Christoph Niemann: You are fluent in this language (and don't even know it)
Christoph Niemann: Anda fasih berbahasa ini (tanpa Anda sadari)
With charm and incisive wit, Christoph Niemann sketches the moments of our shared experience. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
is the greatest job there is.
each and every one of you
discovering new galaxies
menemukan galaksi baru
dari pemanasan global.
is also a daunting job.
juga menakutkan.
from nine to six, doing this.
dari pukul 9 hingga 6, melakukan ini.
that consists entirely
yang intinya hanya
of the creative process.
proses kreatif.
about what makes my life difficult.
tentang hal yang mempersulit hidup saya.
membuatnya mudah.
you are fluent in a language
dalam suatu bahasa
of reading images.
of an intellectual effort.
is that you can take a very complex idea
kemampuannya mengubah suatu ide kompleks
in a very simple, efficient form.
sangat simpel dan efisien.
exactly the same ideas.
ide-ide yang persis sama.
at the college hat,
topi toga itu,
the accessory you wear on your head
aksesori yang Anda kenakan
is they cannot only communicate images,
dapat menyampaikan pesan,
an unfamiliar place and you see this.
dan melihat ini.
or maybe downright panic.
atau mungkin rasa panik.
more than just graphic icons.
sekadar ikon grafis.
of modern-day struggle,
perjuangan zaman modern,
between two airplane seats
di antara dua kursi pesawat
hukum universal ini,
30 seconds to fight it out
untuk bertarung siku
sandaran tangan itu saat penerbangan.
for the rest of the flight.
is full of these images.
penuh dengan gambar-gambar ini.
the idea of discomfort,
rasa tidak nyaman,
to make you more comfortable --
is I fall into a sort of painful coma.
jatuh dalam semacam koma menyakitkan.
taste in my mouth.
it cannot be described with words,
sampai tak bisa dideskripsikan,
prefer to do it while spooning.
sambil berpelukan.
for close to 20 years,
setelah mendekati 20 tahun lamanya,
I've never figured out
yang harus saya lakukan
even more complicated
tidur jadi lebih rumit
sekitar jam 4 pagi
"I had a bad dream."
"Aku bermimpi buruk."
sorry for them, they're your kids,
mereka anak Anda,
dengan Anda.
they're really cute and warm and snugly.
menggemaskan, hangat, dan enak dipeluk.
they inexplicably --
mereka mulai --
into your consciousness,
di kesadaran Anda,
to have an emotional reaction.
untuk memperoleh reaksi emosional.
at filling in the blanks.
there's this concept of negative space.
ada konsep ruang negatif ini.
of drawing the actual object,
objek sesungguhnya,
di sekitarnya.
to project food into a void.
memproyeksikan makanan ke kehampaan.
burung hantu terbang.
is a pair of AA batteries
sepasang baterai AA
by moving my desk lamp up and down.
dengan menggerakkan lampu meja naik turun.
to trigger such an image?
untuk memicu gambar itu?
is to use the smallest amount possible.
adalah menggunakan jumlah sekecil mungkin.
level kesederhanaan
one more element,
satu elemen lagi,
as an artist is abstraction.
sebagai seniman adalah abstraksi.
which I call the abstract-o-meter,
for example the heart and the arrow,
misalnya hati dan panah,
as the symbol for love,
sebagai simbol cinta,
saya bisa gambar itu
of realism or abstraction.
berapa pun.
it just grosses everybody out.
orang-orang takkan suka.
and do very abstract,
what they're looking at.
apa yang mereka lihat.
the perfect place on that scale,
titik sempurna di skala,
to a more simple form,
agar jadi lebih sederhana,
become possible.
new angles in storytelling.
bagi penceritaan.
cultural areas and bring them together.
daerah budaya terpencil dan menyatukannya
yang lebih berani --
things become so obscure
to have a good understanding
mendapat pemahaman yang benar
vocabulary of your audience.
pangsa pasar Anda.
a comment on the Olympics in Athens,
sebuah komentar di Olimpiade Athena,
of the "New Yorker"
idea of Greek art.
