Steven Wise: Chimps have feelings and thoughts. They should also have rights
Steven Wise: Els ximpanzés tenen sentiments i pensaments. Haurien de tenir drets, també
By challenging long-held legal notions of “personhood”, Steven Wise seeks to grant cognitively advanced animals access to a full spectrum of fundamental rights. Full bio
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miréssiu aquest llapis.
or the cars you own.
cotxes que pugueu tenir.
to my book or my car.
el meu llibre o amb el meu cotxe.
named James Mollison
va fer aquestes fotografies,
"James & Other Apes."
"James & Other Apes."
how every single one them,
cadascun d'aquests micos,
die before his eyes.
com morien la mare i el pare
a great legal wall
un gran mur legal
from legal persons.
de les persones legals.
are invisible to judges.
són invisibles pels jutges.
the capacity for legal rights.
als drets legals.
are the legal persons.
hi són les persones legals.
visibles pels jutges.
for an infinite number of rights.
a un nombre infinit de drets.
are legal things.
no humans són coses legals.
són persones legals.
synonymous with a legal person.
sinònim de persona legal.
are not synonymous.
legals no són sinònims.
over the centuries
a través dels segles
were sometimes legal things.
a ser coses legals.
struggle over the last centuries
civils durant els darrers segles
through that wall and begin to feed
en aquell mur i traspassar
and have them become legal persons.
per a esdevenir persones legals.
forat s'ha tancat.
legals hi són,
limited to human beings.
a ser persones humanes.
legal persons who are not even alive.
legals que ni tan sols són vives.
that corporations are legal persons.
corporacions són persones legals.
was a legal person,
ídol fos una persona legal,
of the Sikh religion was a legal person,
de la religió Sikh fos persona legal,
the indigenous peoples of New Zealand
indígena de Nova Zelanda
that a river was a legal person
que un riu era una persona legal
of lush, brown hair,
castany i frondós,
I wanted to speak for the voiceless,
per a defensar els que no tenien veu,
and defenseless the trillions,
i indefensos són els milers de
as an animal protection lawyer.
com a advocat de protecció animal.
to accomplish something
estava intentant acomplir quelcom
I was trying to defend,
dels quals jo intentava defensar,
Allò no podia funcionar.
només podria funcionar si
was they had, at least some of them,
com a mínim uns quants,
that we could open up again in that wall
d'un forat que podíem tornar a obrir
nonhuman animals through that hole
humans a través d'aquell forat
of being legal persons.
el de persones legals.
very little known about or spoken about
tampoc se'n parlava sovint,
or legal rights for a nonhuman animal,
un animal no humà tingués drets,
to take a long time.
anava per llarg.
would take about 30 years
que trigaríem uns 30 anys
a strategic litigation,
un litigi estratègic,
to punch another hole through that wall.
poder perforar un altre forat en el mur.
that it only took 28.
només vam trigar 28 anys.
to begin was not only
no només vam haver de
and teach classes, write books,
donar classes i escriure llibres,
to get down to the nuts and bolts
i utilitzar mesures concretes
aquest tipus de cas.
was figure out what a cause of action was,
era esbrinar quina seria la causa,
is a vehicle that lawyers use
que els advocats fan servir
davant d'un tribunal.
a very interesting case
molt interessant
in London called Somerset vs. Stewart,
Londres anomenat Somerset vs. Stewart,
had used the legal system
va fer ús del sistema legal
to a legal person.
eventually wrote an entire book about it.
que vaig escriure un llibre sobre això.
when he was kidnapped from West Africa.
quan el van segrestar a l'Àfrica occidental.
named Charles Stewart in Virginia.
anomenat Charles Stewart.
brought James Somerset to London,
en James Somerset a Londres,
he was going to escape.
was to get himself baptized,
que va fer va ser batejar-se,
a set of godparents,
responsibilities of godfathers
grans responsabilitats dels padrins
with Charles Stewart.
a en Charles Stewart.
but then James dropped out of sight.
però després en James va desaparèixer.
then hired slave catchers
llogar un caçador d'esclaus
la ciutat de Londres,
not back to Charles Stewart,
no a en Charles Steward,
that was floating in London Harbour,
estava amarrat al port de Londres.
rumb a Jamaica
in the slave markets
en un dels mercats d'esclaus,
years of life that a slave had
de tres a cinc anys de vida d'esclau
swung into action.
James van posar fil a l'agulla.
of the court of King's Bench,
de la cort dels tribunals del rei,
a common law writ of habeus corpus
ordre de dret comú d' habeas corpus
that English-speaking judges can make
jutges anglosaxons crear lleis
by statutes or constitutions,
dins d'estatuts o constitucions,
is called the Great Writ,
s'anomena Gran Mandat,
who are detained against our will.
han detingut contra la nostra voluntat.
un recurs d'habeas corpus.
to bring the detainee in
for depriving him of his bodily liberty.
per a privar al detingut de llibertat.
a decision right off the bat,
una decisió immediata,
was a legal thing,
era una cosa legal,
for a writ of habeus corpus,
mandat d'habeas corpus,
that he would assume,
que suposaria,
was indeed a legal person,
Somerset era, una persona legal,
and James's body was brought in
i el capità del vaixell
over the next six months.
es van realitzar un seguit d'audiències.
said that slavery was so odious,
va proclamar que l'esclavitud era odiosa,
and he ordered James free.
i va ordenar que James fos lliure.
underwent a legal transubstantiation.
va patir una metamorfosi legal.
out of the courtroom
who had walked in,
que hi havia entrat,
they had nothing whatsoever in common.
no tenien res en comú.
the Nonhuman Rights Project,
Projecte dels Drets No Humans,
what kind of values and principles
quins eren els valors i principis
davant els jutges.
did they imbibe with their mother's milk,
havien après de petits,
do they use every day,
els que aplicaven cada dia,
and we chose liberty and equality.
