Greta Thunberg: The disarming case to act right now on climate change
Greta Thunberg: Pádny argument, prečo treba bezodkladne konať vo veci klimatických zmien
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klimatická zmena a globálne otepľovanie.
called climate change or global warming.
ľudia svojím životným štýlom.
humans have created by our way of living.
svetlá, aby sa šetrila energia,
the lights to save energy
aby sa šetrili suroviny.
že je veľmi zvláštne,
that it was very strange
ďalším druhom živočíchov,
an animal species among others,
the Earth's climate.
a ak by sa to naozaj dialo,
and if it was really happening,
about anything else.
bol by o tom každý program.
everything would be about that.
about anything else,
zlé, že by ohrozovalo našu existenciu,
that it threatened our very existence,
pokračovať ako predtým?
about 10 kilos of weight.
Aspergerov syndróm,
with Asperger syndrome,
keď si myslím, že je to potrebné –
when I think it's necessary -
na sociálnej hre,
participating in this social game
sa tešíte vy ostatní.
my autisti tí normálni
that we autistic are the normal ones,
are pretty strange,
trvalej udržateľnosti,
the sustainability crisis,
že klimatické zmeny sú hrozba pre život
climate change is an existential threat
neexistujú žiadne sivé zóny.
when it comes to survival.
ako celá civilizácia, alebo nebudeme.
as a civilization or we don't.
začať so znižovaním emisí
need to start reducing emissions
oteplenia o 2 stupne, čo je náš cieľ.
below a two-degree warming target.
Medzivládny panel o zmene klímy,
have recently demonstrated,
dopady otepľovania klímy.
reduce the climate impacts.
čo by to znamenalo pre zníženie emisií.
what that means for reducing emissions.
a každý z našich lídrov
and every one of our leaders
ktoré sú už v našom systéme.
already locked in the system.
skrýva otepľovanie,
spaľovať fosílne palivá,
0.5 to 1.1 degrees Celsius.
anyone speak about the fact
masového vymierania druhov,
of the sixth mass extinction,
going extinct every single day,
a o klimatickej spravodlivosti,
the aspect of equity or climate justice,
in the Paris Agreement,
aby to fungovalo na celosvetovej škále.
to make it work on a global scale.
do 6 až 12 rokov,
within 6 to 12 years,
v chudobnejších krajinách
in poorer countries
their standard of living
svoju životnú úroveň
ktorú sme my už vybudovali,
that we have already built,
electricity, and so on.
ako India alebo Nigéria,
countries like India or Nigeria
nezaujíma ani na sekundu ani kríza,
don't care even a second about it
plynúce z Parížskej dohody?
to the Paris Agreement?
a mass extinction?
doesn't have a clue
nášho každodenného života
of our everyday life,
that rapid change is required.
a myslíme si, že to každý vie,
and we all think everybody knows,
našimi emisiami,
by our emissions,
desiatky tisíc mŕtvych ľudí
tens of thousands of dead people,
spolu so zrútenými budovami.
to piles of torn down buildings.
nevidno žiadne titulky ani horúce novinky.
no headlines, no breaking news.
akoby sme tu mali krízu.
as if we were in a crisis.
či zelených politikov
or green politicians
jedáva mäso a mliečne výrobky.
eating meat and dairy.
budem tu ešte v roku 2103.
I will be alive in the year 2103.
nemyslíte ďalej než po rok 2050.
you don't think beyond the year 2050.
za sebou ani nie polovicu života.
not even have lived half of my life.
my 75th birthday.
možno ten deň strávia so mnou.
maybe they will spend that day with me.
prečo ste nič neurobili,
why you didn't do anything
ovplyvní môj celý život
will affect my entire life
and grandchildren.
nebude vedieť vrátiť späť.
can't undo in the future.
v auguste školský rok,
started in August of this year,
pred švédskym parlamentom.
outside the Swedish parliament.
a nešla do školy.
že by som radšej mala sedieť v škole.
should be in school instead.
mala študovať, ako vedkyňa skúmať klímu,
to become a climate scientist
has already been solved.
all the facts and solutions.
len sa zobudiť a zmeniť sa.
to wake up and change.
pre budúcnosť, ktorá čoskoro nebude,
that soon will be no more
aby tú budúcnosť zachránil.
whatsoever to save that future?
v školskom systéme,
in the school system
toho istého školského systému,
of that same school system
a našu spoločnosť nič neznamenajú.
to our politicians and our society.
že Švédsko je len malá krajina,
is just a small country,
dostať na titulky novín po celom svete,
can get headlines all over the world
for a few weeks,
všetci spolu, keby sme chceli.
together if you wanted to.
začnú hovoriť o nádeji,
usually start talking about hope,
cirkulárnej ekonomike a podobne,
circular economy, and so on,
a predaja pozitívneho myslenia.
and selling positive ideas.
but it doesn't work.
viac ako nádej, sú činy.
more than hope is action.
hope is everywhere.
každý jeden deň.
barrels of oil every single day.
aby sa táto ropa nechala v zemi.
to keep that oil in the ground.
že budeme hrať podľa pravidiel,
by playing by the rules,
Greta Thunberg - Climate activistGreta Thunberg is a Swedish climate activist.
Why you should listen
In August 2018, Greta Thunberg started a school strike for the climate outside the Swedish Parliament that has since spread all over the world and now involves over 100,000 schoolchildren. The movement is now called Fridays For Future.
Thunberg has spoken at climate rallies in Stockholm, Helsinki, Brussels and London. In December she attended the United Nations COP24 in Katowice, Poland, where she addressed the Secretary-General and made a plenary speech that went viral and was shared many million times around the globe. In January 2019 she was invited to the World Economic Forum in Davos where her speeches again made a worldwide impact.
Thunberg tries to live a low-carbon life. Therefore she is vegan, and she doesn't fly. She has been named as one of the worlds most influential teens by TIME magazine.
Greta Thunberg | Speaker |