Lewis Pugh: How I swam the North Pole
Lewis Pugh a jeho plávanie na Severnom póle
Pushing his body through epic cold-water swims, Lewis Gordon Pugh wants to draw attention to our global climate. He's just back from swimming in a meltwater lake on the slopes of Mount Everest. Full bio
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niečo o mojom zosnulom otcovi.
akoby ste tam práve boli.
chlapcovi často rozprával,
pokuse Veľkej Británie.
aby si ich ochránil.
výbuchu atomovej bomby
Hovoril mi o kapitánovi Scottovi,
ktorý vyliezol na Mount Everest.
bol už niekoľkokrát.
kráčali po veľmi, veľmi tenkom ľade
za goliere a zatriasť nimi,
pre toto symbolické plávanie,
ktoré by malo byť zamrznuté,
inak sa to opísať nedá.
plávanie je šport pre jednotlivca,
od pravdy ani nemôže byť.
som sa v mysli pripravil na to,
Ideš! Ideš! Nespomaľuj!"
Severným pólom preplával
som bol pripravený.
vo vode o teplote -1,7°C,
Lapal som po dychu.
sa snažil dostať z vody.
nemohol zovrieť do päste.
zamrzli a roztiahli sa.
Prežíval som strašné muky.
a do horúcej sprchy.
stál pod horúcou vodou
plávať naprieč Severným pólom.
o 20-minútové plávanie,
menom Sir Ranulph Fiennes.
významný britský výskumník.
na lyžiach dostať až k Severnému pólu.
a spadol do mora.
stalo Ranovi po troch minútach
ľadové kryhy k Severnému pólu.
ako tvrdo si trénoval
za goliere a zatriasť nimi.
po celý čas dávať pozor."
keď mi to povedal,
až sme dorazili k Severnému pólu.
kusy bieleho ľadu
doľava, ani doprava,
jedno krátke video o tom,
z prístavu a je to ten moment,
snívania dostať sa sem,
Amudson: Pripravený.
10 sekúnd do plávania.
Daj mi dole okuliare!
Zober topánky.
Dokázal si to Lewis!
tým, že len dodám:
som si znova cítil ruky.
Áno, jednoznačne áno.
ktorí ešte stále nevedia o tom,
ohľadom klimatických zmien urobiť?"
musíme rozdeliť na menšie,
svojou čiastkou každá krajina.
som hovoril o klimatických zmenách,
z vystúpení, ktoré som
predmestiach Južnej Afriky,
Ide nám to.
seba tú najzákladnejšiu otázku.
veľmi pekne vám ďakujem.
Lewis Pugh - Coldwater swimmerPushing his body through epic cold-water swims, Lewis Gordon Pugh wants to draw attention to our global climate. He's just back from swimming in a meltwater lake on the slopes of Mount Everest.
Why you should listen
Lewis Gordon Pugh loves to pioneer new swimming routes around or between landmarks once thought unswimmable. In 2006, he swam the drought-stricken Thames; also that year he became the first swimmer to do a long-distance swim in all five oceans of the world. The following year, he made the first long-distance swim across the North Pole -- where climate change made the ice temporarily disappear. Heading into the second decade of his swimming career, he's regarded as the greatest cold-water swimmer in history.
His swims have given him a sea-level view of our planet, and inspired him to do his bit to help preserve it. He left a career in maritime law to become a public speaker on environmental issues with his group, Polar Defence Project -- and of course to plan more astonishing swims and treks. In September 2008, Pugh and Robbie Hedgus kayaked across the Arctic Ocean into the polar ice pack, to raise awareness of the thinning sea ice and the dangers of climate change in the Arctic and across the world. And at the end of May 2010 he swam 1 kilometer across Pumori, a meltwater lake situated next to the Khumbu Glacier on Mount Everest, at an altitude of 5300 meters, to draw attention to the melting of the Asian glaciers. He completed the swim -- the highest any person has undertaken -- in less than 23 minutes. "Glaciers are not just ice: they are a lifeline, they provide water to 2 billion people, and we need to protect them," he says.
Lewis Pugh | Speaker | TED.com