I vam escollir llibertat i igualtat.
to which you're entitled
que rebem
en què ens agrupem ,
protects a fundamental interest.
protegeix un interès fonamental.
and self-determination.
i autodeterminació.
in a common law country,
que en un país de dret comú,
life-saving medical treatment,
tractament mèdic que us salva la vida,
your self-determination and your autonomy.
autodeterminació i la vostra autonomia.
of right to which you're entitled
del qual podem gaudir
in a relevant way,
d'una manera rellevant,
they have the right, you're like them,
que tens aquest dret, pot ser com l'altre
draw lines all the time.
sempre posen límits.
i n'hi ha que queden exclosos.
at the bare minimum you must --
to a legitimate end.
cap a un fi legítim.
argues that drawing a line
sosté que establir límits
and self-determining being
i amb autodeterminació
to find the jurisdiction
trobar la jurisdicció
filing our first suit.
la primera denúncia.
who our plaintiffs are going to be.
els nostres demandants.
was on our board of directors,
era a la junta directiva,
intensively for decades.
intensament durant dècades.
cognitive capabilities that they have,
extraordinàries que tenen,
that human beings have.
and we began to then canvass the world
i vam començar a investigar
in chimpanzee cognition.
dels ximpanzés.
Scotland, England and the United States,
a Alemanya, a Escòcia, a Anglaterra i als EUA,
100 pages of affidavits
pàgines d'afidàvits
cognitive capability,
cognitives complexes dels ximpanzés,
com conjuntament,
and self-determination.
a l'autodeterminació.
that they were conscious.
que són animals conscients.
that they're conscious.
que són conscients.
They know that others have minds.
que els altres tenen ment.
and that they can live.
i que poden viure.
and they will live tomorrow.
i que viuran demà.
They remember what happened yesterday.
temps. Recorden què va passar ahir.
a chimpanzee, especially alone.
empresonar un ximpanzé, sobretot sol.
to our worst criminals,
without even thinking about it.
ni tan sols pensar-hi.
with human beings,
amb els éssers humans,
even when they're not required to do so.
inclús quan no se'ls demana.
They understand numbers.
Entenen els números.
or to stay out of the language wars,
o evitar la guerra de llenguatges,
and referential communication
referencial i intencional
to the attitudes of those
actituds d'aquells
a social culture.
una cultura social.
in the Ivory Coast
a la Costa d'Ivori,
these rocks to smash open
aquestes roques per trencar
de les nous.
to learn how to do that,
per a aprendre a fer això,
and they found
this way of doing it,
aquesta manera de fer-ho,
for at least 4,300 years
durant al menys 4.300 anys,
el nostre ximpanzé.
in the state of New York.
a l'estat de Nova York.
we could even get our suits filed.
poguéssim presentar la denúncia.
You see him behind me.
El veieu darrere meu.
We found him in that cage.
en una gàbia.
that was filled with cages
plena de gàbies
trailer lot in central New York.
de tràilers de segona mà a Nova York.
storefront in western Massachusetts.
façana de ciment a Massachusetts.
anatomical research at Stony Brook.
anatòmica i biomèdica a Stony Brook.
del 2013,
suits all across the state of New York
presentar tres demandes a Nova York
writ of habeus corpus argument
comú d'al·legació d'habeas corpus
these common law writs of habeus corpus.
aquests mandats d'habeas corpus.
to Save the Chimps,
Save the Chimps,
sanctuary in South Florida
al sud de Florida
with 12 or 13 islands --
amb 12 o 13 illes--
where two dozen chimpanzees live
una hectàrea
the life of a chimpanzee,
podran viure com a ximpanzés,
that was as close to Africa as possible.
el més proper possible a l'Àfrica.
encara continuen.
our Lord Mansfield.
el nostre Lord Mansfield.
litigation campaign. We shall.
litigació estratègica. Ho aconseguirem.
is that they're not the end,
no com el final,
com el principi del final,
the end of the beginning.
el final del principi.
Steven Wise - Animal rights lawyerBy challenging long-held legal notions of “personhood”, Steven Wise seeks to grant cognitively advanced animals access to a full spectrum of fundamental rights.
Why you should listen
Using a long-term litigation campaign based on existing habeas corpus law, Steven Wise and the Nonhuman Rights Project are redefining the playing field for animal rights law. While the high-profile New York lawsuits Wise has initiated on behalf of captive chimpanzees have yet to bear fruit, they’re only the first stage of a strategy that is changing the conversation about animal rights.
Wise’s work with the Nonhuman Rights Project is the subject of Unlocking the Cage, a forthcoming film by Chris Hegedus and D.A. Pennebaker.
Steven Wise | Speaker |