tentang seni Yunani.
even appreciate the small detail,
detail kecil mungkin Anda apresiasi,
on the bottom of the vase.
di bawah vas ini.
with magazine editors,
dengan editor-editor majalah,
yaitu Anda semua,
radical leaps with images
lompatan radikal dengan gambar,
is that they often seem to push me
adalah mereka sering mendorong saya
of really tired visual clichés
klise visual melelahkan
climbing up a ladder,
yang menaiki tangga,
morphs into a stock market graph,
berubah menjadi grafik pasar saham
that's always good.
itu pertanda baik.
here in the audience,
di antara hadirin semua,
like this is published,
and the tsunami in Japan,
dan tsunami terjadi di Jepang,
one of the greatest drawings ever.
salah satu gambar terbaik.
in Fukushima got out of hand.
di Fukushima tak terkendali.
of the workers in hazmat suits,
para pekerja dalam jas hazmat,
was how quiet and serene it was.
ketenangan dan keheningan di sana.
of a silent catastrophe.
gambar malapetaka yang bisu.
an aha moment, for you, for the reader.
bagi Anda, pembaca sekalian.
when I create these images.
saat menciptakan gambar ini.
going off in my head.
di kepala saya.
desain minimal yang sangat lambat
lead to a good idea.
jika saya beruntung.
and I'm trying to decode
saya coba menguraikan
blurry upside-down,
dari arah terbalik, terus terbingkai
what to do with that.
harus berbuat apa.
on the Brooklyn bridge in a traffic jam.
di jembatan Brooklyn.
but also kind of poetic.
and put them together in this idea.
dan menyatukannya dalam ide ini.
is not show a realistic scene.
memperlihatkan adegan realistik.
already had this image with you,
Anda sudah memiliki gambaran ini,
were carrying it with you all along.
Anda selalu membawanya.
this is a very delicate process
ini proses yang sangat lembut
nor scalable, I think.
saya kira.
important skill for an artist
bagi seniman
dan Anda memerlukan --
from the perspective of the reader.
dari perspektif para pembaca.
by becoming a better observer of images.
dengan menjadi pengamat gambar yang baik.
an exercise for myself
yang artinya
a random object I found around the house
barang acak di sekitar rumah saya
could trigger an idea
objek itu mampu memicu sebuah ide
with the original purpose of that item.
tujuan awal barang itu dibuat.
I'm blank for a long while.
untuk waktu lama.
is if I open my mind
ialah saat saya membuka pikiran
I have stored up there,
yang saya letakkan di sana,
a few lines of ink to connect --
garis tinta untuk menghubungkan --
moment of inspiration.
momen inspirasi pendek ini.
doesn't happen on paper.
tak terjadi di atas kertas.
clash with my artistic intentions.
berselisih dengan niatan artistik saya.
be bothered or bored or inspired
terganggu, tergali, atau terinspirasi
as my artistic contribution.
kontribusi artistik saya.
an artistic statement
penyataan artistik
pada Anda semua.
Christoph Niemann - Illustrator, artist, authorWith charm and incisive wit, Christoph Niemann sketches the moments of our shared experience.
Why you should listen
Christoph Niemann is the master of the deceptively simple. His work -- which often combines line drawing or brushwork with physical objects, or eschews drawing altogether in favor of LEGO -- has appeared on the covers of the New Yorker, WIRED and the New York Times Magazine and has won many awards. He has drawn live from the Venice Art Biennale and the Olympic Games in London, and he has sketched the New York City Marathon -- while running it. He created the New Yorker's first augmented reality cover as well as a hand-drawn 360-degree VR animation for the magazine's US Open issue.
Niemann is the author of many books, including the monograph Sunday Sketching, WORDS and Souvenir. With Nicholas Blechman, he published the book Conversations. With Jon Huang, he created the kids' apps Petting Zoo and Chomp. His work is subject of an episode of Abstract, a new original Netflix series.
Christoph Niemann | Speaker |