Yeonmi Park: What I learned about freedom after escaping North Korea
Yeonmi Park: Apa yang saya pelajari tentang kebebasan setelah melarikan diri dari Korea Utara
North Korean defector Yeonmi Park is becoming a leading voice of oppressed people around the world. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
in the northern part of North Korea,
di bagian utara Korea Utara,
menyayangi saya
rice and later copper
dan kemudian tembaga
decided to escape.
memutuskan untuk melarikan diri.
what the word "escape" means
arti dari "melarikan diri"
di Korea Utara.
the concept of escape,
konsep melarikan diri,
from China at night,
dari Cina pada malam hari,
saya pergi ke tempat bercahaya itu,
menemukan semangkok nasi.
atau peta-peta.
about what was going to happen.
tentang apa yang akan terjadi
building caught fire.
sampai Anda terbakar?
what it feels like to live there.
bagaimana rasanya tinggal disana
tidak bisa mendeskripsikannya.
planet yang berbeda,
your life on Mars right now.
hidup di planet Mars sekarang juga.
has only one meaning:
memiliki satu arti:
of romantic love in North Korea.
cinta romantis di Korea Utara.
understand the concept,
that concept is even a possibility.
konsep itu adalah suatu kemungkinan
is an almighty god
adalah seorang dewa
untuk berpikir di Korea Utara.
dia kelaparan untuk kami,
diri ke Korea Selatan,
he was actually a dictator,
dia sebenarnya seorang diktator,
looking at a picture of him,
pria terbesar di dalam foto.
dia tidak kelaparan.
melihat itu sebelumnya,
bahwa dia gemuk.
that he was fat.
bahwa dia gemuk.
critical thinking,
berlatih berpikir kritis,
what you're told to see.
apa yang dikatakan orang lain.
tanya kepada saya
inside North Korea?
di dalam Korea Utara?"
for 70 years of this oppression?"
70 tahun penindasan ini?
you're isolated or oppressed,
terisolasi atau tertindas,
Anda terisolasi,
definition of isolation,
adalah definisi sebenarnya isolasi,
in the center of the universe.
bahwa saya berada di pusat alam semesta.
yang pantas disebarluaskan:
what is right and wrong,
yang benar dan yang salah,
justice and injustice,
keadilan dan ketidakadilan.
dan yang tidak pantas.
on the street right now,
di pinggir jalan sekarang juga,
menyelamatkan orang itu.
and dead on the streets.
dan wafat di jalanan
the concept of compassion.
konsep kasih sayang.
empathy and sympathy in my heart
dan simpati dalam hati saya
"compassion" and the concept,
"kasih sayang" dan konsepnya,
as a free person.
sebagai orang bebas.
our President Trump,
Presiden Trump kita,
is not important enough
hak asasi manusia tidak cukup penting
for executing his uncle,
karena menghukum mati pamannya,
membuat saya berpikir:
something new about freedom now.
sesuatu yang baru tentang kebebasan.
tapi begitulah kenyataannya.
George Orwell's "1984."
kisah "1984" karya George Orwell,
hak asasi manusia
right now who don't have a voice,
dan saat ini tidak memiliki suara,
when we are not free?
saat kita tidak lagi bebas?
that we care about climate change,
kita peduli tentang perubahan iklim,
about animals' rights,
hak binatang,
how beautiful our heart is,
who cannot speak for themselves.
berbicara untuk diri mereka sendiri
cannot speak for themselves.
dapat berbicara untuk diri mereka sendiri.
in the 21st century.
memiliki internet.
on earth right now.
pada saat ini.
to my fellow North Koreans
untuk sesama orang Korea Utara
tidak percaya ini,
that an alternative life is possible.
bahwa ada gaya hidup yang berbeda.
dengan keajaiban.
abadi di dunia ini.
every reason to be hopeful.
seharusnya selalu penuh harapan.
Yeonmi Park - Human rights activistNorth Korean defector Yeonmi Park is becoming a leading voice of oppressed people around the world.
Why you should listen
Yeonmi Park's escape from North Korea has given the world a window into the lives of its people. At the 2014 Oslo Freedom Forum and the One Young World Summit in Dublin, Park became an international phenomenon, delivering passionate and deeply personal speeches about the brutality of the North Korean regime. Her address to One Young World on the horrors of detention camps, political executions and sex trafficking has been viewed over 320 million times on YouTube. The BBC named her one of their "Top Global Women."
In 2017, Park joined the Tory Burch Foundation's Embrace Ambition campaign, a global effort to dispel the double standard of ambition as a positive trait in men and a negative trait in women. Her searing memoir, In Order to Live: A North Korean Girl's Journey to Freedom, was released in the fall 2015, and now she's urging the world to recognize the oppressed people of Kim Jong-Un's reign. She believes that change will come through young people like herself, whose exposure to capitalism and Western media is eroding the authority of the Kim dynasty.
Currently a student at Columbia University, Park has published an op-ed about North Korea's "black market generation” in the Washington Post and has been featured on CNN, CNBC and the BBC, as well as in the New York Times and Wall Street Journal. She serves on the executive board of directors of the Human Rights Foundation, the world's preeminent organization devoted to disrupting dictatorships.
Yeonmi Park | Speaker |