Sandi Toksvig: A political party for women's equality
Sendi Toksvig (Sandi Toksvig): Politička partija za jednakost žena
Long revered in the UK for her wit and candor, Sandi Toksvig is now lending her familiar voice to a greater cause -- equality for women. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
is so much bigger than in Europe.
je mnogo veće nego u Evropi.
are where everybody has great ideas.
svi imaju sjajne ideje.
those great ideas come from?
te sjajne ideje potiču?
that the average person --
window of opportunity each day
moguće šanse svakog dana
some sports on television,
sport na televiziji,
why I just don't engage with it.
zašto se ne bavim njime.
worth being that flexible
da budete toliko gipki,
your heel at that angle?
petu iz tog ugla?
to relate to that,
to be able to do it, OK?
any good at sport, OK?
dobra u sportu, u redu?
kad svi moji prijatelji kažu:
when all my friends say,
as I was when I was 18."
kao kad mi je bilo 18 godina."
prilično samozadovoljno.
not going to do it now.
Sigurno to ni sad neću moći.
ljude poput mene u sportu?
with zero athletic ability.
sa nula atletskih sposobnosti.
no corruption, no skills.
bez korupcije i bez talenta.
with sport when I watch it on television.
kad ga posmatram na televiziji.
is about men running
radi o muškarcima koji trče,
neatly packaged in Lycra.
da budu uredno skockani u likri.
female sport on television,
na televiziji,
might be forgiven for thinking,
može biti oprošteno što misli,
is the very lever you need
baš ona poluga koja joj je potrebna
and onto a sports ground.
i smesti na sportski teren.
are breathtaking.
in the whole of history,
where women have equality with men.
u kojoj su žene i muškarci bili jednaki.
in the whole of evolution.
to evolve quite so brilliantly.
tako briljantno da evoluiraju.
I should do something about it.
da treba nešto uraditi povodom toga.
I've got an elderly mom.
I could have 15 minutes to myself,
da imam 15 minuta za sebe,
at changing the world.
u menjanju sveta.
what I call an "activation button."
"dugmetom za aktivaciju".
pressed when you think,
kad pomislite:
s nekim vidom nejednakosti
an injustice of some kind,
u nepovoljnom položaju
were the least bit surprised.
nije bila ni najmanje iznenađena.
that I looked like Clint Eastwood.
da izgledam poput Klinta Istvuda.
was pressed when I had my kids --
pritisnuto kad sam dobila decu -
born to my then-partner.
koje sam dobila sa tadašnjim partnerom.
I work on television in Britain.
radim na televiziji u Britaniji.
I was already hosting my own shows
već sam vodila svoje emisije
to grow up with a secret.
in British public life.
u britanskom javnom životu.
that I would never work again,
da više nikad neću raditi,
absolutely worth the risk.
da je u potpunosti vredno rizika.
section of the right-wing press,
odeljak desničarske štampe,
the less stable elements of society,
manje stabilne elemente društva
that I had to take the kids into hiding,
da sam morala da sakrijem decu
many moments in the still of the night
mnogo trenutaka u gluvo doba noći
onim što sam uradila.
I carried on working,
nastavila sam da radim,
to be absolutely fantastic.
i dalje su, apsolutno fantastična.
došao prijatelj da se igraju.
he had a friend over to play.
I could hear them chatting.
čula sam ih kako ćaskaju.
"What's it like having two mums?"
"Kako je to imati dve majke?"
so I leant in to hear and my son said,
pa sam se nagela i čula sina kako govori:
because if one of them's sick,
to cook for you."
for gay equality was pressed,
za jednakost gejeva je pritisnuto
the person that I love.
sa osobom koju volim.
that the law was changed,
who I love very much, indeed.
koju uistinu mnogo volim.
we did it on the stage
obavile smo to na sceni
thousand people.
then I let it be known to the public:
i prijatelja, a onda sam javno obznanila:
please come and join us.
molim da nam se pridruži.
who wanted to come.
ko je želeo da dođe.
kaluđerice, ljudi u braku,
nuns, married people,
of humanity was there.
čitavo čovečanstvo je bilo tu.
on that stage thinking, "How fantastic.
na toj sceni, misleći: "Fantastično.
da su moji dani aktivizma gotovi, OK?
my activation days were over, OK?
