Bill Gates: The next outbreak? We're not ready
Bill Gates: Epidemije u budućnosti? Mi nismo spremni.
A passionate techie and a shrewd businessman, Bill Gates changed the world while leading Microsoft to dizzying success. Now he's doing it again with his own style of philanthropy and passion for innovation. Full bio
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was a nuclear war.
brinuli je bio nuklearni rat.
down in our basement,
poput ove u našem podrumu
hunker down, and eat out of that barrel.
sakriti se, i jesti iz te bačve.
of global catastrophe
od globalne katastrofe
in the next few decades,
ljudi u idućih nekoliko desetljeća,
a highly infectious virus
to biti vrlo zarazni virus,
in nuclear deterrents.
odvraćanje od nuklearnog oružja.
in a system to stop an epidemic.
u sustav za zaustavljanje epidemije.
in the newspaper,
pročitali o njoj u novinama;
through the case analysis tools
kroz sredstva za analizu slučaja
istrebljenje dječje paralize.
that didn't work well enough,
bilo sustava koji nije radio dovoljno dobro,
didn't have a system at all.
uopće nismo imali sustav.
key missing pieces.
poprilično vidljivi nedostaci.
ready to go, who would have gone,
spremnih da reagiraju
seen how far it had spread.
i koliko se raširila.
before they were put online
postavljena na internet
tim spreman za reakciju.
did a great job orchestrating volunteers.
odličan posao u orkestriranju volontera,
than we should have been
sporiji nego što smo trebali
into these countries.
radnika u ove države.
to have hundreds of thousands of workers.
imamo stotine tisuća radnika.
to look at treatment approaches.
what tools should be used.
bi alati trebali biti korišteni.
taken the blood of survivors,
smo uzeti krv preživjelih,
back in people to protect them.
nazad u ljude kako bi ih zaštitili.
are really a global failure.
but not to do these things I talked about.
ali ne da radi stvari o kojima sam pričao.
sve bitno drugačije.
epidemiologists ready to go,
epidemiologa spremnih za akciju.
but that's just pure Hollywood.
ali to je samo Hollywood.
could allow the next epidemic
mogao dozvoliti idućoj epidemiji
more devastating than Ebola
više razarajuća od ebole.
of Ebola over this year.
ebole tokom ove godine.
West African countries.
tri zapadno afričke države.
it didn't spread more.
se nije još proširila.
of heroic work by the health workers.
puno heroizma među zdravstvenim radnicima.
prevented more infections.
su daljne infekcije.
that they're bedridden.
bolesna da su vezani za krevet.
into many urban areas.
nije dospjela u urbana područja.
more urban areas,
u urbana područja,
would have been much larger.
feel well enough while they're infectious
ljudi osjećati dobro iako su zarazni
or they go to a market.
ili će ići na tržnice.
a natural epidemic like Ebola,
biti prirodna epidemija poput ebole,
make things a thousand times worse.
da stvari budu tisuću puta gore.
of a virus spread through the air,
virusa koji se širi kroz zrak,
very, very quickly.
velikom brzinom.
died from that epidemic.
ljudi umrlo od epidemije.
a really good response system.
napraviti jako dobar sustav za odgovor.
and technology that we talk about here.
beneficije o kojima možemo pričati ovdje.
and get information out to them.
od javnosti, ali i davati ih.
where people are and where they're moving.
vidjeti gdje su ljudi i kuda se kreću.
the turnaround time to look at a pathogen
vremena potrebnog da pregledamo patogen
that fit for that pathogen.
i cjepiva koje odgovaraju tom patogenu.
into an overall global health system.
u cjelokupni globalni zdravstveni sustav.
on how to get prepared
lekcije kako da se pripremimo
waiting to go.
us up to large numbers.
mjere u ogromnim brojkama.
that can deploy very rapidly.
koja može krenuti vrlo brzo.
to check, are people well trained?
kako bi testirali jesu li ljudi spremni.
about fuel and logistics
znaju li o gorivima i logistici
we need to deal with an epidemic.
bili spremni za sučeljavanje s epidemijom.
in poor countries.
sustave u siromašnim državama.
can give birth safely,
dobiti sva cjepiva .
the outbreak very early on.
izbijanje epidemije vrlo rano.
the training and background
dobili trening i temelje
polazak sa znanjem.
medical people with the military.
to medicinsko osoblje s vojskom
to move fast, do logistics
so that we see where the holes are.
vidjeli gdje su rupe u sustavu.
was done in the United States
imali "igru mikroba" u Americi
and it didn't go so well.
mikrobi : 1 - ljudi : 0.
in areas of vaccines and diagnostics.
I&R u cijepljenju i dijagnostici.
like the Adeno-associated virus,
onih koji su povezani s Adeno virusom,
for what this would cost,
bi odredio koliko bi ovo koštalo,
compared to the potential harm.
jeftin u usporedbi s potencijalnom štetom.
if we have a worldwide flu epidemic,
bi imali epidemiju gripe širom svijeta,
by over three trillion dollars
za više od tri trilijuna dolara,
and millions of deaths.
offer significant benefits
značajne beneficije
istraživanje i razvoj (R&D)
global health equity
trošak svjetskog zdravstva
as well as more safe.
be a priority.
napomenuto trebalo biti prioritet.
or go down into the basement.
špageta niti silaziti u podrume.
because time is not on our side.
zato što vrijeme nije na našoj strani.
that can come out of the Ebola epidemic,
koja može proizaći iz epidemije ebole,
warning, a wake-up call, to get ready.
upozorenja, poziva na buđenje i pripremu.
for the next epidemic.
spremni za sljedeću epidemiju.
Bill Gates - PhilanthropistA passionate techie and a shrewd businessman, Bill Gates changed the world while leading Microsoft to dizzying success. Now he's doing it again with his own style of philanthropy and passion for innovation.
Why you should listen
Bill Gates is the founder and former CEO of Microsoft. A geek icon, tech visionary and business trailblazer, Gates' leadership -- fueled by his long-held dream that millions might realize their potential through great software -- made Microsoft a personal computing powerhouse and a trendsetter in the Internet dawn. Whether you're a suit, chef, quant, artist, media maven, nurse or gamer, you've probably used a Microsoft product today.
In summer of 2008, Gates left his day-to-day role with Microsoft to focus on philanthropy. Holding that all lives have equal value (no matter where they're being lived), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has now donated staggering sums to HIV/AIDS programs, libraries, agriculture research and disaster relief -- and offered vital guidance and creative funding to programs in global health and education. Gates believes his tech-centric strategy for giving will prove the killer app of planet Earth's next big upgrade.
Read a collection of Bill and Melinda Gates' annual letters, where they take stock of the Gates Foundation and the world. And follow his ongoing thinking on his personal website, The Gates Notes. His new paper, "The Next Epidemic," is published by the New England Journal of Medicine.
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