Rick Warren: A life of purpose
Rick Warren: Život so zmyslom
Pastor Rick Warren is the author of The Purpose-Driven Life, which has sold more than 30 million copies worldwide. His has become an immensely influential voice seeking to apply the values of his faith to issues such as global poverty, HIV/AIDS and injustice. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
že som to zvládol napísať.
najdivokejších snoch -
myself to be an author.
nepovažujem za spisovateľa.
people have read this?
že si ju prečítalo toľko ľudí?
about a million copies a month."
spiritual emptiness
prázdnota je všeobecná choroba.
our heads down on the pillow and we go,
boríme naše hlavy do vankúša a hovoríme:
to life than this."
come home and watch TV,
prísť domov a pozerať sa na TV,
to work, come home, watch TV, go to bed,
prísť domov, pozerať TV, ísť spať,
you're not living -- that's just existing.
Nie, ty nežiješ - je to iba existovanie.
there's this inner desire.
že existuje vnútorná túžba.
I believe that you're not an accident.
Verím tomu, že nie si náhoda.
but I believe God did.
ale ja verím, že Boh áno.
there's no doubt about that.
o tom nie je pochýb.
myslím, že máš význam pre históriu,
I think you matter to history;
čo nazývam
of living, the success level of living,
žitia a úroveň významu v živote,
"What on Earth am I here for?"
"Na čo som tu?"
ktorí hovoria:
figure out my problems?"
vyriešiť si svoje problémy?"
who are very successful,
ktorí hovoria:
that I'm more than I really am?"
že som viac než som?
of meaning, of significance, of purpose.
podstate a zámeru.
Prečo som tu? Kvôli čomu som tu? Kam idem?
Where am I going?"
to sú ľudské témy.
chcel som mu povedať,
that I really appreciate what he does,
a whole lot easier.
oveľa jednoduchšie.
kooks in every area of life.
sú v každej oblasti života.
ale je mnoho náboženských cvokov.
a hlúpi cvoci.
there are smart kooks, dumb kooks.
came up to me the other day,
jedna pani,
Michael, you'll like this one --
a opýtala sa: "Čo na tom vidíte?"
"Hmm, nevidím nič."
"Oh, I don't see anything."
začala plakať a odišla.
and started crying and left.
in the world for the last three years,
knihou na svete za posledné 3 roky,
Aký zmysel to všetko má?
enormous amounts of money.
obrovské množstvo penazí.
book in the world,
tak sú to tony a tony peňazí.
neither of which I wanted.
čo som tiež nechcel.
I was 25 years old.
Saddlerback, mal som 25.
one other family in 1980.
ešte s jednou rodinou.
že nikdy nepôjdem do televízie,
going to go on TV,
"evangelist, televangelist" --
"evanjelizátor, TV-evanjelizátor" -
of money and a lot of attention.
veľa peňazí a veľa pozornosti.
everybody's got a worldview.
their life on something.
you're betting what you're betting on.
prečo vsádzate než na čo vsádzate.
their life on something.
zrazu som uveril,
that Jesus was who he said he was.
to do what it's doing now.
robiť to, čo sa teraz robím.
what's the purpose of this?
aký to má účel?
vám bola daná
that the first sentence of the book is,
v ktorej prvá veta je:
the best-selling book in history,
stane best-sellerom,
I guess it's not about me.
no hádam, že to nie je o mne.
the "stewardship of affluence"
sa nazýva "správcovstvo nad hojnosťou"
leadership is stewardship.
že vodcovstvo je správcovstvo.
in sports, in art,
v športe, v umení, v akademickej sfére,
na ochranu životného prostredia.
in protecting the environment.
moja predtým, než som sa narodil.
it's not going to be mine after I die,
and then that's it.
the other day on a talk show,
me and he'd go,
on protecting the environment?"
životného prostredia?"
"Well, do you believe
place for the next generation?
pre ďalšiu generáciu?
to take the environment seriously?"
aby sme brali životné prostredie vážne?"
I'm not talking about religion --
- nehovorím o náboženstve -
it is our responsibility
máme zodpovednosť
for the next generation?"
pre ďalšiu generáciu?"
than any other species."
Nie o viac než iné druhy."
he was revealing his worldview.
odhalil svoj pohľad na svet.
zodpovednosť o životné prostredie
of this environment than a duck is."
akú má kačica."
of times we act like ducks,
že často jednáme ako kačice,
that's my worldview.
- to je môj pohľad na svet.
what your worldview is.
aký je váš pohľad na svet.
never really think it through.
to nikdy nepremyslí.
alebo nespočítajú
This is why I believe what I believe."
To je to, prečo verím tomu, čomu verím."
enough faith to be an atheist.
aby som bol ateista.
everything else in your life,
všetko ostatné vo vašom živote,
everything in your life.
determines our behavior,
what we become in life.
čím sa v živote staneme.
5 rozhodnutí ohľadom tých peňazí.
on what to do with the money.
going to use it on ourselves."
nepoužijeme to všetko pre nás."
Ford that I've driven.
ktorým som jazdil doteraz.
going to use it on us.
