Scott Dinsmore: How to find work you love
Scott Dinsmore: Kako najti delo, ki ga obožujete
Scott Dinsmore founded Live Your Legend, a career and connection platform to inspire people to find their passion. Full bio
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Vedno sem se spraševal, kako to izgleda.
what this would feel like.
I got the worst career advice of my life.
najslabši poklicni nasvet v življenju.
you like the work you're doing now.
ti je delo, ki ga opravljaš zdaj.
za grajenje tvojega življenjepisa."
from living in Spain for a while,
Španije, kjer sem živel nekaj časa,
I thought, "This is fantastic.
Mislil sem: "Super.
big impact on the world."
Po skoraj dveh mesecih
And within about two months,
približno ob 10. uri to čudno potrebo,
I had this strange urge
zaslon svojega računalnika.
through the monitor of my computer.
da so vsi tekmeci v našem prostoru
that all the competitors in our space
mojega delovnega mesta.
this sage advice to build up my resume.
nasvet o grajenju svojega življenjepisa.
to jump out of and change things up,
naj skočim, da bi spremenil stvari,
nasvet Warren Buffeta, ki pravi:
from Warren Buffett, and he said,
je tako kot hraniti seks za stara leta."
is the same as saving up sex for old age."
and that was all I needed.
kar sem potreboval.
and I left with one intention:
podjetje z enim samim namenom:
That's how tough it was.
zamočil. Tako težko je bilo.
Ni bilo važno kakšen.
It didn't matter what it was.
that I wasn't alone:
of the people around
that Deloitte has done with their studies.
kaj je tisto, kar ločuje te ljudi,
what is it that sets these people apart,
spreminjajo svet,
world-changing work,
the other 80 percent
v tihem obupu.
doing this inspiring work,
ki delajo navdihujoče delo,
in naredil študije,
on purpose and career and all this,
in karieri in vsem tem.
res, s sebičnim namenom, da bi -
really for the selfish reason of --
ki ga ne bi mogel ne opravljati,
that I couldn't not do,
more and more people started to ask me,
me je več ljudi spraševalo:
Se lahko dobiva na kosilu?"
Can we sit down for lunch?"
But I would have to warn them,
odnehal v 80 odstotkih.
my quit rate was also 80 percent.
80 percent would quit their job
jih je 80 % dalo odpoved
that I had any special magic.
obvladal nikakršne posebne čarovnije.
one simple question.
ki sem ga vedno zastavil.
the work that you're doing?"
opravljaš to delo?"
told me I'm supposed to."
people around us
ogromno ljudi okoli nas
that someone tells them to climb,
jim je nekdo rekel, naj se vzpnejo,
against the wrong wall,
these people and saw this problem,
in uvidel problem -
create a community,
bi ustvarili skupnost,
could feel like they belonged
to do things differently,
kjer bi to spodbujali
where that was encouraged,
what I now call Live Your Legend,
imenujem Živi svojo legendo,
I noticed a framework
world-changers have in common,
strastnim oblikovalcem sveta,
or if you're just, you know,
ali pa samo, saj veste,
the bakery down the street.
that embodies who you are.
so we can use them as a lens
da jih uporabimo kot objektiv
and hopefully the rest of our life.
za preostanek življenja.
passionate work framework
okvira strastnega dela
and understanding yourself,
samostrokovnjak in razumete sebe.
what you're looking for,
is going to do this for us.
on passion and purpose and career.
in kariere ne obstaja na nobeni univerzi.
a required double major,
dvopredmetni magisterij?
picking out a dorm room TV set
TV-ja za vašo študentsko sobo
and your area of study.
magisterija in področja študija.
it's on us to figure that out,
odvisno, za kaj se bomo odločili.
we need a way to navigate through this.
način za navigacijo skozi to.
katere so naše edinstvene vrline.
finding out what our unique strengths are.
z veseljem vstanemo,
loving to do no matter what,
tisto, za kar se nam ljudje hvaležni?
the things that people thank us for?
in tudi spletno orodje.
is a book and also an online tool.
what it is that you're naturally good at.
pri katerih ste že po naravi dobri.
or our hierarchy for making decisions?
ali hierarhija pri sprejemanju odločitev?
our family, health,
all this stuff?
to make these decisions,
sprejeti take odločitve,
to some cause we don't give a shit about.
za katerega nas sploh ne briga.
