Robert Full: The secrets of nature's grossest creatures, channeled into robots
Robert Full: Skrivnosti najbolj ogabnih bitij narave se stekajo v robote
Robert Full studies cockroach legs and gecko feet. His research is helping build tomorrow's robots, based on evolution's ancient engineering. Full bio
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da roj ščurkov hiti proti njemu?
between natural and human technologies
med naravno in človeško tehnologijo
ali pa povzročili motnjo, kot je potres,
čudovito uglašene noge
zapleteno površje, kot je trava,
kjer se zaradi svoje oblike
več nalog z isto strukturo.
sploh jih ne vidite -
they use to run, their legs.
ki jih imajo za tek, svojih nog.
ki jih imamo.
manevriranja s to isto strukturo
različnih vrst območij.
da se spet obrnejo, če padejo na hrbet.
do napak in odporni nanje.
lepljive blazinice in kremplje,
se še vedno premikajo po grobem terenu
ne da bi se kaj upočasnili. Neverjetno.
navzgor po mrežah.
izmenjujočem trikoraku:
in razvije nov korak, skakajoč korak.
upočasnjeni za dvajsetkrat,
odporni na poškodbe.
gladek, navpični vzpon,
vidite nekaj zelo drugačnega.
head-on collision with the wall
lahko splezajo na zid v 75 milisekundah.
ker imajo neverjetno zunanje okostje.
kopice prilegajočih se sklepov,
ki so povezani med sabo.
see the compliant membrane.
novo izdelovalno tehniko,
zunanji skelet kot origami.
in nato skupaj zložite robota.
v manj kot 15 minutah.
Dinamični Avtonomni Zloženi Heksapod,
odporni na poškodbe.
behaviors of the cockroaches.
vedenjskih lastnosti ščurkov.
pametno, gibljivo telo,
na zelo preprost način.
s katerim izginejo.
zakaj lahko gredo kamorkoli.
skozi tri milimetrske špranje,
drugega na drugem,
tečejo skozi te ozke prostore
smo naredili CT sliko zunanjega okostja,
za več kot 40 odstotkov.
za testiranje materialov,
večje od njihove teže,
povsem normalno.
ki temelji na radovednosti,
po ščurkih, hiti proti vam.
Robert Full - BiologistRobert Full studies cockroach legs and gecko feet. His research is helping build tomorrow's robots, based on evolution's ancient engineering.
Why you should listen
UC Berkeley biologist Robert Full is fascinated by the motion of creatures like cockroaches, crabs and geckos having many legs, unusual feet or talented tails. He has led an effort to demonstrate the value of learning from Nature by the creating interdisciplinary collaborations of biologists, engineers, mathematicians and computer scientists from academia and industry. He founded CiBER, the Center for interdisciplinary Bio-inspiration in Education and Research, and the Poly-PEDAL Laboratory, which studies the Performance, Energetics and Dynamics of Animal Locomotion (PEDAL) in many-footed creatures (Poly).
His research shows how studying a diversity of animals leads to the discovery of general principles which inspire the design of novel circuits, artificial muscles, exoskeletons, versatile scampering legged search-and-rescue robots and synthetic self-cleaning dry adhesives based on gecko feet. He is passionate about discovery-based education leading to innovation -- and he even helped Pixar’s insect animations in the film A Bug's Life.
Robert Full | Speaker |