Yuval Noah Harari: Nationalism vs. globalism: the new political divide
Yuval Noah Harari: Nacionalizmus vs. globalizmus: nové politické rozdelenie
In his book "Homo Deus," Yuval Noah Harari explores the future of humankind: the destinies we may set for ourselves and the quests we'll undertake. Full bioChris Anderson - TED Curator
After a long career in journalism and publishing, Chris Anderson became the curator of the TED Conference in 2002 and has developed it as a platform for identifying and disseminating ideas worth spreading. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
Welcome to this TED Dialogues.
Dobrý deň. Vitajte na Dialógoch TED.
that's going to be done
political upheaval.
the growing divisiveness in this country
rastúcou rozdelenosťou
a different kind of conversation,
on reason, listening, on understanding,
počúvaní, pochopení
in these TED Dialogues,
v Dialógoch TED,
s väčším nadšením.
pretty much like no one else
než ktokoľvek iný
with underlying ideas
your breath away.
this book, "Sapiens."
túto knihu, Sapiens.
nedokázal som prestať.
think differently --
nútiacich vás uvažovať inak,
in the US next week.
budúci týždeň.
of the next hundred years.
quite alarming.
pre niektorých značne alarmujúce.
someone better to help
nikoho povolanejšieho, aby nám pomohol
is happening in the world right now.
to Yuval Noah Harari.
Yuval Noah Harari
on Facebook and around the Web.
na Facebooku a inde na webe.
asking questions of Yuval,
the political scandal du jour,
politických škandáloch,
of: Where are we heading?
tomu, kam smerujeme.
there's a new president in power,
nový prezident pri moci
na celom svete.
by telling stories.
rozprávaním príbehov.
and very attractive story
a príťažlivý príbeh
oh, what's happening is
will create paradise on Earth,
globalizing the economy
globalizovať ekonómiu
even of the Western world,
dokonca i západného,
it doesn't matter.
na tom nezáleží.
you don't understand what's happening.
nerozumiete, čo sa deje.
was actually a very effective story.
bol vlastne veľmi účinný.
than from eating too little,
než kvôli tomu, že je primálo,
than from infectious diseases,
než na infekčné choroby
than are killed by crime and terrorism
v dôsledku zločinu, terorizmu
your own worst enemy.
najväčším nepriateľom vy sám.
to be killed by yourself --
kto vás najpravdepodobnejšie zabije.
very good news, compared --
v porovnaní s...
that we saw in previous eras.
ktorú sme videli v predošlých obdobiach.
of connecting the world
kind of feeling left out,
sa cíti akosi vynechaná
through the whole system.
of what's happened?
ako si vysvetľujete, čo sa deje?
that people thought of politics,
ľudia mysleli o politike,
has been blown up and replaced.
bol rozprášený a nahradený.
political model of left versus right
z 20. storočia – pravica proti ľavici –
is between global and national,
medzi globálnym a národným,
new political models
celkom nové politické modely
of thinking about politics.
premýšľania o politike.
is that we now have global ecology,
že teraz máme globálnu ekológiu,
but we have national politics,
ale máme národné politiky
system ineffective,
je kvôli tomu neefektívny,
over the forces that shape our life.
ktoré tvarujú náš život.
to this imbalance:
v podstate dve riešenia:
and turn it back into a national economy,
a zmeníme ju späť na národnú,
many liberals out there
sú medzi nimi mnohí liberáli,
as kind of irredeemably bad,
niečo nenapraviteľne zlé,
or political philosophy in there
príbeh alebo politickú filozofiu,
feeling or idea
something is broken there.
je niečo pokazené.
the ordinary person anymore.
about the ordinary person anymore,
of the political disease is correct.
chorej politiky správna.
I am far less certain.
som si oveľa menej istý.
is the immediate human reaction:
je okamžitá ľudská reakcia:
in the political system today,
of where humankind is going.
kam ľudstvo smeruje.
you see retrograde vision:
in the '50s, in the '80s, sometime,
v 50., v 80. rokoch,
a hundred years after Lenin,
to the Tsarist empire.
of the present is:
politickou víziou:
sometime in the past we've lost it,
niekedy v minulosti sme to pokazili
you've lost your way in the city,
v meste a poviete si:
to the point where I felt secure
kde sme sa cítili bezpečne,
this is their gut instinct.
appealing slogan in many ways.
v mnohých ohľadoch príťažlivý slogan.
a very noble thing.
