Mark Plotkin: What the people of the Amazon know that you don't
Mark Plotkin: Zuk ez dakizkizun baina Amazoniako jendeak badakizken zenbait kontu
As fast as the rainforest is disappearing -- the people of the rainforest are disappearing even faster. Mark Plotkin works to preserve generations of knowledge. Full bio
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works in the rainforest
bizi direnek landareak nola
aztertzen duen zientzialaria, alegia.
ondotxo ezagutzen dituztela,
and these medicinal treasures
better than we ever will.
guk inoiz ezagutuko duguna baino hobeto.
ari dira desagertzen.
than the forests themselves.
espezie ikusgarrienak
most endangered species
handiena dutenak
mendiko istripu batean,
foot in a climbing accident
bizi naizen artean.
this as long as I live.
me your machete."
emadazu zure aihotza.
xamana ikustera joan nintzen berriz.
to see the shaman again.
daramatzat sendatuta.
Mendebaldeko medikuntza
of healing ever devised,
arrakastatsuena da,
bularreko minbiziaren sendagaia?
errefluxu gastroesofagikoarena?
gaitzak senda ditzakeela.
in the northeast Amazon
Amazoniako ipar ekialdean
eragiten dion
people around the world.
injections of antimony.
erabiltzen dira tratamenduan.
not good for your heart;
from the Amazon Rainforest.
hiru landare erabiltzen ditu sendatzeko.
great Loren McIntyre,
Loren McIntyre hilberria,
lake of the Amazon,
sorburu-lakua aurkitu zuena,
border about 30 years ago.
arteko mugan duela 30 urte inguru.
isolated Indians called the Matsés.
salbatu zuten.
them into the forest, which he did.
esan zioten, eta hala egin zuen.
egindako saskiak hartu zituzten.
green monkey frogs —
hartu zituzten.
they're like this —
eta neurri hau dute.
miazkatzen hasi ziren.
highly hallucinogenic.
ikaragarriak sortzen dituela.
by the editor of High Times magazine.
aldizkariko editoreak irakurri zuen.
friends in all sorts of strange cultures.
arraroenetan ere lagunak dauzkagula.
to the Amazon and give it a whirl,
probatzea erabaki zuen,
he did, and he wrote,
Horixe egin, eta horretaz idatzi zuen:
my bodily functions,
erabat galdu nuen,
sei ordu beranduago,
uste izan nuen bi egunez".
eta zera esan zuen:
aspects of the green monkey frog.
tximino-igelaren alderdi teologikoan.
odolaren presioaren aldaketarekin?".
change in blood pressure?"
tratamendu berri batekin lanean ari da,
for high blood pressure
of the green monkey frog,
peptidoak oinarri dituena.
botikek eragiten ez dioten
sendabidea bilatzen dabiltza.
Indians and their magic frog
eta euren igel magikoa
eta yaye ospakizunean dago.
the middle of a yage ceremony.
meet a foundation officer
erakunde bateko arduradunarengana,
to protect their culture.
dirulaguntzak lortzeko asmoz.
medicine man, and he said,
eta esan zion:
medical school, did you?"
ez da hala?"
you know about healing?"
zer jakingo duzu zuk sendabideez".
an infection, go to a doctor.
joan medikuarengana.
of the heart, the mind and the spirit.
bihotzekoak, burukoak eta espirituarenak dira.
touch those. I cure them."
horiek ukitzen. Nik, sendatu egiten ditut".
nature about new medicines.
guztia ez da arrosa kolorekoa.
the Universidade de São Paulo here.
unibertsitaten aztertu zuten,
into ACE inhibitors.
egiteko erabili zen gero.
for hypertension.
tratamendurik aurreratuena.
egunero gertatzen diren
ia 1,7 bilioi €-ko balioa du,
zentimo bat ere jaso trukean.
way of doing business.
negozioak era horretan egitea.
greatest expression of life on Earth.
adierazpen garbiena dela esan ohi da.
that I dearly love:
nik biziki maite dudan esaera bat:
to questions we have yet to ask."
galderen erantzunak gordetzen ditu.
it's rapidly disappearing.
ezin azkarrago ari da desagertzen.
hegazkin txiki batetik atera nuen,
of the Xingu indigenous reserve
Xingu indigenen erreserbaren gainetik
to the northwest of here.
of skinny-ass cows.
behi batzuk besterik ez;
karbonoa lapurtzen diete;
in the forest where it belongs,
into the atmosphere
landscape of all.
paisaia guztietan indartsuena.
hego-zabalera dauka.
is over seven feet.
scale at over half a ton.
mystical and iconic role
rol mistiko eta ikonikoa
know nature best.
ezagutzen duen jendea.
batzuek primitibotzat hartuko lituzkete.
dismiss these people as primitive.
were first contacted."
jarri zirenean behintzat ez zekitela.
better than we do.
ezagutzen dute oihana.