International Women's Day.
koji proslavlja Međunarodni dan žena.
all-female orchestra,
koga čine samo žene,
or overlooked women composers,
ili zapostavljenih kompozitorki,
iz Baltimorske škole dirigovanja,
from Baltimore conducting,
from the past and pass them on.
iz prošlosti i da ih prenosim dalje.
the Mount Rushmore model.
što zovem modelom planine Rašmor.
have been entirely left out of it.
ali su žene u potpunosti izostavljene.
about the suffragettes --
women who fought so hard
koje su se tako silno borile
in Britain to vote.
get the vote in 1928.
pravo glasa 1928.
lecture I was giving;
where the job was done.
there was so much left to do.
ima još toliko toga da se uradi.
in positions of power.
na pozicijama moći.
at the top 100 companies
100 najboljih firmi
How many women running them?
u koliko njih žene upravljaju?
That's all right, I suppose.
are run by men called "John."
upravlja muškarac po imenu "Džon".
running FTSE 100 companies --
upravlja vrhunskim firmama -
po imenu "Dejv".
are doing a bang-up job.
sjajno obavljaju posao.
of the gender pay gap.
platnoj razlici među rodovima.
do women earn the same as men.
žene ne zarađuju koliko muškarci.
at the top in the boardroom.
u upravljačkim odborima.
was passed in 1975.
Akt o jednakoj plati.
many, many women
until the end of the year,
Forum estimates
get equal pay in ...
da budu jednako plaćene...
that's a terrible -- 2133.
grandchildren's lives
in my own business.
u sopstvenom poslu.
first woman on British television
prva žena na britanskoj televiziji
u udarnom terminu.
for a brand new ambassador
and gender equality,
i rodnu ravnopravnost,
in positions of power is shockingly low.
zapanjujuće malo.
true in the British Parliament.
je tako u britanskom parlamentu.
elected to the Parliament that year
koji su izabrani u parlamentu za tu godinu
if they're not at the table --
da pomažu u donošenju zakona -
helping to make the laws --
perspective is overlooked.
ako se zanemari ženska perspektiva.
to see a woman in charge.
da vide ženu koja upravlja.
female Prime Minister;
je dobila svoju drugu premijerku;
she was challenged:
100 days that you're in office
svojih 100 prvih dana vlade,
lives for women in Britain.
živote žena u Britaniji.
cleaning up the mess the boys made.
čisteći nered koji su napravili momci.
issue of inequality.
nesnosnog pitanja nejednakosti.
like it matters. Does it?
kao da je bitna. Je li?
at the STEM industries, OK?
u industrije STEM-a, u redu?
engineering and mathematics.
inženjering i matematika.
single aspect of our daily lives.
u svakom aspektu naše svakodnevice.
well-documented glass ceiling
dokumentovana nejednakost
scientist who fails to progress?
koja ne uspeva da napreduje?
da pređem s reči na dela.
Catherine Mayer in Britain,
Ketrin Mejer iz Britanije,
a brand new political party.
sasvim novu političku partiju.
are absolutely equal is at the ballot box.
u potpunosti jednaki je glasačka kutija.
it was to start a political party.
osnovati političku partiju.
men have been doing it for years."
muškarci se time bave godinama."
"The Women's Equality Party."
"Stranka ženske jednakosti".
I just thought we'd be clear."
Samo sam htela da budemo jasne."
to be a secret, you know? I just --
bude tajna, znate? Samo sam -
nazvati, suviše je feministički!"
It's much too feminist!"
I've heard somebody say,
sam čula kako neko govori:
if there's a "but" in the sentence,
the hilarious question,
urnebesna pitanja:
made of flammable material.
prave od zapaljivog materijala.
nije spalila svoj brushalter.
has improved since then.
napredovalo od tada.
to do in a broadcast interview,
u intervjuu u televizijskom prenosu,
the emails started coming.
then thousands and thousands,
to women in their '90s,
do žena u devedesetim
"Please, can I help?
