Glenn Greenwald: Why privacy matters
Glenn Greenwald: Zakaj potrebujemo zasebnost
Glenn Greenwald is the journalist who has done the most to expose and explain the Edward Snowden files. Full bio
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iz orodja brez primere,
iz posredne predpostavke,
two kinds of people in the world,
teroristične napade
want to hide what they're doing,
za načrtovanje napadov,
they don't actually believe it
words that privacy doesn't matter,
da drugim ljudem
zasebno področje
don't want other people to know.
nočejo, da vedo drugi.
through Google searches
z iskanjem po Googlu
pri ustanovitelju Facebooka
sosednje v Palu Altu
debated this issue around the world,
ko sem o tem problemu
mi je vsakič nekdo rekel,
publish whatever I find interesting.
information about ourselves online.
svoje informacije na spletu.
in o katerih razmišljamo,
če bi zanje vedeli tudi drugi.
zanikajo to prepričanje.
po zasebnosti hrepenimo
where we can be watched,
being watched, make decisions
sprejemajo odločitve,
narekajo družbene norme.
century philosopher Jeremy Bentham,
of their individual members,
katerega koli zapornika,
francoski filozof iz 20. stoletja,
ampak v vseh institucijah,
delovnih mestih.
ali ubijanja disidentov
določeni stranki —
nadzora in zasebnosti
therefore it's almost become a cliche.
v šoli in je že skoraj kliše.
in a debate about surveillance,
za slabo primerjavo
monitors in people's homes,
the surveillance state that we face."
objavil v svojem romanu.
at any given moment."
in opazujejo -
kjer lahko razmišljamo
of others being cast upon us,
are doing something wrong
reasons to care about privacy,
ki počnejo nekaj narobe,
like plotting a terrorist attack
terorističnih napadov,
takšnega mišljenja,
should want to avoid that lesson as well.
izogibati iz več razlogov.
nevidne ali neopazne,
in ostalih težavah,
in tveganja
organizations in the world.
organizacijami na svetu.
one of the things that happens
journalists with whom I was working
the most powerful country in the world
s tolikšno stopnjo
courage that Edward Snowden risked,
to prison for the rest of his life
in that kind of behavior as well.
tudi sami počnejo take stvari.
relationship with Ed Snowden,
ekipa psihologov.
substance of the revelations
pojavljati v medijih.
ko mu rečem Snowden,
as this important historical actor
pozornost od bistva.
s projekti in programi,
in moving the dial?
have been kept in the first place
in veliko drugih razlogov,
privacy can be rejuvenated.
za ponovno obuditev zasebnosti.
as we've seen at TED,
find it difficult to believe
do is take those secrets
ask journalists to publish them,
in jih prosili za objavo,
secrets to the government,
GG: Thank you very much.
- Najlepša hvala.
Glenn Greenwald - JournalistGlenn Greenwald is the journalist who has done the most to expose and explain the Edward Snowden files.
Why you should listen
As one of the first journalists privy to NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden’s archives, Glenn Greenwald has a unique window into the inner workings of the NSA and Britain's GCHQ. A vocal advocate for civil liberties in the face of growing post-9/11 authoritarianism, Greenwald was a natural outlet for Snowden, who’d admired his combative writing style in Salon and elsewhere.
Since his original Guardian exposés of Snowden’s revelations, Pulitzer winner Greenwald continues to stoke public debate on surveillance and privacy both in the media, on The Intercept, and with his new book No Place to Hide -- and suggests that the there are more shocking revelations to come.
Glenn Greenwald | Speaker |