Anne-Marie Slaughter: Can we all "have it all"?
Anne-Marie Slaughter: Ali imamo lahko vsi vse?
Anne-Marie Slaughter has exploded the conversation around women’s work-life balance. Full bio
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za zunanje zadeve.
da se nagnem naprej,
velik 18-mesečni projekt
in Princetonom v New Jerseyu,
in dva najstniška sinova,
ali pa da bi preselila sinova
je prišla bolj postopno.
da si želim.
v ponoven razmislek
s katerim sem odrasla
kaj enakost pravzaprav pomeni
in vplivni ljudje
na vrhuncu svojih karier,
merilo enakosti med spoloma,
generalne direktorice,
Nobelove nagrajenke, voditeljice.
da moramo narediti, kar se da,
ne bomo nikdar dosegli,
veliko širši izbor
moramo spremeniti delovna mesta,
ali družinske člane,
ki preživi del svojega časa
ki nikdar ne zapusti pisarne.
odpornost, prilagodljivost.
ki so vedno bolj pomembne
in učinkovitih delovnih mestih
zakoreninjene fleksibilne prakse
začela hoditi v Italijo,
globalnih korporacij
ki jih ljubimo,
tradicionalno opravljale,
opravljali moški,
nam pomaga sprevideti,
in oskrba res enakopravna,
v varstveno infrastruturo
kot investirajo v ceste in mostove
konkurenčnih gospodarstev,
za boljše življenje.
uvrščajo se višje kot druge države,
med delom in zasebnim življenjem.
enako cenjenih možnosti,
da njihovo mesto
kjer so vedno bili.
socializirani v prepričanje,
ima še dolgo pot pred sabo.
Mystique" was published,
kombinacija tega.
hvalijo njegovo odločitev,
da tekmuje z ostalimi moškimi
razmišljati: "Nikakor".
actually already happening.
ali pomirijo otroka,
popolnoma prisoten oče.
da zavzemanje za pravice žensk
da bom živela dovolj dolgo,
in ženske enako zastopane
za tiste, ki jih ljubimo,
raziskovala najstnice
ki je prav tako pomemben
človeške narave
da se to ne more zgoditi,
uporabljali različna stranišča in
Anne-Marie Slaughter - Public policy thinkerAnne-Marie Slaughter has exploded the conversation around women’s work-life balance.
Why you should listen
Anne-Marie Slaughter has served as the Dean of Princeton’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, and was the first female Director of Policy Planning for the US Department of State. In late 2013 she left Princeton to assume the presidency of the New America Foundation. With her husband, Slaughter has also raised two sons. And she is on the record saying that integrating her remarkably high-powered career and motherhood was doable when she had the flexibility to control her own schedule, but impossible once she was no longer her own boss.
In a 2012 article for the Atlantic that became the magazine’s most-read ever, Slaughter dismantles the recently-popularized notion that women who fail to “have it all” lack the ambition to do so. Instead, she argues that the way most top jobs are structured, including the expectations of workers regardless of gender, uphold slavish devotion to work above family life or other passions. Creating a more flexible work environment would benefit not just individual women and men, but society as a whole. It is unacceptable, she argues, that a desire to spend time with one’s family should be cause for shame.
Anne-Marie Slaughter | Speaker |