veľmi ušľachtilé.
in promoting cooperation
organized in countries,
usporiadaný do krajín,
even thousands of years,
too much on the bad.
príliš sústreďovať na to zlé.
many positive things about patriotism,
veľa pozitívneho.
a large number of people
the Yellow River in China --
for survival and for prosperity,
záviseli od rieky,
from periodical floods
pravidelnými záplavami
anything about it,
naozaj nič urobiť,
just a tiny section of the river.
iba drobný úsek rieky.
and complicated process,
to form the Chinese nation,
a vytvorili Čínsky národ,
hundreds of thousands of people together
and regulate the river
rieku tak regulovali,
of prosperity for everybody.
around the world.
mení technológia.
in a fundamental way.
in the world --
this river by itself.
túto rieku regulovať sám.
on a single planet,
of global cooperation,
globálnej spolupráce,
to tackle the problems,
potrebnej pre riešenie toho problému,
or whether it's technological disruption.
alebo technologických zvratov.
most of the issues,
väčšina problémov
that matter most today
že najdôležitejšie problémy dneška
but on a global scale.
ale v globálnom meradle.
of the world today
Všetky hlavné problémy dnešného sveta
of global cooperation.
globálnej spolupráce.
example people give.
čo ľudia uvádzajú.
of technological disruption.
technologických zvratov.
artificial intelligence,
na umelú inteligenciu,
out of the job market --
of all the countries.
about, say, bioengineering
napríklad, na bioinžinierstvo
research in humans,
inžinierstva aplikovaného na ľudí,
a single country, let's say the US,
povedzme USA,
continues to do it.
v nich budú pokračovať.
to do the same will be immense
bude veľmi rýchlo obrovský,
high-risk, high-gain technologies.
vysoké riziko i vysoký zisk.
I can't allow myself to remain behind.
nemôžem si dovoliť ostať v úzadí.
effective regulations,
nobody would like to stay behind.
nik nechce zaostávať.
a constructive conversation
konštruktívnej konverzácie
that the start point
že východiskovým bodom
that's propelled us to where we are
ktorý nás vohnal tam, kde sme,
concerns about job loss.
way of life has gone,
tradičný spôsob života je preč;
that people are furious about that.
globalism, global elites,
globalizmus, globálne elity,
without asking their permission,
bez pýtania si ich povolenia,
a legitimate complaint.
is that -- so a key question is:
kľúčovou otázkou je:
both now and going forward?
budúceho poklesu pracovných príležitostí?
yes, is to shut down borders
bolo uzatvorenie hraníc,
and change trade agreements and so forth.
zmeny obchodných dohôd atď.
is not going to be that at all.
bude čosi celkom iné.
in technological questions,
ako prepojený svet.
but looking to the future,
who will take the jobs
kto bude brať prácu
on the border of California --
na hranici s Kaliforniou –
is going to be very ineffective.
bude veľmi neúčinný.
the debates before the election,
keď som pozeral predvolebné debaty,
did not even attempt to frighten people
vystrašiť ľudí
it doesn't matter.
na tom nezáleží.
effective way of frightening people --
spôsob, ako ľudí vystrašiť –
that no matter what happens
že nech sa stane čokoľvek
an intense debate about it,
intenzívne debaty,
and among the general public,
a medzi bežnou verejnosťou
technological disruption --
but in 10, 20, 30 years --
children today in school or in college
čo dnes učíme deti a študentov dnes,
to the job market of 2040, 2050.
celkom irelevantná.
to think about in 2040.
rozmýšľať v roku 2040.
what to teach the young people.
čo učiť mladých ľudí.
moments in history
entered a new era, unintentionally.
vstúpilo do novej éry.
technologies have been developed,
vyvinuli sa technológie
that's worse for everyone.
you give in "Sapiens"
tilling the fields,
backbreaking workday
vyčerpávajúci pracovný deň
and a much more interesting lifestyle.
a oveľa zaujímavejšieho spôsobu života.
phase change here,
možnou zmenou fázy,
that none of us actually wants?
budúcnosti, akú nik z nás vlastne nechce?
technological and economic revolution
a ekonomická revolúcia
individual lives,
became much better,
became considerably worse.
in the 21st century.
will empower the human collective.
posilnia ľudský kolektív.
all the benefits, taking all the fruits,
a vezme všetok zisk,
finding themselves worse
might not even be human elites.
by ani nemuseli byť ľudia.
enhanced super humans.
vylepšení nadľudia.
nonorganic elites.
non-conscious algorithms.
algoritmy bez vedomia.
is authority shifting away
sa vo svete posúva
about personal lives,
– o osobných životoch,
about political matters --
záležitostiach –
by an algorithm, not by a human being.
algoritmus, nie človek.
is that maybe Homo sapiens just lost it.
