Stephen Friend: The hunt for "unexpected genetic heroes"
Stīvens Frends: „Negaidīto ģenētisko varoņu” meklējumi
Inspired by open-source software models, Sage Bionetworks co-founder Stephen Friend builds tools that facilitate research sharing on a massive and revolutionary scale. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
slimnīcas onkoloģijas nodaļā,
izraisa kādas funkcijas zudumu,
nepareizā kontekstā?”
gribam noskaidrot un uzzināt,
like that, you can imagine
daudz cilvēku.
kas vecāki par 40 gadiem,
„Ai, tas nu gan ir mazliet savādi!
HIV vīrusu daudzums organismā
they were carrying mutations.
ir ģenētiskas mutācijas.
bija viņos kopš dzimšanas,
ģenētiskas mutācijas,
sargāja viņus kopš dzimšanas.
Negaidītu varoņu meklējumos”,
do this in a systematic way,
darbs ir jāveic sistemātiski,
pull them back a little bit
ka tās rada smagus simptomus,
gan citi tuvinieki
tas šķiet prātīgi.
ka varbūt vajadzētu meklēt
meklēt ne tikai šeit,
processing and the collection.
„Kur ir manas autortiesības?”
to be mine? Am I going to own it?"
Vai tie piederēs man?”
ģeniālais zinātnieks Ēriks Šadts
School of Medicine in New York,
Mauntsinajā, Ņujorkā,
gatavus paraugus,
get some sense of feasibility.
šādu ieceri īstenot.
2—3% no projekta
percent of the project on,
meklējamais tur vispār ir.
negaidītos varoņus?”
nevis vienu vai divus,
atkārtoti sazināsies.”
veselību un slimībām.
bērnu kaitēm vien.
Pārkinsona slimību gēnus,
Stephen Friend - Open-science advocateInspired by open-source software models, Sage Bionetworks co-founder Stephen Friend builds tools that facilitate research sharing on a massive and revolutionary scale.
Why you should listen
While working for Merck, Stephen Friend became frustrated by the slow pace at which big pharma created new treatments for desperate patients. Studying shared models like Wikipedia, Friend realized that the complexities of disease could only be understood -- and combated -- with collaboration and transparency, not by isolated scientists working in secret with proprietary data
In his quest for a solution, Friend co-founded Sage Bionetworks, an organization dedicated to creating strategies and platforms that empower researchers to share and interpret data on a colossal scale -- as well as crowdsource tests for new hypotheses.
As he wrote on, "Our goal is ambitious. We want to take biology from a place where enclosure and privacy are the norm, where biologists see themselves as lone hunter-gatherers working to get papers written, to one where the knowledge is created specifically to fit into an open model where it can be openly queried and transformed."
Stephen Friend | Speaker |