Jessica Shortall: The US needs paid family leave -- for the sake of its future
Jessica Shortall: Os Estados Unidos necesitan a baixa de maternidade polo ben do seu futuro
Jessica Shortall is a working mom of two and author of Work. Pump. Repeat: The New Mom's Survival Guide to Breastfeeding and Going Back to Work. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
this is what you'll be told.
esta é a resposta que terán.
what you'll actually produce
o que escriben realmente
with a baby on your lap.
cun neno no colo.
We'll look at a lot of them.
of every American workplace.
en calquera lugar de traballo nos EUA.
into any Google image search engine,
en calquera motor de busca
blog posts and news pieces,
and the lie that they tell us
e a mentira que nos contan
to new working motherhood in America,
coas novas nais traballadoras
millions of women back to work
ao traballo millóns de mulleres
and kind of horrifically soon
incrible e terrible,
why it's an economic problem.
é tamén un problema económico.
with the unreality of these images,
con estas imaxes tan irreais
in a parody series of stock photos
unhas serie de fotos paródicas
as empezase a usar
of going back to work
de volver ao traballo
is attached to your body.
vai pegada ao teu corpo.
like leaking breast milk
un ascenso como as manchas de leite
no baby in this photo,
its contents are aerosolized
o que hai dentro vaporízase
that they can find to make food
en que poden darlles de comer
a whole dozen of them, into the world.
unha ducia delas, ao mundo.
was opening a door,
estaba abrindo unha porta
from all walks of life
de persoas descoñecidas
for them to go back to work
é para elas volver ao traballo
de teren un fillo.
dez das súas historias hoxe.
10 of their stories with you today.
some of them are very raw,
algunhas moi dolorosas
looks anything like this.
service member at a federal prison.
nunha prisión federal.
allowed eight weeks for my C-section.
de oito semanas após unha cesárea.
that I had been out on 'vacation,'
porque eu marchara 'de vacacións',
while I was pumping breast milk
mentres eu sacaba leite do peito
with inmates in the hallway."
cos reclusos no corredor".
total strangers, send to me now,
que estas mulleres envían
to work after seven unpaid weeks.
ao traballo tras sete semanas sen salario.
during labor, and major tearing,
e un desgarro durante o parto,
to use my available vacation days
usar os meus días de vacacións
situations like these in the eye
situacións coma esta
then we have to do something about it.
entón temos que reaccionar.
and believe, this image.
what's going on in this picture,
and slightly creepy.
and all of their babies, are fine.
as nais traballadoras e todos os nenos.
down into two parts.
en dúas partes.
that women have chosen to work.
que as mulleres decidiron traballar.
47 percent of the workforce,
o 47% da poboación activa,
or primary breadwinner.
ou o principal sustento da familia.
of the engine of this economy,
unha parte enorme do motor desta economía,
for the engines of our families.
das nosas familias.
our paid work is not optional.
non é unha opción.
are choosing to have babies,
decidiron ter fillos,
the consequences of those choices.
coas consecuencias da súa decisión.
can sound correct.
se as oes de pasada.
when that happened.
ignores a fundamental truth,
ignora unha verdade fundamental:
on a national scale is not optional.
non é unha opción.
working women, are having today,
moitas traballadoras,
protect our shores,
protexerán as fronteiras,
on a national scale is not optional.
a escala nacional.
We need working women to have babies.
Necesitamos que as mulleres teñan fillos.
doing those things at the same time
que as dúas cousas á vez
women in America do you think
pensades que nos EUA
non terán nin unha miga da axuda
will not get one minute of paid leave
sen dereito a cobro.
It's called FMLA. It does not work.
Chámase FMLA e non funciona.
all kinds of exceptions,
con todo tipo de excepcións,
non pode optar a ela.
I had to take off work.
tiven que saír do traballo.
to qualify for FMLA,
para ter dereito ao FMLA,
para estar co meu novo fillo
to meet my newborn son,
hide another reality, another layer.
agochan outra realidade.
to just that unpaid leave,
á baixa sen dereito a cobro,
to take much of it at all.
for short-term disability
opción á baixa maternal
was considered a preexisting condition.
condición preexistente.
e a metade dos aforros
and half of our savings
but emotionally it was worse.
pero no emocional era peor.
being away from my son."
estando lonxe do meu fillo".
to go back to work so early,
de volver tan cedo ao traballo
driven by family finances,
motivada pola economía familiar,
into the world is messy.
ao mundo é complicado.
at work five weeks postpartum.
ao traballo cinco semanas após o parto.
major surgery after giving birth,
despois de dar a luz
working mothers in America
within two weeks of giving birth.
dúas semanas despois do parto.
average of 75 hours a week while pregnant.
75 horas á semana durante o embarazo.
before my baby was a month old,
antes de que o neno tivese un mes,
to afford 10 days off with her baby."
permitirse 10 días co seu neno."
with economic and physical implications.
con implicacións económicas e físicas.
an enormous psychological event.
un enorme acontecemento psicolóxico.
eight weeks after my son was born.
oito semanas despois do nacemento.
to returning to work were unbearable."
antes de volver eran insoportables".
after having a baby,
despois de ter o fillo,
from postpartum mood disorders
problemas emocionais posparto,
consequences of those disorders,
destas desordes,
most common cause of death
de morte máis frecuente
but I find it hard to get through.
a súa historia éme difícil de aturar.
that I lost an essential,
porque perdín un tempo fundamental,
time with my son.
left me feeling absolutely broken.
is the screaming: colic, they said.
os berros: dixeron que era un cólico.
how much longer I could do it.
durante canto tempo podería aturalo.
while I rocked and shushed
mentres o aloumiñaba
so I wouldn't get in trouble.
para non ter problemas eu.
every damn day
while I washed out the pump equipment.
mentres limpaba o sacaleite.
and all the way home again.
e ao volver para a casa.
