Michael Botticelli: Addiction is a disease. We should treat it like one
Майкл Боттисели: Донтолтыг бид өвчин гэж үзэн, адилаар эмчлэх хэрэгтэй
As Director of National Drug Control Policy, Michael Botticelli led the Obama Administration’s drug policy efforts to diminish the consequences of substance use through evidence-based prevention, treatment and recovery support services. Full bio
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I was a broken man.
ядарсан эр байлаа.
to tell that if you met me.
тэс өөрөөр бодох байсан байх.
academic institution.
riddled with addiction,
өртсөн гэр бүлд өссөн.
with my own sexuality.
гэж хичээдэг байсан.
of isolation and insecurities.
дэврээж байв.
my way through college.
in the early 1980s,
бэлгийн чиг баримжаагаа
to meet other gay people,
ганц газар нь гей бар байв.
my disease progressed undiagnosed.
оношлогдолгүй явсан.
and places and things
хэзээ ч үл сонгох
an intersection with the law
has been filled with love and with joy,
аз жаргалаар дүүрэн байсан ч
friends and family to this disease.
болж би найз нөхөд гэр бүлээ алдсан.
heartbreaking stories
loved ones to addiction.
countless friends to HIV and AIDS.
олон найзаа ч алдсан.
and the AIDS epidemic
тархалт харамсалтай нь бидний
of the greatest health crises of our time.
мэндийн хямралын дунд үед байна.
бодисны хэтрүүлэн хэрэглэлт
with prescription drugs and heroin.
нас барсан байна.
were dying from HIV and AIDS.
болж маш олон хүмүүс үхсэн байдаг.
юу ч хэлдэггүй.
with our current epidemic.
энэхүү тархцад ижил тал байгаа.
the innocent victims from the rest of us.
холдуулахыг хүссэн.
гэж би айж байлаа.
blaming us for being sick.
буруутгаж байв.
by stigma and fear,
жигшүүр, тэр ч байтугай
research, recovery and treatment.
дэнчин тавьж байв.
шаналалаас бид
хөдөлгөөнийг олж харсан.
эхлэх шалтгаан болсон.
the LGBT movement.
үйл ажиллагаанд хүргэсэн.
in a battle for our lives
and we made things happen.
өвчний тархалт
in our lifetime.
болж байна.
to their friends, to their families
илэн далангүй нээсэн нь
for the Names Project.
дурын ажилтан байлаа.
by Cleve Jones in San Francisco
the AIDS memorial quilt
дурсгалын хэлхээнүүдийг
on a brilliant day in October, 1988.
Үндэсний моллд задалж байснаа санаж байна.
down the ban on same-sex marriage.
хориг тавьсан шийдвэр цуцлагдсан.
to the steps of the Supreme Court
гадаах шатан дээр
with so many other people,
алхаж байхдаа
how far we came around LGBT rights
ирснээ, мөн донтолт өвчнийг
around issues of addiction.
хэр хол явах хэрэгтэйгээ бодсоор байсан.
by President Obama
Мансууруулах Бодисны
and about the fact that I was a gay man.
гей гэдгээ нээлттэй илэрхийлж байсан.
my confirmation process --
come to bear on my candidacy
огт нөлөөлөөгүй.
said that there was no way
by the United States Senate
хэзээ ч чадахгүй гэсэн.
in recovery for over 20 years,
of knowledge around addiction.
мэдлэг хэрэгтэй ч тэр.
энэ бол мансууруулах
substance use disorders
coming out as a gay man
донтолттой нүүр тулсан түүхээс
with a history of addiction.
илүү амар гэдгийг хэлэх хэрэгтэй.
is affected by addiction.
донтолтод нэрвэгдсэн.
it's not talked about openly and honestly.
нээлттэй, шударга журмаар хэлэлцдэггүй.
time and time again, on TV, online,
байнга зурагт, интернэт,
and we hear it from family and friends.
найзуудаасаа сонсдог.
we hear those voices,
less deserving of care and treatment.
эрхгүй гэж бодох ч бий.
only one in nine people
эмчилгээ авч байна.
get care and treatment.
эмчилгээн хамрагддаг.
