Amishi Jha: How to tame your wandering mind
Amishi Jha: Kako ukrotiti lutajući um
As a neuroscientist specializing in the brain mechanisms of attention, Amishi Jha researches mindfulness techniques to optimize focus, even under high stress. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
of their brain capacity.
kapaciteta mozga.
delivered this line
Morgan Freeman
that makes him a great actor,
što ga i čini izvrsnim glumcem,
of their brain capacity.
100 % kapaciteta mozga.
energy-demanding organ
koji treba energiju,
at full capacity being used,
of information overload.
than it can fully process.
da bi uspio sve obraditi.
the brain's computational resources
računalnih resursa mozga
as the leader of the brain.
the rest of the brain follows.
u tom smjeru ide i ostatak mozga.
the human brain's attention system.
I've been very interested in one question.
jako me zanimalo jedno pitanje.
that our attention is the brain's boss,
da je pažnja šef našeg mozga,
I wanted to know three things.
željela sam saznati tri stvari.
control our perception?
upravlja našom percepcijom?
foggy and distracted?
about this fogginess,
po pitanju rastresenosti,
to pay better attention?
da posveti više pažnje?
in the work that we do in our lives.
u našem svakodnevnom radu.
ends up getting utilized.
of somebody that I know quite well.
group of people that we work with,
s kojima surađujemo
is a matter of life and death.
pitanje života i smrti.
Captain Jeff Davis.
zapovjednika Jeffa Davisa.
with you, as you can see,
at the scenery around him,
driving off that bridge.
o tome da sleti s tog mosta.
all of everything he had not to do so.
sav njegov napor da to ne učini.
was thousands of miles away.
bili su miljama daleko.
and, really, dread for his future.
i bojao se za svoju budućnost.
that he didn't take his life.
knew that he wasn't the only one
znao je da nije jedini
vjerojatno su proživljavali isto.
probably were, too.
in the first-of-its-kind project
tada jedinstvenom projektu,
something called mindfulness training
tzv. obuku o osvještenosti
what mindfulness training is,
što je trening o osvještenosti,
how attention works in the brain.
kako pažnja funkcionira u mozgu.
involve brain-wave recordings.
moždanih valova u laboratoriju.
people wear funny-looking caps
ljudi nose smiješne kape
that have electrodes embedded in them.
s prikopčanim elektrodama.
the ongoing brain electrical activity.
električnu moždanu aktivnost.
temporal precision.
voltage fluctuations over time.
primjetne promjene napona kroz vrijeme.
plot the timing of the brain's activity.
odrediti vrijeme moždane aktivnosti.
a face on the screen,
pokažemo lice na ekranu,
detectable brain signature.
zamjetnu reakciju mozga.
that are involved in face processing.
nadležnih za prepoznavanje lica.
and so on cue,
i toliko točno,
this brain-wave component a name.
toj komponenti moždanog vala.
in many of our studies.
that attention may have on our perception.
koji pažnja ima na našu percepciju.
of the kind of experiments
images like this one.
overlaid on each other.
of these types of overlaid images,
ovakvih preklapajućih slika,
to pay attention to the face.
pažnju obrate na lica.
by pressing a button,
was it indoor or outdoor?
unutarnji ili vanjski prostor.
we can manipulate attention
were actually doing what we said.
zaista čine ono što smo od njih tražili.
were as follows:
bile su sljedeće:
and affecting perception,
i utječe na percepciju,
attention to the face,
the face becomes barely perceptible
lice postaje jedva uočljivo
of face detection, the N170,
za prepoznavanje lica, N170,
were paying attention --
pažnja ispitanika usmjerena
attention to the face,
kad je pažnja usmjerena na lice,
as you can see in red, it was smaller.
kao što vidite u crvenom, ona je manja.
between the blue and red lines
thing that changed,
were identical in both cases --
u oba slučaja bile identične -
of actually seeing a face.
otkad ugledamo lice.