I didn't get done during the day,
que o traballo que non facía polo día,
wrong with me that I can't swing this."
que non podía controlalo".
about the millions of babies
polos millóns de nenos
and tax-paying and military-serving age.
e pagar impostos e ser soldados.
is that babies whose mothers
é porque os fillos de nais
na casa con eles
and their well checks in their first year,
e examinados no seu primeiro ano.
from deadly and disabling diseases.
fronte a enfermidades mortais e perigosas.
behind images like this.
who work and for their babies.
traballadoras e os seus fillos.
you should be grateful for it,
polo tempo que tes co teu fillo,
runs through a lot of the stories I hear.
existe en moitas historias que escoito.
after my C-section
had failure to thrive.
tivo problemas para desenvolverse.
was very understanding.
para que o aleitase".
of countries in the world
paid leave to new mothers.
baixas pagadas estatais ás nais.
in total population.
en total oito millóns de habitantes.
Suriname and the tiny island nations
Surinam e as pequenas illas-nación
Nauru, Niue, Palau and Tonga.
Nauru, Niue, Palau e Tonga.
the United States of America,
os Estados Unidos de América
of national paid leave work
baixas de maternidade pagadas
of the future of those countries,
significa o futuro deses países,
"We couldn't possibly do that."
will solve this problem,
solucionará este problema
offer even more paid leave to the women
ofrecen máis baixas pagadas ás mulleres,
and highest-paid among us.
e soldos de entre nós.
are not going to participate in that.
non reciben esas axudas.
economic, financial, physical
financeiros, físicos e emocionais.
decided, not an accident,
--en decidir, non por accidente--
on to working mothers and their babies.
traballadoras e aos seus fillos.
for low-income women,
para mulleres con soldo baixo,
for women of color.
para as mulleres de color.
so-called choices to have babies
de ter fillos
not to have babies.
decisións individuais de non telos.
It shouldn't be traumatic.
Non debería ser un trauma.
our family now,
de aumentar a familia,
to care for myself and a new baby.
para coidar de nós e do neno.
the same way as with our first,
que co primeiro fillo,
to keep the population stable
é de 2,1 fillos por muller.
working women from doing that.
traballadoras que poderían facelo.
to innovation, to GDP,
activa, a innovación e o PIB
of this country were to decide
as mulleres deste país decidisen
to do this thing more than once?
one idea worth spreading,
que paga a pena compartir
for the most powerful country on Earth
de que o país máis poderoso da Terra
of the future of this country
polo futuro deste país
who represent that future.
que representan este futuro.
for small businesses,
para negocios pequenos,
to be shared between partners.
entre os proxenitores.
should have to go back to work
to drain their savings account
consumir os seus aforros
of rest and recovery and bonding.
recuperación e achegamento.
from the incubator to day care
da incubadora á gardería
all of their meager time
todo o seu escaso tempo
should be told that the collision
deberìa dicírselle
que precisan, e a maternidade que queren
and their needed parenthood,
to a new family, it is consuming,
a unha nova familia, é esgotador,
is more financially vulnerable
é máis vulnerable economicamente
to speak up on her own behalf.
as a mother's issue,
como un problema das nais,
that these images tell us.
a mentira das imaxes que nos amosan.
why we're told that this can't work
que isto non pode funcionar
everywhere all over the world.
en todo o mundo.
that this American reality
que esta realidade americana
what a working mother looks like.
o aspecto dunha nai traballadora.
Jessica Shortall - Strategy consultant, social entrepreneur and authorJessica Shortall is a working mom of two and author of Work. Pump. Repeat: The New Mom's Survival Guide to Breastfeeding and Going Back to Work.
Why you should listen
What do breastfeeding and paid leave for working mothers, sustainable eye care, hunger, green investing, giving shoes and the business case for LGBT equality have in common?
For Jessica Shortall, they have all been opportunities to change the world: challenges that need sustainable solutions and require a deep understanding of market forces, audiences, and cultures. They all require an intense dive into data, and they all benefit from powerful storytelling.
Shortall has provided strategy consulting to dozens of businesses, social enterprises, non-profit organizations and campaigns in the US, UK and beyond. Her first book, Work. Pump. Repeat: The New Mom's Guide to Surviving Breastfeeding and Going Back to Work, was inspired by her own experiences of circumnavigating the globe with a breast pump. She interviewed hundreds of working mothers and dozens of HR professionals to create a practical, relatable, judgment-free guide for women who want to try to continue breastfeeding after they've returned to work.
Shortall started her adult life as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Uzbekistan, and she haven't stopped searching for ways to change the world since, across non-profit and for-profit worlds. In the early 2000s, she co-founded and franchised a non-profit organization that is now active in more than 40 communities. In 2006, she received an MBA with honors from the University of Oxford, as a Skoll Scholar in Social Entrepreneurship. She went on to spend three years providing consulting services to social entrepreneurs. From 2009 to 2014, she was the first Director of Giving at TOMS Shoes, hired to build out the now-iconic One for One giving mission and strategy.
She currently lives in Dallas, TX with her husband Clay and her two children.
Jessica Shortall | Speaker |