Laura Robinson: The secrets I find on the mysterious ocean floor
Laura Robinson: Os segredos que descubro no misterioso fondo mariño
Dr. Laura Robinson's scientific mission is to document and understand the processes that govern climate. Full bio
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actuais dos océanos.
of the ocean today.
of the ocean in the past.
dos océanos no pasado.
de augas profundas.
of deepwater corals.
dun destes corais.
of these corals behind me.
a miles de metros de profundidade.
thousands of meters below the sea,
than the kinds of corals
do tipo de corais
se fostes de vacacións ao trópico.
if you've had a tropical holiday.
en catro dimensións.
fermosa imaxe, que representa
beautiful two-dimensional image
unha resolución espacial altísima.
so it's got tremendous spatial resolution.
easy to understand.
de entender.
porque reciben máis luz solar.
because there's more sunlight.
because there's less sunlight.
porque reciben menos luz.
capas de xeo na Antártida
to build up on Antarctica
or even put your toes in the sea,
profundidade, ou só metemos o pé,
profundas do abismo oceánico
that fill the abyss of the ocean
onde a densidade da auga é alta.
where the waters are dense.
20,000 years ago,
uns 20.000 anos,
moi distinto.
diferenzas máis importantes
of one of the major differences
todo ese tempo.
if you went back that long.
e estendíanse polo océano.
and they extended out over the ocean.
máis baixo.
eran moi inferiores aos actuais.
much lower than they are today.
to five degrees colder overall,
entre tres e cinco graos máis baixa,
nas rexións polares.
in the polar regions.
are trying to understand,
condicións climáticas frías
cold climate condition
das que gozamos hoxe.
that we enjoy today.
a outras máis cálidas
cold conditions to warm conditions
polo lento aumento da radiación solar.
from the slow increase in solar radiation.
because if you drill down into ice,
porque, ao perforar o xeo,
podedes observar neste iceberg.
and you can see this in the iceberg.
polo que podemos medir o CO2 --
so we can measure CO2 --
menos CO2 no pasado--
was lower in the past --
dinos a temperatura
also tells us about temperature
from 20,000 years ago to the modern day,
hai 20.000 anos ata hoxe,
has a lot to do with this.
o océano ten moito que ver.
de carbono,
than is in the atmosphere.
na atmosfera.
across the equator,
dun lado ao outro do ecuador,
and it controls primary productivity.
a produtividade primaria.
what's going on down in the deep sea,
nas profundidades do mar,
nun monte submarino
coming from a seamount
en augas internacionais
in international waters
lonxe de terra firme.
to see this bit of the seafloor,
este anaco de fondo mariño,
and do some very intense taxonomy.
unha análise taxonómica rigorosa.
Paragorgia arborea.
growing on these corals.
like tentacles coming out of corals.
que saen dos corais.
of calcium carbonate
de carbonato de calcio
monte submarino,
massive undersea mountain,
son corais fosilizados,
those are fossilized corals,
a little more about those
to charter a research boat.
un barco de investigación.
an ocean-class research vessel
oceánico de investigación
un gran mariño.
a little more like this.
estoutro aspecto.
that we don't lose precious samples.
perder mostras moi valiosas.
and I get terribly seasick,
maréome moitísimo,
but overall it is.
aínda que en xeral, si.
moi bos cartógrafos.
a really good mapper to do this.
coral abundance everywhere.
espectacular abundancia de coral.
the right places.
no que sinalamos
and overlaid was our cruise passage
of the seafloor in seven weeks,
quilómetros cadrados de fondo mariño,
of the seafloor.
a gran escala non mostraría nada,
look featureless on a big-scale map,
o tamaño do Everest.
are as big as Everest.
onde despregar o equipo,
to deploy our equipment,
dispositivos con control remoto
remotely-operated vehicles
do fondo.
cunha resolución dun metro
that are one-meter resolution
na parte superior,
of big lights on the top.
brazos robóticos,
manipulator arms,
para gardar as mostras.
to put your samples.
of this particular cruise,
nesta expedición concreta.
outros barcos non afecten
the remotely operated vehicles
con control remoto.
a escala dun metro.
it's a small sea slug, basically.
en esencia, unha pequena lesma mariña.
you is speeded up,
están aceleradas,
coming up was a big surprise.
foi unha gran sorpresa.
a todos un pouco por sorpresa.
and it took us all a bit surprised.
e estabamos algo sobreexcitados
and we were all a bit trigger-happy,
pasou a rolos por diante de nós
sea monster started rolling past.
tunicado colonial.
or colonial tunicate, if you like.
de corais de augas profundas.
deep sea corals.
of one in a moment.
unha imaxe dun destes.
e vemos os seus tentáculos,
so you can see its tentacles there,
for about a hundred years.
probablemente uns cen anos.
químicas do océano.
chemicals from the ocean.
or the amount of chemicals,
it depends on the pH,
estas substancias no esqueleto,
these chemicals get into the skeleton,
espécimes fósiles
collect fossil specimens,
o océano no pasado.
used to look like in the past.
