
do Mundo de Fútbol de Brasil en 2014
needed to kick a ball.
He's a para-athlete right now.
e agora é paraatleta.
I hope, in a couple years.
nos Xogos Paraolímpicos nun par de anos.
did not rob from Juliano
non lle arrebatou a Juliano
for a stadium of about 75,000 people
aquela tarde
watching on TV.
de espectadores na televisión.
30 years of basic research
30 anos de investigación básica,
that we have between our ears
que temos entre as orellas,
that we have above our head
que temos enriba das nosas cabezas
de elementos
through electrical brainstorms,
impulsos eléctricos.
took 30 years to imagine in laboratories
durante 30 anos nos laboratorios
15 years ago, proposed in a paper
hai 15 anos, propuxemos nun artigo
that we called a brain-machine interface,
chamado interface cerebro-máquina,
un cerebro a uns dispositivos
e humanos puideran movelos
could just move these devices,
que estiveran dos seus corpos
from their own bodies,
we actually needed professional help,
que necesitabamos axuda profesional
a Scot and a Brazilian persevered,
e un brasileiro teimaron en facelo,
in our respective countries,
nos nosos respectivos países
suggesting that this was possible.
que era posible.
non é física cuántica.
is not rocket science,
que produce o cerebro
that a brain is producing
to the spinal cord,
á medula espiñal,
of these brain cells simultaneously,
destas células cerebrais á vez
that the brain is generating
que nos despracemos no espazo.
these signals into digital commands
os sinais en ordes dixitais
or even a virtual device can understand
electrónico ou virtual pode entender.
what he, she or it wants to make move,
o movemento que el ou ela desexa realizar
a orde do seu cerebro.
with lots of different types of sensors,
de sensores no dispositivo,
back to the brain to confirm
que confirma
was being enacted, no matter where --
se efectuará nalgures:
or across the planet.
ou nalgún lugar do planeta.
back to the brain,
to make us move.
a acción de movemento.
that we published a few years ago,
que publicamos hai uns anos,
a controlar,
of an avatar arm,
os movementos dun brazo avatar,
is the sound of the brain of this monkey
é o son do cerebro dun mono
coa mesma aparencia
visually identical spheres
a drop of orange juice that monkeys love,
un trago de zume de laranxa,
debe seleccionar un destes obxectos,
select one of these objects
touches one of the objects,
toca un destes obxectos,
to the brain of the animal
ao seu cerebro
of the surface of this object,
da súa superficie
the correct object that he has to grab,
cal é o obxecto que ten que apañar
without moving a muscle.
un zume de laranxa.
and getting your orange juice.
that we had published 15 years ago.
Recuperámola do caixón
cun ser humano con parálise
a human being that is paralyzed
interface to regain mobility.
podería sufrila calquera de nós,
transforms your life completely.
que cambia totalmente a nosa vida.
of the spinal cord,
cerebrais non chegarán aos músculos.
cannot reach your muscles.
continue to be generated in your head.
seguen xerándose nas vosas cabezas.
dream about moving every night.
soñan con moverse todas as noites.
to get that code out of it
o código da cabeza
let's create a new body.
foi crear un corpo novo:
kick that ball just by thinking,
co pensamento,
robótico controlado polo cerebro
the first brain-controlled robotic vest
parapléxicos ou tetrapléxicos
quadriplegic patients to move
e obter un sinal de resposta.
156 people from 25 countries
é como 156 persoas de 25 países
of this beautiful Earth,
deste marabilloso planeta Terra
dropped their patents,
e os seus contratos,
fillos, escolas e traballos
kids, school, jobs,
for 18 months to actually get this done.
durante 18 meses para desenvolvela,
que a Copa sería en Brasil,
was awarded the World Cup,
quería facer algo significativo
wanted to do something meaningful
no país no que se reinventou
and perfected soccer
ata que coñecemos aos alemáns, claro.
deberá falarvos diso noutra conferencia.
needs to talk about that.
quería facer era exhibir
is to showcase
que valora a ciencia e a tecnoloxía
and technology,
25 million people around the world
de todo o mundo
because of a spinal cord injury.
por unha lesión na medula.
e á FIFA e propuxemos o seguinte:
and to FIFA and proposed,
of the 2014 World Cup
da Copa do Mundo
de mobilidade reducida
that allows him to kick the ball
que lle permita xutar o balón
thought that we were completely nuts,
coidando que estabamos tolos
from zero, from scratch.
para facelo todo, dende o principio.
nin pacientes.