we wanted to see what would happen,
željeli smo vidjeti što bi se dogodilo,
or diminish this effect.
poremetiti ili smanjiti.
in a very stressful environment,
stavite u vrlo stresnu sredinu,
negative images,
uznemirujućim, negativnim slikama
on the news, unfortunately --
actually affect their attention.
na njihovu pažnju.
while they're doing this experiment,
ispitanicima pokažemo stresne slike,
its power diminishes.
a njegova moć opada.
that stress does this to the brain --
to čini našem mozgu,
has this powerful influence on attention
tako snažan utjecaj na pažnju
external distraction,
with an experiment
generate their own mind-wandering.
in an ongoing task of some sort.
mislimo na nešto sasvim drugo.
is that essentially, you bore people.
jednostavno, budete dosadni.
of mind-wandering happening right now.
nema puno onih koji su odlutali mislima.
of internal content to occupy themselves.
svakakve misli da im ne bude dosadno.
što se može smatrati
most boring experiments.
eksperimenata na svijetu.
were a series of faces on the screen,
bila su lica na ekranu,
every time they saw the face.
pritisnuli bi gumb.
the face would be upside down,
lice bilo postavljeno naopako,
just to withhold the response.
they were successfully mind-wandering,
da su uspješno odlutali mislima,
when that face was upside down.
kada bi lice bilo naopako.
that it was upside down.
događa kad misli odlutaju.
when people have mind-wandering.
in the environment,
our own mind wandering,
odnosno naše sanjarenje,
is very powerful
it's also fragile and vulnerable.
ona je i krhka i ranjiva.
and mind-wandering diminish its power.
i sanjarenja smanjuju njezinu moć.
very controlled laboratory settings.
kontrolirano laboratorijsko okruženje.
about your attention
kretanje vaše pažnje
for four out of the next eight minutes.
četiri od narednih osam minuta.
so pay attention, please.
obratite pažnju, molim.
that you're going to remain seated
i dalje ostati sjediti
your eyes on me as I speak.
that we mind-wander,
u literaturi da sanjarimo,
from the task at hand,
od zadatka kojim se bavimo,
little trips that we take away,
kratke odsutnosti umom,
any dire consequences
nekih kobnih posljedica
propusti 4 minute vojnih uputa.
four minutes of a military briefing,
four minutes of testimony.
missing any time.
kojima odluta pažnja.
in those cases could be dire.
posljedice mogu biti kobne.
is an exquisite time-traveling master.
da naš um fenomenalno plovi kroz vrijeme.
of the music player, we see this.
nositelja zvuka, vidimo sljedeće.
that have already happened, right?
nije li tako?
for the next thing that we want to do.
i planirati sljedeću aktivnost.
time-travel mode of the past or the future
without our awareness,
you were trying to read a book,
kada ste čitali knjigu,
a da niste znali što ste pročitali.
with no idea what the words were saying.
without an awareness that we're doing it,
a da toga nismo svjesni,
on the past when we rewind,
ruminating, reliving or regretting
razmišljamo, ponovno proživljavamo
razmišljamo unaprijed.
thinking to yourself, OK,
and more often.
we can possibly do about this?
and wandering mind is a mindful one.
koji je pod stresom - svjestan um.
with paying attention
znači da pažnju
with awareness.
trenutna iskustva, svjesno.
reactivity of what's happening.
na ono što se zbiva.
that button right on play
unfolding of our lives.
mode of being to have any benefits.
svjesnost kako bi od nje imali koristi.
we're offering people programs
a suite of exercises
of mindfulness in their life.
u većoj prisutnosti uma.
that we work with, high-stress groups,
izložene visokoj dozi stresa,
medical professionals --
mind-wandering can be really dire.
može doista biti kobna.
we offer them very accessible,
vrlo pristupačne, duže rokove,
to optimize the training,
is track to see what happens,
circumstances that they may have.
u kojima se nađu.
to students right around finals season.
obuku studentima pred ispite.