že Homo sapiens už možno prehral.
there is so much data,
on the African savanna
of information and data --
of the 21st century,
s realitami 21. storočia
that may be able to handle it
is shifting from us to the algorithms.
sa presúva z nás na algoritmy.
for the first of a series of TED Dialogues
zo série Dialógov TED
audience out there.
obecenstvo na Facebooku.
to some of your questions
to make the argument
because of the coming technological ...
kvôli príchodu technologického...
a global conversation about this.
really believing that, I don't know,
ľudí, aby uverili, že, čo ja viem,
threat, and so forth.
some people at least,
nuclear weapons, and so forth.
utečenci, jadrové zbrane atď.
we are right now
need to be dialed up?
viac venovať?
he doesn't believe in that.
svoj najsilnejší argument
aby ste to obhájili.
a klimatickými zmenami.
who deny climate change are nationalists.
zmenu klímy sú nacionalisti.
denying climate change?
about it, it's obvious --
to climate change.
žiadne riešenie klimatických zmien.
in the 21st century,
then you must accept that, yes,
potom musíte prijať, že áno,
for patriotism,
for having special loyalties
pre špeciálne oddanosti
towards your own country.
voči vlastnej krajine.
thinking of abolishing that.
niekto skutočne zrušiť.
klimatickým zmenám,
and commitments
several layers of loyalty.
viacero vrstiev loajalít.
to humankind as a whole?
aj ľudstvu ako celku?
when it becomes difficult,
samozrejme, ťažké rozhodnúť,
some questions from the audience here.
k otázkam publika.
get them coming, too.
clearly made a huge difference
ktoré zjavne mali veľký vplyv
in income distribution in the US
to affect that?
aby sme to ovplyvnili?
of the underlying causes.
často skrytou príčinou.
good idea about what to do about it,
dobrý návrh, čo s tým,
remain on the national level,
nápadov ostáva na národnej úrovni,
quite a lot about now
it's not clear what "universal" is
čo znamená „univerzálny“,
about universal basic income,
o univerzálnom základnom príjme,
taking away millions of jobs
ktoré pripravia o prácu
my shirts and my shoes.
moje košele a topánky.
on Google and Apple in California,
od Googlu a Apple v Kalifornii
to unemployed Bangladeshis?
nezamestnaných Bangladéšanov?
you can just as well believe
rovno veriť, že príde
and solve the problem.
and not national basic income,
a nie národný základný príjem,
are not going to go away.
just food and shelter was enough.
jedlo a prístrešie.
education is a basic human need,
považujú aj vzdelanie,
Twelve years? PhD?
that can extend human life
predlžujúce ľudský život
of basic income or not?
základného príjmu či nie?
lose their ability to be employed,
nebudú schopní zamestnať,
is this basic income.
very difficult ethical question.
je náročná etická otázka.
on how the world affords it as well,
ako na to svet bude mať,
from Facebook from Lisa Larson:
otázku Lisa Larson:
World War I and World War II
to the dangers of nationalism,
na nebezpečnosť nacionalizmu,
than a century ago.
než pred storočím.
each other by the millions.
zabíjali po miliónoch.
as far as I remember,
ak sa nemýlim,
an MP who was murdered by some extremist.
ktorú zavraždil nejaký extrémista.
British independence,
war of independence in human history.
za nezávislosť v histórii.
will now choose to leave the UK
bude teraz chcieť
wanted several times --
to chceli viackrát –
in London was to send an army up north
and massacre the highland tribes.
kmene škótskych horalov.
the Scots vote for independence,
odhlasovali nezávislosť,
will not send an army up north
to kill or be killed
zabíjať či nechať sa zabiť
of the rise of nationalism
o vzostupe nacionalizmu
today is far, far smaller
oveľa menšia
you hear publicly worrying
verejne vyslovujú obavy,
outbreaks of violence in the US
things have shifted?
