Zak Ebrahim: I am the son of a terrorist. Here's how I chose peace.
Zak Ebrahim: Ja sam sin terorista. Evo kako sam odabrao mir.
Groomed for terror, Zak Ebrahim chose a different life. The author of The Terrorist's Son, he hopes his story will inspire others to reject a path of violence. Full bio
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da Nosair nije kriv za to ubojstvo,
zbog drugih optužbi,
počeli su planirati napade
and grade school teacher,
učiteljice u osnovnoj školi,
koristiti sva potrebna sredstva
on i njegovi prijatelji
sljedećeg jutra ići s njim.
koji sam ispalio
svjetlo na vrhu mete
big laugh out of that comment,
zbog tog komentara,
they thought was so funny.
što su im je bilo tako smiješno.
istu sposobnost uništavanja
1,500 pounds of explosives
World Trade Center's North Tower,
Svjetskog trgovačkog centra,
koja je ubila šestero ljudi
ammu, which means uncle.
comfortable around someone,
ugodno osjećati s nekime,
od kolega u razredu
quiet, chubby new kid in class
bucmast novi dečko u razredu,
većinom provodio kod kuće,
u zadrtom kućanstvu,
u Philadelphiji.
bavila se nasiljem među mladima,
of bullying for most of my life,
većinu života bio žrtva nasilja,
I felt particularly passionate.
from many different walks of life.
različite životne priče.
s kojima sam se sprijateljio
prirodnog neprijateljstva
prijatelja židovske vjere
u Busch Gardensu,
from all sorts of faiths and cultures,
različitih vjera i kultura
negativan utjecaj.
mnogi od njih tako ljubazni,
koje sam ikad upoznao.
I would want to be treated.
kako bih htio da se ponašaju prema meni.
kojima su me učili kao dijete
myself about my own bigotry
sam sa sobom vezano za svoju zadrtost
s kvalitetom nečijeg karaktera.
from an unexpected place,
iz neočekivanih mjesta
za cijeli život i rekla mi je:
koliko je negativne energije
kad je moja obitelj odlučila
iskoristiti svoje iskustvo
stojim ovdje kao dokaz
u nečijoj vjeri ili rasi,
Zak Ebrahim - Peace activistGroomed for terror, Zak Ebrahim chose a different life. The author of The Terrorist's Son, he hopes his story will inspire others to reject a path of violence.
Why you should listen
When Zak Ebrahim was seven, his family went on the run. His father, El Sayyid Nosair, had hoped Zak would follow in his footsteps -- and become a jihadist. Instead, Zak was at the beginning of a long journey to comprehend his past.
Zak Ebrahim kept his family history a secret as they moved through a long succession of towns. In 2010, he realized his experience as a terrorist’s son not only gave him a unique perspective, but also a unique chance to show that if he could escape a violent heritage, anyone could. As he told, “We must embrace tolerance and nonviolence. Who knows this better than the son of a terrorist?”
In 2014 Ebrahim published the TED Book The Terrorist's Son, a memoir written with Jeff Giles about the path he took to turn away from hate. In early 2015 the book won an American Library Association Alex award.
Zak Ebrahim | Speaker |