Steven Wise: Chimps have feelings and thoughts. They should also have rights
Steven Wise: Čimpanze imaju osjećaje i misli. Trebale bi imati i prava
By challenging long-held legal notions of “personhood”, Steven Wise seeks to grant cognitively advanced animals access to a full spectrum of fundamental rights. Full bio
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or the cars you own.
koje posjedujete.
koje ćete vidjeti iza mene
to my book or my car.
mojoj knjizi ili automobilu.
vidjet ćete.
named James Mollison
koji se zove James Mollison,
"James & Other Apes."
"James i drugi čovjekoliki majmuni".
how every single one them,
die before his eyes.
kako umiru pred njegovim očima.
a great legal wall
veliki zakonski zid
from legal persons.
are invisible to judges.
su sucima nevidljive.
the capacity for legal rights.
imati zakonska prava.
are the legal persons.
su osobe.
for an infinite number of rights.
beskonačan broj prava.
are legal things.
pravno gledano, stvari.
legalno gledano, osobe.
synonymous with a legal person.
sinonimno s osobom.
are not synonymous.
over the centuries
postojala su brojna ljudska bića
were sometimes legal things.
pravno bili stvari.
struggle over the last centuries
u posljednjim stoljećima
through that wall and begin to feed
i početi provlačiti
and have them become legal persons.
i učiniti ih i pravno osobama.
limited to human beings.
bio limitiran na samo ljudska bića.
legal persons who are not even alive.
that corporations are legal persons.
da su korporacije, pravno gledano, osobe.
was a legal person,
smatrani osobama,
of the Sikh religion was a legal person,
the indigenous peoples of New Zealand
urođeničkih naroda Novog Zelanda
that a river was a legal person
da je rijeka, legalno gledano, osoba
Petera Singera 1980. godine,
of lush, brown hair,
zato što
I wanted to speak for the voiceless,
želio biti glas onih čiji se glas ne čuje,
and defenseless the trillions,
bez glasa i nezaštićeni trilijuni,
as an animal protection lawyer.
odvjetnik za zaštitu životinja.
to accomplish something
sam pokušavao postići nešto
I was trying to defend,
pokušavao braniti,
was they had, at least some of them,
da, barem neke od njih,
that we could open up again in that wall
koju bi opet mogli otvoriti u tom zidu
nonhuman animals through that hole
neljudske životinje kroz tu rupu
of being legal persons.
gdje bi pravno bili osobe.
very little known about or spoken about
or legal rights for a nonhuman animal,
zakonskih prava za neljudske životinje
to take a long time.
potrebno puno vremena.
would take about 30 years
trebati oko 30 godina
a strategic litigation,
barem započeti stratešku parnicu,
to punch another hole through that wall.
još jednu rupu u tom zidu.
that it only took 28.
da je trebalo samo 28 godina.
to begin was not only
and teach classes, write books,
to get down to the nuts and bolts
do samih praktičnih detalja
was figure out what a cause of action was,
otkriti razlog za pokretanje spora,
pokretanja spora.
is a vehicle that lawyers use
koji odvjetnici koriste
svoje argumente pred sudom.
a very interesting case
postoji vrlo zanimljiv slučaj
in London called Somerset vs. Stewart,
u Londonu, zvan Somerset protiv Stewarta,
had used the legal system
to a legal person.
od stvari na osobu.
eventually wrote an entire book about it.
na kraju napisao čitavu knjigu o tome.
when he was kidnapped from West Africa.
kad je otet iz zapadne Afrike.
preko Atlantika
named Charles Stewart in Virginia.
Charlesu Stewartu u Virginiji.
brought James Somerset to London,
Jamesa Somerseta u London,
he was going to escape.
je odlučio pobjeći.
was to get himself baptized,
koje je napravio bilo je krštenje,
a set of godparents,
responsibilities of godfathers
najvažnijih obveza kumova
with Charles Stewart.
s Charlesom Stewartom.
but then James dropped out of sight.
no onda se James izgubio iz vida.
then hired slave catchers
tada je angažirao hvatače robova
not back to Charles Stewart,
ne natrag Charlesu Stewartu,
that was floating in London Harbour,
privezan u londonskoj luci,
in the slave markets
na tržnici robova
years of life that a slave had
koliko su robovi živjeli
swung into action.
of the court of King's Bench,
glavni sudac na kraljevom sudu,
a common law writ of habeus corpus
sudski nalog habeus corpus,
that English-speaking judges can make
suci mogu donijeti
by statutes or constitutions,
statutima ili ustavima,
is called the Great Writ,
je zvan Veliki nalog,
who are detained against our will.
je negdje zadržan protivno svojoj volji.
to bring the detainee in
dovesti zadržanog
for depriving him of his bodily liberty.
za lišavanje te osobe njegove slobode.
a decision right off the bat,
donijeti odluku brzo,
was a legal thing,
pravno bio stvar,
for a writ of habeus corpus,
that he would assume,
odlučio pretpostaviti,
was indeed a legal person,
zaista pravno osoba,
and James's body was brought in
i kapetan broda je doveo
over the next six months.
obavljen je niz saslušanja.
said that slavery was so odious,
rekao je da je ropstvo toliko odvratno,
and he ordered James free.
te je naredio da se James oslobodi.
underwent a legal transubstantiation.
je prošao kroz pravnu transupstancijaciju.
out of the courtroom
who had walked in,
rob koji je u nju ušao,
they had nothing whatsoever in common.
oni nisu imali ništa zajedničko.
the Nonhuman Rights Project,
da je Nonhuman Rights Project,
what kind of values and principles
razmatrati koje vrijednosti i principe
did they imbibe with their mother's milk,
upili s majčinim mlijekom,
do they use every day,
koje svakodnevno koriste,
and we chose liberty and equality.
i izabrali smo slobodu i jednakost.
to which you're entitled
vrsta prava kojeg imate
protects a fundamental interest.
