Leila Hoteit: 3 lessons on success from an Arab businesswoman
Lejla Hoteit (Leila Hoteit): Tri lekcije o uspehu od arapske poslovne žene
BCG's Leila Hoteit specializes in human capital and education throughout the Middle East. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
from my young daughter Alia
tržnih centara u Abu Dabiju.
standing tall in the middle of the mall.
usred tržnog centra.
of the United Arab Emirates.
Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata.
Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata
that these were the rulers of the UAE
to develop their nation
na razvoju svoje nacije
that here where we live,
kako to da ovde gde živimo,
where grandma and grandpa live,
of powerful women on the walls?
ne vidimo slike moćnih žena?
I've had to answer in my years as a parent
da odgovorim kao roditelj,
of professional life, for that matter.
od više od 16 godina, štaviše.
to a very hard-working pilot
veoma vrednog pilota
for the Lebanese Airlines
„Libanskih aerolinija“
stay-at-home mom and grandma.
koje su pružale mnogo podrške.
my sister and I to pursue our education
da stremimo ka obrazovanju,
emphasized at the time
u to vreme naglašavala
who should be professionally motivated.
treba da budu profesionalno motivisani.
iz svoje generacije
of my generation
da bi studirala u inostranstvu.
and I hope I didn't do too badly
nadam se da nisam podbacila
of his would-be son.
na svog tobožnjeg sina.
i titulu doktora električnog inženjeringa,
in electrical engineering,
i razvojem u Britaniji,
then consulting in the Middle East,
in male-dominated environments.
kojima dominiraju muškarci.
a role model I could truly identify with.
sa kojim bih se zaista identifikovala.
wasn't into professional leadership.
nije zanimalo profesionalno vođstvo.
koji su me ohrabrivali,
encouraging men along the way,
and pressures I was facing,
i pritiscima suočavala,
when I had my own two beautiful children.
kada sam dobila dvoje prelepe dece.
poor, oppressed Arab women advice,
nas sirote, potlačene Arapkinje,
with different constraints.
sa drugačijim ograničenjima.
have had to become our own role models.
morale da postanu sopstveni uzori.
sa više stvari neko arapski muškarci
more cultural rigidity than Western women.
sa više kulturološke rigidnosti
that we poor, oppressed women
da mi, sirote, potlačene žene,
certainly hard-earned lessons to share,
svakako mukom stečene lekcije da podelimo,
da su korisne
in the modern world.
u savremenom svetu.
u vaše gorivo.“]
is touting as the key to success:
kao ključ uspeha -
and how do you develop it?
i kako da je razvijete?
the ability to transform shit into fuel.
jednostavno sposobnost
well before my current firm,
mnogo pre moje trenutne firme,
we will call John.
koga ćemo zvati Džon.
and was working hard,
koliko sam sjajna
my case to make partner at the firm.
da postanem partner u firmi.
on my consulting projects,
vezanih za konsalting,
of women economic empowerment.
ekonomskog osnaživanja žena.
da predstavim svoje istraživanje
to a roomful of MBA students.
master studenata poslovne administracije.
to the details of my study.
detalje mog istraživanja.
in apparent shame.
u očiglednoj posramljenosti.
pred publikom koja je aplaudirala,
to an applauding audience
gender parity indices,
rodne jednakosti
at the bottom of the index,
that was not factual?"
ili predstavila nije činjenično?“
"The whole premise of your study is wrong.
tvog istraživanja je pogrešna.
break the social fabric of our society."
socijalnu strukturu našeg društva.“
their place is in the home."
njihovo mesto je kod kuće.“
in the chaos of my brain was:
i ponavljam u tom haosu u glavi bilo je:
that partnership, Leila.
absorb this incident and its implications,
i njegove posledice,
I reached three conclusions.
došla sam do tri zaključka.
u našem društvu,
da njihovi problemi postanu moji.
their issues become mine.
another sponsor, and fast.
drugi sponzor i to brzo.
and boy, was he great.
i bio je neverovatan.
what women with children can do.
šta žene sa decom mogu.
to my personal life.
pojednako dobro na svoj lični život.
of encouragement,
by women, men and couples
na žene, muškarce i parove
sa tim što smo moj muž i ja
with my husband and I
of a dual-career couple.
na porodičnom okupljanju
at a family gathering
you're not a great mom,
in your career, right?
u svoju karijeru, zar ne?
these words didn't hurt.
da te reči nisu bolele.
precious thing to me,
failing them in any way is intolerable.
na bilo koji način je nepodnošljiva.
that these were their issues,
da su to njihovi problemi,
in these situations, you have two options.
u tim situacijima, imate dve opcije.
to internalize these negative messages
da internalizujete te negativne poruke
da se osetite kao promašaj,
to ever achieve,
negativity is their own issue,
da je negativnost drugih njihov problem
into your own personal fuel.
u sopstveni pogon.
to always go for option two,
from strength to strength.
sve jačom i jačom.
to someone supportive of their career.
za nekog ko podržava njihovu karijeru.
