Harry Cliff: Have we reached the end of physics?
Harry Cliff: Sudahkah kita sampai ke penghujung fizik?
Harry Cliff looks for answers to questions about the origins of the universe and the laws of nature. Full bio
Double-click the English transcript below to play the video.
a 36-year-old Albert Einstein
36 tahun Albert Einstein
Academy of Sciences in Berlin
Sains di Berlin
of space, time and gravity:
tentang ruang, masa dan graviti:
Einstein's masterpiece,
adalah karya agung Einstein.
of the universe at the grandest scales,
semesta berfungsi dalam skala termegah
algebra yang cantik
to the beginning of time and space.
ke permulaan masa and ruang.
to be a physicist.
untuk menjadi seorang ahli fizik.
the subject on its head.
even more revolutionary:
yet stunningly successful new way
tetapi menakjubkan
the world of atoms and particles.
dunia atom dan zarah.
these two ideas have utterly transformed
kedua-dua idea ini mengubah sepenuhnya
alam semesta.
and quantum mechanics
mekanik quantum
what the universe is made from,
and how it continues to evolve.
dan terus berevolusi.
at another turning point in physics,
penemuan perubahan dalam fizik,
is rather different.
whether we'll be able
jelaskan samada kita boleh
our understanding of nature,
kita tentang alam semulajadi,
in the history of science,
dalam sejarah sains,
that we cannot answer,
persoalan yang tak terungkai,
the brains or technology,
akal atau teknologi,
themselves forbid it.
the universe is far, far too interesting.
alam semesta adalah jauh terlalu menarik
appear to suggest
should be a boring place.
tempat yang membosankan.
tiada hidupan.
in a universe full of interesting stuff,
alam semesta yang penuh benda menarik
pokok dan tupai.
rather than nothing?
tiada apa-apa?
problem in fundamental physics,
jelas dalam asas fizik,
whether we'll ever be able to solve it.
mungkin ketahui jika boleh diselesaikan.
are two numbers,
ada dua nombor
that we can measure,
yang boleh diukur,
even by a tiny bit,
walaupun sedikit,
would not exist.
tidak akan wujud.
with the discovery that was made
dengan penemuan yang dibuat
at CERN, home of this machine,
di CERN, letaknya mesin ini,
ever built by the human race,
dicipta umat manusia,
around a 27-kilometer ring,
satu 27km bulatan,
to the speed of light
kelajuan cahaya
inside gigantic particle detectors.
dalam pengesan partikel gergasi.
at CERN announced to the world
di CERN mengumumkan kepada dunia
a new fundamental particle
asas yang baru
at the LHC: the Higgs boson.
Higgs Boson.
getting very excited indeed,
yang sangat teruja,
we discover a new particle.
partikel baru.
is particularly special.
because finding the Higgs
kerana penemuan Higgs
of a cosmic energy field.
imagining an energy field,
satu medan tenaga,
close to a piece of metal
dekat dengan logam
is a little bit like a magnetic field,
medan magnet,
di mana-mana.
that we're made from.
would have no mass,
tiada jisim,
and there would be no us.
dan tiadalah kita semua.
about the Higgs field.
tentang medan Higgs.
that it has two natural settings,
ia mempunyai dua tetapan semulajadi,
everywhere in space,
di mana-mana dalam ruang,
an absolutely enormous value.
nilai yang sangat besar.
atoms could not exist,
atom-atom tidak boleh wujud,
interesting stuff
menarik yang lain
in the universe would not exist.
dalam dunia tidak wujud.
is just slightly on,
sedikit terbuka,
than its fully on value,
lebih lemah dari nilai sebenar,
just before the off position.
tersekatsebelum posisi tutup.
no physical structure in the universe.
di alam semesta.
of our dangerous numbers,
bahaya kita,
trying to understand
mencuba memahami
fine-tuned number,
yang khusus diperhalusi ini,
with a number of possible explanations.
penjelasan mungkin.
like "supersymmetry"
seperti "simetri super"
into the details of these ideas now,
butiran idea-idea ini sekarang,
fine-tuned value of the Higgs field,
medan Higgs dengan sangat terperinci,
being created at the LHC
partikel-pertikel baru dicipta di LHC
any sign of them.
apa-apa tanda tentangnya.
of a dangerous number,
nombor bahaya sebegini,
from the other end of the scale,
skala hujung yang lain,
at vast distances.
dari jarak yang jauh.
of Einstein's general theory of relativity
tentang teori umum relativiti Einstein
as a rapid expansion of space and time
dengan perkembangan pesat ruang dan masa
iaitu " the Big Bang".
of the Big Bang theory,
teori Big Bang,
the brakes on that expansion.
secara beransur.
the stunning discovery
membuat penemuan menakjubkan
is actually speeding up.
sebenarnya dipercepatkan.
bigger and bigger faster and faster
dengan lebih cepat
called dark energy.
dikenali sebagai tenaga gelap.
the word "dark" in physics,
"gelap" dalam fizik,
we don't know what we're talking about.
perkara yang kita katakan.
of empty space itself,
ruang kosong sendiri,
quantum mechanics to work out
untuk mengetahui
yang mengejutkan.
of 120 times stronger
dan sukar dibayangkan
to get your head around.
when we're talking about big numbers.
untuk gambarkan nombor besar.
than any number in astronomy.
sebarang nombor dalam astronomi.
trillion trillion times bigger
tilion trilion kali lebih besar
in the entire universe.
seluruh alam semesta.
the worst prediction in physics,
paling teruk dalam fizik,
a theoretical curiosity.
dari segi teori.
