Christiane Amanpour: How to seek truth in the era of fake news
Kristiāna Amanpora: Kā meklēt patiesību viltus ziņu laikmetā?
TV news legend Christiane Amanpour is known for her uncompromising approach to reporting and interviewing. Full bioChris Anderson - TED Curator
After a long career in journalism and publishing, Chris Anderson became the curator of the TED Conference in 2002 and has developed it as a platform for identifying and disseminating ideas worth spreading. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
great to have you here.
Kristiāna, prieks, ka esi šeit!
that in the last few years,
ka pēdējo gadu laikā
developments that you're seeing.
attīstības tendences.
to the earlier speakers,
Vien paklausoties iepriekšējos runātājus,
in what they've been saying:
cities, the threat to our environment
understanding the truth
runa ir par patiesības izpratni
of what we're talking about
jomā, par kuru runājam,
of the science on climate
with a handful of deniers,
ar saujiņu noliedzēju,
certainly this last year --
pavisam noteikti šis pēdējais gads,
in a way that's truly alarming
satraucošu priekšstatu par viltus ziņām,
to be thrown around.
between the truth and fake news,
patiesību no viltus ziņām,
difficult time trying to solve
ar ko saskaramies.
in this question of,
what is impartiality,
kas ir neitralitāte,
reporting the Balkan Wars 25 years ago.
galvenajiem ziņotājiem par Balkānu kariem.
cilvēktiesību pārkāpumiem, tu teici:
one simply cannot be neutral about,
vienkārši nevar ievērot neitralitāti,
aren't heeding that advice
nepietiekami ņem vērā?
objectivity is the golden rule.
ir žurnālistu zelta likums.
what objectivity means.
nesaprotam, ko objektivitāte nozīmē.
very young in my career,
violation, not just of human rights,
bija milzu pārkāpums –
tā bija etniskā tīrīšana un genocīds,
cleansing and genocide,
in the highest war crimes court
augstākā kara noziegumu tiesa.
what we were seeing
trying to tell one story.
vēstīt tikai vienu stāsta pusi.
was accused of siding with,
Sarajevas pilsoņu pusē,
who were being attacked
serbu kristiešu uzbrukumus.
accused of this.
kas ir objektivitāte.
that what people wanted
kas tas, ko cilvēki vēlas,
our democratically elected government's,
demokrātiski ievēlētās valdības,
vērtībām un principiem –
of human rights --
that all sides are equally guilty,
ka visas puses ir vienādi vainīgas,
of ethnic hatred,
etniskais naids,
slaughter and ethnically cleanse
noslaktēt un etniski iztīrīt otru pusi.
giving all sides an equal hearing
vienlīdzīgi uzklausīt visas puses,
pret visām pusēm,
or a factual equivalence.
morālu vai faktoloģisku vienlīdzību.
that crisis point
of international and humanitarian law,
starptautiskie un cilvēktiesību likumi,
what you're seeing,
in the fake news paradigm,
an accomplice to genocide.
these propaganda battles,
ir bijušas vienmēr,
the stand you took back then.
tu tolaik parādīji drosmi.
pilnīgi jauns veids,
of the free world,
in the entire world,
of the United States --
valsts visā pasaulē
country in the whole world,
in every which way --
politiski un visādi citādi –
its values and power around the world.
savas vērtības un varu visā pasaulē.
who only seek the truth --
kas meklē tikai patiesību, –
looking for the truth
patiesības meklējumos,
uz dažādām pasaules vietām,
in various parts of the world
about things that are vitally important
mūsu visu veselībai un drošībai.
accusing you of fake news,
tevi apsūdz viltus ziņu izplatīšanā,
tālākizplatīšanās efekts.
it starts to chip away
un, iespējams, domā:
and maybe they're thinking,
of the United States says that,
been critical of the media --
kritiski pret medijiem...
looking at the avalanche of information
skatoties uz informācijas lavīnu,
and Facebook and so forth,
Facebook un tā tālāk,
ir veselīgākas nekā jebkad agrāk.
than they've ever been.
will say what they'll say,
teiks to, ko viņi teiks,
ko viņi grib teikt."
what they will say.
Kādas papildus briesmas te varētu būt?