чи эмчлүүлнэ.
and you get referred to care.
халамжинд орно.
have to wait for treatment
гэж хүлээх хэрэгтэй болдог.
тусламж авч чаддаггүй.
has significant, dire consequences.
аймшигтай үр дагавруудтай.
that means death or incarceration.
эсвэл шоронгоор дуусдаг.
out of this problem.
and that people develop.
харуулж байна.
has taken a different tack on drug policy.
бодлогод өөр чиг тавьсан.
a comprehensive plan
эмчилгээг өргөжүүлэх,
treatment services,
арга хэмжээний талаар
засаж найруулсан.
to give people second chances.
хаалтыг нураасан.
officials working hand in hand
байдлын ажилчид
ажиллаж буйг бид харсан.
guiding people to treatment
шоронд хорих биш харин
and other first responders
to give people a second chance for care.
өгөх гэж налоксон өгч байгааг харсан.
is the biggest expansion
мансууруулах бодис
treatment in a generation,
үндсэн халамжийн үйлчилгээний
of treatment services within primary care.
all of this work is not enough.
that we view people with addiction
болон хохирч буй хүмүүсийг
энэ бүгд хангалтгүй.
understood that I had a problem
ухаарч, хэдий надад тусламж
I was stupid, that I was weak-willed,
ёс суртахуунгүй гэж бодох вий
because I want to make change.
өөрийн сэргээн заслын тухай ярьдаг.
and candid about who we are
нээлттэй хэлээсэй
to change public opinion,
үйл явцыг өөрчлөх гэж,
and empower the millions of Americans
about who they are.
to change public opinion
who has an addiction,
ядаж нэг хүн таньдаг.
with addiction in the United States.
хийж чадах зүйлээ хийхэд л болно.
someone with an addiction,
хэн нэгнийг харвал
or an addict or an abuser --
гэж битгий бодоорой.
in the United States
people with addiction.
get care when they need it,
эмчилгээ авч чаддаг
unstoppable movement
эмчилгээнд хамруулж,
enter recovery,
Michael Botticelli - Drug policy expertAs Director of National Drug Control Policy, Michael Botticelli led the Obama Administration’s drug policy efforts to diminish the consequences of substance use through evidence-based prevention, treatment and recovery support services.
Why you should listen
Michael Botticelli was sworn in as Director of National Drug Control Policy at the White House on February 11, 2015, after being unanimously confirmed by the Senate. He joined the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) as Deputy Director in November 2012 and later served as Acting Director. He is currently the Executive Director of the Grayken Center for Addiction Medicine at Boston Medical Center and also a Distinguished Policy Scholar at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore.
As Director of National Drug Control Policy, Botticelli led the Obama Administration's drug policy efforts, which are based on a balanced public health and public safety approach. The Administration advanced historic drug policy reforms and innovations in prevention, criminal justice, treatment and recovery.
In response to the national opioid epidemic, Botticelli coordinated actions across the Federal government to reduce prescription drug abuse, heroin use and related overdoses. These include supporting community-based prevention efforts; educating prescribers and the public about preventing prescription drug abuse; expanding use of the life-saving overdose-reversal drug naloxone by law enforcement and other first responders; and increasing access to medication-assisted treatment and recovery support services to help individuals sustain their recovery from opioid use disorders.
Botticelli has more than two decades of experience supporting Americans affected by substance use disorders. Prior to joining ONDCP, he served as Director of the Bureau of Substance Abuse Services at the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, where he successfully expanded innovative and nationally recognized prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery services for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. He also forged strong partnerships with local, state and Federal law enforcement agencies; state and local health and human service agencies; and stakeholder groups to guide and implement evidence-based programs.
Botticelli has served in a variety of leadership roles for the National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors. He was a member of the Advisory Committee for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's Center for Substance Abuse Prevention and the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention. He has also co-authored many peer-reviewed articles that have significantly contributed to the field.
Born in Upstate New York, Botticelli holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Siena College and a Master of Education degree from St. Lawrence University. He is also in long-term recovery from a substance use disorder, celebrating more than 28 years of recovery.
Michael Botticelli | Speaker | TED.com