David Pogue: Simplicity sells
Dejvid Poug (David Pogue): Jednostavnost prodaje
David Pogue is the personal technology columnist for the New York Times and a tech correspondent for CBS News. He's also one of the world's bestselling how-to authors, with titles in the For Dummies series and his own line of "Missing Manual" books. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
Simon & Garfunkel)
Sada je veče,
first grew cold, and then grew mold.
pa onda posta i buđava, gadna.
Slušam samo zvuk tišine.
I da kod vaših telefona nema ljudske ruke.
ja sam stisnuo,
crashed my Mac,
srušio sistem nije dosta,
i ROM memoriju mi briše!
proizvodi samo zvuk tišine.
A na izmaku svoje snage,
and you pray for a trained MD.
A onda se javim ja.
koji je nekada svirao na Brodveju".
to Be a Broadway Accompanist."
ponuđena kolumna u Tajmsu,
column six years ago,
najaktuelnije nove kul uređaje.
slickest new gadgets.
play with them, evaluate them
igraš se sa njima, proceniš ih,
before you have to send them back,
a onda ćeš morati da ih vratiš.
Možeš da razmisliš o tome, ako želiš."
i apsolutno je obožavam.
and I absolutely love it.
imao jednu malu manu. A to je:
small downside, and that is,
na kraju svake kolumne.
at the end of every column.
dobijete neverovatno mnogo mejlova.
you get an incredible amount of email.
zato što ćete dobiti
and hundreds and hundreds of emails.
today is about frustration.
ovih dana tiču se frustracija.
come up on my screen.
Sreća pa ga ne vidite.
je ovo previše tehnologije previše brzo.
it's too much technology, too fast.
of a support structure.
nema dovoljno sistema podrške.
Ne razmišlja se dovoljno
put into the design of it
lakom i prijatnom za korišćenje.
kolumnu o svojim naporima
to reach Dell Technical Support,
i u roku od 12 sati
there were 700 messages
među komentarima na sajtu Tajmsa,
on the Times website,
Ja to zovem "softverski bes".
ko god smisli kako da zaradi
off of this frustration will --
get up there? Just kidding.
Delom je problem, ironično,
has put so much thought
jednostavnijim za korišćenje.
interface used to look like, DOS.
nekada izgledao, DOS.
jednostavniji za korišćenje.
Madonna was still a brunette.
Madona je još uvek bila brineta.
operating system fit in 211 k.
operativni sistem stajao je u 211kB.
the Mac OS X logo in 211 k!
bivale lakše za korišćenje,
things became easier to use,
širi krug ljudi, po prvi put
was coming into contact
of sitting in on the Apple call center
u Eplovom kontakt centru čitav dan.
da bih ja mogao da slušam.
for me to listen to.
you know how they say,
da bismo osigurali kvalitet."
for quality assurance?"
the funniest dumb user stories
najsmešnije, glupe priče korisnika
Ne, ne.
a ipak su tako razumljive.
so classic, and yet so understandable.
that her mouse was squeaking.
kako to mislite, vaš miš skiči?"
your mouse is squeaking?"
da on glasnije skiči
is that it squeaks louder,
vi ste zapravo prislonili miša na ekran?"
up against the screen?"
- Pritisnite ovde da biste nastavili."
'Click here to continue.'"
how much time have we got?
koliko još vremena imamo?
- ovo je potpuno tačno -
this is absolutely true --
and he told the technician
how many times he typed "11."
ma koliko puta ukucao 11.
"Šta? Zašto kucate 11?"
"What? Why are you typing 11?"
Error Type 11 (Greška tip/ukucaj 11)"
'Error Type 11.'"
zaista krivi isključivo korisnici.
at the feet of the users.
opterećenja tehničke podrške,
U svetu hardvera, to je zato što
we the consumers want
da sve bude što manje i manje.
smaller, smaller.
tinier and tinier,
ostaju iste veličine.
staying the same size.
of a challenge.
to another primal force:
sve više i više verzija.
more and more versions.
nije isto što i kupovati vazu
or a candy bar, where you own it.
where you pay dues every year,
gde plaćate članarinu svake godine.
and we'll sell it to you for $99."
i prodaćemo vam ih za 99$."
just on Photoshop over the years.
potrošio 4000$ samo na Fotošop.
35 percent of their revenue
unapredite neki program,
a piece of software enough times,
just a word processor in, you know,
put bio samo program za obradu teksta
zapravo sproveo ovaj eksperiment.
da dodajemo toliko mnogo opcija.
we're adding so many features.
za obradu teksta koji je samo to.
that's just a word processor:
veb stranice, nije baza podataka."
is not a database."
and it was called Microsoft Write.
in acknowledgment, because it died.
u znak odobravanja zato što se ugasio.
