Lisa Feldman Barrett: You aren't at the mercy of your emotions -- your brain creates them
Lisa Feldman Barrett: Sa ei ole oma emotsioonide ori, neid tekitab su aju
Lisa Feldman Barrett, PhD is a University Distinguished Professor of Psychology at Northeastern University, with positions in psychiatry and radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Full bio
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kaugusel kohast,
from where several bombs exploded
plahvatas mitu pommi.
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev of Chechnya,
pärit Džohhar Tsarnajev
and sentenced to death.
ja mõisteti surma.
and the death penalty,
vangistus või surmanuhtlus,
on whether or not the defendant
there's no doubt about that.
to all the people who suffered.
and cannot detect remorse
kunagi kellelgi kindlaks määrata.
are not what we think they are.
mida arvame neid olevat.
expressed and recognized.
kõikjal ühtemoodi.
the nature of emotion
emotsioonide põhiolemust
has important consequences for all of us.
muudaks oluliselt meie kõigi arusaamu.
for the past 25 years,
juba viimased 25 aastat
by measuring electrical signals
inimnägusid mõõtes elektrisignaale,
to make facial expressions.
kokkutõmbeid, et näoilme muutuks.
the human body in emotion.
toimimist emotsioonide aspektist.
hundreds of physiology studies
uuringuid inimese füsioloogia alal,
brain imaging study on emotion
ajuprotsesside uurimused,
in the past 20 years.
viimasel 20 aastal avaldatud.
are overwhelmingly consistent.
aga ülekaalukalt samade tulemusteni.
like your emotions are hardwired
on automaatsed,
is prewired with emotion circuits,
emotsioone käivitavad mehhanismid,
circuits, but you're not.
have emotion circuits in our brain.
automaatset emotsioonimehhanismi.
contains emotion circuits.
automaatset emotsiooniahelat.
because ...
constructs in the moment
are working together,
over those guesses
nende oletuste üle,
or, you know, kind of crazy,
või isegi jaburana, olen sinuga nõus,
if I hadn't seen the evidence for myself,
ise oma silmaga näinud selle tõestust
that I wouldn't believe it either.
et ka mina ei usuks.
are not built into your brain at birth.
meie ajusse sündides sisse ehitatud.
is working like crazy.
trying to make meaning out of this
et asjast aru saada,
other than black and white blobs.
kui lihtsalt musti ja valgeid laike.
through a lifetime of experience,
at the same time,
"Mida see kõige enam meenutab?"
in my past experience?"
see kõige rohkem meenutab?"
in the blink of an eye.
to find a good match
kõigest väest õiget vastet leida,
called "experiential blindness,"
kogemuspõhiseks pimeduseks
of your blindness.
Are you ready to be cured?
through your past experience,
tuulab läbi eelnevaid kogemusi,
from the photograph.
acquired moments ago
mille just hetk tagasi saite,
these blobs right now.
sa tajud neid laike nüüd.
kus madu ei ole.
the image of a snake
minusugused neuroteadlased prognoosiks.
call "predictions."
the way your brain works.
prognooside varal.
of every experience that you have.
mida inimene kogeb.
of every action that you take.
to understand the words that I'm speaking
võimalik teil mõista ka minu sõnu,
Lisa Feldman Barrett: Mouth. Exactly.
of the world in a quick and efficient way.
kiiresti ja tõhusalt aru saada.
kuidas maailma kogetakse
are deeply rooted in predictions.
põhineb just prognoosidel.
we just look at someone's face,
et vaatame kellegi nägu
that's there in their facial expressions
mida nende näoilme väljendab,
words on a page.
your brain is predicting.
seal kapoti all oletusi.
based on similar situations
sarnastes situatsioonides,
making meaning of blobs,
midagi välja laikudest,
or the raise of an eyebrow.
või kulmukergitus.
who is a remorseless killer,
kes on halastamatu mõrvar
accepting defeat,
oma lüüasaamist,
prescribes for someone
kohaselt tulekski teha siis,
to detect in other people
ära tundvat teistes,
from what's inside your own head.
which shall remain nameless ...
mida ma ei hakka nimetama...
to build emotion-detection systems,
ehitada emotsioone tuvastavaid programme
asking the wrong question,
emotions in the face and the body,
emotsioone näo ja keha põhjal,
have no intrinsic emotional meaning.
iseenesest emotsionaalset tähendust.
has to connect them to the context,
ühendama nad kontekstiga,
that a smile might mean sadness
võib tähendada kurbust
võib tähendada,
the demise of your enemy.
oma vaenlase hävitamist.
gone out on a limb,
a little further and tell you
your own emotion
making predictions, guesses,
miljarditelt närvirakkudelt.
prewired to make some feelings,
teatud tunnete tekitamiseks,
from the physiology of your body.
tulenevad keha füsioloogiast.
like calmness and agitation,
nagu rahulikkus ja erutatus,
are not emotions.
ei ole emotsioonid.
every waking moment of your life.
of what's going on inside your body,
to know what to do next.
give you that detail?
the sensations in your body
around you in the world
oletuse põhjal emotsioon.
to walk into a bakery,
that you will encounter
ahjusoojade šokolaadiküpsiste lõhna.
chocolate chip cookies.
chocolate cookies.
