Christoph Niemann: You are fluent in this language (and don't even know it)
Christoph Niemann: Coñecemos ben esta lingua (e nin nos decatamos)
With charm and incisive wit, Christoph Niemann sketches the moments of our shared experience. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
is the greatest job there is.
each and every one of you
de todos e cada un de vostedes
discovering new galaxies
descubrindo novas galaxias
do quecemento global.
is also a daunting job.
tamén é un oficio frustrante
from nine to six, doing this.
facendo isto
that consists entirely
que consiste única e exclusivamente
of the creative process.
o proceso creativo
about what makes my life difficult.
do que fai difícil a miña vida,
you are fluent in a language
of reading images.
na lingua das imaxes.
of an intellectual effort.
nunca como facelo,
is that you can take a very complex idea
un pode coller unha idea moi complexa
in a very simple, efficient form.
dun xeito simple e eficiente.
exactly the same ideas.
exactamente as mesmas ideas.
at the college hat,
the accessory you wear on your head
o complemento que poñen na cabeza
is they cannot only communicate images,
é que non só comunican imaxes,
an unfamiliar place and you see this.
a un lugar descoñecido e ven isto:
or maybe downright panic.
ou quizais un tremendo pánico.
more than just graphic icons.
son moito máis que iconas gráficas.
of modern-day struggle,
de loita da vida moderna,
between two airplane seats
entre dous asentos de avión
é esta lei universal
30 seconds to fight it out
trinta segundos para loitar
for the rest of the flight.
a mantelo para o resto do voo.
is full of these images.
están cheos de imaxes coma estas.
the idea of discomfort,
to make you more comfortable --
is I fall into a sort of painful coma.
é caer nunha especie de desagradable coma.
taste in my mouth.
it cannot be described with words,
describir con palabras,
prefer to do it while spooning.
facelo en posición de culler.
for close to 20 years,
a nivel experto case vinte anos,
I've never figured out
non dei coa resposta
even more complicated
sexa incluso máis complicado
ás catro da mañá
"I had a bad dream."
"tiven un pesadelo"
sorry for them, they're your kids,
son os teus fillos,
they're really cute and warm and snugly.
son moi lindos, doces e aloumiñeiros.
they inexplicably --
into your consciousness,
estea gravado algo na consciencia,
to have an emotional reaction.
para suscitar unha reacción emocional.
at filling in the blanks.
there's this concept of negative space.
chamado "espazo negativo"
of drawing the actual object,
no canto de debuxar o obxecto real
están baleiras.
to project food into a void.
a encher o oco con comida.
non é un moucho voando.
is a pair of AA batteries
by moving my desk lamp up and down.
de escritorio arriba e abaixo.
só existe nas súas cabezas
to trigger such an image?
para crear esta imaxe?
is to use the smallest amount possible.
é empregar a menor cantidade posible.
one more element,
as an artist is abstraction.
como artista é a abstracción.
which I call the abstract-o-meter,
ao que lle chamo o abstractómetro,
for example the heart and the arrow,
por exemplo o corazón e mais a frecha,
as the symbol for love,
como o símbolo do amor,
of realism or abstraction.
de realismo ou abstracción.
it just grosses everybody out.
anoxaría a todo o mundo.
and do very abstract,
e o fago moi abstracto
what they're looking at.
the perfect place on that scale,
o punto axeitado na escala,
nalgures polo medio.
to a more simple form,
a unha forma máis simple,
become possible.
de novas conexións.
new angles in storytelling.
totalmente novo á hora de contar historias
cultural areas and bring them together.
culturais dispares e combinalas.
things become so obscure
tórnanse tan escuras
to have a good understanding
é crucial entender ben
vocabulary of your audience.
e cultural da audiencia.
a comment on the Olympics in Athens,
os Xogos Olímpicos de Atenas,
of the "New Yorker"
idea of Greek art.
da arte grega.