že to nepoužijeme pre nás.
from the church that I pastor.
kde som pastor.
koľko mi cirkev zaplatila
all that the church had paid me
and I gave it back.
a vrátil som to.
nechcel, aby si ktokoľvek myslel,
I didn't want anybody thinking
- nerobím.
who does it for money.
ktorý by to robil pre peniaze.
I've never met one of them.
Nikdy som žiadneho takého nestretol.
easier ways to make money.
cesty k peniazom.
they're like doctors.
Sú ako doktori.
to be here yesterday --
že som tu mohol byť včera, -
is in his last, probably, 48 hours
svojich posledných 48 hodín
who's lived his life --
ktorý žil svoj život -
and he's dying with peace.
a zomiera s pokojom.
v tom, ako sa správate v dobrých časoch.
is not how you act in the good times.
is how you act at the funeral.
ako sa správate na pohrebe.
hundreds if not thousands of funerals,
možno tisíckach pohreboch,
problems of the world:
svetovými problémami:
particularly HIV/AIDS --
šíriace sa choroby - najmä HIV/AIDS -
and put the money into that.
a dali sme do toho tie peniaze.
what I call "reverse tithers."
sa "opační darcovia desiatkov."
and I got married 30 years ago,
pred 30 rokmi,
of what you get back to charity,
dostaneme, späť na dobročinnosť.
ďalším ľuďom.
we would raise our tithe one percent.
a každý rok sme tú čiastku zdvihli o 1%.
we went to 11 percent,
a tak ďalej.
of materialism in my life.
materializmom v mojom živote.
get, get, get, get all you can,
dostaň, dostaň,dostaň, všetko čo môžeš,
and spoil the rest.
tú konzervu a všetko ostatné nechaj zhniť.
mať stále viac.
is actually looking good --
že dobrý život je vlastne:
-- to je zo všetkého najdôležitejšie --
and having the goods.
those, and they're not necessarily happy.
ale nie sú nevyhnutne šťastní.
urobili šťastnými,
na svete boli tí najšťastnejší.
in the world would be the happiest.
že to nie je pravda.
I know, is not true.
cítení sa dobre alebo o vlastnení vecí,
good, feeling good or having the goods,
doesn't come from status,
z postavenia,
somebody who's got more than you.
kto má toho viac ako vy,
that we find meaning,
v čom nachádzame zmysel,
I believe, by God.
moja žena a ja
we give away 90 percent and live on 10.
- rozdávame 90 % a žijeme z 10%.
with all this attention?
Čo urobím so všetkou tou pozornosťou?
all kinds of invitations.
rôzne druhy pozvánok.
month-long speaking tour
na mesačnú prednáškovú cestu,
with this notoriety
čo budem robiť s tou publicitou,
I started reading the Bible.
začal som čítať Bibliu.
called Psalm 72,
ktorá sa volá Žalm 72,
for more influence.
za väčší vplyv.
selfish, self-centered.
a sebastredne.
aby si ma urobil slávnym."
to make me famous."
of my name through every land,
môjho mena do všetkých krajín,
I want you to give me influence."
chcem, aby si mi dal vplyv."
egotistical request you could make,
vec, za ktorú by ste sa modlili,
celú kapitolu.
the whole chapter.
"So that the king ..." --
at that time, at its apex in power --
na vrchole svojej moci -
for the widow and orphan,
the defenseless, care for the sick,
a starať sa o chorých,
speak up for the foreigner,
prihovárať sa za cudzincov,
all the marginalized in society.
ktorí sú v spoločnosti na okraji.
a myslel si, viete čo,
of influence is to speak up
is not to build your ego.
aby ste si budovali svoje egá
the same thing as your self-worth.
nie je to isté ako vaša seba-hodnota.
na vašich cennostiach.
different set of things.
of influence is to speak up
som premýšľal o vdovách a sirotách.
I thought of widows and orphans.
affluent areas of America --
z najzámožnejších oblastí Ameriky -
of CEOs and scientists.
riaditeľov podnikov a vedcov.
ever see a homeless person.
a nikdy by som nezahliadol bezdomovca.
up the road in Santa Ana.
čo je vzdialené 13 míľ.
and whatever influence I've got
a všetok vplyv, ktorý mám,
either of those.
ktorí nemajú ani jedno z toho.
in the Bible about Moses,
it really doesn't matter to me.
na tom vôbec nezáleží.
film "Desať Božích prikázaní"-
"The Ten Commandments,"
burning bush, and God talks to him,
a tam je horiaci oheň
"Mojžiš, čo máš v ruke?"
"Moses, what's in your hand?"
otázok, na ktorú sa vás kedy kto opýta.
questions you'll ever be asked:
It's a shepherd's staff."
pastierska palica."
he throws it down and it becomes a snake.
hodí ju o zem a stane sa z nej had.
and I'm going, what is that all about?
pýtam sa, o čom to všetko je?
I do know a couple of things.
No, viem niekoľko vecí.
a miracle to show off.
zázraky, aby sa predvádzal.
