Akash Manoj: A life-saving device that detects silent heart attacks
Akaš Manodž (Akash Manoj): Spasonosni uređaj koji detektuje tihe infarkte
Akash Manoj developed a novel technique that can non-invasively detect and alert at-risk patients of a potential asymptomatic heart-attack. Full bio
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to a silent heart attack.
shocking was that at 75,
sa svojih 75 godina,
healthy and energetic,
against this deadly killer
protiv ovog ubice
the results of recent studies
rezultate skorašnjeg istraživanja
of nearly eight million people
da blizu osam miliona ljudi
when arteries get clogged,
in the heart muscles start to die.
počinju da odumiru.
symptoms of a heart attack:
uobičajeni simptomi infarkta:
of breath, fatigue, et cetera ...
nedostatak daha, umor itd...
that is quite common,
because the symptoms are silent.
jer su simptomi tihi.
just don't realize what's happening,
prosto ne shvataju šta se dešava,
to receive the treatment that they need
da dobiju potrebno lečenje
get to the hospital by chance,
stignu u bolnicu,
they are struck by a heart attack,
of these time-consuming, expensive tests
ili više dugotrajnih, skupih testova
the gold standards
najvišim standardima
account for nearly 45 percent
disorders suffer from nerve damage
i sličnim oboljenjima
zbog kojih ne osećaju onu vrstu bola
the sort of pain
a heart attack.
the damage of a heart attack
dožive oštećenje srca
suffer from nerve damage,
dožive nervno oštećenje,
immediate medical care.
an unlikely event is about to occur.
pre nego što se nemili događaj desi.
was an at-risk patient, too.
to understand the heart,
and worked across labs in India.
u laboratorijama širom Indije.
of persistent research,
istrajnog istraživanja,
is a promising solution.
sa svetom je rešenje koje obećava.
patients at all times.
mogu stalno da ga nose.
the need for a blood test
i radi danonoćno,
and analyzing data at preset intervals.
u unapred podešenim intervalima.
for a single purpose:
iz jednog razloga:
that might help us in the future.
i koje bi ubuduće moglo da nam pomogne.
your heart really is.
vaše srce inteligentno.
multiple times before failing,
više puta pre nego što otkaže,
kao što je bol u grudima.
when the heart loses out
kada srce izgubi
about the nerve damage.
o nervnom oštećenju.
before a silent heart attack,
pre tihog infarkta,
the common symptoms.
koji su uobičajeni simptomi.
certain biomarkers --
određene biomarkere -
that are SOS messages --
koji su pozivi u pomoć -
of these cardiac biomarker proteins
proteinskih biomarkera
isključivo na ove podatke.
biomarkers are found
stages of a heart attack,
zasniva na tome.
on that basis.
ili se stavlja blizu grudi.
or placed near your chest.
for a biomarker blood test,
radi krvnog testa na biomarker,
i prati biomarker specifičan za infarkt
a heart-attack specific biomarker
kritični nivo u vašem krvotoku -
a critical level in your bloodstream --
lakše i jeftinije
and cheaper than conventional methods
za dijagnozu infarkta.
concentration data,
o koncentraciji biomarkera,
with advanced research in the future,
for an at-risk patient to go to a doctor
ugroženog pacijenta da ode lekaru
could be worn at all times,
u realnom vremenu.
levels going beyond the critical point,
biomarkera iznad kritične tačke,
na predstojeći srčani zastoj
of an impending cardiac arrest
immediate medical attention.
to provide the patient
da pruži pacijentu
of the cardiac injury,
that the patient is in danger,
da je pacijent u opasnosti,
će sada imati više vremena da preživi
more time to survive
medical treatments
after a heart attack.
nakon infarkta.
on at-risk patients under observation,
na ugroženim pacijentima pod nadzorom,
accuracy and sensitivity.
tačnosti i osetljivosti.
to people in two variants:
učinim dostupnim u dve varijante:
of the biomarker levels
nivoa biomarkera,
za ljude u ruralnim oblastima
for the people in rural areas
popnu iznad kritične tačke.
levels go beyond the critical point.
in cardiac health care today,
u lečenju kardioloških problema,
self-care and technology.
nego preventivna briga i tehnologija.
for the heart attack to occur
into post-care treatment.
u negu nakon infarkta.
će već biti učinjena.
will already be done.
da preispitamo medicinu.
for us to rethink medicine.
health-care technologies.
tehnologiju zdravstvene nege.
not 10 years from now,
ne za deset godina,
svog dedu kao što sam ja.
his or her grandfather just like I did.
Akash Manoj - InventorAkash Manoj developed a novel technique that can non-invasively detect and alert at-risk patients of a potential asymptomatic heart-attack.
Why you should listen
Akash Manoj lost his grandfather due to a silent heart attack when he was thirteen. Silent heart attacks strike at-risk patients who are affected by nerve damage. Unlike most teenagers, inspired by the intricacies of the problem, Manoj translated his emotions into social motivation and, eventually, into action. At the end of three years of research and experiments funded by the Government of India at various labs across India, including SRISTI-BIRAC, he developed a novel technique that can non-invasively detect and alert at-risk patients of a potential asymptomatic heart-attack. His method involves transcutaneously isolating, identifying, spectroscopically analyzing, and sensing elevation in the levels of a cardiac biomarker called h-FABP in realtime -- a process that significantly establishes a path to preventative cardiovascular healthcare.
Manoj was awarded at the Intel ISEF 2018 and was conferred with the nation's highest honor (National Child Award for Exceptional Achievement | Gold Medallion) by the President of India.
Akash Manoj | Speaker | TED.com