Sandeep Jauhar: How your emotions change the shape of your heart
Sandeep Jauhar: Kako vaše emocije mijenjaju oblik vašeg srca
Sandeep Jauhar is a practicing cardiologist passionate about communicating medicine in all its glorious, quirky, inescapable humanity. Full bio
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u životu ljudi,
and meaning as the human heart.
i značenjem kao ljudsko srce.
of our emotional lives.
naših emocionalnih života.
to be the seat of the soul,
from the French verb "émouvoir,"
od francuskog glagola "émouvoir,"
that emotions would be linked to an organ
emocije povezuje s organom
that this link is very real.
kako je ta veza vrlo stvarna.
physical effect on the human heart.
učinak na ljudsko srce.
the metaphorical heart.
endures even today.
živi čak i danas.
they most associate with love,
povezuju s ljubavlju,
heart would the top the list.
biti na vrhu popisa.
flowers and seeds of many plants,
i sjemenju mnogih biljaka,
in the Middle Ages
u srednjem vijeku
the heart became associated
srce počeli povezivati
of lovers in the 13th century.
crtežima ljubavnika u 13. stoljeću.
came to be colored red,
bojati slike u crveno,
as the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
sveto srce Isusovo.
and emitting ethereal light,
blagu svjetlost,
and love has withstood modernity.
preživjelo je do suvremenosti.
with end-stage heart failure,
u zadnjem stadiju zatajenja srca,
artificial heart in Utah in 1982,
u Uti 1982. godine,
reportedly asked the doctors,
navodno je pitala liječnike,
is not the source of love
we have come to understand
and the emotions is a highly intimate one.
između srca i emocija.
nastaju naši osjećaji,
našeg emocionalnog života
can cause profound cardiac injury.
izazvati jaku srčanu povredu.
processes such as the heartbeat
procesima poput kucanja srca
fight-or-flight response
izazvati reakciju "borba-ili-bijeg"
sensitive to our emotional system,
na naš emocionalni sustav,
first recognized about two decades ago
put zapazili prije dva desetljeća
or "the broken heart syndrome,"
ili "sindrom slomljenog srca",
in response to intense stress or grief,
na snažan stres ili tugu,
or the death of a loved one.
ili nakon smrti voljene osobe.
the grieving heart in the middle
žalujuće srce u sredini
than the normal heart on the left.
normalnog srca lijevo.
the distinctive shape of a takotsubo,
and a narrow neck.
širokog dna i uskog grla.
within a few weeks.
za nekoliko tjedana.
of an elderly patient of mine
starije pacijentice
ali pomirena s tim.
he'd had dementia.
bolovao je od demencije.
she looked at his picture
pogledala je njegovu sliku
and with it, came shortness of breath,
a s tim je došlo i do gubitka daha,
as she was sitting up in a chair --
ispravljala u stolici --
what we already suspected:
smo već bili sumnjali,
to less than half its normal capacity
od polovine normalnog kapaciteta
the distinctive shape of a takotsubo.
začepljenim arterijama.
had returned to normal
stanje se normaliziralo,
to many stressful situations,
s mnogim stresnim situacijama,
with widespread social upheaval,
društvenim nemirima širih razmjera,
prirodne katastrofe.
on the largest island in Japan.
na najvećem japanskom otoku.
and thousands were injured.
a tisuće su zadobile ozljede.
of takotsubo cardiomyopathy
slučajevi takotsubo kardiomiopatije
one month after the earthquake,
mjesec dana nakon potresa,
period the year before.
prethodne godine.
the intensity of the tremor.
s jačinom potresa.
patients lived near the epicenter.
pacijenti su živjeli blizu epicentra.
has been seen after a happy event, too,
zamijećena je i nakon sretnog događaja,
to react differently,
for example, and not at the apex.
primjerice, a ne na vrhu.
would result in different cardiac changes
daju različite srčane promjene,
to our ancient philosophers,
drevnim filozofima,
are not contained inside our hearts,
ne nalaze unutar naših srca,
uključujući iznenadnu smrt,
experiencing intense emotional disturbance
kroz snažne emocionalne poremećaje
published a paper called "'Voodoo' Death,"
objavio je članak "Smrt od vudua",
cases of death from fright
smrti od straha
they had been cursed,
ih je netko prokleo,
or as a consequence of eating taboo fruit.
jedenja zabranjenog (tabu) voća.
dropped dead on the spot.
gubitka svake nade pala na mjestu mrtva.
was the victim's absolute belief
žrtvino nepokolebljivo vjerovanje
that could cause their demise,
uzrokovati njihovu kob,
they were powerless to fight.
Cannon postulated,
tvrdio je Cannon,
physiological response,
constricted to such a degree
stegnule do takve mjere
from a lack of transported oxygen.
zbog manjka prenesenog kisika.
or "primitive" people.
"primitivne" narode.
have been shown to occur
ovakvi tipovi smrti pojavljuju se
in spouses and in siblings.