"Mogu li da pomognem?
at party headquarters?"
we didn't have a party!
tight group of fabulous friends
usku ekipu sjajnih prijatelja
pretty much 24-7 in our pajamas.
skoro po čitavi dan u pidžamama.
many of us had children,
and we shared the work.
deleći poslove.
on certain fundamental things.
oko izvesnih temeljnih stvari.
the only political party in the world
jedina politička partija u svetu
to no longer need to exist.
da više ne bude potrebe za nama.
with no particular political leaning.
partija bez ikakvog političkog naginjanja.
from the right, from the middle,
was to work with a simple agenda:
bio da se dela po jednostavnom planu:
in every aspect of our lives,
u svim askpektima naših života,
i završimo druge kućne poslove.
the other chores done.
how politics is conducted.
ponašanje u politici.
two major political parties.
dve velike političke partije.
is shameful and poisonous.
je sramno i zarazno.
that kind of name-calling --
slične prozivke -
if just one politician said,
da bar jedan političar kaže:
and get the job done."
da radimo zajedno i obavimo posao."
into politics, OK?
uključi u politiku, u redu?
više žena u politiku,
more women into politics
to offer free childcare to our candidates,
za svoje kandidatkinje
and start campaigning.
i započnu kampanju.
of our party across the UK.
naše partije u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu.
in London, Scotland and Wales
u Londonu, Škotskoj i Velsu
for our candidate for London Mayor.
kandidatkinju za gradonačelnicu Londona.
saw how many votes we were attracting,
videli koliko privlačimo glasova,
to tackle gender equality.
bavljenja rodnom jednakošću.
change since I was a child.
još od detinjstva.
shoulder to shoulder with men.
rame uz rame s muškarcima.
and disappointment --
prazna obećanja i razočaranje -
to found a political party.
da osnujem političku partiju.
this is my five percent, OK?
mojih pet procenata, važi?
party for equality in a single country.
partiju za jednakost u samo jednoj zemlji.
in the global political landscape.
na globalnom političkom pejzažu.
about the model we have created
koji smo stvorili
it would work in India.
anybody can cook it,
svako to može da skuva
we're giving it away.
poklanjamo vam.
millions of women across the world
da mobilišemo milione žena širom sveta
to the traditional battles of politics?
tradicionalnim političkim bitkama?
let's get the work done."
hajde da obavimo posao."
equality is better for everyone.
jednakost je bolja za svakoga.
Let's change the world!
Promenimo svet!
Sandi Toksvig - Broadcast personality, politician, authorLong revered in the UK for her wit and candor, Sandi Toksvig is now lending her familiar voice to a greater cause -- equality for women.
Why you should listen
Sandi Toksvig OBE is an award-winning writer, broadcaster and performer. She was born in Copenhagen, Denmark but grew up traveling the world with her family as they followed the work of her father, Claus Toksvig, Danish television's most famous foreign correspondent. Toksvig gave her own first television interview when she was six. After graduating with a first class degree from Cambridge University she began her acting career first at Nottingham Playhouse and then the Open Air Theatre in Regent's Park.
Toksvig's first experience of live television was when she hosted and co-wrote the children's Saturday morning show "No 73," which she did for six years. Other TV followed including the improvisation show, "Whose Line is it Anyway?" and six years as team captain on "Call My Bluff." Toksvig is the new host of the BBC's entertainment show QI and is currently recording the eighth season hosting the game show "15-1" for Channel 4. She has also had recent acting cameos in "Call the Midwife" and "Up the Women." Toksvig is well known on BBC Radio 4 for her appearances on "I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue" as well as hosting "Excess Baggage" and the News Quiz.
Toksvig has also produced television. The current Playhouse Presents strand on Sky Arts was conceived by her and she produced and wrote much of the content for the first three years.
Toksvig has written over twenty books including fact and fiction for both children and adults. Her stage play, Bully Boy, was the opening production of London's newest theatre, the St James. The piece also had a successful run in Copenhagen. Her latest novel The End of the Sky, set on the Oregon Trail in 1847, will be published in 2017. It's a sequel to her last novel A Slice of the Moon about the Irish potato famine. Her new comedy play Silver Linings deals with society's attitudes to older women. It will open at the Rose Theatre in February 2017 before going on tour. Toksvig has written a column for Good Housekeeping magazine for twenty years.
In March 2015, along with journalist Catherine Mayer, Toksvig co-founded Britain's newest political party, The Women’s Equality Party (WEP), which in one year of existence now has over 70 branches across the UK. WEP stood candidates in the London, Welsh and Scottish elections of May 2016.
Toksvig has many honorary degrees. She is the President of the Women of the Year Lunch, Chancellor of the University of Portsmouth and in 2014 she was made an Officer of the British Empire by the Queen.
Sandi Toksvig | Speaker |