že veci sa zmenili?
in the First World War yet.
v prvej svetovej vojne.
don't be complacent.
the wrong decisions,
in an analogous situation to 1917
analogickej tej z roku 1917
underestimate human stupidity.
podceňovať ľudskú hlúposť.
forces in history,
z najmocnejších síl v histórii.
for no obvious reason,
bez zjavnej príčiny,
in human history is human wisdom.
silou v histórii ľudská múdrosť.
moral psychologist Jonathan Haidt,
morálky Johathan Haidt,
of global governance,
globálnej vlády,
from Transparency International,
od Transparency International,
of political institutions,
politických inštitúcií,
of yellow here and there
kúskami žltej tu a tam,
some kind of global governance,
nejakú formu globálnej vlády,
being more like Denmark
with national governments.
problémy s národnými vládami.
actually look like,
what it would look like.
are lose-lose situations.
len k strate na oboch stranách.
a win-win situation like trade,
ako pri obchodovaní,
from a trade agreement,
have an interest in doing it.
záujem to spraviť.
like with climate change,
stranách, ako zmena klímy,
authority, real authority.
skutočnej autority.
and what would it look like,
a ako by to vyzeralo;
like ancient China
skôr ako staroveká Čína
that we are facing,
ktorým čelíme,
some kind of real ability
nejakej reálnej schopnosti
on the global level
na globálnej úrovni
than almost anything else.
the millions of climate migrants?"
klimatických utečencov?“
že tie národy by to vedeli.
that they know either.
is another example of a problem
ďalší príklad problému,
on a nation-by-nation basis.
na úrovni národov.
problems for the future.
problémy do budúcnosti.
it's another very good case,
or in ancient times.
among many technologists, certainly,
are kind of overblown,
sú trochu zveličené,
don't have that much influence
nemajú až toľko vplyvu vo svete,
at this point is by science,
other than political leaders,
for leaders to do much,
ťažké veľa toho spraviť,
about nothing here.
ability to do good is very limited,
lídrov konať dobro je veľmi limitovaná,
and blow everybody up.
a všetko vyhodiť do vzduchu.
to reduce inequality,
znížiť nerovnosť,
in the political system today
zabudovaná nerovnováha,
but you can still do a lot of harm.
ale stále môžete vykonať veľa zlého.
still a very big concern.
stále dôvodom na veľmi veľké obavy.
what's happening today,
when things were going just fine
v histórii, kedy šlo všetko dobre
the world or their country backwards?
alebo svoju krajinu nazad?
it's never an individual leader.
že to nikdy nebol jednotlivec.
to continue to be there.
of a single individual.
iba chyba jednotlivca.
behind every such individual.
je mnoho ľudí.
here, please, to Andrew?
about the global versus the national,
veľa o globálnom versus národnom,
is in the hands of identity groups.
identiárnych skupín.
which have formed
significant authorities.
into the system,
to be made coherent
spraviť súdržným
or global leadership?
alebo globálnym vedením?
of such diverse identities
rôznorodých identít je tiež
z nacionalizmu.
in a single, monolithic identity,
monolitickú identitu
more extreme versions of nationalism
varianty nacionalizmu
to a single identity.
jedinej identite.
a lot of problems
mnoho problémov
their identities
rozdeliť svoju identitu
for a global vision.
povedzme, globálnu víziu.
think in such exclusive terms.
v takých výlučných pojmoch.
a single identity for a person,
jediná identita nejakej osoby -
several things, I can be just that,"
byť viacero vecí naraz,"
diverse identities at the same time.
dve rôzne identity zároveň.
of what's happened in the last year
čo sa stalo minulý rok,
fed up with, if you like,
dajme tomu,
for want of a better term,
keďže nemám lepšie označenie,
identities and them feeling,
identitami, zatiaľ čo oni si vravia:
I am being completely ignored here.
Mňa tu celkom ignorujú!
I was the majority"?
že väčšinou som tu ja."?
sparked a lot of the anger.
on fictional stories
založená na vymyslených príbehoch,
of the basic community
základnej komunity
and tell one another
vymyslia, hovoria si ho navzájom
are extremely unstable.
extrémne nestabilné.
is a biological entity.
of soil and blood,
kind of makes a gooey mess.
akúsi mazľavú zmes.
it messes with your mind
that I am a combination of soil and blood.