Todos eles viñeron xuntos
realizaron unha rutina de adestramento
in a routine of training
desde cero este colega
"Brasil Santos Dumont 1".
polo cerebro construído
exoskeleton to be built
Brazilian scientist ever,
máis afamado que existiu,
quen o día 19 de outubro de 1901,
created and flew himself
o primeiro dirixible aéreo
in Paris for a million people to see.
na cidade de París.
vivo en Carolina do Norte,
de que o fixeran os irmáns Wright,
before the Wright Brothers flew
na costa de Carolina do Norte.
os brasileiros.
this exoskeleton together,
hydraulic machine
de 15 graos de liberdade
polos sinais eléctricos do cerebro
called electroencephalography
chamada electroencelografía
imaxinar os movementos
to imagine the movements
to the controls, the motors,
para executar unha tarefa.
cunha pel artificial
with an artificial skin
one of my greatest friends, in Munich,
un dos meus mellores amigos,
and the foot touching the ground
das articulacións e dos pés no chan
through a vest, a shirt.
a través dun colete.
with micro-vibrating elements
and fools the patient's brain
enganando ao seu cerebro
a machine that is carrying him,
de que non é a maquina a que o leva
o que está camiñando de novo.
and what you'll see here
un dos nosos pacientes, camiñou.
Bruno, actually walked.
xa que temos que poñelo todo a punto.
because we are setting everything,
cutting in front of the helmet
na parte dianteira do casco,
the movement that needs to be performed,
o movemento que vai executar,
Bruno is going to certify it,
e el vai confirmalo.
under the command of Bruno's brain.
seguindo as ordes do cerebro de Bruno.
and now he starts walking.
está andando por si mesmo.
being able to move,
Bruno está a sentir o chan
on the sand of Santos,
na area de Santos,
before he had the accident.
antes de sufrir o accidente.
produce unha sensación na cabeza de Bruno.
a new sensation in Bruno's head.
I am running out of time already --
--xa me estou pasando do tempo--
tendes que mo emprestar para a miña voda
when I get married,
ver á miña moza
be there by myself.
Abofé que poderá usalo cando quixer.
whenever he wants.
na Copa do Mundo e non puidemos.
during the World Cup, and couldn't,
a FIFA cortou a emisión á metade.
FIFA cut its broadcast in half.
é a Juliano Pinto co exoesqueleto
is Juliano Pinto in the exo doing the kick
uns minutos antes de que foramos ao campo
in front of the entire crowd,
just describe the operation.
describen a operación.
indican que o exoesqueleto está listo.
indicate that the exo is ready to go.
and it can deliver feedback,
e entregar unha resposta.
toma a decisión de xutar o balón,
makes the decision to kick the ball,
two streams of green and yellow light
unha verde e outra amarela,
and going to the legs,
e se dirixen ás pernas
that were taken by the exo
que foron recollidas polo exoesqueleto
uns 13 s conseguir facelo.
the ball is set, and he kicks.
colócase perante o balón e xútao.
and looked at us on the pitch,
mirando para nós no estadio
como vistes:
Teño 2 min para contárvolo.
of your imagination.
xa está aquí.
published this a year ago,
a primeira interface cerebro-cerebro.
intercambiar mensaxes mentais
to exchange mental messages
coming from the environment
detecta que un elemento xorde no contorno
a torpedo, a neurophysiological torpedo,
é dicir, unha mensaxe curta co cerebro,
ao outro animal
the act that he needed to perform
que precisa efectuar
the environment was sending as a message,
de qué foi o que xurdiu no contorno.
from the first animal's brain.
doutro animal.
para mostrarvos a última investigación.
because I want to show you the latest.
is the first rat getting informed
por un indicador lumínico
on the left of the cage
na parte esquerda da gaiola
to basically get a reward.
para obter unha recompensa.
he is sending a mental message
mándalle unha mensaxe mental á outra rata,
that didn't see any light,
in 70 percent of the times
preme a panca esquerda
and get a reward
sen sequera percibir a luz na retina.
the light in the retina.
to a little higher limit
na investigación
entre monos
mentally in a brain net,
a actividade cerebral e combinala
the virtual arm that I showed you before,
que vos ensinei antes.
the two monkeys combine their brains,
que dous monos coordinan os seus cerebros
to get this virtual arm to move.
para mover o brazo virtual.
e o outro o das ordenadas.
is controlling the y dimension.
when you get three monkeys in there
cando o teñen que facer tres monos.