štiti fundamentalne interese.
and self-determination.
in a common law country,
u državi koja se vodi običajnim pravom,
life-saving medical treatment,
tretman koji bi vam spasio život,
da vas se prisilno liječi,
your self-determination and your autonomy.
samoodređenje i vašu autonomiju.
of right to which you're entitled
vrsta prava kojeg imate
in a relevant way,
slični nekome drugome,
they have the right, you're like them,
oni imaju pravo, vi ste kao oni,
draw lines all the time.
stalno povlače granice.
at the bare minimum you must --
kao minimalan uvjet morate --
to a legitimate end.
za postizanje legitimnog cilja.
argues that drawing a line
tvrdi da povlačenje granice
and self-determining being
i samoodređujuće biće,
to find the jurisdiction
da nađemo jurisdikciju
filing our first suit.
našu prvu tužbu.
who our plaintiffs are going to be.
tko će biti naši tužitelji.
was on our board of directors,
bila u upravnom odboru,
intensively for decades.
proučavali čimpanze.
cognitive capabilities that they have,
kognitivne sposobnosti one imaju,
that human beings have.
koje ljudska bića imaju.
and we began to then canvass the world
i počeli tragati svijetom
in chimpanzee cognition.
za kogniciju čimpanzi.
Scotland, England and the United States,
Njemačkoj, Škotskoj, Engleskoj i SAD-u,
100 pages of affidavits
pismeni iskaz na 100 stranica
više od 40 načina
cognitive capability,
kognitivne sposobnosti,
and self-determination.
that they were conscious.
to da su one svjesne.
that they're conscious.
da su svjesne.
They know that others have minds.
One znaju da drugi imaju umove.
and that they can live.
da mogu živjeti.
and they will live tomorrow.
i da će živjeti sutra.
They remember what happened yesterday.
Sjećaju se što se dogodilo jučer.
a chimpanzee, especially alone.
čimpanzu, pogotovo samu.
to our worst criminals,
našim najgorim kriminalcima,
without even thinking about it.
bez da uopće razmišljamo o tome.
moralne sposobnosti.
with human beings,
igre ekonomske strategije,
even when they're not required to do so.
čak i kada se to ne traži od njih.
They understand numbers.
or to stay out of the language wars,
and referential communication
referencijalnu komunikaciju
to the attitudes of those
na držanje onih
a social culture.
socijalnu kulturu.
in the Ivory Coast
u Obali Bjelokosti,
these rocks to smash open
kamenje kako bi otvorile
to learn how to do that,
da bi se to naučilo,
and they found
i otkrili
this way of doing it,
taj način rada,
for at least 4,300 years
barem 4300 godina
in the state of New York.
we could even get our suits filed.
smo uopće uspjeli podnijeti tužbe.
You see him behind me.
Vidite ga iza mene.
We found him in that cage.
Pronašli smo ga u tom kavezu.
that was filled with cages
punoj kaveza
trailer lot in central New York.
za prikolice, u centralnom New Yorku.
koji je djelomično gluh.
storefront in western Massachusetts.
zgrade u zapadnom Massachusettsu.
anatomical research at Stony Brook.
anatomska istraživanja u Stony Brooku.
prosinca 2013. godine,
suits all across the state of New York
širom države New York
writ of habeus corpus argument
običajnopravnog naloga habeus corpus
slučaju Jamesa Somerseta,
these common law writs of habeus corpus.
te običajnopravne naloge habeus corpus.
to Save the Chimps,
u Save the Chimps,
sanctuary in South Florida
u Južnoj Floridi
with 12 or 13 islands --
s 12 ili 13 otoka --
where two dozen chimpanzees live
gdje dva tuceta čimpanzi žive
the life of a chimpanzee,
živjele životom čimpanze,
that was as close to Africa as possible.
koji je sličan Africi koliko je to moguće.
our Lord Mansfield.
našeg lorda Mansfielda.
litigation campaign. We shall.
sudska kampanja. Hoćemo.
is that they're not the end,
je da oni nisu kraj,
the end of the beginning.
Steven Wise - Animal rights lawyerBy challenging long-held legal notions of “personhood”, Steven Wise seeks to grant cognitively advanced animals access to a full spectrum of fundamental rights.
Why you should listen
Using a long-term litigation campaign based on existing habeas corpus law, Steven Wise and the Nonhuman Rights Project are redefining the playing field for animal rights law. While the high-profile New York lawsuits Wise has initiated on behalf of captive chimpanzees have yet to bear fruit, they’re only the first stage of a strategy that is changing the conversation about animal rights.
Wise’s work with the Nonhuman Rights Project is the subject of Unlocking the Cage, a forthcoming film by Chris Hegedus and D.A. Pennebaker.
Steven Wise | Speaker |