že ste kombináciou pôdy a krvi.
that exist today
that's for sure.
to je isté.
lived in small communities
v malých komunitách
are imagined communities,
sú vymyslené komunity,
all these people.
ani všetkých týchto ľudí.
small nation, Israel,
národu, z Izraela,
and perhaps have work taken away,
a ktorú možno pripravili o prácu,
in one sense expanding,
že v istom zmysle narastá,
may have their jobs taken away
that we could end up with
že by sme mohli skončiť
a "useless class" --
ju pomenovali „zbytočná trieda“ –
these people have no use.
we should be terrified about?
very carefully.
premýšľať veľmi pozorne.
what the job market will look like
ako bude vyzerať trh práce
many new jobs will appear,
mnohé nové pracovné miesta,
samoriadeným autám,
for an unemployed truck driver
as a designer of virtual worlds.
na dizajn virtuálnych svetov.
of the industrial revolution,
priemyselnej revolúcie,
in one type of work,
v jednom type práce,
from low-skill work
v podobe nízko kvalifikovanej práce
agricultural workers,
viac poľnohospodárov,
in low-skill industrial jobs,
kvalifikovaných pozíciách v priemysle.
by more and more machines,
ďalšie a ďalšie stroje,
pozície v službách.
be new jobs in the future,
budú nové typy pracovných pozícií,
kvalifikované zamestnania
designing virtual worlds.
dizajnujúci virtuálne svety.
an unemployed cashier from Wal-Mart
pokladníčka supermarketu
as a designer of virtual worlds,
dizajn virtuálnych svetov,
Bangladeshi textile workers
nezamestnaných bangladéšskych
the Bangladeshis today
highlighting a question
veľmi zdôrazňujete otázku,
the last few months more and more.
stále viac vŕta v hlave.
to ask in public,
spýtať sa verejne,
to offer in it, maybe it's yours,
povedať, možno ste to vy,
some great cosmic plan,
veľká kozmická dráma, kozmický plán,
what our role is
of our ability.
and ideologies and so forth,
každej ideológie atď., ale to najlepšie,
is this is not true.
môžem povedať, je, že to nie je pravda.
with a role in it for Homo sapiens.
s úlohou pre Homo sapiens.
just for a minute,
chvíľku nesúhlasiť,
and understandable accounts
premyslených a najpochopiteľnejších
from intelligence,
that we're building in machines,
ktorú vkladáme do strojov,
of mystery around it.
že neexistuje účel,
what this sentience thing is?
čo vlastne vnímanie je?
isn't there a chance
podľa vás nie je šanca,
is to be the universe's sentient things,
aby boli vo vesmire niečím vnímavým,
and happiness and hope?
a šťastia a nádeje?
that actually help amplify that,
ktoré nám pomôžu
sentient themselves?
sa nestanú vnímavé.
reading your book.
akosi začal dúfať.
interesting question today in science
že najzaujímavejšou otázkou vedy
of consciousness and the mind.
in understanding the brain
and consciousness.
and consciousness,
inteligenciu a vedomie,
because in humans, they go together.
u ľudí sa tie dve sprevádzajú.
is the ability to solve problems.
schopnosť riešiť problémy.
to feel things,
and boredom and pain and so forth.
as well -- it's not unique to humans --
ostatných cicavcov, nie je to špecifické
and some other animals,
a niektorých ďalších zvierat,
go together.
in places like Silicon Valley
artificial intelligence
in computer intelligence
došlo k úžasnému rozvoju
in computer consciousness,
počítačového vedomia
are going to become conscious
že by počítače v najbližšej dobe
some cosmic role for consciousness,
nejakú kozmickú úlohu,
prasatá majú vedomie,
chickens are conscious,
kurence majú vedomie,
we need to broaden our horizons
najskôr by sme museli
the only sentient beings on Earth,
si uvedomiť, že nie sme jediní
máme dôvod si myslieť,
there is good reason to think
of the whole bunch.
sentient than whales,
or more sentient than cats,
ktorý by tomu nasvedčoval.
in that direction, expand.
je teda rozšíriť obzory.
of what is it for,
sentience is for anything.
že vnímanie by na niečo bolo.
to find our role in the universe.
nájsť svoju úlohu vo vesmíre.
is to liberate ourselves from suffering.
je oslobodiť sa od utrpenia.
suffer, can suffer,
sú schopné trpieť
in some mysterious cosmic drama.
v nejakej záhadnej kozmickej dráme.
what suffering is,
tomu, čo je to utrpenie,
to be liberated from it.
a ako sa od neho oslobodiť.
and that was very eloquent.
dôležité a podali ste to veľmi výrečne.
of questions from the audience here,
at the back if you want the mic,
ak chcete mikrofón,
about the fictional stories
veľa o vymyslených príbehoch,
that you choose to live your life,
pre svoj život ako jednotlivec,
with the truth, like all of us?
important question,
je asi najdôležitejšou otázkou,
between fiction and reality,
to tell the difference
as history progressed,
stáva sa to stále náročnejším,
that we have created --
and corporations --
that we've created,"
ktoré sme vytvorili,“
between fiction and reality.
that I can say in short,
najlepšie vysvetliť v krátkosti,
in the First World War,"
v prvej svetovej vojne,“
Germany has no mind.