Ljudi vole da budu okruženi
with unnecessary power, right?
and the website, but they're like,
ili veb sajt, ali misle:
možda mi zatreba jednog dana."
you know, I might need that someday."
features, where are they going to go?
gde će oni da stanu?
određen broj formi za izgled alata.
You only have so many design tools.
sliders, pop-up menus, sub-menus.
iskačući meniji, podmeniji.
about how you choose,
završite sa ovim.
this is not a joke --
neobrađena slika Majkrosoft vorda,
with all the toolbars open.
svim opcijama na traci sa alatkama.
opened all the toolbars,
malom, sićušnom prozoru ovde dole.
is this little, teeny window down here.
of interface matrices,
features and options,
da se moraju uključiti dve dimenzije:
Svi ste se bunili kako
is always bulleting your lists
obeležava vaše liste i podvlači linkove.
jednostavnog, dobrog interfejsa,
a simple, good interface,
which one of these features.
koji od ovih alata.
za Vindous 2000.
dialogue box for Windows 2000.
tako ispunjen drugim elementima
is so full of other components
on the exact same dialogue box.
za isti dijalog prozor.
the dialogue box. No, no.
da Epl i Majkrosoft
that Apple and Microsoft
dizajniranju softvera.
approach to software design.
to simplicity tends to be:
hajde samo da napravimo više koraka.
let's just make it more steps.
of Windows coming out this fall.
Vindousa ove jeseni.
there's absolutely no telling
OK, može. Stisnimo "Dalje" za nastavak.
prvo slovo koje želite da ukucate. OK.
the first letter you want to type. Ok.
koju ne želimo da pređemo.
that we don't want to cross.
ove alate na prost, pametan način?
in a simple, intelligent way?
kada je to moguće,
kantu za smeće, fasciklu, kad je moguće,
label things, mostly.
Ali molim dizajnere da prekrše
if they violate the biggest rule of all,
najvažnije pravilo od svih,
Šta pod tim mislim?
gde inteligencija pravi nešto
not consistent, but it's better.
treba da unesete svoju adresu
what country you're from, ok?
kao na globalno selo.
as a global village.
Europe, and Japan.
seven screensful to get to it.
da dođete dotle.
to put "United States" first,
ali bilo bi pametno.
gasimo Vindous računar
shut down a Windows PC
imate štampač.
you have a printer.
one copy of your document,
jednu kopiju svog dokumenta,
svaki put kad štampate?
this every time you print?
you'll notice, is not "Print."
primetićete, nije "Štampaj".
jedina kompanija koja je prihvatila
is the only company who has embraced
wonderful about this.
naročito u ranim danima.
when they were flying high in the '90s,
kada su bili u usponu '90-ih.
sreo sam jednog od radnika.
I met one of the employees.
"Hvala, šta Vi radite ovde?"
"Thank you. What do you do here?"
I'm like, "You're a what?"
A on: "Pa, Džef Hokins, direktor,
the CEO, says,
na Palm Pajlotu
takes more than three taps of the stylus,
digitalnom olovkom,
and it has to be redesigned.'
Ja to brojim."
have a tap counter.
a new blank document in Word --
prazan dokument u Vordu,
and you choose "New."
pojavi se programska traka,
a task bar appears,
negde među tim linkovima
by the way, not at the top --
that makes you a new document.
not counting taps.
i ismevam Majkrosoft...
here and make fun of Microsoft ...
štreber sam od malih nogu.
a meni profit, hvala bogu.
that makes the whole world run.
iako s njim nekad možeš da obrišeš pod.
but the press is snowed.
rade na razvoju Majkrosofta.
is doing Microsoft's R&D.
down these days.
Malo smo se ugledali na Mek računar.
You've got nowhere to go.
Nemate kud. Ne radim ovo zbog hvale.
that fits the world today.
there are really two Microsofts.
u stvarnosti postoje dva Majkrosofta.
for Windows and Office.
odgovoran za Vindous i Ofis.
out and start fresh, but they can't.
i počnu iz početka, ali ne mogu.
toliko mnogo dodataka
and other company stuff
uklopljeno u staru osnovu iz 1982.
simple interface designs.
kao i Majkrosoftov pametni sat.
jako loše na tržištu,
flopped miserably in the market,
jednostavno i lepo dizajniran.
simply and beautifully designed.
da li biste vi plaćali
koji mora da se puni svako veče
every night like your cell phone,
čim napustite svoju opštinu?
when you leave your area code?
nalet komplikovanosti samo pogoršavati.
is only going to get worse.
