Chuck Nice: A funny look at the unintended consequences of technology
تشاك نيس: نظرة مرحة على العواقب غير المقصودة للتكنولوجيا
Chuck Nice is a radio and TV veteran with a passion for science communication and comedy. Full bio
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with two things: promise
ما تأتي بشيئين: وعد
that I want to explore.
فينا التكنولوجيا المستقبلية
future tech may affect us,
exploring the unintended consequences
في استكشاف العواقب غير المقصودة
was the tech of future you.
مضت، كانت تمثل تكنولوجيا المستقبل لك.
من المفترض أن تجمعنا سويةً
to bring us together
يتحدثن مع بعضهن البعض
are talking to one another
of eye contact.
محاصرين بتسونامي من التواصل،
in a communication tsunami,
has never seen.
is not like the other.
أنت مخطئٌ تماماً...
with the book, you’re wrong --
would say, "Wrong!"
من هؤلاء الشباب يقرأون،
is listening to music
to our devices?
من المفترض أن تضعنا في مدينة متغيرة،
to place us in a veritable town square,
بأفكار صعبة ومناقشات جميلة.
with challenging ideas and debates.
your stupid, ill-informed political views!
وآرائك السياسية المريضة!
التغريدة إذا نظرت إليها،
about that tweet if you look at it,
instead of "leprosy,"
a brand new way of torturing teenagers --
طريقة جديدة في تعذيب المراهقين...
just can't seem to wrap her head around.
والدتي ذات الخمس وسبعين عاماً.
turn off the internet?"
is a bunch of wussies."
وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي في المواعدة.
what social media has done to dating.
حتى أدركت أنه ليس بتطبيق للسندويش.
it wasn't a sandwich app.
تعتقد أن هناك حدود
if you think there is a limit
we can have on this planet,
أن تحصل عليه في هذا الكوكب،
and play the hits.
been around for many years,
been driving while texting,
السيارة ذات القيادة الذاتية،
driverless cars will be shared,
you're saying right now.
is going to stand up here
لا أريد أن أعيش في عالم
but I do not want to live in a world
bureaucrats remind me
not to work here.
قمت ببعض الخيارات الجيدة في حياتك.
you made some pretty good life choices.
الذين لا يجدون مكاناً للمغازلة.
will not have a place to make out.
سيارة قيادة ذاتية لفعل ذلك.
driverless cars to do just that.
and ask the question:
مثل رائحة الفشل والعار والإحراج؟"
awkwardness, failure and shame?"
لدخلت إلى داخل غرفة نومي.
I'll walk into my own bedroom.
to look forward to?
كان الذكاء الاصطناعي مجرد مزحة.
when artificial intelligence was a joke.
أن تسمعها في حفل كوكتيل
that you would hear at a cocktail party
bring it up in conversation:
لدينا هو الكونجرس الأمريكي.
is our American Congress.
الذين أشاروا بشدة إلى
and Bill Gates have all gone on record
الذكاء الاصطناعي.
about artificial intelligence.
عيسى وموسى ومحمد جميعاً ويقولون،
coming together and saying,
أن نؤمن به جميعاً."
we can all believe in."
is all I'm saying.
machines how to think,
and even practice deception.
لا بد أنه سمع الكلمات:
has heard these words:
مع آلة يمكنها أن تفكر فيك
with a machine that can outthink you
artificial intelligence
أن نصنع ذكاءً اصطناعيًا تامًا
أن نعلم الروبوتات أو الآلات
the robots or machines
that the only real problem on this planet
الحقيقية الوحيدة على هذا الكوكب
you just destroyed the planet.
التي تدمرون بها العالم.
أنتم لطيفون جداً!
دون التحدث عن الرجل الآلي. جيد؟
talking about robotics. OK?
أن الرجل الآلي رائع؟
robotics were cool?
robotics were cool,
going to take everybody's place,
down to the heart surgeon.
that is very disappointing about robotics
in a windowless basement
"I am going to marry my creation."
to stop this from happening,
لوقف ذلك من الحدوث،
لدينا حبيبة آلية.
have robot girlfriends.
ببروتوكولات الدفاع عن حقوق المرأة
with a feminist protocol
وهي تقول، "أنا جيدة ٌجداً لك.
and go, "I am too good for you.
to end disease before it even begins,
المرض قبل أن يبدأ،
fuller, healthier lives.
مع الأجهزة المناسبة،
with implantable hardware,
of human evolution.
where it's really going.
where you are on the globe
من أصحاب البشرة السوداء.
both his parents are black.
كوكتيل بعد 20 عاماً؟
at a cocktail party in 20 years?
يعلم أنه ليس مخيفاً.
knows that it isn't.
that we are indeed our brother's keeper?
وأسوأ شياطيننا بالظهور؟
our deepest, darkest demons?
التكنولوجيا مخيفة أم لا.
whether or not technology is scary.
Chuck Nice - Comedian, science fanChuck Nice is a radio and TV veteran with a passion for science communication and comedy.
Why you should listen
Chuck Nice is an 18-year veteran of stand-up comedy with a rich history in entertainment. For years, Nice has been busy making a name for himself across all mediums, including radio, television and the internet. Currently, he is the co-host of StarTalk with Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson on Nat Geo. Nice has also hosted How to Buy Like Mega Millionaire and Home Strange Home on HGTV. His other familiar works include Price This Place on HGTV, VH-1's Best Week Ever, TRU TV's World’s Dumbest, The Katie Couric Show, Bethany and The Meredith Viera Show. Despite his busy schedule, Nice still makes time to regularly perform at NYC comedy clubs, delighting audiences with his storytelling style of stand-up comedy.
Most recently, Nice is preparing the groundwork for the world's largest youth climate summit titled "Shh...It Just Got Real!" -- aimed at activating the people most affected by climate change, those who will inhabit the problem we are now creating.
Chuck Nice | Speaker |