Steven Wise: Chimps have feelings and thoughts. They should also have rights
Stiven Vajz (Steven Wise): Šimpanze imaju osećanja i misli. Trebalo bi da imaju i prava
By challenging long-held legal notions of “personhood”, Steven Wise seeks to grant cognitively advanced animals access to a full spectrum of fundamental rights. Full bio
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or the cars you own.
to my book or my car.
svojoj knjizi ili automobilu.
named James Mollison
po imenu Džejms Molison,
„Džejms i ostali majmuni“.
"James & Other Apes."
how every single one them,
kako je svaki među njima,
die before his eyes.
ogromni pravni zid
a great legal wall
from legal persons.
are invisible to judges.
su nevidljivi sudijama.
za bilo kakva prava.
the capacity for legal rights.
are the legal persons.
for an infinite number of rights.
are legal things.
pravno gledano, predmeti.
synonymous with a legal person.
sinonim za osobu po zakonu.
are not synonymous.
over the centuries
were sometimes legal things.
za građanska prava kroz vekove
struggle over the last centuries
through that wall and begin to feed
i počne da hrani
i da od njih napravi zakonski osobe.
and have them become legal persons.
limited to human beings.
na ljudska bića.
legal persons who are not even alive.
osobe po zakonu koje čak nisu ni žive.
that corporations are legal persons.
da su korporacije pravno gledano osobe.
pravno gledano osoba,
was a legal person,
of the Sikh religion was a legal person,
religije sikizam pravno gledano osoba,
the indigenous peoples of New Zealand
između domorodaca Novog Zelanda i Krune,
that a river was a legal person
da je reka pravno gledano osoba
Pitera Singera 1980. godine,
of lush, brown hair,
I wanted to speak for the voiceless,
da govorim u ime onih koji ćute,
i milijardi nečovekolikih životinja
and defenseless the trillions,
as an animal protection lawyer.
kao zaštitnik prava životinja.
to accomplish something
da sam pokušavao da postignem
I was trying to defend,
pokušavao da zaštitim,
was they had, at least some of them,
biti da ih, bar neke od njih,
that we could open up again in that wall
koju smo ponovo mogli otvoriti u tom zidu
nonhuman animals through that hole
nečovekolike životinje kroz tu rupu
of being legal persons.
koji su pravno gledano osobe.
very little known about or spoken about
poznato i malo se govorilo
or legal rights for a nonhuman animal,
ili prava za nečovekoliku životinju,
to take a long time.
trebati dosta vremena.
da će trebati oko 30 godina
would take about 30 years
a strategic litigation,
i da započnemo stratešku parnicu,
to punch another hole through that wall.
da probušimo još jednu rupu u tom zidu.
that it only took 28.
trebalo je samo 28 godina.
kako bismo počeli nije bilo samo
to begin was not only
and teach classes, write books,
i podučavamo, pišemo knjige,
to get down to the nuts and bolts
was figure out what a cause of action was,
uraditi je shvatiti uzrok delovanja,
je pokretač koji advokati koriste
is a vehicle that lawyers use
a very interesting case
in London called Somerset vs. Stewart,
u Londonu, „Somerset protiv Stjuarta“,
had used the legal system
morao da upotrebi pravni sistem
to a legal person.
u status osobe.
eventually wrote an entire book about it.
napisao čitavu knjigu o tome.
when he was kidnapped from West Africa.
kada je kidnapovan iz zapadne Afrike.
Čarlsu Stjuartu, u Virdžiniji.
named Charles Stewart in Virginia.
brought James Somerset to London,
je doveo Džejmsa Somerseta u London,
he was going to escape.
Džejms je odlučio da će pobeći.
was to get himself baptized,
koju je uradio bila da se krsti,
a set of godparents,
responsibilities of godfathers
sukob sa Čarlsom Stjuartom.
with Charles Stewart.
but then James dropped out of sight.
ali je onda Džejms nestao bez traga.
unajmio ljude koji su hvatali robove
then hired slave catchers
ne da ga vrate Čarlsu Stjuartu,
not back to Charles Stewart,
that was floating in London Harbour,
koji se nalazio u londonskoj luci,
in the slave markets
na pijacama za robove
years of life that a slave had
godina života kao rob
swung into action.
of the court of King's Bench,
u Kraljičinom sudu,
a common law writ of habeus corpus
sudski nalog habeas korpus po opštem pravu
that English-speaking judges can make
koji sudije iz engleskog govornog područja
by statutes or constitutions,
ne ograničavaju statuti ili ustavi,
je Vrhovni sudski nalog.
is called the Great Writ,
who are detained against our will.
ko je zatočen protiv svoje volje.
je dužan da ga preda
to bring the detainee in
for depriving him of his bodily liberty.
razlog oduzimanja slobode.
a decision right off the bat,
smesta da donese odluku,
zakonski gledano predmet;
was a legal thing,
for a writ of habeus corpus,
primeni habeas korpus,
da će pretpostaviti,
that he would assume,
was indeed a legal person,
zakonski gledano zapravo osoba,
and James's body was brought in
over the next six months.
u narednih šest meseci.
said that slavery was so odious,
izjavio da je ropstvo toliko ogavno,
and he ordered James free.