Vsak dan in vsako minuto se učimo,
We learn things every day, every minute
what we're terrible at.
paying attention to that
it's all for nothing.
potem je vse zaman.
vsak mesec vsakega leta
every month of every year
v razmišljanju, kaj je šlo v redu,
just reflecting on what went right,
and what do I want to repeat,
as you see people, especially today,
sploh danes,
things where you say
ob katerih rečete:
I want to be like him."
hočem biti kot on.
Open up a journal.
that inspires you.
everything about their life,
vsega njihovega življenja,
kar vas pritegne,
this repository of things
and have a more passionate existence
in nam omogočijo strastnejše življenje
to put these things together,
what success actually means to us,
kaj nam uspeh dejansko pomeni,
je to nemogoče.
of the compass, it's impossible.
živimo to zrežirano življenje,
we have that scripted life
going up this ladder to nowhere.
po lestvi gor do ničesar.
if anybody saw that,
Wall Street 2, kdor ga je gledal,
the big Wall Street banker CEO,
in pomembnega bankirja Wall Streeta:
Vsak ima številko,
Everyone's got a number,
they'll leave it all."
of most of the people
understanding what matters for them,
that doesn't mean anything to us,
kar nam ne pomeni nič,
ker pravijo, da moramo.
said we're supposed to.
ki nas oživljajo.
the things that make us come alive.
could come and hit you in the face,
in vas udarila v obraz,
vi pa ste jo mogoče zavrgli,
you might throw it away
a way of identifying it.
that's congruent with my strengths,
skladnega z vašimi vrlinami,
s tem, kdo ste kot oseba
I'm going to do something with it,
vplivati s pomočjo tega.
and try to make an impact with it.
in gibanje, ki smo ga začeli,
and the movement we've built
this compass to identify,
s katerim sem ugotovil:
and make a difference with."
stremeti in vplivati na svet."
we're never going to find it,
tega ne bomo nikoli našli.
this framework, this compass,
in tisto zgoraj nisem jaz -
and that's not me up there --
in premakniti naše meje.
and pushing our limits.
why people don't do things.
zakaj ljudje ne počnejo stvari.
they can't do them,
tell them they can't do them.
or we never start in the first place.
sploh nikoli ne začnemo.
until somebody did it.
dokler ni tega nekdo storil.
every new thing in the world,
fizično je bilo nemogoče
it was a physical impossibility
in a foot race
ni opogumil in to storil.
preteklo štiriminutno miljo.
16 people broke the four-minute mile.
imamo za nemogoče,
that we think are impossible
ki čakajo, da jih dosežemo,
waiting to be accomplished
your physical body and fitness
z vašim fizičnim telesom in fitnesom,
because we can control that.
you can run a mile or two,
dva kilograma, ali karkoli že je,
or whatever it is,
v preostanek vašega sveta.
into the rest of your world.
of this a little bit with my friends.
kar malo navadili na to.
We go on physical adventures,
Skupaj hodimo na pustolovščine,
in a kind of precarious spot.
nekakšnem negotovem položaju.
that same fear
in 4 približno šestkrat
Jaws 1, 2, 3 and 4 like six times
I can already feel it right now.
če je motno, že čutim to prav zdaj.
it's fresh water, totally unfounded fear,
kjer je strah povsem neutemeljen,
I find myself on this tugboat
ljudem je bilo slabo na čolnu
and people are getting sick on the boat,
and I'm looking out the window
in gledal skozi okno
da bom zaplaval v svojo smrt.
I'm about to swim to my death.
across the Golden Gate.
preplavati ožino Golden Gate.
might have done that before.
v tem prostoru to že storili.
who had talked me into it,
and he could see the state I was in.
v kakšnem stanju sem bil.
what's the worst that could happen?
kaj se sploh lahko zgodi?
