Dylan Marron: Empathy is not endorsement
Dylan Marron: Empati bukan persetujuan
Dylan Marron takes complicated social issues and finds accessible ways to talk about them through interviews, short-form videos and satire. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
di internet.
with the territory of my work.
dari bidang pekerjaanku.
for the internet.
bermacam hal untuk internet.
a video series called "Every Single Word"
seri video berjudul "Setiap Kata".
spoken by people of color,
yang diucapkan non kulit putih,
talk about the issue of representation
untuk berbicara tentang isu representasi
toilet yang transfobik
around the United States,
di Amerika Serikat,
serangkaian wawancara
with Trans People"
dengan Orang Transgender"
yang kulakukan
tepuk tangan.
with those unboxing videos on YouTube
dengan video unboxing di YouTube
the latest electronic gadgets?
kotak alat elektronik terbaru?
in a weekly series,
dalam seri mingguan,
intangible ideologies
ideologi-ideologi abstrak
and the mistreatment of Native Americans.
dan ketidakadilan terhadap suku Indian.
Terima kasih
a ton of great press
banyak liputan bagus
on the internet
kesuksesan di internet adalah
and, of course, the ever-popular "cuck."
dan tentunya yang paling populer "cuck".
these terms down for you.
untuk kalian.
yang tak kenal kata itu,
untuk "pria beta".
memakai anting mutiara
is rich-white-woman-running-errands,
menjadi alfa.
for people who are sensitive
ejekan untuk orang sensitif
and an only child, so, duh!
anak tunggal, jadi, ya iyalah!
favorite is "cuck."
favoritku adalah "cuck".
kependekan dari "cuckold",
cheated on by their wives.
diselingkuhi istrinya.
aku ini begitu gay,
encourage her to cheat on me.
aku akan mendorongnya untuk selingkuh.
of this negativity in action.
negativitas ini beraksi.
yang menulis,
in a human being."
dalam bentuk manusia".
"gaywad fagggggg."
"homo banciiiii".
Donovan is not wrong, OK?
Donovan tidak salah, ok?
so credit where credit is due.
jadi, kerja bagus.
like Brian, who asked,
padaku, seperti Brian, yang bertanya,
just learn to be one over time?"
atau belajar jadi keparat seiring waktu?"
his finger must have slipped
jarinya mungkin salah tekan,
the thumbs-up emoji.
emoji jempol,
pesan-pesan ini pada saat ini.
untuk menertawakannya.
does not feel good to receive them.
enak untuk mendapatkan ujaran-ujaran itu.
their comments
komentar mereka
salah mereka,
and ultimately unhelpful.
akhirnya tak berguna.
an unexpected coping mechanism.
mekanisme cara mengatasi yang tak terduga.
were through social media,
yang kuterima ini dari media sosial,
of the person who sent them
foto profil si pengirim
di mana mereka ditandai,
meme yang mereka bagikan,
a human on the other side of the screen
manusia di sisi komputer yang lain
beberapa dari mereka --
kurasa aman dihubungi --
bicara adalah Josh.
that I was a moron,
orang bodoh,
was dividing itself,
ini terpecah,
that being gay was a sin.
bahwa menjadi gay adalah dosa.
for our first conversation.
percakapan pertama kami.
di komentar.
like muting or blocking.
fitur mute atau blokir.
I could have hung up on him.
bisa saja menutup telepon.
Dylan Marron: Josh, kau bilang
high school, right?
the H-E-double-hockey-stick word?
boleh mengatakannya.
even though it's only two weeks left.
meski hanya tersisa dua minggu lagi.
