Greta Thunberg: The disarming case to act right now on climate change
Greta Thunberg: Neodoljiv poziv na trenutnu akciju u vezi s klimatskim promjenama
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ili globalno zagrijavanje.
called climate change or global warming.
stvorili ljudi svojim načinom života.
humans have created by our way of living.
kako bih štedila energiju
the lights to save energy
kako bih štedila resurse.
kako je to vrlo čudno
that it was very strange
životinjskih vrsta,
an animal species among others,
klimu Zemlje.
the Earth's climate.
and if it was really happening,
about anything else.
sve bi bilo samo o tome.
everything would be about that.
ni o čemu drugome,
about anything else,
da prijeti samoj našoj egzistenciji,
that it threatened our very existence,
razboljela sam se.
oko deset kilograma.
about 10 kilos of weight.
Aspergerov sindrom,
with Asperger syndrome,
i selektivni mutizam.
samo kad ja mislim da je to potrebno -
when I think it's necessary -
participating in this social game
u toj društvenoj igri
izgleda, toliko sviđa.
mi autisti, oni normalni,
that we autistic are the normal ones,
are pretty strange,
the sustainability crisis,
promjene egzistencijalna prijetnja
climate change is an existential threat
kad je u pitanju preživljavanje.
when it comes to survival.
kao civilizacija ili nećemo.
as a civilization or we don't.
trebaju početi smanjivati emisije
need to start reducing emissions
granice zagrijavanja od dva stupnja.
below a two-degree warming target.
Međuvladin panel o klimatskim promjenama,
have recently demonstrated,
1,5 stupnjeva Celsijusa
reduce the climate impacts.
što to znači za smanjenje emisija.
what that means for reducing emissions.
i svaki od naših lidera
and every one of our leaders
koji su već zarobljeni u sustavu.
already locked in the system.
prikriva zatopljenje
sagorijevati fosilna goriva,
od 0,5 do 1,1 stupnjeva Celsijusa.
0.5 to 1.1 degrees Celsius.
anyone speak about the fact
šestog masovnog izumiranja,
of the sixth mass extinction,
koje izumiru svakoga dana,
going extinct every single day,
aspektu jednakosti ili klimatskoj pravdi,
the aspect of equity or climate justice,
u Pariškom sporazumu,
in the Paris Agreement,
funkcioniralo u globalnim razmjerima.
to make it work on a global scale.
within 6 to 12 years,
unutar 6 do 12 godina,
u siromašnijim zemljama
in poorer countries
their standard of living
svoj životni standard
that we have already built,
koju smo mi već sagradili,
električna energija i tako dalje.
electricity, and so on.
od zemalja poput Indije ili Nigerije
countries like India or Nigeria
don't care even a second about it
ne marimo o tome ni na sekundu,
Pariškom sporazumu?
to the Paris Agreement?
a mass extinction?
doesn't have a clue
našeg svakodnevnog života,
of our everyday life,
that rapid change is required.
i svi mislimo da svi znaju,
and we all think everybody knows,
našim emisijama,
by our emissions,
desetine tisuća mrtvih ljudi
tens of thousands of dead people,
s gomilama srušenih zgrada.
to piles of torn down buildings.
nema naslova, nema prijelomnih vijesti.
no headlines, no breaking news.
as if we were in a crisis.
ili političara pokreta zelenih
or green politicians
jedući meso i mliječne proizvode.
eating meat and dairy.
bit ću živa 2103. godine.
I will be alive in the year 2103.
tada ne razmišljate dalje od 2050. godine.
you don't think beyond the year 2050.
proživjeti ni polovicu svog života.
not even have lived half of my life.
svoj 75. rođendan.
my 75th birthday.
možda će sa mnom provesti taj dan.
maybe they will spend that day with me.
davno prije u 2018.-oj.
why you didn't do anything
utjecat će na cijeli moj život
will affect my entire life
and grandchildren.
poništiti u budućnosti.
can't undo in the future.
u kolovozu ove godine,
started in August of this year,
ispred švedskog parlamenta.
outside the Swedish parliament.
izostankom iz škole za klimu.
trebala biti u školi.
should be in school instead.
da postanem klimatolog,
to become a climate scientist
has already been solved.
all the facts and solutions.
da se probudimo i promijenimo.
to wake up and change.
koje uskoro više neće biti,
that soon will be no more
kako bi spasio tu budućnost.
whatsoever to save that future?
u školskom sustavu,
in the school system
tog istog školskog sustava
of that same school system
našim političarima i našem društvu?
to our politicians and our society.
samo mala zemlja
is just a small country,
može ispuniti vijesti širom svijeta
can get headlines all over the world
for a few weeks,
učiniti zajedno kad bismo željeli.
together if you wanted to.
počnu govoriti o nadi,
usually start talking about hope,
cirkularnoj ekonomiji i tako dalje,
circular economy, and so on,
i prodavanja pozitivnih ideja.
and selling positive ideas.
but it doesn't work.
više od nade je akcija.
more than hope is action.
nada je posvuda.
hope is everywhere.
svaki pojedini dan.
barrels of oil every single day.
koja bi to promijenila.
to keep that oil in the ground.
tako da igramo po pravilima,
by playing by the rules,
Greta Thunberg - Climate activistGreta Thunberg is a Swedish climate activist.
Why you should listen
In August 2018, Greta Thunberg started a school strike for the climate outside the Swedish Parliament that has since spread all over the world and now involves over 100,000 schoolchildren. The movement is now called Fridays For Future.
Thunberg has spoken at climate rallies in Stockholm, Helsinki, Brussels and London. In December she attended the United Nations COP24 in Katowice, Poland, where she addressed the Secretary-General and made a plenary speech that went viral and was shared many million times around the globe. In January 2019 she was invited to the World Economic Forum in Davos where her speeches again made a worldwide impact.
Thunberg tries to live a low-carbon life. Therefore she is vegan, and she doesn't fly. She has been named as one of the worlds most influential teens by TIME magazine.
Greta Thunberg | Speaker |