Lawrence Lessig: The unstoppable walk to political reform
Lawrence Lessig: Rruga e pandalshme drejt reformave politike
Lawrence Lessig has already transformed intellectual-property law with his Creative Commons innovation. Now he's focused on an even bigger problem: The US' broken political system. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
te ndermjetem te nevojshem
te perseritshme te luhatshme --
it's what it says on Wikipedia —
por keshtu thote Wikipedia --
mund te dale gabim,
qe tabela e llogaritjes tuaj
nje here ne 27.000 vjet.
ne komunitet.
e teknologjise, thane se kjo mangesi
atyre keto mikrocipe.
zevendesimin e ketij mikrocipi
asnje qe te fliste per mua."
nje pikeveshtrim ne brendesi.
ne thelb te inteligjences.
dhe te kunderpergjigjesh?
dhe te shpetosh llojin tend?
shume te afta ne kete.
to give my first TED Talk.
fjalimin tim te pare ne TED.
atij per fjalimin tim,
politikat e Internetit,
nje korrupsion i brendshem
academic, it's not your field?"
nuk eshte fusha jote?"
nuk eshte fusha ime" i thashe.
ne 360 miliard here
te marre nje vendim.
sinqeriteti ne shoqerine politike.
me jep per kete fjale --
dhe te shpetojme popullin tone.
te bisedoja me ju,
of an extraordinary depression.
nga nje depresion i jashtezakonshem.
se cfare do tju thosha juve?
me pak sterile,
per te adresuar keto ceshtje,
ne New Hampshire
Rebelimi i New Hampshire
sesi mund te bejme
ceshtje qendrore ne 2016?
qe kapi imagjinaten time,
Gjyshja D. filloi nje marshim.
with hundreds following her,
e ndjekur nga qindra vete,
who had gotten in a car
qe erdhen me makine deri aty afer,
qe perfundoi ne 24 Janar,
ne kete marshim,
very bottom of New Hampshire
New Hampshire
that we talked to about this issue.
folem per kete ceshtje.
se 96% e Amerikaneve
te reduktojne influencen
per kete ceshtje.
be done about this issue.
qe mund te bejne per kete ceshtje.
se pavaresisht, 96% nga ne
of us believe we can't,
beson se nuk mund ta beje,
te larta sa here
kete ndjenjen e shpreses,
absolute sense of impossibility.
absolut te pamundesise.
nese i jepni atyre shprese,
nje menyre per te menduar
miqte e Aronit,
ashtu sic dua djalin tim.
per te festuar kete ceshtje,
fazes se pare te zgjedhjeve,
permes shtetit,
per te festuar kete ceshtje.
njerez perreth vendit
"A mund te bejme te njejten gje
nje platforme e quajtur G.D.Walkers,
David Cascino,
kesaj ideje te reformes.
dhe te informoheni menjehere
me keto ceshtje
se per ke te votoni
Super PAC si nje fjale.
ndryshe May Day,
te bejme nje eksperiment.
ne Kongresin e Shteteve te Bashkuara
Nje miliard?
me Kickstart, ne njefare menyre,
KickStarter per arsye politike,
ne nje fare menyre
qellime shume ambicioze,
e shumave te medha,
per te bere te mundur
te nevojshem
sesi paraja influencon politiken,
pas nje ideje kritike
qe i kane premtuar nje qeveri,
me shume sesa te varferit.
qe i bashkoheni kesaj levizje,
Lawrence Lessig - Legal activistLawrence Lessig has already transformed intellectual-property law with his Creative Commons innovation. Now he's focused on an even bigger problem: The US' broken political system.
Why you should listen
Lawyer and activist Lawrence Lessig spent a decade arguing for sensible intellectual property law, updated for the digital age. He was a founding board member of Creative Commons, an organization that builds better copyright practices through principles established first by the open-source software community.
In 2007, just after his last TED Talk, Lessig announced he was leaving the field of IP and Internet policy, and moving on to a more fundamental problem that blocks all types of sensible policy -- the corrupting influence of money in American politics.
In 2011, Lessig founded Rootstrikers, an organization dedicated to changing the influence of money in Congress. In his latest book, Republic, Lost, he shows just how far the U.S. has spun off course -- and how citizens can regain control. As The New York Times wrote about him, “Mr. Lessig’s vision is at once profoundly pessimistic -- the integrity of the nation is collapsing under the best of intentions --and deeply optimistic. Simple legislative surgery, he says, can put the nation back on the path to greatness.”
Read an excerpt of Lessig's new book, Lesterland >>
Lawrence Lessig | Speaker |