miresmenez begiratzen diete,
of the emerald realm.
nagusiak balira bezala.
hometown of New Orleans,
nire jaioterri New Orleansen,
the northeast Amazon
lessons to teach us.
guri irakasteko.
oihaneko txoko gehienetan
the forests of the Amazon,
zizelkatutako harkaitzak aurkituko dituzu,
the edge of the stone axe.
erabilitako harkaitzak.
egiten zuten kultura haietatik,
as you see here.
besterik ez dira geratzen.
of isolated peoples.
there are 14 or 15 isolated groups
soilik kolonbiar Amazonian
mundu bat dagoela oihanetik haratago.
know there's an outside world.
human right to remain so.
gainerako gizakiengandik?
that hide from man?
was set off in 1492.
eragina izan zuen, noski.
izan zen eragile nagusia.
equivalent of a gold rush.
baliokide botanikoa izan zen.
lasterketa zoro bihurtu zen hura,
gizona, Julio Arana,
butchered Indians
Witotoak eta beste zenbait indio
right hand side of the slide.
edo sakailatu egin zituzten.
come out of the forest,
were contacted in the '80s.
hamarkadan kontaktuan jarri zirenak.
hil egin ziren.
are preliterate societies.
gabeko gizarteak direla.
behartuak izan dira.
taken over the Nukak lands,
Nukaken lurrak hartu dituzte,
take you to the southwest,
eraman nahi zaituztet,
landscape in the world:
and Colombian colleagues,
eta lankideei esker
of botanical diversity.
altxor ezkutua da.
Chiriquete gainean hegan egitea
what it looks like today.
oraindik galduta daudela erakusten.
mountains are still lost.
gailur horietan.
atop the Bell Mountain
Bell mendiaren gailurrean
with the Bell Mountain
trove of botanical diversity,
botanikoaren altxor ezkutu bat,
three isolated tribes,
hiru tribu isolaturen etxea,
holandar zientzialariak
of the Amazon Rainforest.
Sixtoren kapera dela esan zuen.
down to the southeast,
eta goazen berriro
is bigger than New England.
Ingalaterra Berria baino handiagoa dela.
border to the right —
can look at the roofs
maloca edo etxe komunitarioen
outside world is crowding in.
mundua nola ari den indarrez sartzen.
merkataritza eta garraioaren gorakada.
increased in Putumayo.
the Civil War in Colombia,
for commercial purposes.
ehiza eta arrantza gehitu da.
coming from the south,
hasi da hegoaldean.
move through the park
Brazilera igaro nahi dute
dagoela irudituko zaizue,
picture is out of focus
in a hurry, here's why.
Hemen duzue arrazoia:
from the Brazilian Amazon.
hegazkinen tailer bat dirudi.
shouldn't mess with uncontacted Indians.
muturrik sartu behar indio isolatuen bizitzan.
on the Brazil-Peru border
Brazil eta Peru arteko mugan.
a very nasty business.
nazkagarri bat daukate,
groups to take their picture.
eramaten zaituzte, argazkiak egitera.
clothes, when you give them tools,
ematen dizkiezunean
on the Peru border,
sponsored by missionaries.
euren gainean aritu ziren hegan,
and turn them into Christians.
kristau bihurtu nahi baituzte.
to the contacted tribes,
teknologia aurkeztu,
ancient shamanic wisdom
batzeko modurik egokiena.
28 milioi hektarea baino gehiagoren
of ancestral rainforest.
and cultural destiny.
eraikitzen dituzte,
as indigenous park rangers,
longhouses, were burned.
sarraskian hil dituzte.
slaughter uncontacted peoples
arma automatikoak erabiltzea
urratzeko modurik zital eta ankerrena da,
disgusting human rights abuse
it can be dangerous.
passed away recently
orain dela gutxi hil dira
ez txarrerakoa.
the better rather than the worse.
luxuzko landaretzadun mundu batean,
Mark Plotkin - Amazonian ethnobotanistAs fast as the rainforest is disappearing -- the people of the rainforest are disappearing even faster. Mark Plotkin works to preserve generations of knowledge.
Why you should listen
Mark Plotkin is an ethnobotanist, studying the traditional uses for plants in Central and South America forests. He works closely with shamans, community leaders who practice traditional healing techniques using plants and animals, learned over uncounted generations. But when forests are disrupted (by illegal logging, for instance), that knowledge risks being lost. Plotkin's work helps to collect and share shamanic learning, with a twofold goal: to preserve the rainforest by showing its value as a source of yet-to-be-discovered pharmaceuticals.
Plotkin pioneered his research working with the Trio Indians of southern Suriname, and has also worked with elder shamans from Mexico, Panama, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia and Brazil. He's the author of the best-selling book Tales of a Shaman's Apprentice. With his wife, Liliana Madrigal, he co-founded the Amazon Conservation Team, a group that helps indigenous people purchase and protect their sacred sites.
Mark Plotkin | Speaker |