i proglasio je Džejmsa slobodnim.
underwent a legal transubstantiation.
podlegao je zakonskoj transsupstanciji.
out of the courtroom
who had walked in,
kao rob koji je ušao,
they had nothing whatsoever in common.
njih dvojica nisu imali ništa zajedničko.
je projekat „Prava za ne-ljude“,
the Nonhuman Rights Project,
what kind of values and principles
i principe želimo da izložimo sudijama.
did they imbibe with their mother's milk,
su oni zadojeni,
do they use every day,
da li koriste svaki dan,
and we chose liberty and equality.
i mi smo odabrali slobodu i jednakost.
to which you're entitled
je vrsta prava koja vam je data
štiti osnovne interese.
protects a fundamental interest.
and self-determination.
in a common law country,
gde je na snazi opšte pravo,
life-saving medical treatment,
medicinsku negu koja bi vam spasila život,
your self-determination and your autonomy.
vaše samoodlučivanje i autonomiju.
of right to which you're entitled
je vrsta prava koja vam je data
na određen način,
in a relevant way,
they have the right, you're like them,
što oni imaju pravo, vi ste poput njih,
draw lines all the time.
podvlače crtu sve vreme.
at the bare minimum you must --
makar minimum minimima, morate -
to a legitimate end.
sredstvo legitimnom cilju.
argues that drawing a line
zalaže se da povlačenje te crte
and self-determining being
i samoodlučujuće biće,
to find the jurisdiction
da nađemo jurisdikciju
filing our first suit.
who our plaintiffs are going to be.
was on our board of directors,
bila u našem odboru direktora,
intensively for decades.
cognitive capabilities that they have,
kognitivne sposobnosti koje imaju,
that human beings have.
koje imaju ljudska bića.
and we began to then canvass the world
i počeli smo da tražimo širom sveta
in chimpanzee cognition.
za kogniciju kod šimpanzi.
Scotland, England and the United States,
Nemačkoj, Škotskoj, Engleskoj i SAD-u,
100 pages of affidavits
cognitive capability,
kognitivne sposobnosti,
and self-determination.
i samoodlučivanju.
one su svesne,
that they were conscious.
that they're conscious.
One znaju da drugi imaju um.
They know that others have minds.
i da mogu da žive.
and that they can live.
i da će živeti sutra.
and they will live tomorrow.
Pamte šta je bilo juče.
They remember what happened yesterday.
a chimpanzee, especially alone.
zatočiti šimpanzu, pogotovu samu.
to our worst criminals,
najgorim kriminalcima,
a čak i ne razmišljamo o tome.
without even thinking about it.
with human beings,
sa ljudskim bićima,
iako se to od njih ne zahteva.
even when they're not required to do so.
They understand numbers.
or to stay out of the language wars,
ili ostaju izvan jezičkih ratova,
and referential communication
i referentnu komunikaciju
to the attitudes of those
na stavove onih sa kojima razgovaraju.
socijalnu kulturu.
a social culture.
in the Ivory Coast
these rocks to smash open
koje su koristile kamen
neverovatno tvrdu opnu oraha.
to learn how to do that,
and they found
da je ovakvo ponašanje,
this way of doing it,
for at least 4,300 years
na generaciju najmanje 4 300 godina
in the state of New York.
što smo uspeli da podnesemo tužbu.
we could even get our suits filed.
You see him behind me.
We found him in that cage.
Pronašli smo ga u tom kavezu.
that was filled with cages
koja je bila puna kaveza
trailer lot in central New York.
za prikolice u centralnom Njujorku.
storefront in western Massachusetts.
betonske zgrade u zapadnom Masačusetsu.
anatomical research at Stony Brook.
anatomska istraživanja na Stouni Bruku.
decembra 2013. godine,
podneo je tri tužbe širom države Njujork
suits all across the state of New York
writ of habeus corpus argument
habeas korpus opšteg prava
tri naloga habeas korpus opšteg prava.
these common law writs of habeus corpus.
to Save the Chimps,
u „Spasimo šimpanze“,
sanctuary in South Florida
u južnoj Floridi,
with 12 or 13 islands --
sa 12 ili 13 ostrva -
where two dozen chimpanzees live
živele život šimpanzi,
the life of a chimpanzee,
koje je maksimalno nalik Africi.
that was as close to Africa as possible.
our Lord Mansfield.
na našeg lorda Mensfilda.
parnička kampanja. I hoćemo.
litigation campaign. We shall.
is that they're not the end,
je da oni nisu kraj,
the end of the beginning.
Steven Wise - Animal rights lawyerBy challenging long-held legal notions of “personhood”, Steven Wise seeks to grant cognitively advanced animals access to a full spectrum of fundamental rights.
Why you should listen
Using a long-term litigation campaign based on existing habeas corpus law, Steven Wise and the Nonhuman Rights Project are redefining the playing field for animal rights law. While the high-profile New York lawsuits Wise has initiated on behalf of captive chimpanzees have yet to bear fruit, they’re only the first stage of a strategy that is changing the conversation about animal rights.
Wise’s work with the Nonhuman Rights Project is the subject of Unlocking the Cage, a forthcoming film by Chris Hegedus and D.A. Pennebaker.
Steven Wise | Speaker |