James Veitch: This is what happens when you reply to spam email
Жеймс Вийч: Спам цахим шууданд хариу бичвэл юу болох вэ?
For James Veitch, a British writer and comedian with a mischievous side, spam emails proved the perfect opening to have some fun, playing the scammers at their own game. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
to get through my spam filter.
but it turned up in my inbox,
орчихсон байсан.
called Solomon Odonkoh.
залуугаас ирсэн байлаа.
I want to share with you, Solomon."
бизнес санал байна. Соломоноос."
on the delete button, right?
гараа явуулж байлаа.
I thought, I could just delete this.
устгачихаж болно гэж бодсон.
we've all always wanted to do.
хүсдэг зүйлийг хийж болох юм байна.
миний сонирхлыг их татаж байна."
Your email intrigues me."
We shall be shipping Gold to you."
бид танд алт илгээх болно."
of any gold you distributes."
харьцаж байгаагаа ойлгосон.
with a professional.
гэж би асуулаа.
with smaller quantity," --
going to do it, let's go big.
хийх юм бол томоор хийе.
How much gold do you have?"
Чамд хэр их алт байна?" гэлээ.
of how much gold I have,
your capability of handling.
as trial shipment."
at least a metric ton."
ерөнхий менежер гэв.
executive bank manager."
I've shipped bullion, my friend,
байгаа хэрэг биш, найз минь.
via the postal service,
to convince my company
алт илгээхийг ятгахад
with you on this one.
to take into the board meeting.
танилцуулах үзүүлэн бэлтгэж байна.
any statisticians in the house,
байгаа эсэхийг мэдэхгүй ч
you'll find a helpful chart.
хүснэгтийг явууллаа.
run the numbers.
as much gold as possible."
хүлээн авахдаа бэлэн" гэсэн.
to tug your heartstrings,
байдаг шүү дээ.
би маш их баярлана.
if the deal goes well,
a very good commission as well."
юунд зарцуулах вэ?" гэхэд тэр:
What are you going to spend your cut on?"
what about you?"
30 different varieties.
and you can dip them.
my golden nugget, bonsoir."
this had been going for, like, weeks,
үргэлжилснийг санах хэрэгтэй.
гайхалтай өдрүүд байсан,
weeks of my life,
do you want to come for a drink?"
хүлээж байна" гэнэ.
an email about some gold."
to knock it on the head.
to a ridiculous conclusion.
талаар санаа зовж байна.
I'm concerned about security.
coming up with this code
кодыг зохиосон учир
in all further correspondence:
Зарга: Самартай M&M
Claim: Peanut M&Ms.
гэдгийг би мэдэж байсан.
they use, right?
in all further correspondence."
гэж дуудаарай" гэв.
I thought, I've gone too far.
хэтрүүлчихэж гэж бодсон.
So I had to backpedal a little.
жоохон буцах хэрэгтэй болсон.
and I am trying to blah blah blah ..."
Би хичээж байна гэхчилэн ярихад нь
I've ever received.
захиа ирсэн юм.
turned up in my inbox.
Ийм захидал ирсэн.
for the Gummy Bear --
хэмжээг ихэсгэх гэж хичээж байна.
Fizzy Cola Bottle Jelly Beans
цэлцэгнүүр чихрийг
as much time as could
захианд аль болох
scam emails as I could?
replying to scam emails.
солиормоор зүйлс болдог.
who do mean things to scammers.
олон хүн байдаг.
үрж байна.
they're spending with me
scamming vulnerable adults
and I highly recommend you do --
and it was a nightmare.
хар дарсан зүүд л болгосон.
and have a thousand emails
бэлэг эрхтэн томруулагчийн тухай
was a legitimate response --
шинжлэх ухаанч асуултанд
any day is a good day
that begins like this:
имейл ирсэн бол шүү дээ.
this is a letter of authorization.
Баталгаажуулсан баримт байна.
written on it, it's just a shape!
үүн дээр юу ч бичээгүй зүгээр л дүрс.
I'm really sorry to hear of this.
нас барсан болохоор
as fairly serious."
ноцтой гэж бодож байна.
you can have, not being alive.
амьд биш байх.
No woman, no cry" гэсэн.
шилжүүлэг хэрэгтэй. Нэг хайр."
James Veitch - Comedian and writerFor James Veitch, a British writer and comedian with a mischievous side, spam emails proved the perfect opening to have some fun, playing the scammers at their own game.
Why you should listen
Packed full of Nigerian princes, can't miss investment opportunities and eligible Russian brides, James Veitch's correspondence with email spammers leads to surprising, bizarre and usually hilarious results. Out of this experiment came his first book, Dot Con. In 2014, his first solo comedy show The Fundamental Interconnectedness of Everyone with an Internet Connection, premiered at the Edinburgh Fringe to wide acclaim. His second show, Genius Bar, focussed on his time working for Apple, chronicles his attempts to fix his relationship using the same troubleshooting techniques he’d been using to fix iMacs, iPhones and iPods. He is currently writing his third show and preparing to tour the UK.
He lives in London with his full body pillow.
James Veitch | Speaker | TED.com