"Waw, nie je to super?"
have to show up on cheese bread.
ukazovať na toastovom chlebe.
he's not going to show up on cheese bread.
nebude to na toastovom chlebe.
what Michael does,
rád to, čo robí Michael,
then I don't have to.
ja nemusím.
doesn't show up on sprinkler images.
na obrázkoch postrekovačov.
than that to do whatever he wants to do.
aby urobil čokoľvek, čo chce urobiť.
just to show off.
iba preto, aby sa predviedol.
if God ever asks you a question,
niekedy položí otázku,
then that would mean
potom by to znamenalo,
it's for your benefit, not his.
je to pre váš prospech, nie jeho.
Now, follow me on this.
A teraz ma počúvajte.
three things about Moses' life.
3 veci v Mojžišovom živote.
he was a shepherd.
jeho identity, jeho kariéry, jeho práce.
his career, his job.
of not only his identity,
nielen jeho identity,
of his assets are tied up in sheep.
všetok jeho majetok je spojený s ovcami.
or American Express cards, or hedge funds.
platobné karty alebo ohradené zásoby.
and it's a symbol of his income.
a je to symbol jeho príjmu.
it's a symbol of his influence.
from point A to point B with it,
ovcu z bodu A do bodu B,
One or the other.
Jednu alebo druhú.
you've got influence.
máš svoj vplyv.
I'll make it come alive.
oživím to.
nepredstavoval, že sú možné."
you could never imagine possible."
"Ten Commandments,"
"Desať Božích prikázaní",
stali v Egypte, sa stali skrz tú palicu.
in Egypt are done through this staff.
at the NBA All-Stars game.
aby som hovoril na NBA All-Stars.
NFL teams and all the other teams
v NFL a všetky ostatné tímy
based on the book.
na základe mojej knihy.
"What's in your hand?
Tak čo máte v ruke?"
I said, "It's a basketball.
your identity, who you are:
označuje vašu identitu - to, kto ste.
off that little ball.
to be in the NBA for a few years,
for the rest of your life.
with what you've been given?"
čo vám bolo dané?"
I came up here today,
prečo som dnes prišiel,
with what you've been given?
čo vám bolo dané?
question about life.
otázka o živote.
purpose-driven is all about.
byť vedený ku zmyslu.
ako ste uspôsobení robiť určité veci,
how you're wired to do certain things,
Spiritual gifts, Heart,
duchovné dary, srdce,
to be doing with your life,
mali robiť vo svojom živote,
"Na čo som sformovaný?"
"What am I wired to do?"
and then not have you do it?
a potom by vás to nenechal robiť?
you'll be an anthropologist.
antropológ, budeš antropológom.
an undersea explorer,
aby si bol podmorský výskumník,
you make deals.
uzatvárate obchody.
tak maľujete.
when you be you?
when my kids were little --
teraz už mám vnúčatá -
on the side of their bed,
a sedával som pri ich posteli
rise and lower, rise and lower.
telíčka zdvíhať sa a klesať.
"This is not an accident."
"Toto nie je náhoda."
watching them sleep.
that God only gets excited
že Boh je nadšený,
"spiritual things,"
alebo pomáhanie chudobným,
or doing something like that.
alebo niečo podobné.
watching you be you.
keď vidí, že vy ste vy.
To je moje dievčatko! -
and ability that I gave you."
ktoré som ti dal."
your income --
a better place."
lepším miestom."
Rick Warren - Pastor, authorPastor Rick Warren is the author of The Purpose-Driven Life, which has sold more than 30 million copies worldwide. His has become an immensely influential voice seeking to apply the values of his faith to issues such as global poverty, HIV/AIDS and injustice.
Why you should listen
Pastor Rick Warren is one of the world's most influential Christians. His Saddleback Church, founded in 1980, boasts a congregation of 22,000, and his Purpose-Driven Life is one of the best-selling books of all time. Warren's mission is to attack what he calls the five "Global Goliaths" -- spiritual emptiness, egocentric leadership, extreme poverty, pandemic disease, and illiteracy and poor education.
He teaches that doing good is the only way humans create significance in our lives. He and his wife famously became "reverse tithers," donating 90 percent of their considerable fortune to philanthropic causes. Warren is particularly passionate about fighting AIDS, and in 2006, his church hosted the second annual Global Summit on AIDS and the Church, attended by US Senator Barack Obama, among others (controversial within the evangelical movement, because Obama is pro-choice).
In recent years, Warren has become a prominent steward of social justice, speaking out on poverty relief and encouraging spiritual leaders to play a role in guiding the planet toward sustainability. (He even attended the premiere of An Inconvenient Truth, after meeting Al Gore and producer Lawrence Bender at TED2006.)
Given his global focus and considerable platform, Warren has become a sought-after advisor to world leaders, speaking at the United Nations, the World Economic Forum and the Council on Foreign Relations. His involvement in the 2008 Presidential election sparked controversy and praise from both sides; during the campaign trail, he hosted candidates John McCain and Barack Obama at Saddleback Church for a forum on moral issues. It was the first time McCain and Obama appeared together publicly as presidential candidates. When Barack Obama was later elected to office, he asked Warren to give the invocation at his inauguration.
Rick Warren | Speaker | TED.com