"x" e "y", ao segundo "y" e "z"
no xogo xuntos
play the game together,
to get the famous Brazilian orange juice.
cara a un obxectivo
zume de laranxa brasileiro.
of all these brains working
destes cerebros traballando en paralelo
of a biological computer,
dunha computadora biolóxica:
and achieving a motor goal.
para conseguir unha acción de movemento.
Non temos nin idea.
and discover what is out there.
e descubrir que hai aí fóra.
dentro duns decenios,
naveguen por Internet co pensamento,
surf the Net just by thinking,
to an autistic kid who cannot see,
ao seu fillo autista cego
grazas a un by-pass cerebro-cerebro,
of a brain-to-brain bypass,
that it all started on a winter afternoon
cun lanzamento imposible.
with an impossible kick.
Bruno Giussani: -Imos aló.
thank you for sticking to your time.
Concederiámoslle uns minutiños máis
a couple more minutes,
we want to develop, and, of course,
para achar onde imos chegar.
brains to figure out where this is going.
un mono recibirá o sinal
is actually getting a signal
is reacting to that signal
and transmitting the neurological impulse.
o impulso neurolóxico tras recibila.
No, it's a little different.
BG: Xa.
of the other two monkeys.
mais teñen que realizar unha tarefa en 3D.
to accomplish is 3D.
in three dimensions.
tendo en conta tres dimensións.
the two dimensions on the video screen
que controla na pantalla.
precísase polo menos
to synchronize their brains,
cadanseus cerebros,
foi que se un mono se relaxa
when one monkey starts slacking down,
enhance their performance
para facelo reaccionar,
e a sincronía xeral segue sendo a mesma.
os monos sen llelo advertir,
without telling the monkey
has to control,
mais debería dirixir "y" e "z",
esquece as dimensións antigas
forgets about the old dimensions
on the new dimensions.
that no Turing machine,
é que ningunha máquina de Turing,
what a brain net will do.
o funcionamento dunha rede cerebral.
as part of us.
coma se for parte de nós,
nos absorberá a nós.
have you succeeded versus failed?
e cantas fracasastes?
Cos tres monos? Abofé que si.
Oh, several times.
unless I had done it a few times.
a non ser que o tivese probado.
pola falta de tempo,
a European group
un grupo europeo
man-to-man brain-to-brain connection.
entre seres humanos.
MN: Foi cunha mensaxe curtiña.
big ideas start in a humble way --
of one subject
a actividade cerebral dun suxeito
all non-invasive technology.
mediante tecnoloxía non invasiva,
like our rats, a visual message,
unha mensaxe visual,
e comunicoulla ao segundo,
a magnetic pulse in the visual cortex,
no córtex visual
two different pulses.
foron dous diferentes en total.
e co outro algo diferente
he saw something different.
a mensaxe que lle foi enviada
the first subject was sending
e en diferentes continentes.
Okay, that's where we are going.
na próxima conferencia.
at the next conference.
MN: Thank you, Bruno. Thank you.
MN: Grazas, Bruno.
Miguel Nicolelis - NeuroscientistMiguel Nicolelis explores the limits of the brain-machine interface.
Why you should listen
At the Nicolelis Laboratory at Duke University, Miguel Nicolelis is best known for pioneering studies in neuronal population coding, Brain Machine Interfaces (BMI) and neuroprosthetics in human patients and non-human primates.His lab's work was seen, famously though a bit too briefly, when a brain-controlled exoskeleton from his lab helped Juliano Pinto, a paraplegic man, kick the first ball at the 2014 World Cup.
But his lab is thinking even bigger. They've developed an integrative approach to studying neurological disorders, including Parkinsons disease and epilepsy. The approach, they hope, will allow the integration of molecular, cellular, systems and behavioral data in the same animal, producing a more complete understanding of the nature of the neurophysiological alterations associated with these disorders. He's the author of the books Beyond Boundaries and The Relativistic Brain.
Miguel was honored as one of Foreign Policy's 2015 Global Thinkers.
Miguel Nicolelis | Speaker | TED.com