Laura Boushnak: For these women, reading is a daring act
Laura Boushnak: Za te ženske je branje drznost
Laura Boushnak is a Kuwaiti-born Palestinian photographer whose work focuses on women, literacy and education reform in the Arab world. Full bio
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for my projects in personal experiences.
vedno iskala v svojih izkušnjah.
da podiram meje do boljšega življenja,
towards a better life
for my project I Read I Write.
za moj projekt Jaz berem, jaz pišem.
to pursue my higher education,
stories of other women
in dokumentirala zgodbe drugih žensk,
skozi izobrazbo,
ki so jih morale premagati.
the barriers they face.
that concern women's education,
ki zadevajo izobrazbo žensk,
among Arab countries
razlike v arabskih državah
which is quite high in the region;
ki je v teh regijah visoka,
programs for dropout students;
programi za tiste, ki niso končali šole,
med univerzitetnimi študenti.
among university students.
to convince the women to participate.
prepričati žensk k sodelovanju.
might influence other women's lives,
vplivajo na življenja drugih žensk,
for their own community, did some agree.
skupnosti, so se nekatere strinjale.
and reflexive approach,
their own words and ideas
in ideje na svoje fotografije.
v nekaterih učilnicah
in some of the classrooms,
and motivate other women
in motivirali druge ženske,
and situations.
in so postavljene v podobne situacije.
da bi postala neodvisna
to be independent
Umm El-Saad iz Egipta.
was Umm El-Saad from Egypt.
barely able to write her name.
je komaj znala napisati svoje ime.
program pismenosti,
a nine-month literacy program
v predmestju Kaira.
da ji je njen mož
that her husband
out of the classes,
zdaj pismena žena,
Umm El-Saad joined the program.
da se je Umm El-Saad pridružila programu.
dobiti nadzor nad preprosto dnevno rutino,
control over her simple daily routines,
to helping her kids in homework.
do pomaganja otrokom pri domači nalogi.
in miselnosti njenega okolja,
and her community's mindset,
her Egyptian classmates,
skupaj z egipčanskimi sošolkami
ki sem jih intervjuvala.
I interviewed.
is quite active on social media.
je aktivna na družbenih omrežjih.
what has been called the Arab Spring,
kar se imenuje arabska pomlad,
odkriti novo bakterijo.
of discovering a new bacteria.
najdemo novo čisto vsak dan.''
we have a new one every single day."
of religious fundamentalism in the region,
verskega fundamentalizma v regiji,
to women in particular.
Fayza from Yemen affected me the most.
me je Fayza iz Jemna najbolj ganila.
at the age of eight when she was married.
pri osmih letih, ko se je poročila.
60-letnemu moškemu
of a 60-year-old man,
she was a divorced mother of three.
je bila ločena mama trem otrokom.
v izjemno konzervativni družbi
in an ultra-conservative society,
da se vrne nazaj v šolo,
to her going back to school,
da kontrolira svoje življenje, izobrazba.
to control her life was through education.
nevladne organizacije,
at the university.
najeti stanovanje
rent a place to live in,
tremendous change,
velike spremembe
so neizmerne.
are overwhelming.
to becoming the photographer I am today,
da sem postala takšna fotografinja,
telling me what I can and cannot do.
kaj lahko in kaj ne morem početi.
and many women across the Arab world,
in številne ženske v arabskem svetu
to overcome barriers to education,
na poti do izobrazbe,
to a better future.
omogoča boljšo prihodnost.
with a quote by Yasmine,
s citatom Yasmine,
ki sem jih intervjuvala v Tuniziji.
I interviewed in Tunisia.
not who they want you to be.
in ne to, kar drugi želijo, da postanete.
je vaša mati rodila, da ste svobodni."
for your mother birthed you free."
Laura Boushnak - PhotographerLaura Boushnak is a Kuwaiti-born Palestinian photographer whose work focuses on women, literacy and education reform in the Arab world.
Why you should listen
Boushnak's documentary project I Read I Write explores the barriers women face accessing education and the role of literacy in improving the lives of women in Egypt, Yemen, Kuwait, Jordan, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia. For the project, Boushnak encouraged women to write their thoughts on prints of their portraits, engaging them directly in the artistic process. Boushnak’s images have been widely published, and her work has been exhibited in museums and galleries around the world. She is a co-founder of Rawiya, a collective that brings together the work and experience of female photographers from the Middle East.
Laura Boushnak | Speaker |