I don't like to use the word "fat,"
aku tak suka memakai kata "gendut"
than a lot of my classmates
lebar dari kebanyakan temanku
before they even got to know me.
sebelum mereka bahkan mengenalku.
to let you know, Josh,
memberitahumu, Josh,
of being bullied in high school
kami sama-sama ditindas di sekolah
divided country
yang terpecah secara politis
humanize us to each other
kami satu sama lain
and posts ever could?
gambar profil dan tulisan?
was from "my side."
kuterima berasal dari "pihakku".
a queer liberal artist like me
liberal LGBT sepertiku,
some of the worst aspects of liberalism,
menggambarkan aspek terburuk liberalisme,
didn't think that you would.
kukira kau tak akan melihatnya.
with a guy named Doug
pria bernama Doug
a talentless propaganda hack.
pecundang propaganda tak berbakat.
we just had --
about how you write online?
tentang caramu menulis di internet?
kukatakan ini padamu,
when I said this to you,
"pecundang tak berbakat"
with you in my life, really.
denganmu dalam hidupku.
apapun tentangmu.
really about you.
sections really are,
your anger at the world out
amarahmu pada dunia
of strangers, pretty much.
has made me rethink
membuatku memikirkan kembali
with people online.
orang di internet.
conversations and many others
percakapan ini dan juga dari yang lain
with People Who Hate Me."
Orang-Orang yang Membenciku".
to bring about change
membawa perubahan
sudut pandang berlawanan
video essays and comments and posts,
dan tulisan yang dirangkai dengan epik,
those were only cheered on
itu hanya didukung
memang sependapat denganku.
thing you could do --
yang bisa kau lakukan --
thing you could do
yang bisa kau lakukan
with the people you disagreed with,
orang yang bertentangan denganmu,
to tell me about themselves.
untuk memperkenalkan diri mereka.
that allows me to empathize with them.
untuk berempati dengan mereka.
these conversations off the ground,
percakapan ini berjalan sukses,
merasa sangat lemah
you profoundly disagree with.
yang sangat bertentangan denganmu.
a helpful mantra for myself.
berguna untuk diriku.
you profoundly disagree with
sangat bertentangan denganmu
your own deeply held beliefs
dengan keyakinan yang kau pegang teguh
keyakinan mereka.
believes that being gay is a sin
percaya bahwa menjadi gay adalah dosa
going to drop everything,
mengabaikan semuanya,
tiket ke neraka, kan?
my one-way ticket to hell, right?
to think very differently from me.
untuk berpikir berbeda dariku.
about something.
some people don't feel safe
orang tak merasa aman
pencela mereka
that they have any empathy to give.
merasa punya empati untuk diberikan.
well-suited to do.
kurasa cocok dilakukan.
to a lot of people for this podcast.
banyak orang untuk podcast ini.
menolak dengan sopan,
and ignored it,
pesanku dan mengabaikannya,
when I sent the invitation
saat kukirim undangan
will appear on the internet.
ini akan muncul di internet.
comment sections,
inevitably comes hate.
tak mau ada ujaran kebencian.
whatever you'd like.
apapun yang kalian suka.
a "snowflake," a "cuck," a "beta,"
"keping salju", "cuck", "beta",
dengan liberalisme".
aku mungkin memintamu berbicara.
I may ask you to talk.
or block me automatically
atau langsung memblokirku,
kalianlah keping saljunya.
Dylan Marron - Writer, performerDylan Marron takes complicated social issues and finds accessible ways to talk about them through interviews, short-form videos and satire.
Why you should listen
Dylan Marron is the host and producer of the Webby-winning podcast Conversations with People Who Hate Me, where he calls up folks who wrote him negative or hateful messages on the internet. Previously, Marron created Every Single Word, a video series that edits down popular films to only the words spoken by people of color as a way to tackle Hollywood's representation problem empirically. To address the anti-trans bathroom bills, he created and hosted Sitting in Bathrooms with Trans People to broadcast a missing element: mundane, funny conversations with trans folks in the very spot their presence was debated.
As he tells it: "The 2016 presidential election inspired me to satirize the popular unboxing genre where YouTubers open the latest electronic gadgets by instead unboxing intangible 'products' like Islamophobia, police brutality and masculinity. And because this work gained popularity on the internet, I received many negative messages which inspired me to start Conversations with People Who Hate Me, a podcast where I call up some of the folks who sent me those messages. In the end, I'm trying to turn the internet into a place where we can connect and learn, not divide."
Dylan Marron | Speaker | TED.com