How is there an extra danger?"
upon which we get our information
platformu izplatīšanās
of truth and transparency
un dziļuma, un precizitātes izplatīšanos.
tehnoloģiju pretiniece.
the information superhighway,
par informācijas maģistrālēm,
and all the rest of it,
tvitera un visiem pārējiem,
into certain lanes and tunnels
on areas of their own interest
tikai pašu interešu lokam,
that with algorithms, with logarithms,
channels of information,
informācijas kanālos,
about this phenomenon.
the internet came,
our access to more democracy,
vairot pieeju demokrātijai,
is incredibly dangerous.
of this country and you say things,
un saki to vai šo,
undemocratic countries the cover
valstu vadītāju aizmuguri,
varētu vērsties pret mums
and their own journalists --
un pašu žurnālistiem
is what happened, though,
media that you worked in
kuros strādāji,
because they weren't credible,
jo tās nebija ticamas,
for publication and for amplification
un izplatīšanas standarti
excitement, click,
trauksmes radīšana, klikšķis,
is that part of what's caused the problem?
and we saw this in the election of 2016,
mēs to redzējām 2016. gada vēlēšanās,
was very sexy and very attractive,
ļoti seksīga un ļoti pievilcīga,
and fake news items
un viltus ziņas
and by happenstance being put out there,
in the creation of fake news
radīšanas nozare
in real space and in cyberspace.
gan realitātē, gan kibertelpā.
to proliferate this stuff
or light, just about --
such a massive amount of information
ar tik milzīgu informācijas daudzumu,
leads them to abide by the truth,
turēties pie patiesības,
and a code of professional ethics.
un profesionālās ētikas kodeksu.
people who work at Facebook
iespējams, pazīst cilvēkus,
vai Google, un tā tālāk.
with good intention --
ar labiem nolūkiem –
of those companies,
ar šo uzņēmumu vadītājiem,
incredibly well-intentioned,
ka viņu nolūki ir ļoti labi,
an unbelievable, game-changing system,
kas mainījusi spēles noteikumus,
on this thing called Facebook.
tajā Facebook brīnumā.
economy for themselves
milzu ekonomiku
to wake up and smell the coffee
un iedzert kafiju,
to us right now."
a global community.
grib izveidot globālu kopienu.
community going to look like?
kā šī globālā kopiena izskatīsies,
of conduct actually are.
kur ir tās uzvedības kodeksi.
he probably believed this --
viņš tam, iespējams, ticēja –
could be tinkering and messing around
niekoties un ķēpāties ar šo lietu.
in the last few weeks?
ir bijusi ievērojama problēma,
a major problem in that regard,
and figure it out.
un jāatrod risinājums.
what they can now
for a long, long time.
ļāva ritēt savu gaitu.
journalistic investigation --
žurnālistiska izpēte?
but somehow, you know --
bet nu kaut kā...
as a matter of warfare
to izmanto kā kaujas taktiku.
by other means, of hybrid warfare.
hibrīdkara lielmeistari.
where they've tried to interfere,
tur notiekošajās vēlēšanās,
right now, Emmanuel Macron,
Emanuels Makrons
and confronted it head on,
un vērsās pret to
from some of this, isn't there?
zināmu cerību, vai ne?
daudz kas saistīts arī ar tehnoloģiju,
of it is also about technology,
some kind of moral compass.
sava veida morālais kompass.
but you know what I mean.
bet jūs saprotat, ko domāju.
with a moral compass --
algoritms ar morālo kompasu.
morālā tehnoloģija.
moral technology.
CA: You know what I mean.
ar tik daudz cilvēkiem visā pasaulē.
with so many people across the world.
I don't know if others feel this --
nezinu, to izjūt arī citi –
what's happened recently,
kritis no pjedestāla."
bites the dust."
impressed by, inspired by?
the world in crisis,
immersed in this crisis --
pavada, iedziļinoties šajā krīzē,
of a nervous breakdown.
vacuum of leadership,
līderības vakuums,
I ask all these --
es jautāju par līderību.
I ask about leadership.
president of Liberia today,
ar aizejošo Libērijas prezidenti
heads of an African country
Āfrikas valstu vadītājiem,
after her prescribed term.
to do that as a lesson.
of certain names,
of the new French president,
when I say his name?"
dzirdot viņa vārdu.
leadership vacuum."
šī brīža līderības vakuumu."
an interview with him.
starptautiskā intervija, tā bija lieliska.
It was great. It was yesterday.
vajadzētu teikt publiski,
saying that in an open forum,
ka tā bija pirmā intervija,
it was his first interview,
and you know what?
lai atgrieztos sākumpunktā.
renowned for doing,
to answer the question.
I'm the listener.
es esmu klausītājs.
par nacionālismu un cilšu kopienām.
nationalism and tribalism here today.
to confront the prevailing winds
nacionālisma, populisma straumēm,
nationalism, populism
in the United States
vairāku Eiropas valstu vēlēšanās
in many European elections
on my continent,
just for political expediency,
politiskā izdevīguma dēļ
common denominator
in other political elections.
citās politiskajās vēlēšanās.
who is a very dangerous woman.
kas ir ļoti bīstama sieviete.
ar kurām vērts dalīties.
into the minds of everyone here,
varētu iedēstīt vienu ideju,
where you get your information from;
ar saviem informācijas avotiem.
for what you read, listen to and watch;
ko lasāt, klausāties un skatāties.
brands to get your main information,
iegūstat no uzticamiem zīmoliem,
a wide, eclectic intake,
ir plaša un eklektiska,
names that you know,
at this moment right now,
our problems are so severe,
un problēmas ir tik nopietnas,
as global citizens
visi kā pasaules pilsoņi,
empirical evidence and facts,
empīriskus pierādījumus un faktus,
going to be wandering along
pretim iespējamai katastrofai.
to Emmanuel Macron
pie Emanuela Makrona
enough love going around.
nav gana daudz mīlestības.
pastāsta par mīlestību.
is the subject of global obsession."
ir apsēsta ar Jūsu laulību.