Nemecko nemá myseľ.
but Germany cannot.
ale Nemecko nie.
the dollar doesn't suffer.
really want to see reality,
začal by som tým,
what suffering is,
pochopiť, čo je utrpenie,
here that connects to this,
ktorá na to nadväzuje,
in a language that I cannot read.
ktorý neviem čítať.
CA: Hebrejčina. Presne tak.
CA: Hebrew. There you go.
really a brand-new era,
skutočne novou érou
in a never-ending trend?
v nikdy nekončiacom trende?“
with this idea of post-truth.
postfaktuality nič nehovorí.
when the hell was the era of truth?
do čerta, bola éra pravdy?
the Middle Ages?
rokoch minulého storočia?
istým spôsobom „postfaktuálnej“.
in an era, in a way, of post-truth.
are talking about
where you had fewer journalistic outlets,
publikácií, denníkov,
that things were fact-checked.
of those organizations
bolo zabudované,
should connect to reality in a real way,
spájať s realitou skutočným spôsobom,
it was a serious, earnest attempt
bol to vážny, svedomitý pokus
that had actually happened.
that's incredibly powerful
technologický systém,
massively amplified anything
ohromne rozšíri čokoľvek,
it connected to reality,
dával pozor, či to súvisí
to clicks and attention,
o kliknutia a pozornosť
the technology changes,
both truth and fiction and falsehood.
tak fikciu a klamstvo.
the truth than it was ever before.
šíriť pravdu než kedykoľvek predtým.
is anything essentially new
čokoľvek zásadne nové
fictions and errors.
Joseph Goebbels, didn't know
a postfaktuálnosti nie je nič,
news and post-truth.
Joseph Goebbels.
a lie often enough,
že ak opakujete lož dosť často,
that something so big can be a lie.
že niečo také veľké by mohla byť lož.
has been with us for thousands of years.
sú s nami už tisíce rokov.
with tyrannical regimes,
s tyranickými režimami
that there may be dark times coming.
varujúci, že môžu prichádzať zlé časy.
of fake news is a disturbing sign.
používanie falošných správ
I'm just saying that it's not new.
že to nie je zlé, len že to nie je nové.
on Facebook on this question
versus nationalism.
to relinquish power?
vzdali moci? Je to...“
actually, the text is so big
but I blame the text right here.
otázku, ale to kvôli tomu textu tam.
that some people talk about
can shake humankind
otrasie iba katastrofa
of global governance,
systému globálnej vlády.
before the catastrophe,
pred tou katastrofou,
laying the foundations
the motivation to do such a thing
motivovaní niečo také robiť,
interested in global governance
zaujíma o globálnu vládu,
local identities and communities,
lokálne identity a komunity,
in the mindset of a lot of people
and it has let them down,
odľahlá a sklamala ich,
global governance -- no, go away!
globálna vláda – nie, choďte preč!
as the ultimate poke in the eye
so scary and remote?
of it being compatible
že je to zlúčiteľné
lokálnymi komunitami.
about Homo sapiens
hovorí dve veci,
completely dependent
about a global system.
about Homo sapiens
o Homo sapiens hovorí,
on a very, very local level.
veľmi lokálnej úrovni.
based on all kinds of imaginary stories
v skutočnosti založené na rôznych
a rozsiahlych inštitúciách.
understanding of our species,
chápaní nášho druhu,
in the 21st century,
and the local community.
tak lokálnej úrovne.
with the body itself.
už v samotnom tele.
of alienation and loneliness
čo dnes ľudia majú, aj ich
is not global capitalism.
v prvom rade globálnym kapitalizmom.
the last hundred years,
že počas minulých 100 rokov
from their body.
alebo dokonca aj roľník,
constantly in touch
neustále v kontakte
to look for mushrooms
to what you hear,
čo vnímate sluchom,
people are losing their ability
ľudia stratili schopnosť
and their senses,
a svojimi zmyslami,
and loneliness and so forth,
some mass nationalism,
s našimi vlastnými telami.
