Bill Gross: The single biggest reason why start-ups succeed
Bill Gross: Satu alasan terbesar mengapa startup meraih sukses
Bill Gross founded Idealab, an incubator of new inventions, ideas and businesses. Full bio
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succeed the most,
suksesnya perusahaan,
for startup success.
kesuksesan perusahaan startup.
to make the world a better place.
untuk menciptakan dunia yang lebih baik.
yang tepat pada sekelompok orang
with the right equity incentives
in a way never before possible.
yang dulunya tidak mungkin.
unbelievable things.
meraih hal-hal yang tidak mungkin.
demikian hebatnya,
organization is so great,
actually matters most
to be systematic about it,
and maybe misperceptions I have
yang mungkin saya miliki
beberapa tahun ini.
I've seen over the years.
since I was 12 years old
berumur 12 tahun
in junior high school,
saat SMP,
solar energy devices,
saat saya membuat panel surya,
saya membuat pengeras suara.
saya memulai usaha perangkat lunak.
I started software companies.
saya memulai Idealab,
I started Idealab,
we started more than 100 companies,
dan banyak yang gagal total.
kegagalan dan kesuksesan perusahaan.
success and failure.
tergantung pada ide.
the idea was everything.
for how much I worship
karena saya amat memuja
come up with the idea.
mendapatkan ide.
the execution, adaptability,
boxer Mike Tyson on the TED stage,
petinju Mike Tyson di panggung TED,
mereka ditinju di mukanya." (Tertawa)
punched in the face." (Laughter)
about business as well.
termasuk dalam bisnis.
in the face by the customer.
pukulan ke muka yang dilayangkan klien.
was the most important thing.
adalah tim.
at the business model.
generating customer revenues?
jelas untuk menarik klien?
in my thinking
most for success.
intense amounts of funding.
the timing.
dunia belum siap menerima?
the world's not ready for it?
dan perlu mengedukasi dunia?
and you have to educate the world?
terlalu banyak kompetitor?
already too many competitors?
dengan seksama
at these five factors
perusahaan Idealab,
Idealab companies,
something scientific about it.
yang ilmiah tentangnya.
NetZero, --
NetZero, --
Desktop Factory, Peoplelink --
Desktop Factory, Peoplelink --
but didn't succeed.
tapi mereka tidak sukses.
of those attributes
masing-masing perusahaan
on each of those dimensions.
I looked at wild successes,
saya mencari perusahaan yang sukses besar,
and Youtube and LinkedIn.
Youtube dan LinkedIn.
in some cases,
yang paling berpengaruh
actually accounted the most
all of these companies,
between success and failure.
the uniqueness of the idea,
keunikan sebuah ide,
the idea isn't important,
bahwa ide bukanlah yang paling penting.
the idea wasn't the most important thing.
ketepatan waktu.
it was actually timed.
masuk akal bagi saya.
made sense to me actually.
lebih rendah karena
makes sense to be that low
without a business model
kebutuhannya muncul.
are demanding what you're creating.
namun Anda berkembang baik,
but you're gaining traction,
intense funding.
contoh spesifik untuk Anda.
examples about each of these.
yang semua orang tahu.
that everybody knows about.
ditengok banyak investor handal
passed on by many smart investors
pada orang tak dikenal."
in their home to a stranger."
mendukung kesuksesannya,
a good idea, great execution,
ide dan eksekusi yang baik,
right during the height of the recession
menyewakan rumahnya pada orang asing.
their own home to a stranger.
model bisnisnya hebat,
incredible business model,
into the system.
it was very, very important.
amat, sangat penting.
came out when people needed web pages.
muncul saat orang butuh situs web.
pada 1998,
actually at TED in 1998,
efektif mengatasi lalu lintas.
cost-effective ways to get traffic.
berperan lebih penting.
maybe more important.
sebuah perusahaan hiburan online.
it was an online entertainment company.
we had a great business model,
bintang Hollywood.
Hollywood talent to join the company.
pada 1999-2000.
was too low in 1999-2000.
video content online,
ketika itu,
and do all this stuff,
banyak hal untuk menonton,
went out of business in 2003.
tahun 2003.
was solved by Adobe Flash
Adobe Flash
crossed 50 percent in America,
50% di Amerika,
tapi waktunya sangat tepat.
a business model when it first started.
saat dimulai.
that would work out.
sangat sangat tepat.
beautifully timed.
lebih penting lagi.
memilih waktu yang tepat
consumers are really ready
konsumen benar-benar siap
dan tidak menyangkal hasil analisa Anda
any results that you see,
kita ingin ia berhasil
you want to push it forward,
tentang ketepatan waktunya.
about that factor on timing.
and make the world a better place.
dunia dan membuatnya jadi lebih baik.
meraih rasio kesuksesan yang lebih tinggi,
have a slightly higher success ratio,
come to the world
you've been a great audience.
Bill Gross - Idea guyBill Gross founded Idealab, an incubator of new inventions, ideas and businesses.
Why you should listen
Bill Gross is the founder of Idealab, a business incubator focused on new ideas. (He's now the chair and CEO.) He helped create, the first sponsored search company. He also created the Snap! search engine, which allows users to preview hyperlinks.
Gross has been an entrepreneur since high school, when he founded a solar energy company. In college, he patented a new loudspeaker design, and after school he started a company that was later acquired by Lotus, and then launched an educational software publishing company. Now, he serves on the boards of companies in the areas of automation, software and renewable energy.
Bill Gross | Speaker |