Ko tā Jums nozīmē?"
vai vēlētam vadītājam par mīlestību.
or an elected leader about love.
he actually answered it.
she is part of me,
viņa ir daļa no manis,
to have somebody at home
It's all about the truth.
Vienmēr patiesība.
Idejas, ar kurām vērts dalīties.
Ideas worth spreading.
liels paldies, tas bija lieliski.
so much. That was great.
CH: That was really lovely.
K.A.: Tas patiešām bija jauki.
Christiane Amanpour - JournalistTV news legend Christiane Amanpour is known for her uncompromising approach to reporting and interviewing.
Why you should listen
Christiane Amanpour is CNN's chief international correspondent and anchor of the global a airs program "Amanpour," broadcast from the television network's London bureau. She's covered the most relevant conflicts of the last decades, exposing both the brutality and human cost of war and its geopolitical impacts. From the 1991 Gulf War to the siege of Sarajevo (the city later named her honorary citizen), from the 2003 American-led invasion of Iraq to the trial of Saddam Hussein the following year, Amanpour's fearless and uncompromising approach has made her popular with audiences, and a force to be reckoned with by global influencers.
During the Balkan wars, Amanpour famously broke with the idea of journalism neutrality by calling out human right abuses and saying that "there are some situations one simply cannot be neutral about, because when you are neutral you are an accomplice." Since her interview show "Amanpour" was launched in 2009, she's spoken to leaders and decision makers on the issues affecting the world today while continuing reporting from all over the world, including the 2010 earthquake in Haiti and the 2011 tsunami in Japan.
Christiane Amanpour | Speaker |
Chris Anderson - TED Curator
After a long career in journalism and publishing, Chris Anderson became the curator of the TED Conference in 2002 and has developed it as a platform for identifying and disseminating ideas worth spreading.
Why you should listen
Chris Anderson is the Curator of TED, a nonprofit devoted to sharing valuable ideas, primarily through the medium of 'TED Talks' -- short talks that are offered free online to a global audience.
Chris was born in a remote village in Pakistan in 1957. He spent his early years in India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, where his parents worked as medical missionaries, and he attended an American school in the Himalayas for his early education. After boarding school in Bath, England, he went on to Oxford University, graduating in 1978 with a degree in philosophy, politics and economics.
Chris then trained as a journalist, working in newspapers and radio, including two years producing a world news service in the Seychelles Islands.
Back in the UK in 1984, Chris was captivated by the personal computer revolution and became an editor at one of the UK's early computer magazines. A year later he founded Future Publishing with a $25,000 bank loan. The new company initially focused on specialist computer publications but eventually expanded into other areas such as cycling, music, video games, technology and design, doubling in size every year for seven years. In 1994, Chris moved to the United States where he built Imagine Media, publisher of Business 2.0 magazine and creator of the popular video game users website IGN. Chris eventually merged Imagine and Future, taking the combined entity public in London in 1999, under the Future name. At its peak, it published 150 magazines and websites and employed 2,000 people.
This success allowed Chris to create a private nonprofit organization, the Sapling Foundation, with the hope of finding new ways to tackle tough global issues through media, technology, entrepreneurship and, most of all, ideas. In 2001, the foundation acquired the TED Conference, then an annual meeting of luminaries in the fields of Technology, Entertainment and Design held in Monterey, California, and Chris left Future to work full time on TED.
He expanded the conference's remit to cover all topics, including science, business and key global issues, while adding a Fellows program, which now has some 300 alumni, and the TED Prize, which grants its recipients "one wish to change the world." The TED stage has become a place for thinkers and doers from all fields to share their ideas and their work, capturing imaginations, sparking conversation and encouraging discovery along the way.
In 2006, TED experimented with posting some of its talks on the Internet. Their viral success encouraged Chris to begin positioning the organization as a global media initiative devoted to 'ideas worth spreading,' part of a new era of information dissemination using the power of online video. In June 2015, the organization posted its 2,000th talk online. The talks are free to view, and they have been translated into more than 100 languages with the help of volunteers from around the world. Viewership has grown to approximately one billion views per year.
Continuing a strategy of 'radical openness,' in 2009 Chris introduced the TEDx initiative, allowing free licenses to local organizers who wished to organize their own TED-like events. More than 8,000 such events have been held, generating an archive of 60,000 TEDx talks. And three years later, the TED-Ed program was launched, offering free educational videos and tools to students and teachers.
Chris Anderson | Speaker |