cun sistema de baleiro,
that coral with a vacuum system,
con moitísimo coidado.
carefully, I should add.
aínda máis tempo.
chamado leiopathes.
an image taken by my colleague,
en Hawaii, a 500 metros de profundidade.
meters below Hawaii.
of these corals and polish it up,
destes corais e a pulimos,
across this coral --
deste coral
se trata de franxas anuais,
that these are actual annual bands,
de profundidade
cambios estacionais.
ao punto máximo da última glaciación.
us back to our last glacial maximum.
with my research team.
ao meu equipo.
there are swimming holothurians,
ás zonas mortas dos fósiles,
to these dead fossil areas
o fondo mariño.
around on the seafloor.
subímolos e clasificámolos.
bring them back, we sort them out.
a de cada espécime
those chemical signals,
en épocas pasadas.
in the ocean in the past.
pulina con moito coidado
polished it very carefully
nun reactor nuclear,
put it in a nuclear reactor,
a distribución do uranio.
con moi mala reputación,
os ritmos e as datas
about the rates and dates
cando pensamos no clima.
when we're thinking about climate.
a estes corais para analizar
thorium, in these corals,
produtos fillos, o torio,
a idade dos fósiles.
how old the fossils are.
of the Southern Ocean
do Océano Antártico
empregamos estes corais
how we're using these corals
sobre o océano arcaico.
ocean feedbacks.
das augas superficiais
of the surface water
por Ryan Abernathey.
que é o Océano Antártico.
the Southern Ocean is.
particularly the Drake Passage,
o Paso de Drake,
máis fortes do mundo
currents in the world
de oeste a leste.
flowing from west to east.
montes submarinos,
great big undersea mountains,
de calor e CO2 coa atmosfera.
with the atmosphere in and out.
a través do Océano Antártico.
through the Southern Ocean.
across this Antarctic passage,
de todo este paso antártico,
grazas á datación do uranio:
from my uranium dating:
ao período interglaciar.
to the interglacial.
coas fontes de alimento
to do with the food source
de osíxeno na auga.
descuberto sobre o clima
we've found about climate
Recollimos pequenos fósiles de coral.
We collected little fossil corals.
a glaciación,
we've made in the corals,
era moi rica en carbono
was very rich in carbon,
xusto encima
layer sitting on top.
saíse do océano.
coming out of the ocean.
that are of an intermediate age,
dunha idade intermedia
no medio desa transición climática.
partway through that climate transition.
saír da zona máis profunda.
out of the deep ocean.
closer to the modern day,
próximos á época moderna,
dos corais,
na que pode haber intercambio de carbono.
where carbon can exchange in and out.
we can use fossil corals
sobre o medio.
with this last slide.
gravación que mostrei.
piece of footage that I showed you.
algo tan fermoso.
to find things this beautiful.
valorar os fósiles de coral
to appreciate the fossil corals
de voar sobre o océano
to fly over the ocean
hai enormes montes submarinos
sea mountains down there
Laura Robinson - Ocean scientistDr. Laura Robinson's scientific mission is to document and understand the processes that govern climate.
Why you should listen
Dr. Laura Robinson's research the processes that govern climate on time scales ranging from the modern day back through hundreds of thousands of years. To do this research, Robinson uses geochemical techniques, with an emphasis on radioactive elements including uranium series isotopes and radiocarbon. These elements are particularly valuable as they have a wide range of decay rates and geochemical properties and can be analyzed in geologic materials such as corals, marine sediments and seawater.
Through a combination of field work and lab work, Robinson has been tackling questions relating to: timing of Pleistocene climate change events; palaeoclimate reconstructions; deep-sea coral paleo-biogeography; impact of weathering on the ocean and climate; biomineralization; development of new geochemical proxies for past climate conditions; chemical tracers of ocean circulation.
Robinson describes the inspiration behind her work:
“When I finished my PhD, I moved to California to work with Professor Jess Adkins at Caltech on a project using deep-sea corals. Before that time, like many people, I did not know that corals lived in the deep ocean. The first thing I did was prepare for a research cruise to the North Atlantic. We took the research submarine 'Alvin' out to undersea mountains and were able to collect fossil corals from the seafloor. The start of my work in the Southern Ocean came from analysis of a single coral specimen from the Smithsonian Natural History Museum in Washington DC. They loaned us the sample, and we found that it was about 16,000 years old, just right for looking at the middle of the last global deglaciation. Being able to access and work on these specimens is a fantastic way of starting a science project. We published a paper on that sample, and then, together with a coral biologist, I wrote a proposal to fund specific expeditions to the Southern Ocean, and to the Equatorial Atlantic to gain a wider view of how the Atlantic Ocean behaved during major climate transitions.
I love the research as it combines field work, lab work and collaborations with all kinds of people including scientists, engineers as well as the ships' crews. In terms of scientists, I work with biologists, oceanographers, chemists, geologists, habitat specialists and a whole range of people who have technical expertise across these fields.”
Learn more about Robinson's current expidition in the Southern Ocean.
Laura Robinson | Speaker |