You're not going to sink.
samo skoči na enega od 20 kajakov.
just hop on one of the 20 kayaks.
zakaj bi izbral tebe
why are they going to pick you
Hvala, to zelo pomaga.
So thanks, that helps.
just have fun with this. Good luck."
v vodo in odplaval. V redu.
pomagal, imel sem občutek popolnega miru.
and I felt this total feeling of calm,
ker je imel Jonathan 13 let.
Jonathan was 13 years old.
the ages of nine and 13.
your world differently
pristop do sveta,
da lahko preplavate miljo in pol
you could swim a mile and a half
from Alcatraz to San Francisco.
v vodi s trinajstimi stopinjami.
What would you have tried?
sem prišel k Vodnemu parku
I get to Aquatic Park,
are already finished,
and they're all excited.
ve, da sem imel zmrznjeno glavo.
if anyone's ever swam in the Bay,
and I'm watching people finish.
ljudi, ki so zaključevali.
Nekaj ni bilo v redu.
something didn't look right.
before he slams his head back down.
že je zopet sunil z glavo pod vodo.
were watching too,
spremljajo tudi drugi starši.
the same thing I was:
plavati od Alcatraza."
swim from Alcatraz.
run up and grab him,
stekla k njemu, ga zgrabila
and they're dragging him like this,
Nekako vlekla sta ga,
they walk a few more feet
na njegov invalidski voziček.
insane show of victory I've ever seen.
norem izrazu zmage.
in energijo tega fanta,
and the energy on this guy
in his wheelchair.
v invalidskem vozičku.
going to be in 20 years?
do that, that he would die if tried that?
ne zmore, da bo umrl, če poskusi?
you prove yourself wrong,
little incremental pushes
the fastest marathoner in the world,
najhitrejši maratonec na svetu,
omejitev. Da te presežete,
to accomplish those,
with passionate people.
you don't think can be done
with people already doing them.
you spend the most time with."
s katerimi preživite največ časa."
boljšega trika za premik,
in the history of the world
to where you want to be
do tam, kjer bi radi bili,
to put in your corner.
and it's a proven fact.
in to je dokazano dejstvo.
with a bunch of cyclists,
opravil študijo s kupom kolesarjev.
around the track in a group,
in the group would cycle faster.
kolesarji v skupini vozili hitreje.
družbenih slojih in poklicih
in all kinds of walks of life since then,
and environment is everything.
in okolje pomeni vse.
because it can go both ways.
to deluje v obe smeri.
who don't like the work they do,
ne tukaj, ampak povsod drugje.
not in this room, but everywhere else,
da bi sledili pomembnim stvarem,
from pursuing the things that matter to us
they poured their heart and soul into,
v katero ste vlili svoje srce in dušo,
so badly want to call it a business,
spremeniti v posel,
in zamisel ni ustvarjala dobička?
and it doesn't make a dime?
to build this Live Your Legend movement
začeti gibanje Živi svojo legendo,
cared about and that inspired them,
ki jih res zanima in navdihuje.
three people paying attention,
my mother, father and my wife, Chelsea.
moja mati, oče in moja žena, Chelsea.
imelo ničodstotno rast štiri leta.
it grew at zero percent for four years,
to meet some pretty interesting people
nekaj precej zanimivih ljudi,
polne avantur,
lifestyles of adventure,
in zares pomagali ljudem.
and helped people in a meaningful way.
ima družino z osmimi člani
now, he has a family of eight,
writes for twice a week.
in Europe, all of them together.
vrnili iz Evrope.
Kako je to sploh mogoče?
How does this even exist?
by seeing this,
sem dobil neverjeten navdih,
I decided, let's take it seriously.
sem se odločil vzeti to resno.
to spend my time,
da sem porabil svoj čas,
trying to hound these guys,
kar je pač bilo.
and workouts, whatever it was.
of hanging around these people,
povečala za desetkrat.
grew by 10 times.
povečala za 160-krat.
it grew by 160 times.
from 158 countries
iz 158 držav
za kariere in povezave vsak mesec.
on a monthly basis.
that community of passionate folks
skupnost strastnih ljudi,
that I dreamed of
o kateri sem sanjal
and this is why --
I knew nobody in this space,
nikogar v tukaj,
that people could do this stuff,
da lahko ljudje delajo vse to,
and everyone around me was doing it.
in vsi so se ukvarjali s tem.
from how could I possibly do this
razmišljati, kako bi sploh to naredil,
that switch goes on in your head,
your standards go from here to here.
pomaknejo od tukaj do tukaj.