„imaju dovoljno pameti“,
if you plan to have a long career.
za nekog ko vas podržava
is not an equal contributor in the home.
ne doprinosi jednako u kući.
our society still assumes
naše društvo još pretpostavlja
should be the happiness and prosperity
treba da bude sreća i napredak
but it will take time.
that the professional Arab woman
da profesionalna Arapkinja
is being taken care of
sve potrebe njene dece
pronašla sam težak način,
professional skills to your personal life.
profesionalne veštine na privatni život.
u svom privatnom životu.
has access to affordable domestic help.
ima pristup povoljnoj kućnoj pomoći.
how to recruit effectively.
kako efektno regrutovati.
I have based the selection
zasnovala sam odabir
with my children while I'm at work
kod dece dok sam na poslu
for four years with my sister
sa mojom sestrom
was well-established.
member of our family,
since Alia was six months old.
imala šest meseci.
is running smoothly while I'm at work,
sve neometano teče dok sam na poslu,
for her and my children,
za nju i moju decu,
i sa najboljim talentima na poslu.
whatever your childcare situation,
na bilo koju situaciju sa negom dece,
that you share with someone else.
koju delite sa nekim drugim.
po vremenu Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata
from 7pm to 8:30pm UAE time
ever since Alia was a baby.
da bih zaštitila ovo vreme
to protect this time
da provedem kvalitetno vreme sa decom,
to spend quality time with my children,
pročitam im priču pred spavanje
reading them a bedtime story
lots of kisses and cuddles.
in whatever the time zone,
da sam vremenskoj zoni,
even if I am miles away.
čak i ako sam kilometrima daleko.
and do basic maths.
osnovne matematičke operacije.
is actually more successful
ovim veštinama od mene.
playing teacher to her little brother,
da se igra učiteljice svog malog brata,
actually improve Burhan's literacy,
poboljšavaju Buranovo opismenjavanje,
to working their life
uređivanju svojih života
of responsibility in the home.
samo o preživljavanju
about surviving in your dual role
žene sa karijerom i majke.
iz naših života.
I can spend with them every day,
mogu da provedem sa njima svakog dana,
into memorable moments,
u nezaboravne trenutke,
have not been very visible
nisu bile naročito vidljive
u politici u arapskom svetu.
in politics in the Arab world.
behind the scenes,
very important to success:
koja je veoma važna za uspeh -
of friends and acquaintances.
often compare themselves to other women
često porede sa drugim ženama,
successful woman in the room.
kao najuspešniju ženu u prostoriji.
competitive behavior
između profesionalnih žena
for one woman at the top,
za druge, a kamoli da ih uzdignete.
much less lift them up.
for this psychological trap.
that by helping each other out,
najviše pozicije na Srednjem istoku,
senior woman in the Middle East,
in my network of female colleagues
da moje ulaganje u mrežu koleginica
da umesto toga ulažem vreme
with male seniors and peers.
na višim pozicijama i sebi ravnima.
came through the support of other women.
ostvarila sam kroz podršku drugih žena.
who initially suggested
predložila da me uzmu u obzir
to the World Economic Forum.
na Svetskom ekonomskom forumu.
sa mojim medijskim angažovanjem
and my publications,
to voice her opinion,
da izrazi mišljenje,
dama iz Saudijske Arabije i prijatelj,
a Saudi lady and friend,
svoj prvi projekat u Saudijskoj Arabiji,
my first project in Saudi Arabia,
to gain traction in as a woman.
da je teško privući pažnju kao žena.
of very many projects for me in Saudi.
do prvog od mnogo projekata
višeg ranga u svom timu
as key to my own success.
kao ključ sopstvenog uspeha.
despite many recent setbacks.
uprkos mnogim skorijim zastojima.
five new female ministers to its cabinet,
pet novih ministarki u svoj kabinet,
developed countries can claim.
mogu da navedu.
Alia's favorite picture.
moje ćerke Alije.
no doubt, of great leadership,
sjajnog vođstva,
of strong Arab women
pushing the boundaries.
i neprekidno pomeraju granice.
deciding every day like me
koje svakoga dana odlučuju, kao i ja,
tako da izostave posao iz svog života,
to keep work out of their life,
kada bude stajala na ovoj bini
when she stands on this stage
to call herself her mother's daughter
da se nazove ćerkom svoje majke
"her mother's son" or "mama's boy"
„sin svoje majke“ ili „mamin dečak“
a completely different meaning.
Leila Hoteit - Women's advocateBCG's Leila Hoteit specializes in human capital and education throughout the Middle East.
Why you should listen
Dr. Leila Hoteit is a partner and managing director at BCG, based in Dubai. She leads the education and human capital development work in the Middle East.
Dr. Hoteit's career spans over 13 years in the management consulting industry. As part of her assignments, Dr. Hoteit has covered a slew of in-depth societal issues that punctuate the MENA region; these include education, women's empowerment, human capital development, employment and culture. Dr. Hoteit was named Young Global Leader for the World Economic Forum in 2014 -- a multi-stakeholder community of exceptional young leaders who share a commitment to shaping the global future. Dr. Hoteit holds a Bachelor's degree and PhD in Electrical Engineering from Imperial College London, as well as an MBA from France's INSEAD. She is the author of multiple patents.
Leila Hoteit | Speaker | TED.com