Wendy Troxel: Why school should start later for teens
Wendy Troxel: De ce ar trebui să înceapă şcoala mai târziu pentru adolescenţi
Wendy Troxel specializes in behavioral treatments for insomnia and other sleep disorders. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
is fast asleep in his bed,
doarme adânc în patul său,
deep sleep of a teenager.
adânc al unui adolescent.
shake the poor boy awake,
pe săracul băiat ca să-l trezesc,
like ripping off a Band-Aid,
la fel cum smulgi un plasture,
just to rouse her sleeping teen.
doar ca să-și trezească fiul adormit.
on her son's head
cu apă rece pe capul fiului ei
pierderii somnului.
of the sleep he desperately needs
de somnul de care are atâta nevoie
biological clock tells him he's ready,
biologic să-i spună că e gata,
of his dreams --
with learning, memory consolidation
cu învăţatul, consolidarea memoriei
that's being deprived of sleep.
cel care e privat de somn.
American teenagers is an epidemic.
americani este o epidemie.
the eight to 10 hours of sleep per night
de la opt până la zece ore pe noapte
and pediatricians.
în somn şi pediatrii,
my kid's getting eight hours,"
copilul nostru doarme opt ore,"
the minimum recommendation.
getting a C on your report card.
contributing to this epidemic,
contribuie la această epidemie,
from getting the sleep they need
pe adolescenţi să doarmă cât au nevoie
de interes public.
sau Snapchat-ul.
around 7:30am or earlier,
sau mai devreme,
medical organizations recommend
importante recomandă
start no earlier than 8:30am.
mai devreme de 8:30.
have a direct effect on how much --
un efect direct asupra a cât de mult --
American teenagers are getting.
somn au parte elevii americani.
teenagers and their parents
pe adolescenţi şi părinţii lor
against their own bodies.
împotriva propriilor organisme.
in their biological clock,
a ceasului lor biologic,
and when we feel most sleepy.
şi când se simt cei mai adormiţi.
in the release of the hormone melatonin.
de o schimbare a secreţiei de melatonină.
melatonin until around 11pm,
secreţia melatoninei în jurul orei 11 pm,
we see in adults or younger children.
la adulţi sau copiii mai mici.
at 6am is the biological equivalent
la 6 am este echivalentul biologic
when I have to wake up at 4am,
trebuie să mă trezesc la 4 am,
să conduc o maşină.
teenagers feel every single school day.
americani în fiecare zi de şcoală.
that we chalk up to being a teenager --
pe care le atribuim adolescenţei --
laziness, depression --
lenea, depresia --
of chronic sleep deprivation.
lipsei cronice de somn.
battling chronic sleep loss,
cu lipsa cronică de somn,
is consuming large quantities of caffeine
în consumul unor cantităţi mari de cafeină
şi shot-urilor.
of tired but wired youth.
de tineri obosiţi, dar agitaţi.
start times know
ce nu ne privează de somn ştiu
of dramatic brain development,
a dezvoltării masive a creierului,
higher order thinking processes,
ce necesită o gândire aprofundată,
and good judgment.
rezolvarea problemelor şi judecata bună.
of brain activity that's responsible
care este responsabilă
and often risky behaviors
comportamente impulsive şi adesea riscante
to us parents of teenagers.
pentru noi, părinţii adolescenţilor.
get the sleep they need,
and behaviors suffer
şi comportamentul au de suferit,
cât şi de lungă durată.
behavioral signs that mimic ADHD.
comportamentul lor care imită ADHD-ul.
go well beyond the classroom,
adolescenţă au efecte dincolo de şcoală,
of the mental health problems
la multe probleme mentale
Din experienţa noastră
from LA Unified School District,
LA Unified School District, am descoperit
probleme cu somnul
to have used alcohol in the past month.
folosirea alcoolului în ultima lună.
30,000 high school students,
de 30 000 de liceeni,
for each hour of lost sleep,
fiecare oră de somn pierdută,
in feeling sad or hopeless,
a sentimentelor de tristeţe şi deznădejde
in teen suicide attempts.
a încercărilor de sinucidere.
are at increased risk
peste somn au un risc mai mare
that plague our country,
fizică care invadează ţara noastră,
heart disease and diabetes.
afecţiuni cardiace şi diabet.
of putting a sleep-deprived teen,
pe un adolescent adormit
or less of sleep per night
sau mai puţin pe noapte este echivalentul
alcohol content above the legal limit.
în sânge mai mare decât limita legală.
of later start times.
în a începe la o oră mai târzie.
with that kind of certainty.
cu atât de multă certitudine.
with later start times get more sleep.
care încep mai târziu dorm mai mult.
that if schools start later,
că dacă şcolile încep mai târziu,
să fie prezenţi la şcoală;
by 25 percent in one district.
cu 25% într-un cartier.
să renunţe la şcoală.
they do better academically.
au rezultate academice mai bune.
for reducing the achievement gap.
pentru reducerea golurilor şcolare.
in math and reading
standardizate la matematică
două până la trei procente.
by one-third fewer students,
numărului de studenţi cu o treime,
in the classroom
aşa şi aşa dintr-o clasă
şi fizică se îmbunătăţeşte,
more pleasantness from our teens,
plăcut din partea adolescenţilor noştri,
de maşină scade --
failed to heed this call?
să acordăm atenţie acestui apel?
start times goes something like this:
orelor mai târziu e ceva de genul:
orelor pentru adolescenți?
start times for teenagers?
so they're ready for the real world!"
to the parent of a two-year-old,
unui copil de doi ani,
many logistical challenges.
de asemenea, multe provocări logistice.
that come up in district after district,
care apar în fiecare cartier,
we have to work through.
pe care trebuie să le rezolvăm.
for our children,
lucrul corect pentru copiii noştri,
no earlier than 8:30am.
să înceapă nu mai devreme de 8:30 am.
who have made this change,
care au făcut această schimbare,
are often unfounded
sunt adesea nefondate
benefits for student health
pentru sănătatea studenţilor
to set our clocks back by an hour
ceasurile cu o oră în urmă
extra hour of sleep,
savuroasă de somn extra,
uimitoare a somnului.
to wake up naturally,
să se trezească natural,
Wendy Troxel - Sleep researcherWendy Troxel specializes in behavioral treatments for insomnia and other sleep disorders.
Why you should listen
Dr. Wendy Troxel is a Senior Behavioral and Social Scientist at RAND and Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology at the University of Pittsburgh. She is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in behavioral treatments for insomnia and other sleep disorders across the lifespan. Her research is funded by the National Heart Lung Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Defense. Troxel's research focuses on the interface between sleep, social environment and health, as well as the implications for public policy. She is considered the leading authority on how sleep affects and is affected by close relationships.
Troxel has received several awards and honors for her research from national and international scientific societies, and her work has been published in top-tier medical and psychological journals. Her research has been widely cited in the national and international media, including print and television interviews on CBS Sunday Morning, Good Morning America, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, MSNBC and CNN, and she has a regular blog on Huffington Post. Her research on sleep was also featured in two best-selling books: Arianna Huffington's Sleep Revolution and David Randall's Dreamland, and she was a featured expert in the National Geographic documentary Sleepless in America. She has published several highly influential RAND reports on sleep loss in the US military and the global economic implications of sleep loss. She recently was one of the co-organizers and presenters at the first-ever national conference on Adolescent Sleep, Health, and School Start Times, and she will serve as guest editor on an upcoming special issue in the journal Sleep Health on adolescent sleep and school start times.
Wendy Troxel | Speaker | TED.com