Christiana Figueres: The inside story of the Paris climate agreement
Christiana Figueres: Kuluary konferencji klimatycznej w Paryżu
Christiana Figueres is the executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), who led the recent COP 21 climate talks in Paris. Full bio
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but here is the fact.
you know how difficult that is --
wiecie, jakie to trudne,
of the global economy
kierunku światowej gospodarki,
just a few years ago.
gdzie byliśmy jeszcze parę lat temu,
toward a climate agreement,
umowy klimatycznej
convened in Copenhagen
of the deeply entrenched divide
North and the global South.
o wzięcie odpowiedzialności
to assume the responsibility
to start this new job.
was in the trash can.
do zmiany klimatu było negatywne.
could ever be possible.
outside of this wonderful TED audience,
spoza wspaniałej publiczności TED,
buried by history.
że globalne porozumienie będzie możliwe?".
is ever going to be possible?"
I heard me utter,
the faces of my press team
mojego zespołu z działu prasowego
at this crazy Costa Rican woman
bo przywykłam do siebie,
because I'm kind of used to myself.
co właśnie powiedziałam.
of what I had just said,
are going to have to live.
to był przerażający moment,
that I was going to change my attitude
że zmienię swoje nastawienie
change its attitude on climate change.
dotyczący zmiany klimatu.
gdyby wam powiedziano,
your job is to save the planet.
jest uratowanie planety.
całkowitą odpowiedzialność.
in every decision that they take.
w każdej decyzji, jaką podejmują.
on the first Monday morning,
w pierwszy poniedziałek rano.
how we're going to solve this problem.
jak rozwiązać ten problem.
how we're going to solve this problem,
the tone of this conversation.
you can deliver victory
ma dla mnie proste znaczenie.
w szerszym znaczeniu
in its broader sense.
w to, że możemy zjednoczyć się
that we humans can come together
żeby poprawić los ludzkości.
to better the fate of mankind.
that I thought that without that,
że myślałam, że bez tego
to get out of the paralysis of Copenhagen.
injected optimism into the system,
optymizmu do systemu,
from the press --
bez względu na kontrargumenty.
to the contrary.
a lot of contrary evidence.
happening in many areas,
zachodzące w wielu sferach,
will not be surprised
że czyste technologie,
energy technologies,
and increase in capacity,
we are already building
że dzisiaj już powstają
to power entire cities,
of what we are doing on mobility
co robione jest w kwestii transportu
in the economic equation,
huge costs to climate change,
of the clean technologies
more livable cities,
bardziej przyjazne życiu miasta,
to the developing world.
dla krajów rozwijających się,
than what we have now.
w którym żyjemy obecnie.
in fact, part of you were,
innowacyjność i entuzjazm,
first through nonnational governments,
insurance companies,
firmy ubezpieczeniowe,
faith communities,
aż po społeczności religijne.
this actually can be in their interest.
że to leży w ich interesie
improve their bottom line.
of a major, major oil and gas company
dużej spółki naftowo-gazowej
na początku zeszłego roku
he was going to change his company,
in long-term viability.
in the economic equation,
w sferze ekonomicznej.
support from everyone,
żeby zauważyć zainteresowanie rządów
before we saw that national governments
that this is in their national interest.
to begin to identify
o możliwości pomocy,
to global efforts
w walkę ze zmianą klimatu
comprehensive climate change plans,
dokładne plany walki ze zmianą klimatu,
sustainable development plans.
zrównoważonego rozwoju.
the core interests of nations,
that nations were ready
probably several decades,
is going to take us
highly resilient economy,
that are currently on the table
to a stabilized climate,
żeby ustabilizować klimat,
and verification of all of those efforts
i weryfikacja wszystkich tych wysiłków
going to have every five years
kontrole co pięć lat,
w kierunku naszego celu.
towards our goal are legally binding,
a decarbonized and more resilient economy
zdekarbonizowanej i odpornej gospodarki
largely perceived as a burden.
contributing with different intensities
in different sectors,
contributing to a common goal
do osiągnięcia wspólnego celu,
were able to go to Paris
the euphoria in the room.
at what they had just seen,
od euforii po niedowierzanie,
and this was finally their reality.
i w końcu stało się to rzeczywistością.
who had participated directly.
bezpośrednio w rozmowy.
dla wspaniałej żony Nataszy.
to give to his wonderful wife Natasha.
what he was going to buy,
that you're buying this now,
ze względu na zmianę klimatu.
very soon because of climate change."
właśnie podjęli decyzję w tej sprawie
have just come to a decision,
że przed nami dużo pracy.
that we have a lot of work still to do.
our work on climate change.
that we redouble our efforts
that are the urgent five years.
pokonaliśmy drogę
By injecting transformational optimism
sporej dawce optymizmu,
from confrontation to collaboration,
od konfrontacji do współpracy
i regionalne interesy
that national and local interests
with global needs,
z potrzebami globalnymi
we can bring them together
natury globalnej,
to other global issues
our attention this century --
w tym stuleciu,
home security, forced migration --
wodne, narodowe, przymusowa migracja,
those problems yet.
na osiągnięciach dotyczących zmian klimatu
out of what we have done on climate change
the zero-sum mentality.
bo nie gramy w grę o sumie zerowej.
że zawsze są wygrani i przegrani,
that there always are winners and losers,
planetary boundaries
zrównoważonego rozwoju,
just so interconnected,
interdependent on each other,
pomiędzy zerowym zyskiem dla każdego
between zero benefit for all
Możemy to powtórzyć.
Christiana Figueres - Climate advocateChristiana Figueres is the executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), who led the recent COP 21 climate talks in Paris.
Why you should listen
Christiana Figueres has been the executive secretary of the UNFCCC since July 2010. She has directed five consecutive successful Conferences of the Parties, and is now charged with the intergovernmental process to deliver the 2015 Paris agreement on climate change.
Figueres has a long trajectory in the field of global climate change, having been a member of the Costa Rican negotiating team 1995- 2009, and having played a number of key roles in the governance of the UNFCCC before formally joining the secretariat. She initiated her life of public service as Minister Counselor at the Embassy of Costa Rica in Bonn, Germany in 1982. Moving to the USA, she was Director of Renewable Energy in the Americas (REIA) and in 1995 founded the nonprofit Center for Sustainable Development of the Americas (CSDA) which she directed for eight years. She designed and helped to establish national climate change programs throughout Latin America and served as high level advisor to both governments and private companies. In 2001 she received the Hero for the Planet Award from National Geographic.
Christiana Figueres | Speaker |