OluTimehin Adegbeye: Who belongs in a city?
OluTimehin Adegbeye: Kdo patří do města?
Writing on urban development, sexual and reproductive rights, gender and queerness, OluTimehin Adegbeye resists marginalization by reminding her audiences of the validity of every human experience. Full bio
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in a large polygamous family.
ve velké polygamní rodině.
and is headed in a distinct direction.
are like the children
more like your sister?"
no matter where they are:
trade and administration possible;
obchod a administrativu;
to be in constant flux
is a whole other story.
and who doesn't?
and the dancing, right?
that place is a lot of things,
doesn't quite work,
bright yellow buses
and often flooded roads.
a často zatopené cesty.
se vyskytuje jen o trochu méně často
slightly less ubiquitous
have two degrees, a bank job
práci v bance
or a burned body
between possibility and impossibility
mezi možným a nemožným
who you're connected to.
ten, s kým jsi spojený.
sexual orientation, gender,
sexuální orientací, pohlavím,
started to come down the Lagos lagoon
k lagunám Lagosu
Oludotun Adekunle Kukoyi,
Oludotun Adekunle Kukoyi
of the University of Ibadan,
in the independence era.
v nezávislé době.
as a land surveyor,
vynikající kariéru jako geodet,
like the families of those fisherpeople,
that Lagos will welcome anyone.
že Lagos uvítá každého.
less and less true.
the descendants of those fisherpeople
before my grandfather,
pro vznikající město,
as "the new Dubai."
even in its leaders,
i ve svých vůdcích,
have declared aspirations
where poverty does not exist.
kde bída neexistuje.
on the eradication of poverty
se na vymýcení chudoby,
on eliminating the poor.
na eliminaci chudých.
waterfront settlement in Lagos.
of these indigenous communities
three-quarters that of Monaco
for beachfront luxury --
after the demolition started.
po začátku demolice.
I met Magdalene Aiyefoju.
poznala jsem Magdalene Aiyefoju.
was one of over 20 people
byl jedním z více než 20 lidí,
v zabraném území.
I saw the two white-sand football fields
kde si Basil hrával.
of schools, churches,
to put up shelters,
pomáhaly stavět přístřešky,
with nowhere else to go,
kteří neměli kam jinam jít,
the community out completely,
preparing Otodo Gbame's beaches
připravující pláže Otodo Gbame
a multi-million-dollar view.
multi-milionový výhled.
is called "Periwinkle Estate."
"Periwinkle Estate."
and, of course, unconstitutional.
neuvěřitelně násilná a také protiústavní.
in so many of our cities,
v mnoha našich městech,
to forget about poor people
je zapomenout,
a person absolutely has a right to,
na kterou má každý právo,
and the home is built a certain way
a jeho domov není postaven
of the word "home."
besides an organic response
and income inequality?
a nerovnoměrnému příjmu?
making a home for themselves
když ne člověk vytvářející svůj domov
of the innovation, adaptability
Lagos can tell you,
the source of the city's character.
jsou často charakterem města.
be known for its music
nebyl znám pro svou hudbu
an ice cold drink or a puppy
ledový drink nebo štěně
to define certain neighborhoods as slums
určité čtvrti jako chudinské,
the humanity and the agency
are rarely publicly available,
zřídka veřejně dostupné,
of innovating solutions.
v čele inovačních řešeních.
from the grid for months
na několik měsíců,
couldn't figure out how to collect bills,
nebyla schopna vymyslet výběr plateb,
that collectivized remittances
který kolektivizoval platby,
into the bargain.
levnější sazby.
a reform program
jako ostrahu.
to get caught and reported to police
chyceni a odvedeni na policii
engaging in criminal activity.
angažovat v kriminální aktivitě.
communal toilet system.
komunální toaletní systém.
adopted across Lagos.
named as the problem.
nazývány problémem.
are the factors that create them,
jsou faktory, které je vytvářejí,
frame slums as threats
slumy za hrozbu,
or forced evictions,
nebo nucená vystěhování,
who live in formal housing
co žijí ve formálních domovech,
not only those who build
progress can only be achieved
mohl být docílen pouze
and even elimination of groups
a eliminací skupin,
who hawk or beg on Lagos streets
nebo žebráci v ulicích Lagosu
neighborhoods are picked up
jsou zatýkány
do for a living.
čím se ve skutečnosti živí.
to distract from real political problems.
neprávem obviňováni,
od skutečných politických problémů.
or intimidation or violence
nebo zastrašování nebo násilí
and women who work as prostitutes
které pracují jako prostitutky,
in most parts of the continent.
kriminalizována na většině kontinentu.
don't generally tend to just disappear
obvykle nezmizí jen tak,
of everything they have.
started to sail down the lagoon
připlouvat k lagunám
rise up around them
that they do not belong in it.
to be welcomed by the city
aby byli vítáni ve městě,
and my mother would have been.
or mine, for that matter --
-- nebo mé, vlastně --
are turned to nightmares.
v noční můry.
when we deny people's humanity,
lidem důstojnost
for growth that exists
pro růst, který existuje,
all contributions.
všechny příspěvky.
for everyone in them,
pro všechny v nich,
která stojí za to budovat --
worth dreaming of --
o kterých stojí za to snít --
OluTimehin Adegbeye - Writer, activistWriting on urban development, sexual and reproductive rights, gender and queerness, OluTimehin Adegbeye resists marginalization by reminding her audiences of the validity of every human experience.
Why you should listen
OluTimehin Adegbeye is a writer and speaker who does rights-based work in the areas of urban development, gender, sexualities and sexualized violence. Her social commentary takes the form of non-fiction, auto-fiction and poetry -- as well as sometimes quite strongly worded Twitter threads. A firm believer in lived experience as a legitimate source of knowledge, she often draws her broader political analyses from personal stories.
Adegbeye identifies as a de-colonial feminist, with a political praxis rooted in Womanist and Black Feminist thought. In deconstructing how power, social services, housing, capital and other resources are distributed and/or denied within globalized societies, her ultimate goal is to reinscribe the intrinsic value of human life.
OluTimehin Adegbeye | Speaker | TED.com