Ekrani postaju sve manji.
people are illuminating,
stavljaju se uputstva u kutije.
came back to Apple in 1997,
vratio u Epl 1997. godine,
bilo je to na konferenciji "MacWorld",
it was the MacWorld Expo --
u onoj crnoj rolci i farmerkama
in that black turtleneck and jeans,
Masa je odlepila, a ja sam mislio:
but I had just seen --
Tek što sam pogledao film "Evita" -
moram da odsviram jednu o Stivu Džobsu.
You'll think I'm strange.
zašto sam se vratio
da sam shvatio
Apple's future is black.
koji je počeo u garaži
who started out in a garage
know what the tricks are.
I dalje imam pokretač i viziju.
i kad pljušti kiša i kad sunce sija.
verovao u jednostavnost,
in simplicity and elegance and beauty.
malo deprimiran
to očigledno nisu cenili,
obviously did not value it,
three percent market share,
da je to vredno njihovog novca.
putting a price on it.
a onda sam čuo Al Gorov govor i shvatio
the meaning of depressed.
zar ne? Zato što je izašao Ajpod,
zdravog razuma.
of common wisdom.
i imali su više mogućnosti.
other products had more features,
and FM transmitters.
Majkrosoft po otvorenim standardima,
by Microsoft, with an open standard,
vlasničkih standarda.
this is the one they wanted.
Baš njega su želeli.
is getting the message.
prima tu poruku.
sa jednostavnošću i elegancijom.
very well with simplicity and elegance.
Fizički jako kul,
elegant thinking coming along lately.
koje se skoro pojavilo.
kako prebacujete slike na računar?
back to your computer?
ili kupite čitač kartice pa to vučete.
and haul that around.
Ono što ja radim, izvadim
otkrivajući USB kontakt.
revealing USB contacts.
offload the pictures,
prebacim slike i vratim nazad u kameru.
Krise, ti si izvor napajanja.
Will you be my power plug?
Kris Anderson: O, da.
DP: Hold that and don't let go.
Možda ste videli ovo.
this is Apple's new laptop.
Ovako se ukopča.
It hooks on like this.
this at some point in your lives,
about to pull this onto the floor.
Baš me briga. Pozajmljen je.
Ne povuče laptop na pod.
the laptop onto the floor.
ja obavljam dosta svog posla
using speech recognition software.
you have to be kind of quiet
jer je softver nervozan.
odličan za brzo pisanje mejlova. Tačka.
software is really great
dobijam na stotine. Tačka.
a day; period.
that it writes down; period.
što mu diktiram. Tačka.
"glasovne komande". Tačka.
called voice macros; period.
from the hall and stuff.
veoma brzo
very quickly by saying a short word,
a bude zapisana mnogo duža stvar.
a much longer thing.
sends me a fan letter, I'll say,
for taking the time to write ...]
sends me hate mail --
puno mržnje - što se svaki dan dešava -
Nemojte nikom reći.
Don't tell anyone.
this is a really interesting story.
a znate šta su stavili u osmu verziju?
in version eight?
Ovo se softverima nikad pre nije desilo!
happened before in software!
this software work right." Right?
da softver ispravno radi."
kupovali ovaj softver, probali ga -
this software, tried it out --
što znaci da je u 20 reči jedna pogrešna -
Kompaniji se to smučilo,
nećemo uraditi ništa više osim
we're not going to do anything,
Pa je to ono što su uradili.
počeo je da se širi.
is starting to spread.
koji ste potrošači ove tehnologije:
who are consumers of this technology:
niste nužno vi krivi, okej?
it's not necessarily you, ok?
of the thing you're using.
dizajn stvari koje koristite.
dobrog i lošeg dizajna.
of good design and bad design.
koji prave ove stvari, lako je teško.
who create this stuff:
Izbrojte korake.
is not deciding what features to add,
odlučiti koje opcije da dodate
simplicity sells.
jednostavnost prodaje.
David Pogue - Technology columnistDavid Pogue is the personal technology columnist for the New York Times and a tech correspondent for CBS News. He's also one of the world's bestselling how-to authors, with titles in the For Dummies series and his own line of "Missing Manual" books.
Why you should listen
Which cell phone to choose? What software to buy? Are camera-binoculars a necessity or novelty? As release cycles shorten and ever-shrinking gadgets hit the market with dizzying speed, it's harder and harder to know what's worth the investment. A tireless explorer of everyday technology, David Pogue investigates all the options so we don't have to.
After happily weathering installation nightmares, customer service hiccups, and an overwhelming crush of backups, upgrades and downloads, Pogue reports back with his recommendations via his many columns, TV appearances and how-to books. And he does it all with relatable insight, humor and an unsinkable sense of pun, er, fun. All that, and he sings, too.
David Pogue | Speaker | TED.com