Tea Uglow: An Internet without screens might look like this
Том Аглоу (Tom Uglow): Интернет без екрана би могао изгледати овако
Tea Uglow leads part of Google's Creative Lab specializing in work with cultural organizations, artists, writers and producers on experiments using digital technology at the boundaries of traditional cultural practice. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
да одете на место које вас чини срећнима.
to go to your happy place, please.
одговорите на следећа питања.
the following questions.
на месту ваше среће?
in your happy place?
somewhere natural, outdoors --
by natural light and organic elements.
и органским материјалима.
we strive for happiness.
ми тежимо ка срећи.
we're always redesigning everything,
стално поново дизајнирамо све,
might feel more natural.
можда деловати природније.
should feel natural.
треба да делује природно.
you're addicted to your phone,
да сте зависни од телефона,
that flows through them.
које теку кроз њих.
happy in your happy place
у свом месту среће
from the outside world.
that information,
како приступамо тој информацији,
of static information,
статичних информација,
библиотеке и аутобуске станице
to access anything, anywhere at any time,
било где, у било које време,
to medieval viticulture,
до средњовековног виноградарства,
до сутрашњег времена,
свиђају једноставна средства.
кад су направљене од пластике,
my phone very much --
не свиђа мој телефон -
to experience information.
доживљавам информацију.
than a world mediated by screens.
од тога да се свет преноси преко екрана.
не осећа баш најбоље
we spend slouched over them.
савијени над њима.
и велике технолошке компаније.
у додир, говор, покрет,
in touch and speech and gesture,
неме предмете, као што су шоље,
dumb objects, like cups,
of the Internet,
овај дигитални облак
које уче њихову децу да читају,
teaching their kids to read,
које су безбедне за породице.
that's already really happening.
atoms and molecules bound in space,
који се крећу кроз простор,
to the moment of my experience.
до тренутка када их доживим.
a richer experience than a screen?
у односу на екран?
I need the enormous screen.
потребан ми је огроман екран.
with these magic boxes.
са овим магичним кутијама.
the Internet's door bitch.
на вратима Интернета.
physical things,
физичке ствари,
into the world around us.
у свет око нас.
a few examples of those.
with a design agency, Berg,
у дизајнерској агенцији, „Берг“,
without screens might actually look like.
без екрана могао изгледати,
and physical objects
на једноставна чула и физичке предмете
to make it tangible.
како бисмо га учинили опипљивим,
YouTube player.
овај дивни механички уређај за Јутјуб,
the Japanese agency, AQ,
са јапанском агенцијом, Еј-Кју,
о менталном здрављу.
around mood swings
у вези са променама расположења
very hard if you're angry,
ако сте љути,
those moments later,
ове моменте касније
an intimate, beautiful thing
интимну, лепу ствар,
a birthday present
40th anniversary.
brought over a pair of street binoculars,
донели су улични двоглед
on the Empire State Building,
simple reappropriation,
једноставно поновно присвајање,
ка овим другим иконицама.
or Shackleton's Hut.
или Шеклтонову колибу.
reality circa 1955.
из 1955. године.
hacky sacks to exchange URLs.
крпене лоптице за размену УРЛ-а.
it's like your Opal card.
слично вашој картици Опал.
on the little chip in here,
на мали чип овде,
на ком смо радили
that we're working on
here in Sydney.
и „Финчом“ овде у Сиднеју.
about what might happen
шта би се могло догодити
and you put the bits into trees,
и поставите те делове на дрвеће,
might have an opportunity
можда имати могућност
guided by a magic wand,
док их води чаробни штапић,
са дигиталним вилама,
and ask them questions,
и буду испитивани заузврат.
with this one.
back outside without screens,
да вратим децу ван без екрана,
of the Internet at their fingertips.
која би им била на дохват руке.
working by the end of the year.
прорадити до краја године.
how we design for the future,
нашег дизајнирања у будућности,
of information that we're moving into.
због доба информација у које улазимо.
rather than simply excited.
пре него једноставно узбуђење.
of human history.
that actually build our world,
изграђују свој свет;
artists, engineers.
уметници, инжењери,
we can have a happy place
место које нас чини срећнима,
as switching on lightbulb.
као и укључивање сијалице.
is watches and websites and widgets,
сатови, вебсајтови и додаци,
to cork and light and hacky sacks.
Tea Uglow - DesignerTea Uglow leads part of Google's Creative Lab specializing in work with cultural organizations, artists, writers and producers on experiments using digital technology at the boundaries of traditional cultural practice.
Why you should listen
Tea Uglow has worked at Google for nearly 10 years, starting Google's Creative Lab in Europe and, since 2012, building a Creative Lab for the Asia Pacific region in Sydney, Australia. She works with cultural organizations and practitioners to enable artists, writers and performers to look at new ways in which we can use digital technology to augment traditional art, theatre and music. Uglow believes that by experimenting with digital tools at the creative core of culture we can transform existing cultural practice without losing the tradition, values and intangible qualities that make the arts so valuable.
Previous projects include Editions at Play (books), Hangouts in History (education), Dream40 (theatre, with the RSC), Build with Chrome (with LEGO), Web Lab (with London's Science Museum), Life in a Day (YouTube film with Ridley Scott) and the YouTube Symphony Orchestra (with the LSO). Uglow is proud of her early involvement in the Art Project (now Google's Cultural Institute).
Uglow speaks on innovation and digital futures around the world. At the time of her TEDxSydney talk (2015), Tea was still presenting as male and using her boy-name, which is Tom.
Uglow studied fine art at the Ruskin in Oxford before completing two further degrees in book arts and design management at UAL. She spent six years in art publishing and design management for charities as well as in various digital start-ups before joining Google in 2006. Prior to Google, Uglow worked for the Royal Academy of Arts, the Wellcome Trust, Random House and Christian Aid. She is on the board of the Biennale of Sydney (art) and formerly D&AD (design) and AWARD (advertising).
Uglow is also a very active and proud parent of two small boys. She lives in Sydney, Australia.
Tea Uglow | Speaker | TED.com