Sakena Yacoobi: How I stopped the Taliban from shutting down my school
Сакена Јакоби (Sakena Yacoobi): Како сам спречила Талибане да затворе моју школу
At the Afghan Institute of Learning, Sakena Yacoobi provides teacher training to Afghan women, supporting education for girls and boys throughout the country. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
In the Name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful.
У име Алаха, највишег и милостивог.
in a middle class family.
when he lost his father,
када је изгубио оца,
a boy or a girl:
смо преживели.
what I went through.
шта сам као дете доживљавала.
finished my high school,
када сам завршила средњу школу,
to help women and children.
да бих помагала женама и деци.
there wasn't a dormitory for girls,
није било домова за девојчице.
but I could not go there.
али нисам могла тамо да одем.
sent me to America.
I was completing my education,
with my family or with my country.
са мојом породицом и земљом.
I didn't know about it.
а да ја ништа нисам знала.
when I listened to the news,
going on with my country,
шта се у мојој земљи дешава,
да се вратим у своју земљу,
I could not go there,
да то не могу да урадим.
to the refugee camp in Pakistan,
у избеглички камп у Пакистану,
were women and children.
or they were in war.
или су отишли у рат.
да радим анкету,
које не можете ни да замислите.
са петоро до осморо деце
have no way to go anywhere,
која није имала где да оде.
no place to even live.
ни забава, чак ни место за живот.
their father and their home,
који су изгубили очеве и дом
as a 10-to-12-year old boy --
Ти дечаци су имали од 10 до 12 година
and their mother and their children.
мајке и њихову децу.
what can I do for these people?
шта могу да урадим за те људе.
What can I do for them?
Шта могу да урадим за њих?
It gave me a career.
Дало ми је каријеру.
is education and health,
мојим сународницима образовање и здравље,
was banned for girls, completely.
било потпуно забрањено за девојчице.
"I want to do this."
„Ја желим да то урадим.”
the trust in this community.
поверење у тој заједници.
I can be a teacher?"
да ја могу да будем учитељ?”,
"I will make you a teacher."
„Ја ћу те научити како.”
in his compound,
we were giving teacher training.
Подучавали смо људе да буду учитељи.
human rights, democracy, rule of law.
људска права, демократију, закон.
in Peshawar, Pakistan.
у канцеларији у Пешавару, у Пакистану.
running to rooms and locking the doors
да особље трчи у собе и закључава врата.
шта у таквој ситуацији радите?
you have to hold it together.
and show strength.
и да будете јаки.
into my office.
nine of them -- nine Taliban.
деветорица Талибана.
you can ever see.
које ћете икада видети.
to have a seat and have tea.
и понудила их чајем.
going to drink tea.
of voice they were using,
you know how I dress --
да носим црни хиџаб
is banned for girls?
забрањено за девојчице?
Where is the school?"
Где ви овде видите школу?”
"You are teaching girls here."
„Ти овде подучаваш девојчице.”
Koran, Holy Book.
if you learn the Holy Book, the woman,
да жене које уче из свете књиге
and you know --
са таквим људима и знате...
they started speaking Pashto.
да причају паштунски између себе.
leave her alone, she's OK."
она је у реду.”
I offered them tea again,
poured into my office.
већ било у мојој канцеларији.
they didn't take me away.
to be alive, of course.
што сам остала жива, наравно.
training during the fall of the Taliban --
током пада Талибана.
there is another story.
education for 80 schoolgirls,
и успели да образујемо 80 девојчица:
and continuously we trained.
И нисмо престајали.
we went into the country,
that you can imagine.
која можете да замислите.
with the outcome of my work.
Резултат мог рада ме је чинио срећном.
and one bodyguard,
they blocked the road.
и блокирали су пут.
"We have nothing to do with you."
„Немамо ништа са тобом.”
They said, "We want her."
Рекоше: „Она нам треба.”
"I can answer you.
рекавши да ће им он одговорити.
are yelling and screaming inside the car.
већ викале и вриштале.
and I told myself, this is it.
„То је то.”
and you take strength
and whatever you do.
и у шта верујете.
and you can walk on it.
и из ње црпите снагу.
on the side of the car.
„Шта могу да учиним за вас?”
opportunity to have a job.
"I don't know."
we just hold the gun and kill.
је да држимо пушку и да убијамо.
They said, "We'll let you go, go."
Они кажу: „Пустићемо те, иди.”
I sit in the car,
"Turn around and go back to the office."
„Окрени ауто и врати се у канцеларију.”
were supporting girls.
Села сам за сто и рекла:
going on up north already.
на северу у то време.
coming to get training.
all of a sudden, at this moment,
called me about a report.
позвао у вези извештаја.
And I answered her.
What's wrong with you?"
Покушала сам да избегнем питање.
she didn't believe me,
you go next time, and you will help them.
а овај пут ћеш да им помогнеш.”
I went the same route,
ишла истом трасом,
and holding the rifle
уперене у нас,
„Добро, пођите са мном.”
that whatever I say, you accept it."
морате да то прихватите.”
in the mountain areas,
They are ahead, and we go.
transforms people.
but forget about the men,
а мушкарце да заборавимо,
who are giving women the hardest time.
који женама задају највеће главобоље.
because the men should know
јер они треба да знају потенцијал жена,
can do the same job they are doing.
training to men,
that was a beautiful country.
инжењери и наставници.
out of their door without security issues.
од свог прага а да се не осећају угрожено.
Afghanistan we had before.
какав смо имали пре.
are working very, very hard.
They are training to be lawyers.
Уче да буду адвокати.
doctors, back again.
reach their complete potential,
you can conquer the world.
can do it in any part of the world.
на земаљској кугли може то исто.
Sakena Yacoobi - Education activistAt the Afghan Institute of Learning, Sakena Yacoobi provides teacher training to Afghan women, supporting education for girls and boys throughout the country.
Why you should listen
Sakena Yacoobi is executive director of the Afghan Institute of Learning (AIL), an Afghan women-led NGO she founded in 1995. After the Taliban closed girls’ schools in the 1990s, AIL supported 80 underground home schools for 3,000 girls in Afghanistan. Now, under Yacoobi’s leadership, AIL works at the grassroots level to empower women and bring education and health services to poor women and girls in rural and urban areas, serving hundreds of thousands of women and children a year through its training programs, Learning Centers, schools and clinics in both Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Yacoobi is the founder of the Afghan Institute of Learning, the Professor Sakena Yacoobi Private Hospital in Herat, the Professor Sakena Yacoobi Private High Schools in Kabul and the radio station Meraj in her hometown of Herat, Afghanistan.
Sakena Yacoobi | Speaker |