Jennifer Doudna: How CRISPR lets us edit our DNA
Jennifer Doudna: Bagaimana CRISPR memungkinkan kita untuk menyunting DNA
Jennifer Doudna was part of inventing a potentially world-changing genetic technology: the gene editing technology CRISPR-Cas9. Full bio
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for editing genomes.
untuk menyunting genom.
scientists to make changes
ilmuwan membuat perubahan
to cure genetic disease.
menyembuhkan penyakit genetik.
through a basic research project
lewat proyek penelitian dasar
how bacteria fight viral infections.
melawan infeksi virus.
in their environment,
dengan virus di lingkungan mereka,
like a ticking time bomb --
infeksi virus seperti bom waktu,
to defuse the bomb
untuk menjinakkan bom
an adaptive immune system called CRISPR,
disebut CRISPR,
viral DNA and destroy it.
dan menghancurkannya.
is a protein called Cas9,
adalah protein Cas9,
and eventually degrade viral DNA
dan menghancurkan DNA virus
of this protein, Cas9,
harness its function
memanfaatkan fungsinya
specific bits of DNA into cells
potongan DNA ke sel
been possible in the past.
has already been used
of mice and monkeys,
dalam sel-sel tikus dan monyet,
the CRISPR technology
they could use CRISPR
mereka bisa menggunakan CRISPR
of an integrated HIV virus
yang terintegrasi
of genome editing
that we have to consider,
yang harus dipikirkan,
not only in adult cells,
bisa digunakan untuk sel dewasa,
about the technology that I co-invented,
tentang teknologi yang ikut saya temukan
and societal implications
dampak etika dan sosial
what the CRISPR technology is,
a prudent path forward
dalam melangkah
they inject their DNA.
virus menyuntikkan DNA mereka.
to be plucked out of the virus,
into the chromosome --
potongan kecil ke kromosom --
get inserted at a site called CRISPR.
diselipkan ke dalam situs disebut CRISPR,
interspaced short palindromic repeats.
interspaced short palindromic repeats."
we use the acronym CRISPR.
to record, over time,
sel mengingat sepanjang waktu,
are passed on to the cells' progeny,
diteruskan ke keturunannya,
not only in one generation,
tidak hanya dalam satu generasi,
to keep a record of infection,
menyimpan catatan infeksi,
Blake Wiedenheft, likes to say,
a genetic vaccination card in cells.
genetik yang efektif dalam sel.
into the bacterial chromosome,
telah dimasukkan ke kromosom bakteri,
of a molecule called RNA,
yang disebut RNA,
of the viral DNA.
with DNA molecules
from the CRISPR locus
to protein called Cas9,
pada protein Cas9
like a sentinel in the cell.
seperti penjaga di dalam sel.
of the DNA in the cell,
the sequences in the bound RNAs.
sesuai dalam ikatan RNA.
the blue molecule is DNA --
molekul biru adalah DNA--
to cut up the viral DNA.
untuk memotong DNA virus.
sentinel complex
kompleks Cas9 RNA penjaga
that can cut DNA --
yang dapat memotong DNA--
in the DNA helix.
dalam heliks DNA.
this complex is programmable,
particular DNA sequences,
untuk mengenali urutan DNA tertentu,
di situs tersebut.
could be harnessed for genome engineering,
dapat dimanfaatkan untuk rekayasa genom,
a very precise change to the DNA
yang sangat tepat pada DNA
this break was introduced.
a word-processing program
the CRISPR system for genome engineering
bisa untuk rekayasa genom
to detect broken DNA
untuk mendeteksi DNA yang rusak
a double-stranded break in its DNA,
putusnya rantai ganda dalam DNA,
the ends of the broken DNA
bersama-sama ujung DNA yang rusak
in the sequence of that position,
pada urutan posisi itu,
a new piece of DNA at the site of the cut.
pada situs pemotongan
double-stranded breaks into DNA
pemutusan rantai ganda DNA
to repair those breaks,
of new genetic information.
informasi genetik baru.
the CRISPR technology
causing cystic fibrosis, for example,
yang menyebabkan sistik fibrosis,
to repair that mutation.
untuk memperbaiki mutasi itu.
it's been in development since the 1970s.
sudah dikembangkan sejak tahun 1970-an.
were very promising,
that they were either inefficient,
for use in their own laboratories,
di laboratorium mereka sendiri,
clinical applications.
like CRISPR and utilize it has appeal,
memakainya punya daya tarik tersendiri,
genome engineering technologies
teknologi rekayasa genom lama
to rewire your computer
a new piece of software,
perangkat lunak baru,
is like software for the genome,
seperti perangkat lunak untuk genom,
using these little bits of RNA.
menggunakan potongan kecil RNA.
break is made in DNA,
dibuat dalam DNA,
astounding things,
mencapai hal-hal luar biasa,
that cause sickle cell anemia
yang menyebabkan anemia sel sabit
applications of the CRISPR technology
penerapan pertama teknologi CRISPR
to deliver this tool into cells,
untuk melakukannya di dalam sel,
that's going on
yang sedang berjalan
of human disease, such as mice.
seperti tikus.
very precise changes
membuat perubahan yang sangat tepat
that these changes in the cell's DNA
bahwa perubahan ini dalam DNA sel
in this case, an entire organism.
dalam hal ini, seluruh organisme.
was used to disrupt a gene
untuk mengganggu gen
for the black coat color of these mice.
untuk warna bulu hitam tikus-tikus ini.