in touch with your body,
in the world also.
viac doma vo svete.
we may all be back in the forest soon.
možno budeme
one more question in the room
West Africa, and my question is:
Som z Ghany v západnej Afrike.
and justify the idea of global governance
a obhájite myšlienku globálnej vlády
historically disenfranchised
global governance,
o globálnej vláde, znie mi to tak,
come from a very Westernized idea
z veľmi západného pohľadu
is supposed to look like.
that idea of global
myšlienku globálnej vlády
and Nigeria and Togo
a Nigéria a Togo
that history is extremely unfair,
že história je mimoriadne neférová
which are also most likely to suffer most
čo tiež najpravdepodobnejšie trpia
very clear about that.
will be in Sudan, will be in Syria,
v Ghane, v Sudáne, v Sýrii,
will be in those places.
have an even greater incentive
majú ešte väčší motív
the next wave of disruption,
s nasledujúcou vlnou rozvratu,
or whether it's technological.
alebo technologický.
technological disruption,
o technologickom rozvrate,
will take the jobs
or in Bangladesh.
because history is so unfair
between everybody,
will be able to get away
of climate change
will not be able to.
from Cameron Taylor on Facebook:
položil skvelú otázku:
we should want to want?"
že by sme mali chcieť chcieť?“
to want to know the truth,
mali chcieť poznať pravdu,
to our own wishes,
want to understand it.
najskôr mali chcieť pochopiť.
trajectory of history,
na dlhodobý priebeh histórie,
for thousands of years
control of the world outside us
nad svetom mimo nás
to fit our own desires.
aby vyhovoval našim túžbam.
of the other animals,
nad inými zvieratami,
is we turn our gaze inwards,
obrátenie pohľadu dovnútra.
of the world outside us
kontroly nad vonkajším svetom
of the world inside us.
kontrolu nad svetom v nás.“
and industry in the 21st century --
v 21. storočí –
of the world inside us,
nad svetom v nás,
bodies and brains and minds.
telá a mozgy a mysle.
products of the 21st century economy.
produktmi ekonomiky 21. storočia.
very often they think in terms,
veľmi často je to spôsobom:
of my body and of my brain."
nad svojím telom a mozgom.“
from our previous history,
niečo naučili,
the power to manipulate,
understand the complexity
nepochopili komplexitu
the world inside us
preusporiadať vnútorný svet
the complexity of our mental system,
svojho psychického systému,
ecological disaster,
vnútornú ekologickú katastrofu
meltdown inside us.
psychologickej kríze vo vnútri.
together here --
the coming technology,
nadchádzajúce technológie,
you've just outlined --
are in quite a bleak place
ste na tom dosť bezútešne,
how would you state that?
ako by ste ho vyjadrili?
dangerous possibilities
najnebezpečnejšie možnosti,
my job or responsibility
zodpovednosť vyplývajúca z toho,
on the positive sides,
na pozitívne stránky,
and philosophers and sociologists
filozofov a sociológov
of all these new technologies.
všetkých týchto nových technológií.
by bolo nevyhnutné.
kinds of societies.
typov spoločností.
of the Industrial Revolution,
a communist dictatorship
komunistickej diktatúry
or a liberal democracy.
alebo liberálnej demokracie.
what to do with them.
and bioengineering and all of that --
bioinžinierstvo a to všetko
k tejto výzve zodpovedne
to the challenge of a new technology
k výzvam novej technológie,
will end in a nuclear catastrophe,
jadrovou katastrofou,
humans all over the world
podnietili ľudí celého sveta,
international politics
akými vedú medzinárodné politiky,
their interests with warfare.
svoje záujmy vedením vojny.
but many countries have.
ale mnohé áno.
the most important reason
declined dramatically since 1945,
dramaticky pokleslo
more people commit suicide
viac ľudí zomrie kvôli samovražde,
dáva dobrý príklad toho,
margin for error.
veľmi malú hranicu chyby.
a second option to try again.
možnosť znovu to skúsiť.
this to a conclusion.
one thing to people here
niečo povedať ľuďom tu,
watching online, anyone watching online:
ostatným, čo pozerajú online:
a different kind of conversation,
pomôžte nám s tým.
with people you disagree with,
s ľuďmi, s ktorými nesúhlasíte,
these conversations forward
ako v takýchto konverzáciách napredovať
in the world right now.
in a wise, wise way.
múdrym, múdrym spôsobom.