anywhere near this strong,
dekat sekuat ini,
would have been torn apart,
and we would not be here.
terbentuk, dan kita tidak wujud.
nombor berbahaya ini,
of those dangerous numbers,
fantastic level of fine-tuning
lebih penalaan halus
this number has no known explanation.
nombor ini tiada penjelasan.
theory of relativity,
tentang relativiti,
of the universe at grand scales,
pada skala yang amat besar,
of the universe at small scales,
alam semesta pada skala kecil,
spent most of his later years
sisa hidupnya
for a unified theory of physics,
satu teori fizik bersepadu
usaha tersebut sejak itu.
for a unified theory is string theory,
teori bersepadu ialah teori tali,
particles that make up our world,
yang membentuk dunia kita,
that they're not particles at all,
ianya bukan partikel,
corresponding to a different particle,
dengan setiap partikel lain,
on a guitar string.
pada tali gitar.
way of looking at the world,
yang elegan dan berpuisi
satu masalah yang sangat besar.
isn't one theory at all,
different versions of string theory.
teori tali yang berbeza.
a different universe
alam semesta berlainan
teori tali tidak saintifik.
string theory unscientific.
turned this on its head
tidak bersependapat
maybe this apparent failure
teori tali.
different possible universes
kemungkinan alam semesta berlainan
of these two dangerous numbers.
yang berbahaya ini.
that the universe gets torn apart,
alam semesta berbelah dua,
that no atoms can form.
tiada atom boleh terbentuk.
dalam alam semesta berlainan
in the multiverse
and it's easy to see why.
dan memahami sebabnya.
to answer the question,
rather than nothing?"
there is nothing,
beberapa tempat
allow there to be something.
sesuatu wujud.
the idea of the multiverse.
kepelbagaian alam semesta.
whether they're there or not.
mereka wujud atau tidak.
frustrating position.
the multiverse doesn't exist.
alam semesta tidak wujud.
other stars, other galaxies,
dan galaksi lain
we'll ever know for sure.
kita pastikan.
has been around for a while,
telah lama wujud,
we've started to get the first solid hints
kita mula mendapat petanda kukuh
may get born out.
mungkin dapat diluahkan.
for the first run of the LHC,
pertama kali LHC dijalankan,
for new theories of physics:
fine-tuned value of the Higgs field.
terperinci medan Higgs.
revealed a barren subatomic wilderness
mendedahkan satu subatom gersang
demi naskhah
that we saw no signs of new physics.
tiada tanda penemuan fizik yang baru.
its second phase of operation
fasa kedua operasi
what we achieved in the first run.
dari ujian pertama.
are all desperately hoping for
ahli-ahli fizik
micro black holes,
lubang-lubang hitam mikro,
at the Large Hadron Collider.
di Large Hadron Collider.
this long journey
perjalanan jauh ini
with Albert Einstein
dengan Albert Einstein
of the laws of nature.
tentang hukum alam semulajadi.
dua atau tiga tahun,
for a second long shutdown,
selama sesaat,
selain Higgs Boson,
a new era in physics:
era baru dalam fizik:
of the universe that we cannot explain;
yang tidak boleh dijelaskan;
dalam kepelbagaian alam semesta
that we live in a multiverse
forever beyond our reach;
selama-lamanya di luar jangkauan kita;
to answer the question,
mendapat jawapan untuk soalannya,
rather than nothing?"
even if you just said
anda baru sahaja cakap
of questions, and the first is:
soalan, pertamanya begini:
is a generational project.
adalah projek beberapa generasi.
that we live in a short-term world.
yang kita hidup dalam dunia singkat.
jangka masa panjang,
when building something like this?
apabila membina sesuatu seperti ini?
I work on at the LHC in 2008,
di LHC pada tahun 2008,
who have been working on it
telah bekerja selama tiga dekad
their entire careers on one machine.
tentang LHC pada 1976,
about the LHC were in 1976,
without the technology
mesin tanpa teknologi
to be able to build it.
untuk membinanya.
wujud dalam awal 90-an
did not exist in the early '90s
merekod perlanggaran ini,
which record these collisions,
that would be created in the LHC,
akan dicipta dalam LHC,
in the middle of this object
di tengah-tengah objek ini
we have developed technology.
that they will solve the problems,
untuk selesaikan masalah,
satu dekad atau lebih lagi.
or more down the line.
two or three weeks ago
2 atau 3 minggu lalu
saiz LHC
and your colleagues welcome the news.
dan rakan sekerja tentang berita ini.
BG: I'm sure. I'm sure.
BG: Saya pasti. Saya pasti.
physicist to say that.
to pool their resources.
bergabung sumbernya.
to build a machine this large,
sebuah mesin sebesar ini,
huge amounts of resources,
sumber yang banyak,
to build machines like this.
bina mesin sebegini.
is to build a machine
sebuah mesin
and could give us some clues
terperinci dan beri beberapa petunjuk
like supersymmetry, are really out there,
mahasimetri wujud
bagi saya.
HC: Thank you very much.
HC: Terima kasih banyak.
Harry Cliff - Particle physicistHarry Cliff looks for answers to questions about the origins of the universe and the laws of nature.
Why you should listen
Harry Cliff works on the Large Hadron Collider at CERN and is a member of the LHCb collaboration, a large international team searching for signs of new particles and forces of nature in high-energy particle collisions. He is the Fellow of Modern Science at the Science Museum in London and curated their “Collider” exhibition as well as the more recent “Einstein’s Legacy”, which explores the scientific and cultural impact of Albert Einstein’s life and work.
Harry Cliff | Speaker | TED.com