even appreciate the small detail,
os pequenos detalles,
on the bottom of the vase.
da base do xerro.
with magazine editors,
que teño con editores de revistas,
máis de "palabras",
radical leaps with images
con moita máis facilidade
is that they often seem to push me
é que, adoito, semellan empurrarme
of really tired visual clichés
visuais xa moi esgotados
climbing up a ladder,
morphs into a stock market graph,
nun gráfico da bolsa de valores
that's always good.
iso sempre está ben.
here in the audience,
que toman decisións editoriais,
like this is published,
unha ilustración coma esta,
and the tsunami in Japan,
e o tsunami de Xapón,
one of the greatest drawings ever.
un dos mellores debuxos da Historia.
in Fukushima got out of hand.
na central de Fukushima.
of the workers in hazmat suits,
dos traballadores con traxes hazmat,
was how quiet and serene it was.
o sosego e a quietude da situación.
of a silent catastrophe.
dunha catástrofe silenciosa.
an aha moment, for you, for the reader.
Eureka! entre vostedes os lectores.
when I create these images.
cando creo esas imaxes.
going off in my head.
a mítica lámpada luminosa na cabeza.
de toma de exiguas decisións estéticas
lead to a good idea.
conducen a unha boa idea.
and I'm trying to decode
tentando descifrar
das pingas nunha fiestra.
blurry upside-down,
what to do with that.
de que facer con ela.
on the Brooklyn bridge in a traffic jam.
atoado nun atasco na ponte de Brooklyn.
but also kind of poetic.
dalgún xeito tamén poético.
and put them together in this idea.
esas dúas ideas e xuntalas nestoutra.
is not show a realistic scene.
unha escena realista,
already had this image with you,
de que xa tiñan consigo esa imaxe,
were carrying it with you all along.
con ela dentro todo este tempo.
this is a very delicate process
este é un proceso moi delicado
nor scalable, I think.
de eficiencia nin tratar de amplificar.
important skill for an artist
máis importante dun artista
tamén dar un paso atrás
from the perspective of the reader.
dende a perspectiva do lector.
by becoming a better observer of images.
volvéndome un mellor observador de imaxes.
an exercise for myself
a random object I found around the house
un obxecto aleatorio que atope pola casa
could trigger an idea
with the original purpose of that item.
co seu propósito orixinal.
I'm blank for a long while.
quedar en branco un bo anaco.
is if I open my mind
é abrir a mente
I have stored up there,
que teño alí almacenadas,
a few lines of ink to connect --
algunhas liñas de tinta para conectar,
moment of inspiration.
ese curto intre de inspiración.
doesn't happen on paper.
non acontece no papel,
clash with my artistic intentions.
se atopan coa miña intención artística.
be bothered or bored or inspired
anoxarse, aburrirse ou inspirarse
as my artistic contribution.
como a miña achega artística.
an artistic statement
unha manifestación artística
a súa capacidade para ler imaxes
Christoph Niemann - Illustrator, artist, authorWith charm and incisive wit, Christoph Niemann sketches the moments of our shared experience.
Why you should listen
Christoph Niemann is the master of the deceptively simple. His work -- which often combines line drawing or brushwork with physical objects, or eschews drawing altogether in favor of LEGO -- has appeared on the covers of the New Yorker, WIRED and the New York Times Magazine and has won many awards. He has drawn live from the Venice Art Biennale and the Olympic Games in London, and he has sketched the New York City Marathon -- while running it. He created the New Yorker's first augmented reality cover as well as a hand-drawn 360-degree VR animation for the magazine's US Open issue.
Niemann is the author of many books, including the monograph Sunday Sketching, WORDS and Souvenir. With Nicholas Blechman, he published the book Conversations. With Jon Huang, he created the kids' apps Petting Zoo and Chomp. His work is subject of an episode of Abstract, a new original Netflix series.
Christoph Niemann | Speaker |