Yuval Noah Harari - Historian, authorIn his book "Homo Deus," Yuval Noah Harari explores the future of humankind: the destinies we may set for ourselves and the quests we'll undertake.
Why you should listen
In his book, Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, Yuval Noah Harari explores the projects, dreams and nightmares that will shape the 21st century -- from overcoming death to creating artificial life. He maps the future and asks fundamental questions: Where do we go from here? How will we protect this fragile world from our own destructive powers? The book has sold four million copies since its publication in 2016.
Harari's previous book, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, explores what made homo sapiens the most successful species on the planet. His answer: We are the only animal that can believe in things that exist purely in our imagination, such as gods, states, money, human rights, corporations and other fictions, and we have developed a unique ability to use these stories to unify and organize groups and ensure cooperation. Sapiens has sold eight million copies and been translated into more than 50 languages. Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and President Barack Obama have recommended it as a must-read.
Harari lectures as a Professor of history at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he specializes in world history, medieval history and military history. His current research focuses on macro-historical questions: What is the relationship between history and biology? What is the essential difference between Homo sapiens and other animals? Is there justice in history? Does history have a direction? Did people become happier as history unfolded? Harari has written for newspapers such as The Guardian, Financial Times, the Times, Nature magazine and the Wall Street Journal.
Harari's new book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, will take the pulse of our current global climate, focusing on the biggest questions of the present moment: What is really happening right now? What are today’s greatest challenges and choices? What should we pay attention to? The book will be published in multiple languages in September 2018.
Yuval Noah Harari | Speaker | TED.com
Chris Anderson - TED Curator
After a long career in journalism and publishing, Chris Anderson became the curator of the TED Conference in 2002 and has developed it as a platform for identifying and disseminating ideas worth spreading.
Why you should listen
Chris Anderson is the Curator of TED, a nonprofit devoted to sharing valuable ideas, primarily through the medium of 'TED Talks' -- short talks that are offered free online to a global audience.
Chris was born in a remote village in Pakistan in 1957. He spent his early years in India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, where his parents worked as medical missionaries, and he attended an American school in the Himalayas for his early education. After boarding school in Bath, England, he went on to Oxford University, graduating in 1978 with a degree in philosophy, politics and economics.
Chris then trained as a journalist, working in newspapers and radio, including two years producing a world news service in the Seychelles Islands.
Back in the UK in 1984, Chris was captivated by the personal computer revolution and became an editor at one of the UK's early computer magazines. A year later he founded Future Publishing with a $25,000 bank loan. The new company initially focused on specialist computer publications but eventually expanded into other areas such as cycling, music, video games, technology and design, doubling in size every year for seven years. In 1994, Chris moved to the United States where he built Imagine Media, publisher of Business 2.0 magazine and creator of the popular video game users website IGN. Chris eventually merged Imagine and Future, taking the combined entity public in London in 1999, under the Future name. At its peak, it published 150 magazines and websites and employed 2,000 people.
This success allowed Chris to create a private nonprofit organization, the Sapling Foundation, with the hope of finding new ways to tackle tough global issues through media, technology, entrepreneurship and, most of all, ideas. In 2001, the foundation acquired the TED Conference, then an annual meeting of luminaries in the fields of Technology, Entertainment and Design held in Monterey, California, and Chris left Future to work full time on TED.
He expanded the conference's remit to cover all topics, including science, business and key global issues, while adding a Fellows program, which now has some 300 alumni, and the TED Prize, which grants its recipients "one wish to change the world." The TED stage has become a place for thinkers and doers from all fields to share their ideas and their work, capturing imaginations, sparking conversation and encouraging discovery along the way.
In 2006, TED experimented with posting some of its talks on the Internet. Their viral success encouraged Chris to begin positioning the organization as a global media initiative devoted to 'ideas worth spreading,' part of a new era of information dissemination using the power of online video. In June 2015, the organization posted its 2,000th talk online. The talks are free to view, and they have been translated into more than 100 languages with the help of volunteers from around the world. Viewership has grown to approximately one billion views per year.
Continuing a strategy of 'radical openness,' in 2009 Chris introduced the TEDx initiative, allowing free licenses to local organizers who wished to organize their own TED-like events. More than 8,000 such events have been held, generating an archive of 60,000 TEDx talks. And three years later, the TED-Ed program was launched, offering free educational videos and tools to students and teachers.
Chris Anderson | Speaker | TED.com