životnih partnera te braće i sestara.
and figuratively deadly.
metaforično smrtonosna.
even for animals.
čak i kod životinja.
published in the journal "Science,"
u časopisu "Science" 1980. godine,
a high-cholesterol diet
hranom bogatom kolesterolom
on cardiovascular disease.
na bolesti krvožilnog sustava.
developed a lot more disease than others,
pretrpili jače oboljenje od ostalih,
environment and genetic makeup.
dijelili isti okoliš i genetski zapis.
something to do with
interacted with the rabbits.
bili u kontaktu sa zečevima.
a high-cholesterol diet.
hrana bogata kolesterolom.
were removed from their cages,
puštalo iz kaveza,
pričalo im se, igralo se s njima,
the rabbits remained in their cages
ostajali u kavezima
that the rabbits in the first group,
zečevi iz prve skupine,
than rabbits in the other group,
od zečeva iz druge skupine,
blood pressure and heart rate.
krvnog tlaka i srčanog pulsa.
less the province of philosophers,
manje domenom filozofa,
metaphorical meanings,
značenjima srca,
that even a century ago,
koje bi čak i prije jednog stoljeća
status in human culture,
ima u ljudskoj kulturi,
has been transformed
imbued with metaphor and meaning
uronjenog u metaforu i značenja,
manipulated and controlled.
rukovati i upravljati.
by attention to the emotional life
emocionalnom životu
was believed to contain.
da je smješten u srcu.
the Lifestyle Heart Trial,
ispitivanje načina života i srca
"The Lancet" in 1990.
"The Lancet" 1990. godine.
or severe coronary disease
ili ozbiljnom bolesti krvnih žila
pod uobičajenu njegu
that included a low-fat vegetarian diet,
uključivao vegetarijanstvo s malo masti,
that the lifestyle patients
pacijenata s takvim načinom života
in coronary plaque.
naslaga na krvnim žilama.
kontrolne skupine
coronary plaque at one year
nakon godinu dana
the rate of cardiac events,
pojava srčanih smetnji,
coronary bypass surgery
ugrađivanje žilnih premosnica
adopted diet and exercise plans
proveli su plan prehrane i vježbanja
as those in the intensive lifestyle group.
u skupini intenzivnog načina života.
nastavile su napredovati.
to facilitate coronary disease regression.
da omoguće povlačenje žilnih bolesti.
was more strongly correlated
puno jače povezanim
studies are small,
does not prove causation.
i uzročno-posljedičnu vezu.
leads to unhealthy habits,
vodi k nezdravim navikama,
for the increased cardiovascular risk.
rizik od krvožilnih bolesti.
of smoking and lung cancer,
pušenja s rakom pluća,
to explain a causal relationship,
uzročno-posljedičnu vezu,
that one probably exists.
da ona vjerojatno postoji.
is what I, too, have learned
što sam i sam naučio
as a heart specialist:
stručnjakom za srce:
with its biological counterpart
svojim biološkim kolegom
to conceptualize the heart as a machine.
pojmiti srce kao stroj.
has had great benefits.
scientific success stories
znanstvenih priča
coronary bypass surgery,
defibrilatori, operacije premosnice,
or invented after World War II.
su izumljene nakon 2. svjetskog rata.
of what scientific medicine can do
što znanstvena medicina može učiniti
of cardiovascular mortality
kardiovaskularne smrtnosti
in the past decade.
to which we have become accustomed.
brzinom na kakvu smo se navikli.
will need to be front and center
morat će biti u središtu pažnje
that is largely unexplored.
neistraženo područje.
still does not list emotional stress
nije uvrstilo emocionalni stres
for heart disease,
rizika za oboljenje srca,
is so much easier to lower
ublažiti razinu kolesterola u krvi
we say "a broken heart,"
o "slomljenom srcu",
about a real broken heart.
slomljenom srcu.
the power and importance of the emotions
snazi i važnosti emocija
Sandeep Jauhar - Physician, writerSandeep Jauhar is a practicing cardiologist passionate about communicating medicine in all its glorious, quirky, inescapable humanity.
Why you should listen
In addition to his medical practice, Dr. Sandeep Jauhar writes about medicine and its impacts on culture for a wide-ranging audience. He is a contributing opinion writer for the New York Times and has written three best-selling books.
His most recent book, Heart: A History (a finalist for the 2019 Wellcome Book prize), tells the little-known story of the doctors who risked their careers -- and the patients who risked their lives -- to understand our most vital organ. Weaving his own experiences with the defining discoveries of the past, Jauhar braids tales of breakthrough, hubris and sorrow to create a lucid chronicle of our life's most intimate chamber. The book also confronts the limits of medical technology, arguing that future progress will be determined more by how we choose to live rather than by any device we invent. Indeed, as the book explains, our emotional lives are absolutely key to our heart health. Jauhar is the Director of the Heart Failure Program at Northwell Health's Long Island Jewish Medical Center.
Sandeep Jauhar | Speaker |