differ from their pigmented litter-mates
kelompok anak berpigmen
in the entire genome,
pada satu gen di seluruh genom,
from these animals,
dari hewan-hewan ini,
where we induced it,
di mana kita menginduksinya,
are going on in other animals
dilakukan pada hewan lain
for human disease,
untuk penyakit manusia,
that we can use these systems
kita dapat menggunakan sistem ini
in particular tissues,
pada jaringan tertentu,
the CRISPR tool into cells.
mengirimkan CRISPR ke dalam sel.
that DNA is repaired after it's cut,
diperbaiki setelah dipotong,
and limit any kind of off-target,
membatasi segala jenis salah sasaran,
of using the technology.
dari penggunaan teknologi.
clinical application of this technology,
aplikasi klinis dari teknologi ini,
that we will see clinical trials
kita akan melihat uji klinis
therapies within that time,
dalam waktu itu,
to think about.
untuk dipikirkan.
around this technology,
tentang teknologi ini,
in start-up companies
di perusahaan start-up
to commercialize the CRISPR technology,
mengkomersilkan teknologi CRISPR,
in these companies.
di perusahaan ini.
for things like enhancement.
untuk hal-hal seperti perbaikan.
to engineer humans
untuk merekayasa manusia
such as stronger bones,
seperti tulang lebih kuat,
to cardiovascular disease
penyakit kardiovaskular
to be desirable,
or to be taller, things like that.
menjadi lebih tinggi
would give rise to these traits
yang akan menimbulkan sifat-sifat tersebut
to make such changes,
untuk melakukan perubahan tersebut,
that we have to carefully consider,
yang kita harus pertimbangkan hati-hati,
have called for a global pause
telah menyerukan jeda global
of the CRISPR technology in human embryos,
pada embrio manusia,
implications of doing so.
berbagai dampaknya
precedent for such a pause
bagi jeda tersebut
on the use of molecular cloning,
penggunaan kloning molekular,
could be tested carefully and validated.
dengan hati-hati dan divalidasi.
are not with us yet,
belum bersama kita saat ini,
are happening right now.
telah ada sekarang.
a huge responsibility,
tanggung jawab besar ke kita,
both the unintended consequences
baik konsekuensi yang tidak diinginkan
of a scientific breakthrough.
dari terobosan ilmiah ini.
a technology with huge consequences,
ini punya konsekuensi besar,
or a moratorium or a quarantine
atau moratorium atau karantina
the therapeutic results of this,
gaining traction,
of The Economist -- "Editing humanity."
"Mengedit kemanusiaan."
it's not about therapeutics.
bukan tentang terapi.
did you get back in March
pada bulan Maret
for a moment and think about it?
dan memikirkannya?
were actually, I think, delighted
to discuss this openly.
membahas ini secara terbuka.
dengan orang lain,
as well as others,
of viewpoints about this.
careful consideration and discussion.
pertimbangan hati-hati dan diskusi.
happening in December
of Sciences and others,
of Sciences dan lainnya,
out of the meeting, practically?
dari pertemuan tersebut, secara praktis?
and stakeholders
pemangku kepentingan yang berbeda
this technology responsibly.
teknologi ini secara bertanggung jawab.
a consensus point of view,
dengan sudut pandang konsensus,
for example, at Harvard,
are just a question of safety.
hanyalah masalah keamanan.
in animals and in labs,
di laboratorium,
we move on to humans."
kita beralih ke manusia."
school of thought,
this opportunity and really go for it.
kesempatan ini dan melanjutkannya.
in the science community about this?
yang terjadi di komunitas sains?
some people holding back
beberapa orang menahan diri
or don't regulate at all?
atau tidak mengatur sama sekali
especially something like this,
terutama yang seperti ini,
a variety of viewpoints,
perfectly understandable.
for human genome engineering,
untuk rekayasa genom manusia,
consideration and discussion
pertimbangan dan diskusi yang cermat
and other fields of science
dan bidang sains lainnya
pretty much like yours.
mirip dengan teknologi Anda
intelligence, autonomous robots and so on.
dan sebagainya.
a similar discussion in those fields,
diskusi serupa di bidang itu,
serve as a blueprint for other fields?
cetak biru untuk bidang lain?
to get out of the laboratory.
untuk keluar dari laboratorium.
uncomfortable to do that.
in the genesis of this
karena saya terlibat dalam permulaan ini
in a position of responsibility.
dalam posisi bertanggung jawab.
that other technologies
dengan cara yang sama,
something that could have implications
sesuatu yang bisa berdampak
Jennifer Doudna - BiologistJennifer Doudna was part of inventing a potentially world-changing genetic technology: the gene editing technology CRISPR-Cas9.
Why you should listen
Together with her colleague Emmanuelle Charpentier of Umeå University in Sweden, Berkeley biologist Jennifer Doudna is at the center of one of today's most-discussed science discoveries: a technology called CRISPR-Cas9 that allows human genome editing by adding or removing genetic material at will. This enables fighting genetic diseases (cutting out HIV, altering cancer cells) as well as, potentially, opening the road to "engineered humans."
Because some applications of genetic manipulation can be inherited, Doudna and numerous colleagues have called for prudent use of the technology until the ethics and safety have been properly considered.
Doudna is the co-winner of the 2018 Kavli Prize in Nanoscience, along with Emmanuelle Charpentier and Virginijus Šikšnys.
Jennifer Doudna | Speaker |