šokolaadiküpsiste lõhna.
our stomachs to churn a little bit,
meie kõhu veidi korisema,
have just come out of the oven,
ahjust tulnud küpsiseid,
have constructed hunger,
to munch down those cookies
I'm totally serious.
different meaning.
a churning stomach
while you're waiting for test results,
tulemusi oodates,
sind oma käsi muljuma
või isegi nutma.
same churning stomach,
samasugune keeramine kõhus,
to happen to you
of mythical emotion circuits
emotsioonihoobade meelevallas,
some ancient part of your brain.
aju iidsetest osadest.
üle suurem kontroll kui sa arvad.
on võimalik muuta,
just snap your fingers
that you would change your clothes,
nagu vahetaksid riideid,
that your brain uses to make emotion,
aju kasutab emotsioonide tekitamiseks,
your emotional life.
kujundada oma tundeelu.
how to predict differently tomorrow,
homme teistmoodi prognoosida.
being the architect of your experience.
kogemuste arhitektiks olemiseks.
before a test, right?
enne eksamit, eks?
crippling anxiety before a test.
eksamieelne hirm lausa halvab.
kogemustele eksamite sooritamisel
a hammering heartbeat,
meeletut südamepekslemist,
to actually take the test.
et nad ei suuda eksamile minnagi.
but they actually might fail college.
riskivad nad ülikoolist väljalangemisega.
is not necessarily anxiety.
iseenesest ärevus.
is preparing to do battle
on a stage where you're being filmed.
kui sind filmitakse.
that when students learn
et kui õpilased õpivad tekitama
of energized determination
paremaid tulemusi.
to predict differently in the future
edaspidi oma prognoosi muutma,
flying in formation.
lendama õige eesmärgi suunas.
lihtsam läbida kõik kursusused
to pass their courses,
on their future earning potential.
mõju tööalasele karjäärile.
intelligence in action.
emotsionaalseks intelligentsuseks.
this emotional intelligence yourself
saab ise väljaarendada
et ärkad hommikul üles,
this experience. I know I have.
into consciousness,
su mõistus reageerima.
all the crap that you have to do at work
jamast, mida tööl tuleb teha
mitte kunagi välja kaevata.
dig yourself out of ever,
are you going to make for dinner?
paganat veel õhtusöögiks teha?
to find an explanation
that you experience as wretchedness,
mida sa koged meeleheitena,
what caused those sensations
mis on need aistingud põhjustas,
that anything is wrong with your life.
et su elus on midagi valesti.
füsioloogiline põhjus.
intense distress,
kui tunned intensiivset stressi,
puhtalt füüsiline põhjus?
into just mere physical discomfort?
füüsiliseks ebamugavustundeks?
a couple of Jedi mind tricks
mingeid Jedi moodi posimisi
of serious condition.
oma emotsioonide üle, kui oskad arvata
over your emotions than you might imagine,
emotsionaalset pinget
on emotional suffering
your experiences differently.
kogemusi teistmoodi ülesehitama.
ja kui natuke harjutada,
we can get really good at it,
tulema, nagu autojuhtiminegi.
pretty automatic.
a really empowering and inspiring message,
julgustav ja inspireeriv teadmine
by decades of research
aastakümnete viisi uuringuid
that it does come with some fine print,
et siin on mõned lisatingimustega,
also means more responsibility.
tähendab rohkem vastutust.
of mythical emotion circuits
ajuhoovuste meelevallas,
inside your brain somewhere
for your emotions,
oma emotsioonide pärast
and the experiences that you make today
kogemused, mille sa lood täna
predictions for tomorrow.
who can change it.
kelle võimuses on seda muuta.
to resist the scientific evidence
teaduslikke tõendusi selle kohta,
mitte kaasasündinud.
for our own emotions
emotsioonide eest vastutavad,
is you don't have to choke on that idea.
mõtte raskusel end lämmatada.
a glass of water if you need to,
to a healthier body,
toetavamat emotsionaalsust.
and potent emotional life.
Lisa Feldman Barrett - Neuroscientist, psychologist, authorLisa Feldman Barrett, PhD is a University Distinguished Professor of Psychology at Northeastern University, with positions in psychiatry and radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School.
Why you should listen
Twenty-five years ago, Lisa Feldman Barrett ran a series of psychology experiments whose conclusions seemed to defy common sense. It turned out common sense was wrong, and has been for 2,000 years. The result is a radical, new theory of how the brain creates emotions and a novel view of human nature.
Dr. Barrett is now a University Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Director of the Interdisciplinary Affective Science Laboratory (IASLab) at Northeastern University, with research appointments in the departments of psychiatry and radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. She has published more than 200 peer-reviewed research papers in top scientific journals on emotion, psychology, and neuroscience. She educates the public about science with her articles for the New York Times and other media outlets. Her research teams span the globe, studying people in the West, the East and remote parts of Africa.
Lisa Feldman Barrett | Speaker |