Tara Houska: The Standing Rock resistance and our fight for indigenous rights
Tara Houska: Vzdor Standing Rock a náš boj za práva domorodcov
Tara Houska is an attorney who fights for indigenous rights and justice. Full bio
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my Native name is Zhaabowekwe.
moje domorodé meno je Zhaabowekwe.
môj klan je Medveď.
my clan is bear.
(pod mesiacom javorovej miazgy).]
Couchiching First Nation,
z Couchiching First Nation,
in International Falls, Minnesota,
v meste International Falls, Minnesota
has trickled through the generations.
sa prenáša cez generácie.
of isolation, of invisibility,
izolácie, neviditeľnosti
of who we are today.
chápaniu toho, kto sme teraz.
of Indians in headdresses
Indiánov s čelenkami,
somewhere you never heard of,
na verande v nejakom zapadákove,
and casino money.
a peňazí z kasína.
to be in these shoes,
of genocide survival, of genocide.
genocídy ako takej.
of unteaching the accepted narrative.
tej akceptovanej povesti.
children's textbooks, to Native Americans
a detských knihách o Indiánoch
mention more than a single tribe,
zmieňuje o viac než jednom kmeni
mention the boarding-school era,
éru internátnych škôl,
for my grandmother
že z mojej babky
and culture beaten out of them.
prevalcovať vaše práva.
do Washingtonu, DC.
and I was there to be a tribal attorney
a bola som tam ako kmeňová advokátka
representing on the Hill,
po celej krajine,
na rasistických vyobrazeniach záleží.
why racist imagery matters.
football season, of all times.
futbalovej sezóny.
of Indian heads
indiánskych hláv
for funding for schools,
a za financovanie pre školy,
of managing our own affairs.
manažovať si vlastné záležitosti.
prevalcovať vaše práva.
to Standing Rock Sioux Reservation.
do rezervácie Standing Rock Sioux.
2,000 miles from Cannonball, North Dakota
2 000 míľ z Cannonball v Severnej Dakote
with a message for President Obama:
so správou pre prezidenta Obamu:
of people around the world.
first and worst by climate change.
ovplyvnení klimatickými zmenami.
by the fossil-fuel industry.
priemyslom fosílneho paliva.
climate change refugees exist.
utečenci klimatických zmien.
from rising sea levels.
stúpajúcou hladinou oceánov.
comes a slew of human costs
hromada ľudských nákladov,
to build these pipelines,
na vybudovanie týchto potrubí,
and violence with them.
obchodovaním s ľuďmi.
indigenous women in Canada
domorodých žien v Kanade
it's spawned a movement
že odštartoval hnutie
who have disappeared,
we don't even track that.
the United States Supreme Court,
Najvyšší súd Spojených štátov,
to prosecute at the same rate
trestať v rovnakých medziach,
onto a reservation and rape someone
do rezervácie a niekoho znásilniť,
as everywhere else,
these cases 40 percent of the time.
odmietne tieto prípady.
are raped in her lifetime.
žien je v živote znásilnená.
you could feel the energy in the air.
mohli cítiť energiu vo vzduchu.
in front of the machines
to stand with us from around the world.
z celého sveta, aby sa k nám pridali.
to stand together, united as one.
držať spolu, ako jeden celok.
by police officers shooting at them,
domorodcov na koňoch a strieľa na nich,
when I was arrested.
do psej klietky, keď ma zatkli.
of being put into a dog kennel.
keď vás dajú do psej klietky.
with all these people,
klietke so všetkými týmito ľuďmi
are there and we're there,
We're going to act like dogs.
Budeme sa správať ako psy.
playing out in front of us,
ktoré pre sebou vidíme,
pushed off of Native lands again in 2017.
vyháňajú z domova v roku 2017.
a line of hundreds of police officers
zoči voči línii stoviek policajtov,
ktorí nás vyháňali z domorodých krajín,
off indigenous lands,
out on horseback across the plains.
of buffalo towards us,
"Please turn, please turn."
„Prosíme, otočte sa. Prosíme, otočte sa.“
come towards us,
amazing moment of remembrance.
úžasný moment spomienky.
We were so empowered.
Boli sme takí silní.
who had, on one day --
ktorá jedného dňa,
had told the courts --
povedala súdom,–
the direct path of the pipeline."
ktorá stojí v ceste potrubiu.“
in its construction,
o 25 míľ počas stavby,
the people in camp rushed up to stop this,
sa ponáhľali, aby to zastavili,
wielding attack dogs in [2016].
používali útočných psov v roku [2016].
by one of these dogs,
jedným zo psov na prsníku
in another resistance camp,
s potrubím v domovoch mojich ľudí,
in my people's homelands,
900 000 barelov dechtového piesku
of tar sands per day
to the shore of Lake Superior
až po breh jazera Superior
territories along the way.
and we're all out there standing together,
a mi všetci tam držíme spolu,
how to reconnect to the earth,
ako sa znova spojiť so zemou,
comes from somewhere.
ktorú pijete, odniekadiaľ pochádza.
in our medicines, in our lives,
v našich liekoch, v našich životoch,
in the United States.
kultúry v Spojených štátoch.
hidden in plain sight.
skryté bežnému pohľadu.
when they came in.
keď prišli.
when you stand together.
keď držíte spolu.
that we have when we stand together,
ktorú máme, keď držíme pokope,
people having this power,
ktorých si viete predstaviť,
you can possibly imagine
hundreds of millions of dollars,
on the banks behind these projects,
sa na banky stojace za týmito projektami,
we've cost them so far,
and forgotten people?
a zabudnutých ľudí?
Formuje spôsob, akým vzdelávame.
It shapes the way we teach.
and modern Native people
a o moderných Indiánov
are appropriating their budgets,
upravujú finančný rozpočet,
treaty obligations?
„Spĺňate zmluvné záväzky?“
since the day they were signed.
od prvého dňa, keď boli podpísané.
if treaties were actually upheld.
pokiaľ by boli dodržané zmluvy.
where, in 2017,
kde v roku 2017,
as the supreme law of the land, right?
za najvyšší zákon zeme, však?
tak som šialená.
treaty rights, I'm crazy.
your representative officials
are under the age of 24.
in the United States.
demografická skupina v Spojených štátoch.
we are medicine women,
sme nosiči potrubí,
Tara Houska - Tribal attorney and advocateTara Houska is an attorney who fights for indigenous rights and justice.
Why you should listen
Tara Houska (Couchiching First Nation) is a tribal attorney based in Washington, D.C., the National Campaigns Director of Honor the Earth and a former advisor on Native American affairs to Bernie Sanders. She advocates on behalf of tribal nations at the local and federal levels on a range of issues impacting indigenous peoples. She recently spent six months living and working in North Dakota fighting the Dakota Access Pipeline. She is a co-founder of Not Your Mascots, a nonprofit committed to educating the public about the harms of stereotyping and promoting positive representation of Native Americans in the public sphere.
Tara Houska | Speaker | TED.com