to accountants during tax season.
poreznih prijava.
while they're deploying.
vojnicima i marincima.
is most likely to be vulnerable,
vjerojatno najlabilnija,
to be in peak shape
koncentracija bude optimalna,
a series of attention tests.
of some kind of high-stress interval,
stresnog vremenskog intervala,
we track them again,
if there's a difference.
uma ikakve koristi?
mindfulness training?
the lapses in attention
if we don't do anything at all,
ako ništa ne učinimo,
of this high-stress interval than before.
na početku vremenskog intervala.
we can protect against this.
od toga se možemo zaštititi.
just like the other groups,
iako su, kao i druge grupe,
take our training programs
to doing the daily mindfulness exercises
svakodnevno ponavljati vježbe
how to be in the present moment,
u sadašnjem trenutku,
even though they're in high stress.
sve bolje, čak i kada su pod stresom.
is actually important to realize,
are very much like physical exercise:
poput fizičkih vježbi:
in mindfulness practice,
to Captain Jeff Davis.
na zapovjednika Jeffa Davisa.
in the very first project
uključeni u prvi projekt
offering mindfulness training.
ponudivši obuku o osvještenosti.
which was very heartening.
što je vrlo utješno.
the mindfulness training
Captain Davis shared with us
zapovjednik Davis nam je rekao
was the benefit of this program.
za razliku od prošlog puta,
they were much more present.
they were really more compassionate
imali su više suosjećanja
engaging with and each other.
u kontakt i međusobno.
training program we offered
ponudili, na više načina
post-traumatic stress disorder
stresnog poremećaja
into post-traumatic growth.
nakon traumatskog događaja.
that Captain Davis and I --
a decade ago, in 2008 --
desetak godina, 2008.,
to continue practicing mindfulness
usredotočenu osvještenost
from the Marine Corps.
odlaskom u mirovinu.
to get remarried,
and transitions and joys of his life,
i sretne događaje u životu,
usredotočenu osvještenost.
just a few months ago,
prije samo par mjeseci,
heart attack, at the age of 46.
teški srčani udar, u dobi od 46 godina.
a few weeks ago.
to tell you something.
who worked on me, they saved my heart,
primili spasili moje srce,
to stop the ambulance
vozilo hitne pomoći
to the hospital," -- himself,
when there was fear and anxiety happening
usred straha i tjeskobe,
were the gifts of mindfulness."
prisutnosti uma".
to hear that he was OK.
that he had transformed his own attention.
da je transformirao svoju pažnju.
that nearly drove him off a bridge --
skoro odveo s mosta --
leader and guide,
my call to action to all of you.
pozvavši sve vas na djelovanje.
as part of your daily wellness toolkit,
vaših svakodnevnih vježbi,
to be a trusted guide in your own life.
bude pouzdani vodič u vašem životu.
Amishi Jha - NeuroscientistAs a neuroscientist specializing in the brain mechanisms of attention, Amishi Jha researches mindfulness techniques to optimize focus, even under high stress.
Why you should listen
Neuroscientist Amishi Jha studies how to keep the brain’s attention systems in peak shape over high-pressure intervals. In her laboratory at the University of Miami, she uses functional MRI, electrophysiological recordings and behavioral analysis techniques to understand why our attention sometimes fails us, and if it can be trained for greater focus and less distractibility.
In 2008, Jha launched the first-ever study to offer mindfulness training tools to active duty military service members as they prepared for deployment. What she has discovered over the past 10 years of research on this topic is that without intervention, soldiers’ attention and working memory are compromised, and their attentional lapses increase. She has found similar patterns in students and athletes, too. The good news is that engaging in mindfulness training to cultivate greater present moment awareness protects against these effects. Her research is continuing to explore how attention can be trained for optimal performance and well-being. In her TED Talk, Jha unpacks how attention becomes vulnerable under stress and the mechanisms that allow it to be strengthened with mindfulness training.
Amishi Jha | Speaker |