You just need to change your surroundings.
Spremeniti morate le okolje.
med ljudmi te celotne skupine,
being around this whole group of people,
če le lahko,
on the way to work, whatever it is.
na poti na delo.
ki spodbuja možnosti.
that inspires possibility.
in še veliko drugih.
to spend together and plenty more.
in terms of these three pillars,
kar zadeva te tri stebre,
more than anything else.
you can't learn about yourself.
da se ne morete učiti o sebi.
you can't push your limits
and push that.
in podreti tudi to.
surround yourself with inspiring people
z navdihujočimi ljudmi,
ki vas vlečejo navzdol.
who bring you down.
or getting in a car accident.
ali se boste znašli v prometni nesreči.
izven naših moči.
odvisne od nas
če se odločimo storiti nekaj glede tega.
if we decide to do something about it.
on a widespread level.
da je ameriška vlada prvič
reported for the first time
kje je več ljudi dalo odpoved,
had quit their jobs
but it's happened three months straight.
a se je zgodilo tri mesece zaporedoma.
it's kind of a tough environment,
da je okolje težko,
temu vnaprej zrežiranemu življenju,
to this scripted life,
say you're supposed to do,
and do the things that inspire them.
in se ukvarjajo z navdihujočimi stvarmi.
are waking up to this possibility,
ljudje se začenjajo zavedati verjetnosti,
possibility now is imagination.
ki omejuje možnosti.
what passion, what hobby.
kakšna je vaša strast, kakšen vaš hobi.
someone who is killing it knitting,
boste našli nekoga, ki to obvlada
To je fantastično.
to learn from the folks speaking,
učiti se od ljudi, ki govorijo,
on Live Your Legend every day,
Živi svojo legendo,
are doing the extraordinary,
počnejo nekaj izrednega
or Steve Jobs, doing something crazy.
ali Steve Jobs in počneš nekaj norega.
kar je pomembno vam,
that matters to you,
that only you can make.
ki ga lahko dosežete samo vi.
he was a recovering lawyer,
bil je bivši odvetnik,
something that mattered to him,
Tistega, kar je bilo zanj pomembno,
that I absolutely live by.
kateremu povsem sledim.
then they laugh at you,
potem se ti smejijo,
potem pa zmagaš."
dokler tega nekdo ne stori.
until somebody did it.
who tell you it can't be done
ki vam pravijo, da ni mogoče
who inspire possibility,
ki spodbujajo možnosti,
to show the world
da pokažemo svetu,
postane nova normalnost.
can become that new normal.
to do the things that inspire them.
za stvari, ki njih navdihujejo.
and make those discoveries.
of people love the work they do.
ljudi obožuje svoje delo.
How would you treat the people around you?
Kako bi se obnašali do ljudi okoli vas?
I have just one question to ask you guys,
question that matters.
ki je pomembno.
you can't not do?
ne morete ne opravljati?
but for everybody around you,
to change the world.
začnemo spreminjati svet.
Scott Dinsmore - Writer, travelerScott Dinsmore founded Live Your Legend, a career and connection platform to inspire people to find their passion.
Why you should listen
Entrepreneur Scott Dinsmore left life at a Fortune 500 company to help others do work that they love. After researching what thousands of employees truly wanted out of life, he founded the organization Live Your Legend. As the Chief Experimenter, he not only supplied practical career tools but connected more than 100,000 people worldwide to encourage each other's dreams -- putting community at the center of success. Dinsmore died in September 2015 while on a year-long trek around the world. His legacy will live on through his passion, dedication and strong community of dreamers and doers.
Scott Dinsmore | Speaker |